Authentic or Fake 1909 Gold quarter?
Your opinion on this coin? I have a few issues with this particular coin .....
No dots between U.S.A ... date half cut off ... before i buy a fake and regret it lol
Have the seller get PCGS to certify this fake, then you can buy it.
@ RogerB
Thank you very much... appreciated.
This is a coin type that should always be bought already certified by a major TPG. There are just too many fakes around.
Laughably bad fake.
Thank you very much .. appreciated
Fake. The date is running off the bottom of the coin, and it's not struck off-center. That's just the beginning. Here's a real one.
Thank you ... nice coin ...
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
That is a seriously bad fake. The eagle looks terrible and the lettering is running off the edges.
It's definitely bad. It may still be gold though.
Collector, occasional seller
A fake from ten feet away!
100% genuine fake.
bogus for sure.
caricature coin, almost cartoonish
With all this said, I wouldn't mind owning it. I collect $2 1/2 Indians, and fakes intrigue me. I've never seen one this bad that didn't say COPY on it.
Here are a few other fakes I've seen in the last year or so on ebay. The one from Hess I am pretty sure is a fake. The pics suck, so I am not 100% sure, but it looks no good to me.

Yep... definitely a fake....@jwitten.... Thanks for the other pictures of fakes... Cheers, RickO