Buy Gold, Silver, Guns, Ammo, Food and Fuel.....
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With the black flag of al Qaeda flying over the American embassy in Tunisia, the murder of the American ambassador in Libya, the storming of the US embassy in Cairo, the burning of the American flag in London, and the torching of American businesses in Lebanon, the Obama administration is focused like a laser on its top priority: slashing defense.
Today, even as the Islamist Uprising spreads across the Muslim world, ranging from Kashmir to Malaysia, from the North Sinai peninsula to the streets of Sudan, the Obama administration released its sequester report, which discussed just how the automatic cuts required under the Budget Control Act of 2011 would play out. In short, the Obama White House would slash defense with a machete. Obama’s Office of Management and Budget admitted as much:
“No amount of planning can mitigate the effect of these cuts. Sequestration is a blunt and indiscriminate instrument. It is not the responsible way for our nation to achieve deficit reduction. The report leaves no question that the sequestration would be deeply destructive to national security, domestic investments and core government functions.”
Under the sequestration, most defense programs would be cut by 9.4 percent. Others would be cut as much as 10 percent. Medicare, by contrast, would be trimmed by a mere 2 percent.
This is the fault of a president so extreme that his last two budgets did not receive a single vote in the House or Senate.
This is the fault of a president so extreme that when Republican House Speaker John Boehner offered him $800 billion tax increases over ten years in exchange for between $3 trillion and $3.5 trillion in spending cuts (or cuts to future growth) and a revision of the tax code, Obama tentatively agreed – then rejected it at the last minute, insisting on another $400 billion in tax increases. That impasse led to the creation of the Budget Control Act, which would have cut $1.5 trillion over ten years via a bipartisan deficit committee – but if the committee could not come to any deal, $1.2 trillion in cuts would immediately take effect.
You may think Gold and Silver are High priced now, Guns and Ammo obtainable, you may want to stock up on those assets and more, now while you still can !!
Today, even as the Islamist Uprising spreads across the Muslim world, ranging from Kashmir to Malaysia, from the North Sinai peninsula to the streets of Sudan, the Obama administration released its sequester report, which discussed just how the automatic cuts required under the Budget Control Act of 2011 would play out. In short, the Obama White House would slash defense with a machete. Obama’s Office of Management and Budget admitted as much:
“No amount of planning can mitigate the effect of these cuts. Sequestration is a blunt and indiscriminate instrument. It is not the responsible way for our nation to achieve deficit reduction. The report leaves no question that the sequestration would be deeply destructive to national security, domestic investments and core government functions.”
Under the sequestration, most defense programs would be cut by 9.4 percent. Others would be cut as much as 10 percent. Medicare, by contrast, would be trimmed by a mere 2 percent.
This is the fault of a president so extreme that his last two budgets did not receive a single vote in the House or Senate.
This is the fault of a president so extreme that when Republican House Speaker John Boehner offered him $800 billion tax increases over ten years in exchange for between $3 trillion and $3.5 trillion in spending cuts (or cuts to future growth) and a revision of the tax code, Obama tentatively agreed – then rejected it at the last minute, insisting on another $400 billion in tax increases. That impasse led to the creation of the Budget Control Act, which would have cut $1.5 trillion over ten years via a bipartisan deficit committee – but if the committee could not come to any deal, $1.2 trillion in cuts would immediately take effect.
You may think Gold and Silver are High priced now, Guns and Ammo obtainable, you may want to stock up on those assets and more, now while you still can !!
NumbersUsa, FairUs, Alipac, CapsWeb, and TeamAmericaPac
Buy more gold and silver: I have been doing that since the Jan 2009 Immaculation. I plan to purchase much more between now and retirement.
Buy guns and ammo: I don't hunt, target shoot or expect a "Road Warrior" society. To me this is a waste of money that could pay down bills or buy more PMs.
Buy fuel: Apart from a two year supply of firewood I will not store petrochemicals around my property. To me such practices are too dangerous.
Buy food: We already buy in bulk, put up preserves, make our own bread and grow food in season. Apart from stocking up on some canned items on sale the idea of putting away a multi year supply of emergency rations strikes me as silly.
<< <i>I am not buying into the bunker lifestyle.
Buy more gold and silver: I have been doing that since the Jan 2009 Immaculation. I plan to purchase much more between now and retirement.
Buy guns and ammo: I don't hunt, target shoot or expect a "Road Warrior" society. To me this is a waste of money that could pay down bills or buy more PMs.
Buy fuel: Apart from a two year supply of firewood I will not store petrochemicals around my property. To me such practices are too dangerous.
Buy food: We already buy in bulk, put up preserves, make our own bread and grow food in season. Apart from stocking up on some canned items on sale the idea of putting away a multi year supply of emergency rations strikes me as silly. >>
Good to see some commen sense now and then , i think we've all heard these doom and gloom scenario's most if not all our lives...sun's shining and the beach awaits.
Exit bunker, enter Matrix. LOL
<< <i>
<< <i>I am not buying into the bunker lifestyle.
