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1858 Double Eagle

SkyManSkyMan Posts: 9,493 ✭✭✭✭✭

I've been working on putting together an 1858 business strike set since 2008. It's been a long, slow, enjoyable trip. There are 29 Types/MM in the set. Two of these 29 I'll never be able to afford. Given the WIDE range in prices for the assorted Types/MM I've decided to set a top price that I'm willing to pay across the board for all Type/MM. The downside of this is that the set as a whole bounces between Gem mint state coins down to lower VF coins. The upside is that I get the finest coin I can for each Type/MM. There are three Double Eagles in the set; O, P and S. The S is by far the most common. The O is one of the two coins that I will not be able to afford for the set. The P is a tougher Type 1 date/mm. Here's my P double eagle for the set. It's in a PCGS OGH XF45/CAC slab. The images are by Bob Campbell, and I think he did an excellent job.


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