The conspiracy nuts will just dismiss the report as part of the conspiracy.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
Have the audit results and the assay results been made public? If not, let's see the names of the auditors and their qualifications. I always have to wonder why anyone who wants accountability from the Fed or from the government is always dismissed as a conspiracy nut. Why is that?
Public companies have to file quarterly reports and annual reports and an annual audit is required by the government to protect the interests of investors. Why should the Fed or the government be exempt from the same type of accountability?
It's not as if they've never lied about important questions.
So I simply ask, why the dismissiveness for wanting an accounting? Is the attitude simply, "What difference does it make?"
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
<< <i>It's customary to assay gold bars prior to transfer, is it not? >>
No, because if you take metal off of it to assay you invalidate the weight. That would be like cracking a dozen eggs open at the supermarket to check them before buying them.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
I think that all depends on which entities and which bars are involved. When the US Assay Office was pouring bars, I'm sure that they weren't re-assayed when they were transferred to Ft. Knox, and I'm sure that when the Comex was operating in a legit manner, the bars identified as good delivery bars didn't have to be assayed. But, I would venture to say that bars that have been leased out multiple times and that have been sitting in vaults for decades are being sampled now prior to shipment, at the insistence of their owners.
Wasn't there a case not too long ago in New York where a woman who wanted her gold from a bank was refused because of the cost of re-assaying the bars? And after retaining lawyers, she finally got her gold?
And then, there is the issue with tungsten in London good delivery bars. Enough said on that.
If the Germans want their gold, do you really think that they won't have it assayed? It would not only be irresponsible, but crazy not to do so.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
I read the article but have serious doubts that this was a proper and thorough audit. I doubt it. Seems like a wash job to me as 87% of the US bars appear to be missing.
All we know is that 1% of the "listed" bars were tested for purity by drilling holes for assay. A total of 10 ounces of gold was assayed. 10 ounces? Out of 13.6 MILL ounces total? And the citizens of the US were given a "bonus" of $43,500 to their bottom line as 3 of the 367 bars tested higher than their inventory value. With less than 1% of the bars actually tested, one can confidently say that the results of 3 being "high" are totally meaningless.
What we don't know:
If ALL the bars were counted, weighed, inspected, and serial numbers checked against some sort of inventory. If ALL the bars were not counted (likely) was a 10-30% representive and totally random check of bars in EVERY vault conducted? Did the auditors thoroughly check both sets of books (leases, sales, purchases, swap records) to find out who is legally entitled to the gold? Is it encumbered in any way? Are bars counted more than once on any of the paperwork? How much of the gold is in US coin format (ie melted 90% pre-1933 gold coin)? What about the 367 bars with holes drilled in them? Don't those have to be remelted and repoured into GD bars? And if the holes drilled into them were only near the surface, it doesn't rule out bars that could have tungsten cores.
Frankly, it's extremely unlikely that auditors were allowed to see any "official" gold ownership paperwork.
What we do know:
34,021 bars were reported by the inventory. Assuming these are the larger 400 oz good delivery bars, this is 13,608,400 ounces or about 42 tonnes. Huh? Where's the Beef? The NY FED supposedly holds around 45% of all US gold or about 3660 tonnes. So by my math we're roughly short on bars by a factor of 87. There should be approx 296,000 US bars in those vaults, and a lot more if you include the approx 3500 tonnes of gold being held for other govts. This was an audit? My B.S. meter just pegged off scale.
At best, a 13% audit was done on total bars, and approx 0.12% of the bars tested for some type of purity. Either the article/reporter is totally bogus or the audit was....or both. I'm surprised the LA Times or USTreasury didn't do a better job of proofing this article before letting it out on the street.
No conspiracy here.....but no audit either. I would like to know what happened to the unaccounted for 87% of US good delivery bars. But more importantly, how much of the US gold has been sold or leased? I would find it nearly impossible to believe that not a single gold bar has been sold or leased over the past 20 yrs. A true audit would answer this.
