slooooooooow, some pages don't load at all. Runs like an aspx site which would be a mistake but then stacks has the same and look at how well that site functions in aspx
<< <i>slooooooooow, some pages don't load at all. Runs like an aspx site which would be a mistake but then stacks has the same I think and look at how well that site functions. If it's not aspx there's a different problem.
got it to load, finally. Pretty slow. Also, seems the images that were well-suited to the smaller format on the old site are now out of focus in the larger format of the new site. Hope these issues can get fixed.
I can't get it to load either....I don't recall major problems with their website but I do recall the chalky coin scans. If it were me, I would have invested in photography instead.
"If it's not fun, it's not worth it." - KeyMan64 Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
so the early verdict (for me) after 20 minutes of poking around, or at least trying to do that, is that I will come back in a week or so and see how things are. I mostly wanted to check the want list function to see if that carried over from old to new, but was unable to get access to that function in a timely manner.
It was a bit slow for me, using Google Chrome, but not terribly bad. Clicked on one coin to get a bigger image and the details. The image wouldn't load, just said, "the requested content is not available, try again later". The look and feel of it seems good, so hopefully they work out the kinks.
Hey Folks, Appreciate the announcement. We didn't come out with too much press yet as we knew we'd have some growing pains today. The site once we work out the bugs this week should run faster than the old one and the images will indeed be much clearer and a higher resolution. But, you can't just re-image 9000 coins immediately, so it will come gradually.
As for the photography, we actually do photograph almost every coin over $5,000, and we're working to grow those numbers. If you ever see a coin that you'd like a better image of, just give us a call or shoot us an email, we're always willing to do that for you.
Thanks again and if you have any feedback, please let us know. We're working to make it better! Thanks, John Brush
John Brush President of David Lawrence Rare Coins email: 2022 ANA Dealer of the Year, Past Chair of NCBA (formerly ICTA), PNG Treasurer, Instructor at Witter Coin University, former Instructor/YN Chaperone ANA Summer Seminar, Coin World Most Influential, Curator of the D.L. Hansen Collection
<< <i>Hey Folks, Appreciate the announcement. We didn't come out with too much press yet as we knew we'd have some growing pains today. The site once we work out the bugs this week should run faster than the old one and the images will indeed be much clearer and a higher resolution. But, you can't just re-image 9000 coins immediately, so it will come gradually.
As for the photography, we actually do photograph almost every coin over $5,000, and we're working to grow those numbers. If you ever see a coin that you'd like a better image of, just give us a call or shoot us an email, we're always willing to do that for you.
Thanks again and if you have any feedback, please let us know. We're working to make it better! Thanks, John Brush >>
Guys, As JB has already mentioned we just rolled out today. In fact the launch occurred right about the same time as the initial post, so it's very possible that the initial delays in getting onto the site were related to internet pointers that we had to change to move folks to the new site. Other delays are related to getting about 300,000 older (legacy) coins loaded into the site so users can see older purchases, etc. These will be loaded in over the next 1-6 days in an effort not to slow the site down too much while we do it.
This new site has been around 16 months in the planning and programming, and was a huge undertaking so we expect that there will be a number of fixes needed, and so on while we get everything ironed out. The good news is, we've already made a two-dozen or so minor fixes in the last 2 hours in response to feedback. We really appreciate your feedback and will take pains to address them as quickly as possible.
Thank you and very sorry for the inconvenience.
p.s. one of the coolest features of the new web site is that it has a "responsive" design meaning it looks great on desktop, tablet AND mobile devices without forcing you to visit a different web page. This is a huge feature and quite complicated, but I think users will really like it.
<< <i>why couldn't you have copied the pictures over BEFORE bringing up the new site?
I could not not even load the site >>
I'm not sure why you cannot load the site. It comes up for me just fine. Have you tried in the last 2 hours or so?
Technically, the images are all loaded on one image server, but due to the fact that we had to switch from development to production server to go live, we couldn't save any time by doing so in advance. There's a limit to number of servers we could employ to make this happen so we had no choice but to do it as we launched. The critical component was to get current site images active for launch. We have over 6000 coins with images in stock, which is a lot to being with.
I cannot find a bid button and I want to bid on a coin.
I hope this is not a different iteration of the Stacks Bowers rubbish...I might start going to auctions/shows again if all dealer websites go from bad, to worse, to horrible. >>
My payment info was not moved / disappeared / who cares, so I had a 'preferences' button where one would expect a bid button to be. Clicked it and fixed the payment info and I was good to go.
