Ebay store mygrandfatherstreasurestash is a Scam. Sells Cent rolls

This pissed me off. So I buy a bunch of Indian head and wheat cent rolls from the eBay store http://www.ebay.com/usr/mygrandfatherstreasurestash And when I reciced it I was so excited. So the first thing i see is the rolls all had "red flags" written all over it. The rolls were hand rolled made to look like a bank roll. So I open the first and it was all 1950s so I opened all the rest and found only 1940s and 1950s wheat cents with two Indian head cent. Imagine all your money stolen and you get stuck with face value wheat cents. Here's the store
Send him a message if you are pissed.
Welcome to the forums! There are a number of ebay sellers who do this. I'm really surprised they have not cracked down on this type of fraud. Seriously, there is one(or more) seller who pretty much exclusively sells these types of rolls, always has a picture with some old document and an ammo can in the background.
I feel your frustration. Best bet is to not buy anything that claims "unsearched". There are just too many dishonest people out there.
Collector, occasional seller
The listings look typical of the "found collection of unsearched rolls" with one important twist ... this sellers offers returns. If the rolls had "red flags all over it" then why did you open the rolls? You could have sent the coins back for a refund.
How are these listings from this seller considered fraud? The only questionable statement seems to be that the rolls were bank wrapped rolls. I've received rolls from directly from a bank that were loosely wrapped and even looked to be wrapped by hand.
See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
Wheat cents began in 1909 and ended in 1958. That's 60 years since they ended and you think that the rolls have not been searched?? Really?? Please understand that wheat cents were, and maybe still are, the most collected US coins ever. They have all been searched by someone over the years. This seller may not have searched them but whoever he got them from and those all before him have searched them over and over and over again.
In my 50+ years of collecting I have found one hoard that was never searched, only one. And that hoard had nothing of note as they were all saved by the hoarder in the 50's and 60's. He was not a collector, ever. 92 when I met him and the reason he saved them was his grandson said he should. He had no numismatic knowledge whatsoever.
I suspect that this is a common scenario with dealers on this forum and across the country. All have been searched.
Oh, now that you have some knowledge, please have fun collecting! Welcome to the forum!
I didn't say this seller's listing specifically. You know as well as I do that most of these types of listings are rolled by the sellers themselves, maybe with a key date or silver dime on the end to lure in the big bids. To think otherwise is being naive. The fact that any Joe can roll up some wheat cents with a VDB on the end and list it on ebay as an unsearched or estate find and watch the bids pour in is a problem. Don't you think so? This listing may not have gone to that extent, I didn't actually open the link since I try to keep ebay off of my work computer.
Collector, occasional seller
Welcome to the forums.
I'm curious as to what you were expecting.
Welcome to the forum.
Don't know how much money you got hosed for, but if you spend time reading the posts here you may well keep from getting ripped off in the future. This place is a tremendous asset.
Larson E. Whipsnade
Thank you
"you can't cheat an honest man"
Brown wheat cents for sale, by the pound. Will throw in a few IHC's to make you feel good.
Sorry you got taken that way. Caveat Emptor, friends.
Just one of thousands of scams on ebay. One big one is edynamicmarketing-some of the worst AT coins to be found anywhere. Ebay doesn't care-they do nothing about this stuff.
For me, the words 'grandfather' or 'estate' anywhere (description or otherwise) in an eBay coin listing are a giant red flag.
SnakeCobra1, I understand what you are saying and your frustration and it is terrible that there are so many dishonest people in this World today. Those type of people will have their karma come back around to them at some time. All I can say about this is read feedbacks on eBay and listen to what other people are saying about that seller. These type of people don't usually have 100 percent feedbacks and you should be able to figure out if what people are saying negatively about someone if it sounds true or not. Good luck and hope you don't run into other people like this.
Larson E. Whipsnade
Sorry you feel like you got taken. However, I would consider this a very valuable, yet cheap, tuition. Do not buy things on eBay where the seller claims unsearched hoard, estate, blah blah blah. It is simply someone who bought a few bags of wheats ($200 per 5,000 cents), a couple hundred Indians (probably about a dollar each), rolled the coins up and salted the rolls with the Indians, came up with a clever story, listed the 104 rolls on eBay, and finally, made about $800 to $1,000 on the group.
