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Post-FUN Purchases Including Seated Dollars, Gem Type & Gold

I have a small assortment of coins listed below. Shipping and insurance are paid for by me and all items may be returned within a one week (7-day) period for complete refund. Payment accepted by personal, bank or business check or money order, USPS money order and PayPal options. I prefer to avoid the use of PayPal with the fees that are associated with this option, but if it is required please let me know. Any questions may be asked within the thread or sent to me via PM or to my email address of tbush@tbnumismatics.com. Thank you for your time.

Additionally, at this time I am also offering an advanced notice email option whereby you may receive descriptions and prices of all new purchases after each major show or, in the event that a larger purchase is made between shows, as soon as I have a nice group of coins. Simply send me a PM with your email address or send an email requesting to be placed on the advanced notice list. I will not hammer you with emails or a sales pitch; only the occasional update to my site. Lastly, if you would like to read more frequent updates as to my business, you may want to follow or "like" me on Facebook.

All coins listed on my website now have direct links under them with their certification number, which allows access to the NGC, PCGS and/or CAC database, as applicable. This has been instituted to better allow my clients to research auction history of a particular coin, confirm certification status, view possible alternative images and ascertain an accurate market price.

1) 1892 Barber Dime PCGS MS65


The 1892 silver Barber issues are sometimes considered “generic” because they are the most commonly found pieces within their respective sets. While they are more commonly found, they are hardly found with the lovely color that this beautiful gem possesses. The obverse is circled by medium depth red, green and gold while the reverse is matte-like silver with a strong arc of blue along the right side of the rim. It is my strong opinion that dipped white coins in the Barber series bring down bid levels for coins in gem and near gem such that original, attractive coins cannot be obtained for those artificially low prices. A coin such as this appears to me to be a fantastic value. ON HOLD

2) 1834 Capped Bust Half Dollar Small Letters, Small Date PCGS AU58


This Capped Bust half dollar is a bit lighter in color than the typical contemporary coin on my site, but the piece in question has good life to its surfaces and a somewhat PL appearance in-hand. When tilted, soft shades of peach and gold appear. This is the O.119 die marriage, which is considered an R4. $1,250.00

3) 1839-O Reeded Edge Half Dollar PCGS EF45


In many ways, this coin could be the star of a collection or an inventory. The 1839-O Reeded Edge half dollar is notoriously difficult to find, especially in the traditional collector grades of F12 through EF45. Typically, when these are found with any amount of original appearance at all, they disappear quite quickly. This coin has a mostly dark appearance that features deep brown with forest green color. It is the GR-1 (formerly JR-1) die marriage and looks to be a very late die state coin with die cracks around the obverse rim and a completley shattered reverse die. There is intense pressure on this date since it is the only business strike Reeded Edge half dollar to have a mintmark, it is the first regular New Orleans issue for the denomination, the mintmark is featured prominently on the obverse and the survivorship is extremly low. ON HOLD

4) 1841 Seated Liberty NGC AU55


I showed this coin to a specialist in the series and his comment was “Fresh, fresh, fresh!” and he was right; this coin has super-fresh surfaces. The color is a wonderful charcoal and there is just the barest trace of wear. Seated Liberty dollars are large, heavy coins and they are prone to numerous and deep milling marks as well as severe rim bruises. Thankfully, from time-to-time an early issue survives relatively unscathed such as this coin. These appear to be great coins at current market levels. $1,875.00

5) 1844 Seated Liberty Dollar NGC EF45/CAC


Here is an example of what many people would call a “circ-cam”, which is a coin that has original surfaces that are lighter on the devices while retaining deeply patinated fields. The visual result of a “circ-cam” can be stunning. This coin is struck very well, has wonderful, even coloration and presents as a terrific type coin. $1,375.00

6) 1871 Seated Liberty Dollar PCGS MS63


When I buy coins I like to analyze the piece and determine what grade I would assign the coin prior to seeing what PCGS or NGC assigned the coin. It may seem like an odd practice, but it has worked well over the years. In this case, I graded the coin MS64. That may not make the coin undergraded, but it certainly makes me believe that it is an especially choice coin for the grade with many claims to a much higher price. Sadly, most Seated Liberty dollars of this era are frighteningly white when in MS holder. However, this piece is a deep golden-grey with coruscating luster and strong flashes of deep navy blue in the fields when tilted under a light. This is what an MS Seated Liberty dollar looks like when it has been left alone and not processed. The PCGS price guide is $4,850 for this grade, but it would be a tall order to find one with the qualities of this coin at that price. $5,350.00

7) 1881-S Morgan Dollar PCGS MS66/CAC


This coin has million-dollar toning over approximately 40% of the lower left obverse arcing from the E of E PLURIBUS UNUM to just below the M and through the bridge of Ms. Liberty’s nose. The toning is mostly green near the rims with blue and purple further in and then gold. $750.00

8) 1934-D Peace Dollar NGC MS64/CAC


Naturally toned Peace dollars with good eye appeal are not common. The 1934-D issue is a better date that essentially triples in value from MS64 to MS65. The current coin appears to sit at the very top of the MS64 grade and, as such, is a wonderful coin to consider for its quality and value. The surfaces are covered with a terrific patina remniscent of a pastel dusting in light peach and silver-blue. Aside from its superior eye appeal, the coin is also very technically solid and has great luster. ON HOLD

9) 1931 Mexico Gold 50 Pesos NGC MS64


This is a bit of an odd offering for me, but I have always liked this design and with the sideways motion that gold has been in for a few months these have become quite attractive as a numismatic and bullion play. The 1931 is a slightly better issue that retains collector interest. This is a very flashy piece with a bit of lemon yellow at the rims in addition to the blazing gold color throughout. These contain over 1.2 troy ounces of gold each, which is equivalent to approximately $2,100 in bullion value due to the gold content alone. $2,395.00
Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson



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