I personally think it's pretty cool when the big kahunas of various companies come here to give their input and respond to questions. I tried the site a while ago. It was OK, but then lagged up and I decided to try again later. Just now it seems to be working perfectly fine. Anyone who has been involved in programing on a large scale understands the complexities of "go live" day. Kudos to them for undertaking the project and explaining the hiccups. Let's give 'em a chance.
<< <i>I personally think it's pretty cool when the big kahunas of various companies come here to give their input and respond to questions. I tried the site a while ago. It was OK, but then lagged up and I decided to try again later. Just now it seems to be working perfectly fine. Anyone who has been involved in programing on a large scale understands the complexities of "go live" day. Kudos to them for undertaking the project and explaining the hiccups. Let's give 'em a chance. >>
Yup! Bugs still need to be worked out. Give it some time and it will be good...better than others mentioned above at least!
Loaded fine for me. It's no faster than the old site. Like the pics with slabs hidden but easily found.
How about a search function?? If I pull up 27 pages of nickels, would like to search by date rather than go through them all.
Could you add PCGS/NGC generations to your descriptions??
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
Logged in, went to order history, clicked on an item in my order history, was brought to the home page. The item page was not linked to the "link" in the order history.
<< <i>I run a software company and this is not my first one, and I don't agree. One would rather launch less features that fully work, then to launch an entire feature set when it doesn't work.
Also, there are various stages of development and if they were really serious than 100's of us would have been beta testers on their development servers, yet I've heard nothing about that...and then they push out an obviously non-functional e-commerce product into their production servers?
If this was a text website with read-only material, it might be forgivable but to launch a website that conducts business and takes money without it really working, well, I must be from a different school of software development but that is a big RED flag in my eyes. >>
I agree 100%. This rollout is a disaster and embarrassing. Pinched some pennies and got some bad advice.
<< <i>How about a search function?? If I pull up 27 pages of nickels, would like to search by date rather than go through them all. >>
There is a search function. It's the white bar with the magnifying glass. When I used it, it told me there had been an error, but then displayed the (mostly) correct results.
I clicked on "View Coin" and got a page with a runtime error dump.
The main feature I want (besides being able to view a coin reliably) is the ability to set the number of coins displayed per page. Maybe it's there, but I can't find it.
Speed was neither horrible nor fantastic. It seemed to vary a lot with what I was doing.
<< <i>I run a software company and this is not my first one, and I don't agree. One would rather launch less features that fully work, then to launch an entire feature set when it doesn't work.
Also, there are various stages of development and if they were really serious than 100's of us would have been beta testers on their development servers, yet I've heard nothing about that...and then they push out an obviously non-functional e-commerce product into their production servers?
If this was a text website with read-only material, it might be forgivable but to launch a website that conducts business and takes money without it really working, well, I must be from a different school of software development but that is a big RED flag in my eyes. >>
I'm with you being old school myself, but it's pretty much standard fare these days. Schools (and corporations) only train developers to develop, not test....oh don't get me started.
Thanks to feedback from folks here and others, we have isolated the issues and I fully anticipate fixes for all mentioned issues by tomorrow. I fully agree with folks that suggest we would have fully tested the site prior to launch but it was not possible in this case. The new site is completely incompatible with our older back-end software, so we effectively release two HUGE software applications today and could only test with limited data sets.
We're doing the best we can and making fixes as fast as possible. Hoping by EOD tomorrow. We are on it.
Also, the #1 feature request was more items per page, so that is on the short list.
The speed will get much faster, too, as we determined a couple queries this evening that were taking way too much time. All in the works.
Finally, the search bar at the top is really cool and I think folks will love it. It auto-fills with matches and thumbnails. For example, start typing "1901" in the search bar and you'll see what I mean.
Thanks again and really sorry for everyone's inconvenience. We take this launch VERY seriously and I can assure you, spared no reasonable expense.
There is a search function. It's the white bar with the magnifying glass. When I used it, it told me there had been an error, but then displayed the (mostly) correct results.
I should have said one that works.
When I search "1938-D 5c" as a simple test, I get 670 coins starting in 1866 and ending with patterns and pioneer fractional gold. .
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
<< <i>There is a search function. It's the white bar with the magnifying glass. When I used it, it told me there had been an error, but then displayed the (mostly) correct results.
I should have said one that works.
When I search "1938-D 5c" as a simple test, I get 670 coins starting in 1866 and ending with patterns and pioneer fractional gold. . >>
Sounds like we need to refine the search. In this case the "fuzzy search" is using a match for everything from "1938-D" to any string containing "5c" which is every nickel, half dime, quarter, etc. Easy fix. Thanks!