I almost got burned like that maybe 15 years ago on ebay. Estate sale, IIRC, about 50 coins per lot, all graded, from 1 cent to $1 Morgan or Peace, etc. They had maybe 100+ lots, ending over a 2 day period, and the bidding got higher and higher. When I got them, they were OK, a lot of them were overgraded, but not worth the payment.
What saved me was that in their verbiage, it had stated a gold coin in every lot. Even if it was just a $1 gold, I figured it was a passable price.
There was no gold coin in the (IIRC) 8 or so lots that I bought.
I contacted the seller, and he said that meant a gold coin per lot, a lot being the 2 or 3 lots they had broken up to the make the 100+ listings on ebay, but it NO WHERE stated anything like that.
I appealed to ebay and ebay held it my favor. The seller just refunded ALL my money and told me to keep the coins. I did not leave any feedback.
Over the next 10 or so days, his feedback was RED RED RED and the typical comment involved the gold coin.
don't buy coins that you cannot see.
Any relationship to this thread?
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
I don't understand, How is he a "Top Rated Seller" with a 97.6% feedback and item description 4.7 DSR rating...
mygrandfatherstreasurestash ( 162)
Top Rated: Seller with highest buyer ratings
Positive Feedback (last 12 months): 97.6%
And I'm guessing it's related to this thread
Though, I'm curious as to why it says 'counterfeit' above the thread title on the thread ATS......nothing seems to be counterfeit......
Yeah, another newb buying something without doing the due dillagence and not liking the results. And now wants everybody to bombard this scammer with emails.
Dude no offence, but this is one of the oldest scams on the bay. If you came here first and typed in "unserched rolls" it would have saved you the hassle and your money.
eBay ID-bruceshort978
Successful BST:here and ATS, bumanchu, wdrob, hashtag, KeeNoooo, mikej61, Yonico, Meltdown, BAJJERFAN, Excaliber, lordmarcovan, cucamongacoin, robkool, bradyc, tonedcointrader, mumu, Windycity, astrotrain, tizofthe, overdate, rwyarmch, mkman123, Timbuk3,GBurger717, airplanenut, coinkid855 ,illini420, michaeldixon, Weiss, Morpheus, Deepcoin, Collectorcoins, AUandAG, D.Schwager.
Oh smack, crackle and pop!!
I don't think high feedback is enough to believe that any eBay deal is necessarily a great deal. Most of the coin sellers with hundreds and thousands of deals have either 100% or very close. Many of them sell coins that aren't as great a deal as they might seem to a beginner or anyone not as informed as the people around here. They know how to word things and omit other things and photograph coins in particular ways. The know a lot of tricks that aren't really illegal, just designed to take advantage of people who don't do their due diligence.
@SnakeCobra1.... Welcome aboard. Very sorry you had this experience. These scams are all over ebay. Please spend a lot of time here on the forum.... you will learn a lot and it will help you avoid other scams in the future. Most of us have been through similar experiences ... Cheers, RickO
Thanks so much I feel like I'm in the family now. You are so kind!
And believe me, it is a LARGE family.....
Cheers, RickO
The dudes responses to negative feedback show he is whacked!
Seller actually calls the OP out by name in one of his responses! LOL.
The OP sure likes to leave negative feedback and negative comments as positive feedback.
Those responses are hilarious
If you could find a cone shape roll and load it with 49 pennies then paste an ike at the big end you could label it unsearched and people would bid it up to the moon.
Then again people buy lottery tickets which makes unsearched roll buying look like a prudent investing strategy
I wonder what would happen if the OP simply opened a significantly not as described return case? My guess is that, even though buyer's feedback that shows he opened the rolls, ebay would compel seller to refund the purchase price plus postage.
Nice stock photo of the "grandfather" though.
OP's negative feedback might actually have a result that is positive. Perhaps the seller will change his way of doing business on rolls.
Cobra really does like to leave a lot of negative feedbacks. Even some of the positive feedback left are negative in nature. And, one was so bad that eBay had to remove it. Shameful.