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Just received the latest Mark Feld E-mail - Mark is going to work for Heritage!

ModCrewmanModCrewman Posts: 4,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
Is this news worth discussing?

<< <i>Dear client,

Below, please find my latest list of rare coin offerings. You will, no doubt, notice that this list is considerably smaller than most others you have received from me over the years.
And there is good reason for that. I have been slowing down my buying, in preparation for a big and exciting change in the course of my numismatic career:

I am pleased and proud to announce that later this month, I will be joining Heritage Auctions and working out of their headquarters in Dallas.
More accurately, I will be rejoining Heritage, where I worked previously, more than twenty five years ago.

Heritage will have me involved with a number of different areas within the company, but I hope to remain in touch with many of you and continue to assist you in your numismatic pursuits. Most of you probably need no introduction to Heritage and know they’re a talented, experienced and innovative group to work with. If you are not already working with them in some capacity or another, then I hope you’ll give me the opportunity to show you how to take advantage of all that they can offer.

I will continue to use my same email address and cell number, so please contact me anytime!

Due to my upcoming move, I do not plan to do any shipping after Friday of this week. So if you wish to purchase any of the coins listed below, please get back to me before then.

Coins are great, but it is the relationships with collectors like you which make our hobby so memorable and special. Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your business, for your friendship and for making my "job" so enjoyable and rewarding.

Best always,



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