As a QC professional in a previous life, I would have to state that assaying 10 oz out of 13.6 million oz is not considered a "statistically significant" sample, nor would that be considered valid by any buyer in most every material producing industry.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
Inability to do a full inventory is not acceptable, eh? CVS or Walmart can do it on a regular bases! Would they settle for 13% inventory.
Reporting of the higher value bars is bad news. Likely done to "set your frame of thinking" to maybe there's more. However, a mistake in those 3 bars, means that 1 out of every 122 bars in inventory is incorrect in some way (high or low). Not good!
Only matters how much you have. Doesn't matter how much they have, unless you're German or the next nation in line. (Batman smack)
<< <i>All we know is that 1% of the "listed" bars were tested. 3 of the 367 (34,021 total?) bars tested higher than their inventory value. With less than 1% of the bars actually tested, one can confidently say that the results of 3 being "high" are totally meaningless. At best, a 13% audit was done on total bars, a >>
<< <i>As a QC professional in a previous life, I would have to state that assaying 10 oz out of 13.6 million oz is not considered a "statistically significant" sample, nor would that be considered valid by any buyer in most every material producing industry.
lol. >>
The article says that there were 367 tests, not ten. The sample from the tested bars did not have to be a full ounce.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>As a QC professional in a previous life, I would have to state that assaying 10 oz out of 13.6 million oz is not considered a "statistically significant" sample, nor would that be considered valid by any buyer in most every material producing industry.
lol. >>
Even more laughable is that's 10 oz. out of 118 MILL ounces if you count the 87% of the available bars that were apparently ignored.
And that's 10 oz out of the total US gold stocks of 262 MILL ounces. The article clearly states that only 10 oz of total gold was assayed. The other 69 ounces from drilling 367 bars was returned to the USTreasury. 10 oz.....69 oz.... it all pales next to 262 MILL ounces. And as far as we know, those 367 bars used for testing came from the non-tungsten bar vaults. And in the event the drilling came up with tungsten identified in just a single bar, what are the odds that this fact would have been discloeed in the audit for J6P to read about?
But I will sleep well at night knowing that 3 bars tested for higher purity out of the total US inventory of 655,000 bars. The mope continues.
We don't know how many bars were actually drilled. We only know how many "tests" were done. We don't know what they are calling a "test". Are they calling each drilling a "test" or are they calling each chemical assay a "test"? Further, they don't indicate how many bars were "tested".
Since they only consumed 10 oz of the total 79 oz that was drilled, were they making up a composite sample from each drilling, i.e. from a cross-section of a bar or were they making up a composite sample from multiple drillings? In making up a composite sample, you mix the entire sample obtained from various sampling points. If that's the case, they didn't even drill into 367 bars, and since they returned >87% of all the material that they drilled from the bars, they only tested 13% of all the material obtained from their drilling.
Either way, their sampling/testing can hardly be considered "representative" enough to be considered reliable for the entire stack of bars. No way. If there are 34,021 bars in NY, even a sampling population of 367 separate bars only represents 1/20th of 1%. That's an audit? What a bunch of bush leaguers.
That's where the actual facts end. The rest is speculation, and that's ok, because we love speculation.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
In the classic Robert Heinlein novel "Stranger In A Strange Land," set in what was then the future, he created a class of professional witnesses called "Fair Witnesses." One of the major characters happened to employ one as a secretary.
In one scene, set in the country out on a patio, the character is trying to explain Fair Witnesses to a third character. He asks the Fair Witness what color that barn over there on that hill is, and she says "Red, on this side." He then explains to the third character that the Fair Witness would not tell you what color the other side of the barn is unless she went over to the other side of the barn and looked at it, but when she got back she would qualify her answer by saying that it might have been repainted since she looked at it.
The point of course is that most information is by its very nature somewhat dated, and that a reasonable amount of both common sense and faith must be used or we could never "know" anything.
