Gold going to $1000 and Silver to $12. What say you?

More rate hikes coming. The dollar is getting STRONGER!
Successful BST transactions to date: Coindeuce, Cohodk, dantheman984, STONE, LeeG, jy8s, jkal, SeaEagleCoins, Hyperion, silverman68,Meltdown,RichieURich,savoyspecial,Barndog
I don't know about those exact prices or any specific time frame (just like I don't know anything about the future for sure)
but If I had to predict, yes, I'd think metals are going to continue to decline in the intermediate term. I'm not happy about that because the bullion will go down, but the bright side is it will cost less to buy more
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Seems like a real possibility.
$12 silver would be dream for this physical stacker!
Loves me some shiny!
Locked and loaded, standing by.
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Yeah, we'd like Love to see $12! $6 would be better! If we get really lucky, it will go to $3!
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Now that would be fun times!
Loves me some shiny!
They don't want you to have THAT much fun.
$1000 gold looks highly likely, $12 silver is less likely IMO. With the current mentality and misgivings toward PMs both figures are well within the realm of possibility for 2017-2018.
let it fall.
True silver lovers wish it would go to one cent per kilo! Think of the piles and piles of silver we'd get to own!
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
The only reason that the metals are going down is because I steadily keep buying more.
Yes! and the miner's would make their profit on volume. While waiting for that that happen, I will continue to allow a roll of SAE's to fall to my strike price of $325 per roll.
Loves me some shiny!
as of post--Below $16 and falling,
eBay ID-bruceshort978
Successful BST:here and ATS, bumanchu, wdrob, hashtag, KeeNoooo, mikej61, Yonico, Meltdown, BAJJERFAN, Excaliber, lordmarcovan, cucamongacoin, robkool, bradyc, tonedcointrader, mumu, Windycity, astrotrain, tizofthe, overdate, rwyarmch, mkman123, Timbuk3,GBurger717, airplanenut, coinkid855 ,illini420, michaeldixon, Weiss, Morpheus, Deepcoin, Collectorcoins, AUandAG, D.Schwager.
Sure, why not, what the hell. go for it.
Just do it. Make my day.
Have it your way. fer sure. Git er done.
More the merrier.
I hate when metals get bashed.
I wish they just went up and up.
I am waiting for the gold to silver ratio to drop so I can swap my stack. 50 to 1 would be nice. 40 to 1 would be better.
I'm waiting for lakefront land on Tahoe to get to $1 per acre. I'm gonna buy it all.
$12 silver works for me.
My YouTube Channel
I would say $1 /acre would signal ocean front Tahoe property
rate increases, king dollar, weak Euro, weak Yen tells me $12-$13 spot first half Trump term .
Come to Papa...
Loves me some shiny!
I predict warmer temperatures next summer. This prognostication was brought on because it's freezing.
gold got hammered not because of the rate hike, that was baked into the then current price. It got hammered because of the dollar's show of strength because the FED announced its expectations of three rate hikes instead of two in 2017.
At this same time last year the FED dished out its first rate hike in almost ten years. At the same time it announced expectations of four rate hikes in 2016. We saw how that went and we saw how gold then responded upward.
Four rate hikes in 2017? I'm betting against it. Can PMs go lower? I agree, and have said so for the past few months, that the low is not in. But I also know, based on their performance for most of 2016, PMs can quickly rebound when the FED's expectations prove incorrect. As proven many times, what they say and what they do are not always the same. The difference between the two is what creates opportunity.
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Looking at prediction on this forum (mine as well as others - mine being worse than others), I would say that once in a while, someone is close to right, while most of the time, most of us are closer to wrong... How's that for solid analysis???
Cheers, RickO
Everything cycles. I've always expected that silver will go to $8 or under and gold to $600 or under before we get to any significant uptrend. Don't see why this can't happen.
Powers that be, won't let either drop way down. Less money they make from their fresh minted products. Just like oil. Bottom will never fall out. When it's convenient a "shortage" will show up magically.
Ah...the manipulators..... I wonder if that is a formal committee that meets on a regular basis... or just when one of their investments is in danger???

Formal committee
They make the decisions and have their tentacles do the deed.
Gold has a world price entirely unaffected by accounting games between the Treasury and the Fed. - Jim Rickards
Yep.... hiding right out in the open.....
Cheers, RickO
I'd tell ya, but you know what would happen next.
A formal informal off the grid right out in the open.
Is the bottom line rising commensurate with P/E multiples? Or are P/E multiples rising commensurate with debt levels? Sooner or later, you run out of other people's money. I heard that somewhere once.