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I hate to do this... but I find it necessary -- Official -- I tried to order but was unable to Order



  • paladinpaladin Posts: 898 ✭✭

    That seemed to happen a lot during the ATB free-for-alls.

    "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

    ~ Vince Lombardi
  • "Did you ever get an email confirmation?"

    NO email responce and when I hit"placed order" the web page went off and came back on temporally.....

    The website was briefly on and off for rest of day untill around 6PM Thur.but order #38378 was gone.
  • paladinpaladin Posts: 898 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i> ...................

    I don't know, but I wonder if they just underestimated demand on these instead of "restricted minting."

    I would ask her if the Mint could only have made 100k due to time constraints if she would rather them be made or cancelled... even using the hindsight here. >>

    You mean like the nonexistent 2009 ASE proofs? Moy decided that if everyone couldn't have one then no one was
    going to have one. I think the hobby is the less for that line of reasoning. Worked out well for Dan Carr though. image


    photo credit to D. Carr

    "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

    ~ Vince Lombardi
  • """""""<<<<I think the hobby is the less for that line of reasoning. ">>>>>

    Congress popularity in the low teens and they tell the US MInt what to do,makes for a poor bussiness arrangement.

    USPS in in bad shape and UPS is opening retail shops to someday take over as private bussiness.

    I Marvel at the Great Coin Arts from other countries....but do you think it posible that US Coins could contracted out.

    NO WAY" says some who don't mind paying China to produce most of what we buy today.
  • My wife had a kidney transplant on the 26th so I was next to her hospital bed with a laptop with crappy internet service that kept bumping me offline. I kept getting a busy signal on the cell phone and why would the mint select me for a 2 minute survey when they couldn't even answer their phones. Well I never got through. I called my brother around 4pm gave him my info and he was able to get me two sets. When I got home at 2330 hrs. I ordered another set, by then I was on the wait list. Not sure if I will get a set for the collection?
    Past BST deals baddogss,llafoe,braddick,wondercoin,fireman2030, ProofCollection, SNMAN,halfnut1
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 33,712 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>"Did you ever get an email confirmation?"

    NO email responce and when I hit"placed order" the web page went off and came back on temporally.....

    The website was briefly on and off for rest of day untill around 6PM Thur.but order #38378 was gone. >>

    With no e-mail, it is possible the order did not complete, and is now invalid.

    On the other hand, the mint has had past issues with completed and 100% valid orders disappearing. I am not sure if they received an e-mail confirmation before they disappeared or not.

    We need someone who has had a valid order disappear tell us if they got an e-mail conf.

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • BurnieBurnie Posts: 442 ✭✭✭
    An order number showed up on my US Mint track order account, but I never got an e-mail confirmation. It was for a single set that I did not complete the final step in the ordering process for, which was to click purchase, and yet a track order number was generated. It disappeared the following day.

    I had already successfully purchased my 5 as a single order and had a confirmation e-mail but I was trying to get singles instead when I thought I was running out of time. I decided not to risk clicking on the final purchase step (didn't want to go over my max) and was surprised to see a track number in my account but no confirmation e-mail.
    BST transactions Wondercoin, MCM, levinll, Zrlevin and ajaan. Been buying and selling coins on E-Bay since 2002 as Monk2580

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