The Treasury could re-melt, re-assay, re-cast, re-weigh, re-number, re-count, re-stack and re-seal every ounce of gold in its inventory, at tremendous cost and the waste of some gold up the refinery smokestack, and within a month somebody would say "Well, how do we know that it is still there NOW???"
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>How about they don't assay anything , just list the numbered bars in 2 columns , those that are leased and those that are unencumbered.
That's the ticket. Granted, the gold is probably there. The only real question is who owns it? That's what the audit should determine. No sense in wasting any audit monies if ownership will not be divulged. The audit they just did was a waste of money. And how convenient that it took them 2-3 yrs to "inspect" 34,000 bars with the report showing up just AFTER the German central bank decided it wanted its gold back. Maybe we can even give the Germans some extra pure gold back The audit works out to be about 5-7 bars per day inspected over those 2-3 yrs. Good work if you can get it.
The Fort Knox gold is another bag of worms however.
Thank you Roadrunner. You always speak for many of us that never give you a pat on the back. Thank you for taking all the time you do in posting, many here appreciate it.
<< <i>Never believe anything from the LA Times. >>
Rght. Like some ace reporter from the LA Times dug through the dirt and came up with an investigative scoop.
Investiigative journalism went out the window when Washington created Imbedded ("in bed with") journalists. The LA Times, and every major news organization, received the same press release. The Treasury Dept. "wrote" this story.
". . . pure disinformation and propaganda. It wasn’t an audit, it was just a report, and it was just a report of what the government says it owns in the Fed, but not actually going into the Fed. So to me the whole thing was just total rubbish.They didn’t send in auditors, they just did a report of some paper at the Treasury’s office. So, again, don’t necessarily believe what you read in the newspapers. You really have to look behind the facts to make a determination as to what the picture truly is.” - James Turk
This was actually a good day for conspiracy nuts. It provided them further evidence of the ever growing attempt to control public economic perception. There was a time, not too long ago, that questioning official inflation and unemployment numbers made one a conspiracy nut. Anyone who buys groceries and gas or is looking for a job now knows otherwise.
Speaking of drones (and conspiracy nuts), does anyone recall what was once said about those that ridiculously claimed that Washington had the ability to control airplanes by remote control?
Most of us choose what to believe, the rest believe what they are told to believe. Controlling the economy includes controlling economic perception.
Jcarney nailed it...If the truth came out about a lot of things, there would be revolution and i'll add that it would be a very different, uncomfortable world we'd be living in. If there aren't Gov't conspiracies, why do paragraphs of official documents get "blacked out" when they do get released to the public...up to 50 years after the fact?
To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.
The government drones aren't all being flown up in the air. There are plenty of them collecting checks of various sorts. Of those, some actually earned them, but way too many haven't. Some of them even wear nice suits.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
The "So why does paypal want my SS Number?" thread on the US forum got me to thinking... the government assumes everybody is a liar and a cheat and it's just business as usual- nothing to see here, move along, folks. But if you assume the government lies and cheats, you're a conspiracy nut.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>Jcarney nailed it...If the truth came out about a lot of things, there would be revolution and i'll add that it would be a very different, uncomfortable world we'd be living in. If there aren't Gov't conspiracies, why do paragraphs of official documents get "blacked out" when they do get released to the public...up to 50 years after the fact? >>
I don't say that lightly either. And for those that would say "bring it on", I believe that a revolution now, in the US, would be the most horrific event the world has ever seen. Different and uncomfortable wouldn't begin to describe it.
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” — Benjamin Franklin
My icon IS my coin. It is a gem 1949 FBL Franklin.
<< <i>Jcarney nailed it...If the truth came out about a lot of things, there would be revolution and i'll add that it would be a very different, uncomfortable world we'd be living in. If there aren't Gov't conspiracies, why do paragraphs of official documents get "blacked out" when they do get released to the public...up to 50 years after the fact? >>
It's for your own good. Truth almost leaked out after Roswell, but that was a glitch. It's called a "Need to Know"...and nosy J6P's don't need to know.
