Is this mint error or post mint damage?

I know the pics are not the greatest but these are in a small collection I am buying and I am not sure if this is an error or not.
If an error does it have any value?
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Photos are really dark on the portion your questioning however PMD does seem to be the case.
Kind of looks like it was hit with a hammer. Sorry.
Probably the best way to decide these things is to ask yourself: "If I had a perfect coin in my hand, could I recreate what I'm seeing on the coin in question?" In this case, the hammer answer is pretty basic.
That doesn't completely answer the question since some PMD/Fake errors are pretty complex. So the next step is to ask, "How could it have been created at the mint?"
The tough ones sometimes require quite a bit of error experience, and knowledge of the minting process....
PMD for sure
Aug 11th
very dark pictures, but looks like PMD
BHNC #203
Post Mint Damage. If the coin had been struck twice, which is only way this could happen at the mint, you would see part of the design on the part that is out of the coin's regular circle.
Definitely PMD..... Cheers, RickO