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Rosa Americana Trial Piece

So no need to keep this little journey a secret. I purchased a coin from a collection of an older collector who had passed away and focused on colonial coins.

There were a few different trials of 1733 2 pence Rosa Americana coins. The most common ones (like 6 known) are made of copper. The coin I have in question is made of lead. THUS far the evidence points to the coin being unique. A single example was found by a police offer in a mixture of foreign coins and sold at auction in 1975 (Breen) and that same coin was sold a few later in 1982 in the Roper Collection.

It appears my coin is not that coin.

Now i cannot be 100% sure this coin is real but I can say the owner certainly thought it was real. He had hand written details on the coin comparing it to the copper version of those coin and had it measured and weighed in grains.

I have reached out to a few guys to get their opinion and I have sent pictures and details to the foremost expert Sydney Martin and he is traveling and said the coin was "neat" and he would answer all my questions when he has some time.

I have plans....sometimes


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