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
The fact they did anything at all to actually "audit" the Gold means they've been getting a lot of inquires. Same as the Queens visit to the London vault. Somebody big wants their Gold back is my guess. So they trot out a nonsense audit to quell the fires.
<< <i>The fact they did anything at all to actually "audit" the Gold means they've been getting a lot of inquires. Same as the Queens visit to the London vault. Somebody big wants their Gold back is my guess. So they trot out a nonsense audit to quell the fires. >>
Yup...another conspiracy.
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
<< <i>The fact they did anything at all to actually "audit" the Gold means they've been getting a lot of inquires. Same as the Queens visit to the London vault. Somebody big wants their Gold back is my guess. So they trot out a nonsense audit to quell the fires. >>
Yup...another conspiracy. >>
You sure talk a lot for a guy with a hidden profile. Why don't you open your profile, so we can all know who you are.
<< <i>The fact they did anything at all to actually "audit" the Gold means they've been getting a lot of inquires. Same as the Queens visit to the London vault. Somebody big wants their Gold back is my guess. So they trot out a nonsense audit to quell the fires. >>
Yup...another conspiracy. >>
You sure talk a lot for a guy with a hidden profile. Why don't you open your profile, so we can all know who you are. >>
You sure talk a lot for a guy with a hidden profile. Why don't you open your profile, so we can all know who you are
With over 10k posts' and having a bitter old mean man attitude in nearly every single one of them, I don't need to see a profile. Like in a game of blackjack, the board reads. Of course, all in fun OPA. Don't get all bent out of shape now.
To forgive is to free a prisoner, and to discover that prisoner was you.
<< <i>The conspiracy nuts will just dismiss the report as part of the conspiracy. >>
yep, it's all a conspiracy. Nothing is as it seems.
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
Public companies have to file quarterly reports and annual reports and an annual audit is required by the government to protect the interests of investors. Why should the Fed or the government be exempt from the same type of accountability?
It's not as if they've never lied about important questions.
So I simply ask, why the dismissiveness for wanting an accounting? Is the attitude simply, "What difference does it make?"
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>The conspiracy nuts will just dismiss the report as part of the conspiracy. >>
And we know who they are, don't we.
Results do not confirm gold has not been leased.
Ft. Knox, where the "vast majority" of US gold reserves are supposedly held is the actual concern among us conspiracy nuts.
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>It's customary to assay gold bars prior to transfer, is it not? >>
No, because if you take metal off of it to assay you invalidate the weight. That would be like cracking a dozen eggs open at the supermarket to check them before buying them.
Wasn't there a case not too long ago in New York where a woman who wanted her gold from a bank was refused because of the cost of re-assaying the bars? And after retaining lawyers, she finally got her gold?
And then, there is the issue with tungsten in London good delivery bars. Enough said on that.
If the Germans want their gold, do you really think that they won't have it assayed? It would not only be irresponsible, but crazy not to do so.
I knew it would happen.
I want to see how the Germans do getting their gold... then the next guy...
Be something to find out that is where the mint has been getting all the gold and that
the individuals are the ones that have it...
All we know is that 1% of the "listed" bars were tested for purity by drilling holes for assay. A total of 10 ounces of gold was assayed. 10 ounces? Out of 13.6 MILL ounces total?
And the citizens of the US were given a "bonus" of $43,500 to their bottom line as 3 of the 367 bars tested higher than their inventory value. With less than 1% of the bars
actually tested, one can confidently say that the results of 3 being "high" are totally meaningless.
What we don't know:
If ALL the bars were counted, weighed, inspected, and serial numbers checked against some sort of inventory.
If ALL the bars were not counted (likely) was a 10-30% representive and totally random check of bars in EVERY vault conducted?
Did the auditors thoroughly check both sets of books (leases, sales, purchases, swap records) to find out who is legally entitled to the gold? Is it encumbered in any way?
Are bars counted more than once on any of the paperwork? How much of the gold is in US coin format (ie melted 90% pre-1933 gold coin)?
