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1500 giveaway! No not 1,500 dollars!**We have a winner, scotty1419*****

MoldnutMoldnut Posts: 3,101 ✭✭✭✭
For my 1500 post I figure it is time to do a giveaway! This forum is a wonderful place to learn and teach some of the things we know about our great hobby of kings. Many thanks to all!

I remember when I first started collecting coins around 1995. I was watching some guys selling coins on late night television and got hooked from there. I just bought a book(1996 N.A. Coins & Prices) and would just try to compare prices from the guys on TV to that book. I learned something very quickly, don't buy from the guys on TV.
After a few months of watching that coin show on TV, I finally decided to go to one of the local coin shops in town to buy my first coin. The shop I went to was Fullerton Coin & Stamps. I walked in and a grumpy, cigar smoking guy (the stereotypical dealer) came out to sell me two Morgan's and one Peace Dollar in PCGS MS64 holders. All of which I still own too. Funny thing is, I have never bought another Morgan since as I focused most of my time on Seated and Bust Quarters. Ok, enough with the stories.

Just reply to the thread and Ill pick a name from the hat Wednesday 10/5 at 7pm PST for this ANACS Photo Cert MS65 Mercury Dime.

Enjoy and thanks to all for sharing their knowledge and coins.


EAC 6024


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