<< <i>When I search "1938-D 5c" as a simple test, I get 670 coins starting in 1866 and ending with patterns and pioneer fractional gold. . >>
Interestingly, just typing "1938-D" seems to produce more or less what you were after, along with some WL halves. I guess I will wait a day or two for the promised fixes before doing further critiquing. Certainly seems like DLRC is being proactive about working out the bugs. Kudos to them on that front!
<< <i>Sounds like we need to refine the search. In this case the "fuzzy search" is using a match for everything from "1938-D" to any string containing "5c" which is every nickel, half dime, quarter, etc. Easy fix. Thanks! >>
Sounds like you want "and" instead of "or" as the default.
I tried to look at a few coins and kept getting the below message. I guess I'll write off DLRC for a while until they get their site working.
I ran Systems Test and Release Engineering departments at large Silicon Valley firms for 20+ years. We would spend as much time testing as developers spent coding. And then products would be in-house and field-tested in alpha and beta test runs. Coding fixes followed that, then more in-house testing and follow-up field testing.
Nothing kills business faster than releasing a poorly tested product. Lance.
<< <i>I tried to look at a few coins and kept getting the below message. I guess I'll write off DLRC for a while until they get their site working.
Thats what I'm getting too, and theres a few coins I am really interested in seeing closer. I love the new layout, but it does no good if the coins won't load.
I haven't been to the site, but I just wanted to say how refreshing it is to see the principals of the firm taking a prompt and active interest in communicating with the user community and actively addressing the problems that have cropped up.
<< <i>I haven't been to the site, but I just wanted to say how refreshing it is to see the principals of the firm taking a prompt and active interest in communicating with the user community and actively addressing the problems that have cropped up. >>
Thank you for saying so. We are 100% committed to getting these fixes in ASAP. The devs had to break for the evening and get some rest but will be back on it first thing in the morning. The issues at hand are really manageable and taken care of quickly (i.e. tomorrow!).
<< <i>It worked fine for me. They just went live today, so we shouldn't be so hard on them. Give them a chance to work out the bugs. >>
Finally a respectable and polite comment about their new site. Give them a chance and they'll work it out.
So many folks on this forum are ignorant as to what it takes to get a state of the art website running on a range of mobile devices and desktops (PC or Mac) in this day and age. Gone are the days of a single landing page with all products on one page that is static HTML - unless you're a dealer with less than 40 coins, that ain't gonna work folks. You also need a robust server (a dedicated one) to serve up all this content - so many dealers scrimp here, but paying the extra hosting fees result in a fast website make all the people happy. That said, all you collectors that like to play critic on something you have no knowledge about are most likely running on an antiquated PC with low in 720k DSL or free dial-up. Get real here folks....
Their site also might need time to propagate (big word from my buddy who's in the know) for all to see across the mighty world wide web. They also might want to look at their permissions and owner settings at the server level for their catalog of product images, because I can't pull up product images - results in the error everyone else is posting.
So summing it all up, it's quite an undertaking to bring all the bells and whistles to the masses. So stay calm, and post elsewhere if you have nothing nice to say.You know who you are!
All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure - Mark Twain
I'm looking forward to seeing the improvements - should be a good site when the bugs are worked out.
Their inventory has always been impressive.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
Latin American Collection
Heritage is php. Smart people over at Heritage
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
<< <i>slooooooooow, some pages don't load at all. Runs like an aspx site which would be a mistake but then stacks has the same I think and look at how well that site functions. If it's not aspx there's a different problem.
Jeesh sorry for the double post
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
<< <i>I can't get it to load either >>
Perhaps it was developed by the US Mint and SB?
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Appreciate the announcement. We didn't come out with too much press yet as we knew we'd have some growing pains today. The site once we work out the bugs this week should run faster than the old one and the images will indeed be much clearer and a higher resolution. But, you can't just re-image 9000 coins immediately, so it will come gradually.
As for the photography, we actually do photograph almost every coin over $5,000, and we're working to grow those numbers. If you ever see a coin that you'd like a better image of, just give us a call or shoot us an email, we're always willing to do that for you.
Thanks again and if you have any feedback, please let us know. We're working to make it better!
John Brush
President of David Lawrence Rare Coins
2022 ANA Dealer of the Year, Past Chair of NCBA (formerly ICTA), PNG Treasurer, Instructor at Witter Coin University, former Instructor/YN Chaperone ANA Summer Seminar, Coin World Most Influential, Curator of the D.L. Hansen Collection
<< <i>Hey Folks,
Appreciate the announcement. We didn't come out with too much press yet as we knew we'd have some growing pains today. The site once we work out the bugs this week should run faster than the old one and the images will indeed be much clearer and a higher resolution. But, you can't just re-image 9000 coins immediately, so it will come gradually.
