Home Precious Metals

Maybe what we need 'round here is...METAL PORN FRIDAY!

WeissWeiss Posts: 9,942 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 6, 2017 7:15AM in Precious Metals

I've blown my budget for about a year on that last pile of stuff. But I did find something interesting at a local shop. Below is the Peruvian 1950 100 Soles I got last week. At 46.8 grams (42.1264 grams pure gold), It's one of the biggest gold coins ever released for circulation (knowing they probably didn't really circulate much). Pictured with a 1949 100 "Gold" Sol banknote. Issued concurrently, they even share the same devices on the obverse and reverse. The person who had and spent these back in 1950 probably didn't give much thought to one being worth more than the other.

I got a good deal on the banknote: $4.

The coin? You can search auction records if you want. But the gold value alone is over $1700. Which one is more powerful, desirable?

I also came across a website that I though some might enjoy ( @asheland ). It's the site of the Goldsmiths Company, the "official" body of silver and goldsmithing in London since 1300! :o

It's pretty and has some really nice images and information for those of us who enjoy the history of gold- and silversmithing.


We are like children who look at print and see a serpent in the last letter but one, and a sword in the last.
--Severian the Lame


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