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Three types of Lincoln the rail splitter 1860 campaign tokens.

BillJonesBillJones Posts: 34,175 ✭✭✭✭✭

There seemed to be some interest in the Lincoln the rail splitter theme based upon a previous post. There were three types of medalets that featured that theme during the 1860 campaign. Here they are.

This first piece was issued by the S. D. Childs Company of Chicago. The Childs company also used this Lincoln portrait on a badge, listed as AL 1860-1, which is virtually unobtainable. This piece is somewhat scarce. They seem to come in waves at the auctions. A few of them will show up in a given year, and then none will be offered for a couple of years. The DeWitt - Sullivan number is AL 1860-10. This piece is listed in silver, copper and white metal. Diameter 38 mm

This second piece is listed in DeWitt - Sullivan as AL 1860-41. It was struck by Ellis at Waterbury, Connecticut. This is by far the most common Lincoln rail splitter variety. The metals are copper, brass, nickel, white metal and white metal silvered and gilt. Diameter 28 mm

This last piece was also made by Childs, and was issued for the inauguration. It is listed as AL 1860-2. There are similar pieces that are listed as numbers 2 and 3, and a double reverse variety, #4. This piece was issued in white metal and copper. This piece is scarcer than the first variety, #10, but can be found with some patience. Its diameter is 41 mm.

For the record, Lincoln had probably not split any rails for many years. He disliked manual labor and was far more interested educating himself. It was one of several reasons why he didn't see eye to eye with his father. The image did play well with the voteres, however. The Republicans used it make Lincoln look like "one the folks" and divert attention from the fact that he was a very successful lawyer, who had made some big bucks from the railroad companies.

Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?


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