As for the photography, we actually do photograph almost every coin over $5,000, and we're working to grow those numbers. If you ever see a coin that you'd like a better image of, just give us a call or shoot us an email, we're always willing to do that for you.
Thanks again and if you have any feedback, please let us know. We're working to make it better!
John Brush >>
Thanks. Looking forward to the improvements!
This new site has been around 16 months in the planning and programming, and was a huge undertaking so we expect that there will be a number of fixes needed, and so on while we get everything ironed out. The good news is, we've already made a two-dozen or so minor fixes in the last 2 hours in response to feedback. We really appreciate your feedback and will take pains to address them as quickly as possible.
Thank you and very sorry for the inconvenience.
p.s. one of the coolest features of the new web site is that it has a "responsive" design meaning it looks great on desktop, tablet AND mobile devices without forcing you to visit a different web page. This is a huge feature and quite complicated, but I think users will really like it.
I could not not even load the site
<< <i>why couldn't you have copied the pictures over BEFORE bringing up the new site?
I could not not even load the site >>
I'm not sure why you cannot load the site. It comes up for me just fine. Have you tried in the last 2 hours or so?
Technically, the images are all loaded on one image server, but due to the fact that we had to switch from development to production server to go live, we couldn't save any time by doing so in advance. There's a limit to number of servers we could employ to make this happen so we had no choice but to do it as we launched. The critical component was to get current site images active for launch. We have over 6000 coins with images in stock, which is a lot to being with.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
I won't play that game.
<< <i>There is no way to bid... How odd?!?
I cannot find a bid button and I want to bid on a coin.
I hope this is not a different iteration of the Stacks Bowers rubbish...I might start going to auctions/shows again if all dealer websites go from bad, to worse, to horrible. >>
My payment info was not moved / disappeared / who cares, so I had a 'preferences' button where one would expect a bid button to be. Clicked it and fixed the payment info and I was good to go.
<< <i>I personally think it's pretty cool when the big kahunas of various companies come here to give their input and respond to questions. I tried the site a while ago. It was OK, but then lagged up and I decided to try again later. Just now it seems to be working perfectly fine. Anyone who has been involved in programing on a large scale understands the complexities of "go live" day. Kudos to them for undertaking the project and explaining the hiccups. Let's give 'em a chance. >>
Yup! Bugs still need to be worked out. Give it some time and it will be good...better than others mentioned above at least!
How about a search function?? If I pull up 27 pages of nickels, would like to search by date rather than go through them all.
Could you add PCGS/NGC generations to your descriptions??
My saved searches and watch list is gone. Might be one of those things that will be rolled out in a few days. Hope so.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Logged in, went to order history, clicked on an item in my order history, was brought to the home page. The item page was not linked to the "link" in the order history.
Looking forward to the fixes.
Looks nice, otherwise!
<< <i>I run a software company and this is not my first one, and I don't agree. One would rather launch less features that fully work, then to launch an entire feature set when it doesn't work.
Also, there are various stages of development and if they were really serious than 100's of us would have been beta testers on their development servers, yet I've heard nothing about that...and then they push out an obviously non-functional e-commerce product into their production servers?
If this was a text website with read-only material, it might be forgivable but to launch a website that conducts business and takes money without it really working, well, I must be from a different school of software development but that is a big RED flag in my eyes. >>
I agree 100%. This rollout is a disaster and embarrassing. Pinched some pennies and got some bad advice.
<< <i>How about a search function?? If I pull up 27 pages of nickels, would like to search by date rather than go through them all. >>
There is a search function. It's the white bar with the magnifying glass. When I used it, it told me
there had been an error, but then displayed the (mostly) correct results.
I clicked on "View Coin" and got a page with a runtime error dump.
The main feature I want (besides being able to view a coin reliably) is the ability to set
the number of coins displayed per page. Maybe it's there, but I can't find it.
Speed was neither horrible nor fantastic. It seemed to vary a lot with what I was doing.
<< <i>I run a software company and this is not my first one, and I don't agree. One would rather launch less features that fully work, then to launch an entire feature set when it doesn't work.
Also, there are various stages of development and if they were really serious than 100's of us would have been beta testers on their development servers, yet I've heard nothing about that...and then they push out an obviously non-functional e-commerce product into their production servers?