What about the 367 bars with holes drilled in them? Don't those have to be remelted and repoured into GD bars? And if the holes drilled into them were only near the surface, it
doesn't rule out bars that could have tungsten cores.
Frankly, it's extremely unlikely that auditors were allowed to see any "official" gold ownership paperwork.
What we do know:
34,021 bars were reported by the inventory. Assuming these are the larger 400 oz good delivery bars, this is 13,608,400 ounces or about 42 tonnes. Huh? Where's the Beef?
The NY FED supposedly holds around 45% of all US gold or about 3660 tonnes. So by my math we're roughly short on bars by a factor of 87. There should be approx 296,000
US bars in those vaults, and a lot more if you include the approx 3500 tonnes of gold being held for other govts. This was an audit? My B.S. meter just pegged off scale.
At best, a 13% audit was done on total bars, and approx 0.12% of the bars tested for some type of purity. Either the article/reporter is totally bogus or the audit was....or both.
I'm surprised the LA Times or USTreasury didn't do a better job of proofing this article before letting it out on the street.
No conspiracy here.....but no audit either. I would like to know what happened to the unaccounted for 87% of US good delivery bars. But more importantly, how much of the US
gold has been sold or leased? I would find it nearly impossible to believe that not a single gold bar has been sold or leased over the past 20 yrs. A true audit would answer this.
<< <i>The conspiracy nuts will just dismiss the report as part of the conspiracy. >>
You predicted it.
<< <i>
<< <i>The conspiracy nuts will just dismiss the report as part of the conspiracy. >>
You predicted it. >>
Perhaps those you are unshakeable in their opinion of conspiracy are THEMSELVES part of the conspiracy
to sell Gold to us all.
Fess up! those who insist this is all a ruse....WHO ARE WORKING FOR?
a shadow banker group funded by the Illuminati would be my guess.
Loves me some shiny!
I knew it would happen.
Reporting of the higher value bars is bad news. Likely done to "set your frame of thinking" to maybe there's more.
However, a mistake in those 3 bars, means that 1 out of every 122 bars in inventory is incorrect in some way (high or low). Not good!
Only matters how much you have.
Doesn't matter how much they have, unless you're German or the next nation in line. (Batman smack)
<< <i>All we know is that 1% of the "listed" bars were tested. 3 of the 367 (34,021 total?) bars tested higher than their inventory value. With less than 1% of the bars actually tested, one can confidently say that the results of 3 being "high" are totally meaningless.
At best, a 13% audit was done on total bars, a >>
<< <i>As a QC professional in a previous life, I would have to state that assaying 10 oz out of 13.6 million oz is not considered a "statistically significant" sample, nor would that be considered valid by any buyer in most every material producing industry.
lol. >>
The article says that there were 367 tests, not ten. The sample from the tested bars did not have to be a full ounce.
<< <i>Why should the Fed or the government be exempt from the same type of accountability? >>
Simple. If the truth came out about a lot of things, there would be revolution.
My icon IS my coin. It is a gem 1949 FBL Franklin.
<< <i>As a QC professional in a previous life, I would have to state that assaying 10 oz out of 13.6 million oz is not considered a "statistically significant" sample, nor would that be considered valid by any buyer in most every material producing industry.
lol. >>
Even more laughable is that's 10 oz. out of 118 MILL ounces if you count the 87% of the available bars that were apparently ignored.
And that's 10 oz out of the total US gold stocks of 262 MILL ounces. The article clearly states that only 10 oz of total gold was assayed. The other 69 ounces from drilling 367 bars was
returned to the USTreasury. 10 oz.....69 oz.... it all pales next to 262 MILL ounces. And as far as we know, those 367 bars used for testing came from the non-tungsten bar vaults.
And in the event the drilling came up with tungsten identified in just a single bar, what are the odds that this fact would have been discloeed in the audit for J6P to read about?
