1965 Frank Robinson PSA-10 Pop 1/1 in PWCC Auction...

Broke $36,000 today...so much for the baseball card pullback! Anyone pull their chips off the table?
Broke $36,000 today...so much for the baseball card pullback! Anyone pull their chips off the table?
At $46k right now. Pretty much guaranteed to go down year after year as more pop up. The amount of cards you can buy for that much that will go up is huge.
Do I hear $50,000?! Come on...go all in guys.
The underbidder retracts a bid of 44K earlier today and then a few hours later bids the card up to 46K? Am I reading that correctly?
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Both have retracted bids...calling each other's bluff. Maybe they have good poker faces? I thought Brent was monitoring his auctions closely?
The under bidder ran the card up from $16k to $46k. Nicely done on his part. I don't want to get bammed so, in the words of Forrest Gump, that's all I have to say about that.
Having watched this "fist fight" for a pop 1/1 of Frank Robinson...I wish I would own the 1962 Frank Robinson psa-9 pop 1/1...a more difficult pop 1/1.
The '62 Frank Robinson psa-9 sold on ebay ~10-15 years ago for $3300+.
One of the bid retractors had 18 bids in the 30 days with 7 retractions. Could never understand how eBay allows this happen over and over again
Back down to 16K.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Looks like The Crisser is gonna get his headlines after all....The ship is sinking fellas!
Back up to $22000
Yes, the guy (with 14 bid retractions over past 6 months) who retracted his bid of 47K is bidding again.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Multiple $40k bid retractions by two different bidders, one of which continues to run up the price, glad Brent doesn't allow that kind of shady activity on his watch.
More retractions to come...
Fake bidding
Collecting Unopened from '72-'83; mostly BBCE certified boxes/cases/racks.
Prefer to buy in bulk.
It's official then. The card market is being fed Rohypnol.
This is an extremely frustrating situation for us. We have been in communication with both bidders who retracted bids on this listing. The original high bidder (the first bidder to retract) clearly retracted in violation of eBay and PWCC policy. Following our communication that bidder cancelled yet another bid and is now permanently blocked from participating in future auctions. The other bidder (the current high bidder) became frustrated by the first retraction and understandably questioned the legitimacy of the auction. He/she then retracted again to change his/her max bid given the fact that it had been revealed by the original retraction. He/she is a very regular bidder and has spent almost $60k with PWCC in the last three months, and has every intention to proceed with the purchase should he/she win the card.
We have emphasized this very case with eBay Trust & Safety as a textbook example of the problems that bid retractions cause to the auction environment.
Betsy Huigens
PWCC Auctions
PWCC Marketplace
I think I can speak for most of the members that I'm glad you came here to post a response and give this board an explanation of what's really going on with that auction. Please excuse my sarcastic remark, obviously PWCC does take this kind of action seriously
Thanks for letting us know you are wathching too.
Everybody Wang Chung tonight
Back up to near $38,000...
Why don't people just snipe?
Because it is not perfect...they fail sometimes.
You can manually snipe....
If this thread had been started prior to the auction being listed and we took a poll of what it would close for, I highly doubt most would have said much more than 10k. The reason a snipe won't work on an auction like this is you have to successfully determine a number that will be the high bid. On so many low Pop cards people jockey for position to see where other market participants are at. With the current bid most are already priced out of the auction. Most people try and use comparative market analysis to determine what they think is fair value for a card and there isn't any to use in a case like this making picking a final closing price impossible. I am going to laugh if this card eclipses the 50k high bid that was placed and goes for an even crazier number.
As if an early bid will "work". You have no idea what you're talking about. The only thing that is guaranteed to work is bidding more than everyone else, and it's best to snipe because no one else will have a chance to see your bid and try to top it.
I think this ends one of two ways, neither particularly positive: either some poor sap winds up shilled, or the owner "wins" it and thereby establishes an optic "value" they will use to try and sell the card again down the road.
Instagram: mattyc_collection
Bid retractions are an ongoing problem that ebay refuses to fix. Simply do not allow bid retractions.
Since ebay requires you to confirm your bid, there is really no reason to retract. In fact, ebay's policy actually encourages retractions as anyone who has their bid amount revealed is going to retract.
