exploring the sale of our family's 1992 Dream Team basketball...bought from Field of Dreams(1996)

in short I was a student at the U of Hawaii during the 90's and in 1996 I found myself working in a research lab on campus and actually being paid a decent amount of money which I was able to save most of...once I had upwards of 7000 saved up I searced for a solid investment and one day while shopping in the Ala Moana mall near Waikiki which is a huuuge tourist destination I saw this 1992 autographed dream team ball in the display window of Field of Dreams...they were asking 5000.00 even for it...since I was a huuuuge Jordon fan and knew anything Jordon was a solid investment I went in and talked to a sales rep...in short he offered me this ball and 2 rookie kobe bryant cards for 4750.00 and I left to research the company as well as all the background on these dream team balls I could find and since I had specialized access to databases on campus I knew I would be able to find valid background of the reliable kine...so once I was 100% satisfied with Field of Dreams and the fact that this ball was indeed number 01 of 50 total ever signed I ran straight down to Ala Moana and closed this deal...to say the least I was giddy beyond the typical purchase here!!!...so anyway after a few days of staring at the ball and holding it my mom opened a security box at her bank and this dream team ball has literally been in the same bank vault box since 2 days after I bought it in 1996...so here I am now being October 2017 running my own non profit group and I want to sell the ball if I can do it properly to raise funds to support our cause...it is a family run charity called the HeavenOnEarthProject and we basically try to rescue kids from pedo trafficking entities as well as the suffering/death traps kids are finding all around them in the form of drugs...as you can see our mission is vital to us and we need to now raise funds as each day we are thrown even greater challenge missions to help these kids...ok then I must declare I am no sports memorabalia seller or dealer of any kine and I really dont know much about this process one bit so this is my initial throwing out of the net if you will so I am hoping any interested parties will contact me who want to be involved in any way to help me sell this ball properly...my HOEP email is heavenonearthproject23@gmail.com...my name is Charles Stephen Flow..thank you for consideration and Godspeed and Godbless!!!
Id say step one is to get the ball authenticated by PSA/DNA. After that, find a nice auction house (research research research) pick one you like and go for the best.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Agree with the above post. If want to maximize your sale, that is the road to go.....not here.
I agree. I'm a huge Jordon fan as well, but probably even a bigger fan of Byrd.
i echo everyone...but I would day get a psa/dna quick opinion first on one or two the the top autos....if they check out...then submit. FoD generally had good stuff back in the day, but you never know.....
Can you post some pictures of it?
I have a feeling this will not end well.
IG: goatcollectibles23
The biggest lesson I've learned in this hobby, and in life, is that if you have a strong conviction, you owe it to yourself to see it through. Don't sell yourself, or your investments, short. Unless the facts change. Then sell it all.
+1........did not have a good vibe from the start.
too many words. this should STFU.
Get it PSA/DNA and send to auction house. They handle stuff like this all the time.
It's too bad you were not able to enjoy the ball. You have had it for 21 years and only saw it for two days in 1996.
Best of luck with the sale.
Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
It can't be too important if the OP has vanished, especially after a pic was requested......just saying
The more elaborate and detailed the story the less believable it is. JMO
I would be interested in it but my bank vault box is already full of basketballs.
Is your Grandmothers name Jenny by any chance?
Never trust anyone with these crazy neon smiley face avatars. This is my first time clicking on this thread because I avoid anyone with one of those like the plague
Best part of the OP is how it starts "In short...." I'd LOVE to see the unabridged version.
Kiss me twice.....let's party.
I don't understand why you have to have PSA authentication when there are so many players signatures to judge. It is going to cost nearly $1,000 just for the PSA COA. For how much you can get for an authenticated 1992 Dream Team basketball, it may be worth it. But say it wasn't the Dream Team, but many of players on it and also had some legends prior to 1992, like Wilt and Dr. J....
If you are trying to SELL a autographed item, the autos have to be proven by a third party or it's just your word "it's real".
dream team basketballs were virtually impossible to complete, because stockton and ewing didn't really sign and jordan was already with UDA by then
you'll absolutely have to get this authenticated to sell it for it's real value