But I will sleep well at night knowing that 3 bars tested for higher purity out of the total US inventory of 655,000 bars. The mope continues.
Since they only consumed 10 oz of the total 79 oz that was drilled, were they making up a composite sample from each drilling, i.e. from a cross-section of a bar or were they making up a composite sample from multiple drillings? In making up a composite sample, you mix the entire sample obtained from various sampling points. If that's the case, they didn't even drill into 367 bars, and since they returned >87% of all the material that they drilled from the bars, they only tested 13% of all the material obtained from their drilling.
Either way, their sampling/testing can hardly be considered "representative" enough to be considered reliable for the entire stack of bars. No way. If there are 34,021 bars in NY, even a sampling population of 367 separate bars only represents 1/20th of 1%. That's an audit? What a bunch of bush leaguers.
That's where the actual facts end. The rest is speculation, and that's ok, because we love speculation.
I knew it would happen.
In one scene, set in the country out on a patio, the character is trying to explain Fair Witnesses to a third character. He asks the Fair Witness what color that barn over there on that hill is, and she says "Red, on this side." He then explains to the third character that the Fair Witness would not tell you what color the other side of the barn is unless she went over to the other side of the barn and looked at it, but when she got back she would qualify her answer by saying that it might have been repainted since she looked at it.
The point of course is that most information is by its very nature somewhat dated, and that a reasonable amount of both common sense and faith must be used or we could never "know" anything.
The Treasury could re-melt, re-assay, re-cast, re-weigh, re-number, re-count, re-stack and re-seal every ounce of gold in its inventory, at tremendous cost and the waste of some gold up the refinery smokestack, and within a month somebody would say "Well, how do we know that it is still there NOW???"
How about they don't assay anything , just list the numbered bars in 2 columns , those that are leased and those that are unencumbered.
<< <i>How about they don't assay anything , just list the numbered bars in 2 columns , those that are leased and those that are unencumbered.
That's the ticket. Granted, the gold is probably there. The only real question is who owns it? That's what the audit should determine. No sense in wasting any
audit monies if ownership will not be divulged. The audit they just did was a waste of money. And how convenient that it took them 2-3 yrs to "inspect" 34,000 bars with the
report showing up just AFTER the German central bank decided it wanted its gold back. Maybe we can even give the Germans some extra pure gold back The audit
works out to be about 5-7 bars per day inspected over those 2-3 yrs. Good work if you can get it.
The Fort Knox gold is another bag of worms however.
Thank you Roadrunner. You always speak for many of us that never give you a pat on the back. Thank you for taking all the time you do in posting, many here appreciate it.
<< <i>The conspiracy nuts will just dismiss the report as part of the conspiracy. >>
Spot on.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Never believe anything from the LA Times. >>
Rght. Like some ace reporter from the LA Times dug through the dirt and came up with an investigative scoop.
Investiigative journalism went out the window when Washington created Imbedded ("in bed with") journalists. The LA Times, and every major news organization, received the same press release. The Treasury Dept. "wrote" this story.
". . . pure disinformation and propaganda. It wasn’t an audit, it was just a report, and it was just a report of what the government says it owns in the Fed, but not actually going into the Fed. So to me the whole thing was just total rubbish.They didn’t send in auditors, they just did a report of some paper at the Treasury’s office. So, again, don’t necessarily believe what you read in the newspapers. You really have to look behind the facts to make a determination as to what the picture truly is.” - James Turk
This was actually a good day for conspiracy nuts. It provided them further evidence of the ever growing attempt to control public economic perception. There was a time, not too long ago, that questioning official inflation and unemployment numbers made one a conspiracy nut. Anyone who buys groceries and gas or is looking for a job now knows otherwise.
Speaking of drones (and conspiracy nuts), does anyone recall what was once said about those that ridiculously claimed that Washington had the ability to control airplanes by remote control?
Most of us choose what to believe, the rest believe what they are told to believe. Controlling the economy includes controlling economic perception.