My answer to those who cry about people making mistakes is that if you can't follow the simple rules, you can go elsewhere to bid on/buy collectibles. The system is broken and the fix is simple................bid retractions not allowed, non payers and retractors banned FOREVER.
Yes, people will still get around my solution, but doing nothing is just stupid.
I think it's time to start the 7 Day Reserve - Best Offer Program. Simply state the lowest price you'll accept and take hidden offers for 7 days. At the end of 7 days, the card goes to the highest offer over the reserve. No notifications of "you're not the highest offer", but maybe a view of how many qualifying offers have been made. This way shady folks can't run it up. And while yes, you may pay well over the next highest offer, you're only offering what you're willing to pay and have no need for snipes, etc. Make an offer and wait it out.
I'm sure it's a flawed idea, but I've been stewing on it for a while as these auction formats have largely stopped working, aren't policed in any real meaningful way, and are starting to kill the hobby.
I think we'd all like to see that. But you're thinking about it from the side of an (honest) bidder. Put yourself in ebay's shoes. What would be ebay's motivation to ban people that retract bids? Yes, there are cons to allowing bid retractions, but there are pros too. Certain things can get you banned from ebay quickly, while other things will barely get you a slap on the wrist. My guess is that bid retractions mean more money for ebay in the long run, so that is why there is little or no punishment for doing it.
Congrats I just used the disagree button for the first time.
Where is it going to end?
If your snipe is 15k guess what it will never go off.
What would your formula be to determine your bid?
You guys need to take some economics classes.
Congrats. No one cares.
No kidding. The high bid is $37K.
Formula? This ain't math class. I bid as much as I want to pay.
What formula do you use to bid early??
You need to get some common sense.
I bid at all different times. Never has a final bid saved me a penny.
Common sense. Bro my W2 says a lot about my common sense,
Your right every single person who bids before 3 seconds to go is an idiot. Dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Then you're doing it wrong. It has saved me a lot.
I never said that. It's just smarter to snipe.
It's bizarre that you always bring up "early bidding" every chance you get. You get ripped apart each time you do. Bid how you want to bid. Why do you care how everyone else bids?
This is an interesting mid day debate. Thanks for the reading.
I get ripped apart. Haha
Just about any item where there is interest the highest bids come at the end. Just for the heck of it I have thrown in high bids out of the gate to test it out and they never get challenged until the later innings. I have manual sniped tons of times and there is no difference. The only advantage is you don't have that money exposed for the duration of the auction but as soon as you hit go you have all of the risk even if it is only for 8 seconds.
With my idiotic bidding I some how managed to gobble up quite a few cards at fractions of what I could sell them for so I am just fine with it. My statements many years ago on bidding aggressively out of the gate worked perfect for me as I knew the wrestling cards were going to skyrocket and I wanted to win them and even if I paid a little more it was going to work out just fine in the long run. I have plenty of 100 baggers so were good.
You suggest you bid as much as you want to pay. Well guess what sometimes you have to bid more than you want to pay and coming up with some number once an item is listed doesn't work in many cases.
Thankfully there is spell check and grammar correct with my work email so were all good.
It's not a debate when its 1 guy on one side and everyone else on the other.
The best part of this "debate" is I posted the economic study done on this a few years ago and guess what it sided with me. If some random dudes want to disagree with an economic study that uses econometrics and statistical analysis to test the theory cool.
OK, great input... let's move along....
You got it Casey.
A PSA Gem Mint 10 #170 Aaron sold for $21,510 in 2016
This is a Pop 3.
Bidder 721 was the winner of this auction.
8 seconds??? That's not a snipe. No wonder you're so confused. Any bid that allows others to see it and bid again is not a snipe. People can solve a Rubik's Cube in 8 seconds.
Fake news. You would have saved even more money if you had sniped.
It isn't working.
That economic study you tout was focused on categories other than sports cards, inherently flawed and was completely debunked.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Vintage, I like your thought process on this and it would work well for most of us however I could see how a power user that has a lot of auctions running would get frustrated with managing bids.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
You conveniently forget that there were more economic studies that disagreed with you.
What does your W2 say about your common sense? just wondering
You were the main dude who got proven wrong. Sometimes you just have to eat crow.
Self made millionaire by 38. Plenty have more but plenty more have less. No help from real estate either. That says a lot about my common sense.
Congrats bro but what do you bench?