If this was a text website with read-only material, it might be forgivable but to launch a website that conducts business and takes money without it really working, well, I must be from a different school of software development but that is a big RED flag in my eyes. >>
I'm with you being old school myself, but it's pretty much standard fare these days. Schools (and corporations) only train developers to develop, not test....oh don't get me started.
Free Trial
We're doing the best we can and making fixes as fast as possible. Hoping by EOD tomorrow. We are on it.
Also, the #1 feature request was more items per page, so that is on the short list.
The speed will get much faster, too, as we determined a couple queries this evening that were taking way too much time. All in the works.
Finally, the search bar at the top is really cool and I think folks will love it. It auto-fills with matches and thumbnails. For example, start typing "1901" in the search bar and you'll see what I mean.
Thanks again and really sorry for everyone's inconvenience. We take this launch VERY seriously and I can assure you, spared no reasonable expense.
there had been an error, but then displayed the (mostly) correct results.
I should have said one that works.
When I search "1938-D 5c" as a simple test, I get 670 coins starting in 1866 and ending with patterns and pioneer fractional gold.
<< <i>There is a search function. It's the white bar with the magnifying glass. When I used it, it told me
there had been an error, but then displayed the (mostly) correct results.
I should have said one that works.
When I search "1938-D 5c" as a simple test, I get 670 coins starting in 1866 and ending with patterns and pioneer fractional gold.
Sounds like we need to refine the search. In this case the "fuzzy search" is using a match for everything from "1938-D" to any string containing "5c" which is every nickel, half dime, quarter, etc. Easy fix. Thanks!
<< <i>I should have said one that works.
Well, that's different...
<< <i>When I search "1938-D 5c" as a simple test, I get 670 coins starting in 1866 and ending with patterns and pioneer fractional gold.
Interestingly, just typing "1938-D" seems to produce more or less what you were after,
along with some WL halves. I guess I will wait a day or two for the promised fixes before
doing further critiquing. Certainly seems like DLRC is being proactive about working out
the bugs. Kudos to them on that front!
<< <i>Sounds like we need to refine the search. In this case the "fuzzy search" is using a match for everything from "1938-D" to any string containing "5c" which is every nickel, half dime, quarter, etc. Easy fix. Thanks! >>
Sounds like you want "and" instead of "or" as the default.
I ran Systems Test and Release Engineering departments at large Silicon Valley firms for 20+ years. We would spend as much time testing as developers spent coding. And then products would be in-house and field-tested in alpha and beta test runs. Coding fixes followed that, then more in-house testing and follow-up field testing.
Nothing kills business faster than releasing a poorly tested product.
<< <i>I tried to look at a few coins and kept getting the below message. I guess I'll write off DLRC for a while until they get their site working.
Thats what I'm getting too, and theres a few coins I am really interested in seeing closer. I love the new layout, but it does no good if the coins won't load.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
<< <i>I haven't been to the site, but I just wanted to say how refreshing it is to see the principals of the firm taking a prompt and active interest in communicating with the user community and actively addressing the problems that have cropped up. >>
Thank you for saying so. We are 100% committed to getting these fixes in ASAP. The devs had to break for the evening and get some rest but will be back on it first thing in the morning. The issues at hand are really manageable and taken care of quickly (i.e. tomorrow!).
Still, it is a rookie mistake to release a new site without proper testing. I hope things are fixed quickly.
<< <i>It worked fine for me. They just went live today, so we shouldn't be so hard on them. Give them a chance to work out the bugs. >>
Finally a respectable and polite comment about their new site. Give them a chance and they'll work it out.
So many folks on this forum are ignorant as to what it takes to get a state of the art website running on a range of mobile devices and desktops (PC or Mac) in this day and age. Gone are the days of a single landing page with all products on one page that is static HTML - unless you're a dealer with less than 40 coins, that ain't gonna work folks. You also need a robust server (a dedicated one) to serve up all this content - so many dealers scrimp here, but paying the extra hosting fees result in a fast website make all the people happy. That said, all you collectors that like to play critic on something you have no knowledge about are most likely running on an antiquated PC with low in 720k DSL or free dial-up. Get real here folks....
Their site also might need time to propagate (big word from my buddy who's in the know) for all to see across the mighty world wide web. They also might want to look at their permissions and owner settings at the server level for their catalog of product images, because I can't pull up product images - results in the error everyone else is posting.
So summing it all up, it's quite an undertaking to bring all the bells and whistles to the masses. So stay calm, and post elsewhere if you have nothing nice to say.You know who you are!
Their inventory has always been impressive.