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
If there aren't Gov't conspiracies, why do paragraphs of official documents get "blacked out" when they do get released to the public...up to 50 years after the fact?
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>Went to Wendys yesterday...their 5 pc. chicken nuggets are now 4 pc. Inflation? Never! >>
It's a 6 piece here!
PCGS Registries
Box of 20
SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!
What should we call them... I know they're just plain NUTS!!!!
Just sayin'...
<< <i>
<< <i>Went to Wendys yesterday...their 5 pc. chicken nuggets are now 4 pc. Inflation? Never! >>
It's a 6 piece here! >>
That's not chicken...
Overdate, BestMR, Weather11AM, TDEC1000, Carew4me, BigMarty58, Coinsarefun, Golfer72, UnknownComic, DMarks, JFoot13, ElKevvo, Truthteller, Duxbutt, TwoSides2aCoin, PerryHall, mhammerman, Papabear, Wingsrule, WTCG, MillerJW, Ciccio, zrlevin, dantheman984, tee135, jdimmick, gsa1fan, jmski52, SUMORADA, guitarwes, bstat1020, pitboss, meltdown, Schmitz7, 30AnvZ28, pragmaticgoat, wondercoin & MkMan123
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Went to Wendys yesterday...their 5 pc. chicken nuggets are now 4 pc. Inflation? Never! >>
It's a 6 piece here! >>
That's not chicken... >>
In that case, I'm glad I got a 4 piece instead of a 6 piece!
<< <i>Grab your wallets...... >>
<< <i>Jcarney nailed it...If the truth came out about a lot of things, there would be revolution and i'll add that it would be a very different, uncomfortable world we'd be living in.
If there aren't Gov't conspiracies, why do paragraphs of official documents get "blacked out" when they do get released to the public...up to 50 years after the fact? >>
I don't say that lightly either. And for those that would say "bring it on", I believe that a revolution now, in the US, would be the most horrific event the world has ever seen. Different and uncomfortable wouldn't begin to describe it.
My icon IS my coin. It is a gem 1949 FBL Franklin.
<< <i>Jcarney nailed it...If the truth came out about a lot of things, there would be revolution and i'll add that it would be a very different, uncomfortable world we'd be living in.
If there aren't Gov't conspiracies, why do paragraphs of official documents get "blacked out" when they do get released to the public...up to 50 years after the fact? >>
It's for your own good. Truth almost leaked out after Roswell, but that was a glitch. It's called a "Need to Know"...and nosy J6P's don't need to know.
<< <i>
<< <i>The conspiracy nuts will just dismiss the report as part of the conspiracy. >>
yep, it's all a conspiracy. Nothing is as it seems. >>
Of course that wasn't a real photo of gold bars.
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
Free Trial
<< <i>The fact they did anything at all to actually "audit" the Gold means they've been getting a lot of inquires. Same as the Queens visit to the London vault. Somebody big wants their Gold back is my guess. So they trot out a nonsense audit to quell the fires. >>
Yup...another conspiracy.
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<< <i>The fact they did anything at all to actually "audit" the Gold means they've been getting a lot of inquires. Same as the Queens visit to the London vault. Somebody big wants their Gold back is my guess. So they trot out a nonsense audit to quell the fires. >>
Yup...another conspiracy. >>
You sure talk a lot for a guy with a hidden profile. Why don't you open your profile, so we can all know who you are.
Free Trial
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<< <i>The fact they did anything at all to actually "audit" the Gold means they've been getting a lot of inquires. Same as the Queens visit to the London vault. Somebody big wants their Gold back is my guess. So they trot out a nonsense audit to quell the fires. >>
Yup...another conspiracy. >>
You sure talk a lot for a guy with a hidden profile. Why don't you open your profile, so we can all know who you are. >>
Maybe he is part of the conspiracy.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
With over 10k posts' and having a bitter old mean man attitude in nearly every single one of them, I don't need to see a profile. Like in a game of blackjack, the board reads.
Of course, all in fun OPA. Don't get all bent out of shape now.