Buy more gold and silver: I have been doing that since the Jan 2009 Immaculation. I plan to purchase much more between now and retirement.
Buy guns and ammo: I don't hunt, target shoot or expect a "Road Warrior" society. To me this is a waste of money that could pay down bills or buy more PMs.
Buy fuel: Apart from a two year supply of firewood I will not store petrochemicals around my property. To me such practices are too dangerous.
Buy food: We already buy in bulk, put up preserves, make our own bread and grow food in season. Apart from stocking up on some canned items on sale the idea of putting away a multi year supply of emergency rations strikes me as silly. >>
Good to see some common sense now and then , i think we've all heard these doom and gloom scenario's most if not all our lives...sun's shining and the beach awaits. >>
Life's to short ... enjoy it while you can.
I'm been saying what OGIM is since I've been here (3 years) and all I get is point counterpoint. Some of you are really hypocrites. Dont like it, tough! It's the truth.
Being all the troops home, prop up the bases on US soil, cut 250 billion from the military budget and we just might avaoid national insolvency another decade.
We will fall like Rome, not from outside but from the inside.
We are no different, and the world events appear to be presenting a multitude of potential flash points at this time.
If your not into an under ground bunker on your property, then instead invest in a few more single family residences and/or a few multi-family complexes.
<< <i>9.4 percent is not enough, bring 'em all home where they belong. With our troops within our borders I can reduce my arsenal and convert the money to PMs where it belongs. >>
Ageed. It is ridiculous the number of bases we keep open overseas.
Don't just listen to what the left wing media is telling or not telling you.
See the movie "2016" to learn the other side of the story.
And their great for plinking fun. My son tells me however, that they wont do a thing toward eradicating zombies !!
<< <i>It's like the frog slowly being boiled in water... it doesn't know it's going to die but it's dieing slowly but surely. >>
My Grand Father always used that analogy as Satan slowly needling away the faith of a Saint. Here a little there a little, line upon line, line upon line, and in all of this they would not listen.
<< <i>9.4 percent is not enough, bring 'em all home where they belong. With our troops within our borders I can reduce my arsenal and convert the money to PMs where it belongs. >>
Amen Brother, there isn't enough oil in the whole world that's worth one American boys life.
Exactamundo. Let those guys over there work it out amongst themselves, they have been fighting each other for hundreds and hundreds of years. We keep going over there administration after administration to help out but nothing has changed. There is always those that harp that we are protecting our shores by going over there and helping them find democracy...pffffftttt. No more bowing tours, no more apology tours, let them work it out with each other. If they try another 9 11 or mess with us in any way...poof, we turn the place into a parking lot.
Bring our children home, like Clint Eastwood said..."Why not do it now, today."
Gold and Silver should continue to rise regardless of what happens over there.
How about that fiscal conservative who ran on a balance the budget and reduce the deficit, but left office eight years later having tripled the national debt, yes Ronald Reagan. Or the fellow who came after him who was going to help the common man but opened the flood gates to the financial crisis which almost sank the economy years later, Bill Clinton.
And thethere was "W" and his prescription plan .
Obama is no more the anti-Christ than Reagan was a hard right winger and to vilify the the left, or the right, many of whom are our friends and neighbors, serves no purpose.
<< <i>Guess I need to hit the outdoor store, only got 150rds at the house...well, 2000 if the BBs count, ha! >>
<< <i>Hey their great to sting the rears of those pesky varmints that appear from time to time.
And their great for plinking fun. My son tells me however, that they wont do a thing toward eradicating zombies !! >>
If I learned anything from junior high, it's that you want a magnum for zombie eradication... (Resident Evil)
Oh wait, I'm probably showing my age now
Edit: quote added
It's all about what the people want...
St. Joan Of Arch
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>locked and loaded
Cool !! We all had to start somewhere
<< <i> How about that fiscal conservative who ran on a balance the budget and reduce the deficit, but left office eight years later having tripled the national debt, yes Ronald Reagan.
Reagan had a Democratically controlled House & Senate for his entire 8 years. He COMPROMISED.
Article I Section 7 ...... All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other bills.
Article I Section 8 ...... The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the US.
The President (regardless of who that may be) has no authority providing a budget. The purse strings are controlled by Congress.
<< <i>9.4 percent is not enough, bring 'em all home where they belong. With our troops within our borders I can reduce my arsenal and convert the money to PMs where it belongs. >>
I feel your disgust with the MiddleEast issues. The Islam religion as long as it exists will plague this world with the cruelest of evils of the minds, the hate and destruction.
Its very nature is against everything we hold dear as Americans. It is Bondage in its entirety and personal freedom does not exist.
This president has done everything he can to appease and to aide its evil elevation throughout the world and in the U.S.A.
The truth is needed at this time more than ever and we have got to stand for it or we will surely go quickly the way of France and Britain. The #1 Male baby name in Britain..?...
#1 male baby name in Britain
Holy cow, 2016 is right around the corner people
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)