<< <i>So it's the same flip; possibly the same holder, and a switcheroo. Then resubmit the original 9 and hopefully get a 9 again. Sounds familar. >>
So, the one on the right must actually be a fake, right? It looks pretty nice, but my monitor here is pretty iffy.
---------------------- Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989 ----------------------
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
<< <i>Ergoism seems like a "private" kind of guy. >>
I get it! That's only my eBay alter ego's feedback that's private. My real account and real self are actually very non-private. I should probably post here more to validate any of that.
Hello,I see that you have under 10 feedback and I have every right to cancel your bid on this item. You have been a member since 1999 and only have (5) feedback and your profile is private? I am not sure I like this so please contact me or I will have to cancel. Thank you and hope you understand my side on this. I have been burned over 100 times with members with less then (10) feedback not making payment. Please advise my concerns as this also goes for the Ryan RC? Auction ends in 30 minutes. Thank you. GD -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Is it okay if I paid for this card with cash? -thebig71 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
Have you read my last message? I will respond after my questions are answered in order I asked them! NO CASH! Period! Please review my questions and concerns and I will get back to you. If they are not meet I will have to call ebay and have them take further action on this issue at hand! -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Looks like I won both. Can I pay cash for these? I can mail it or meet in person. If I'm mailing it I'll need an address. Thanks. -thebig71 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
Meet in person? I live in NH you live in Alabama. My description says pay pal only! How would you pay? NOT CASH! This a lot of money and it would not be a secured payment threw pay pal. I need to call ebay and talk to them. But 1st what is your bank and I can NOT ship out anything till the "bank check" or "money order" has been cleared threw my lawyer and my bank's branch manager. I have rules that I MUST follow to sell on ebay! Sir this seems fishy to me and I am not happy at all that you bid on these without having a secure pay pal payment lined up! eBay is going to tell me NOT to sell to you so I am pretty close to not doing so! You will need to send me all your information as far as how you are going to pay for these your name and address and I will call ebay and find out what they say! This is the best I can do. I will await your response before taken further action on this! GD -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Okay, give me 68 hours to gather the funds and I will PayPal you. Do you have any more rare cards like this that we could work out a deal for? -thebig71 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
Sir when you mean cash I am talking about you sending "money" cash threw the mail. Thats is a huge NO NO! This is a lot of money and I have NEVER sold anything at this amount for. I did not think it would be worth so much. I started getting scared after it hit its 3rd ands 4th day into the auction. I am a small time seller who buys lots at card shows/auction's ect and I almost posted it for a buy now a lot cheaper. I am NOT a hockey fan and I am very nervous about this type of transaction. These are the only older cards I received in the lot I purchased. Everything else I have is and will be posted in the next month or so. High end auto's from new players from football/basketball and baseball. If you like any items thats all I have to offer. If you have a bank check or money order so my lawyer and my bank manager can make sure it clears I am sure that we could work it out if that would be easier? I still need to contact ebay as again I have strike rules I must go by. I am sorry but this is my only option. Let me know? GD -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Do you not understand English? You don't speak it very well so I'm assuming that it's reasonable to think you don't understand it. I said I would PayPal you in 68 hours. I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know? -thebig71 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
Sir please don't yell me. We can work this out and yes I speak English very good. I have never sold something over $4000 so please don't get mad or scream at me. I am sorry if I offended you in any way. Sincerely I am fine with a express mail bank check or money order threw the USPS or from your currant bank as a bank check its not that big of a deal. I "was" just very concerned due to your (5) feedback and you have a (private) account listing on your feedback and if you have a private feedback account you cant sell items on eBay.!? I had a Stephen Strasburg auto 1/1 and I had to end the auction when it hit over $10,000 in bids due to receiving threats from over 20+ people and I started getting them during this auction so I have to be very cautious on people that bid or buy my items its nothing against you,and I am sorry if I came off that way. Really I am If you want to express mail a bank check or a money order I will express mail the card(s) to you the day the money order clears. If it would be a easier so we dont need to go threw all the crap. I am fine with. Again I did not mean to come off so strong I have had some bad experience's on here with high end cards. I am sorry but I don't know you and again I have had over 100+ unpaid item cases as people do not pay that have under (10) feedback. If this works I am good as overnight express is a guarantee and fully insured. Again I apologize if I offended you. Really I am. -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Look, there's no need for all of this yelling and screaming. I don't understand why you are threatening me and I don't understand why people would threaten you when your auctions get bid up to a few thousand. I have 17 eBay accounts and wanted to use one of the ones that had lower feedback so that I could get a higher feedback score so I wouldn't receive condescending messages from sellers. Will you send me a scan of both cards with a black background just to reassure me that this is a legit transaction so I can have my lawyer and bank manager get a certified U.S. dollar cashier check? Let me know? -thebig71 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
I am not threating you at all sir, again I apologize. I am sorry just being careful. Just some people act like ass's and there has never been a threat about anything from me to you. Ever. I am a small time seller and people on ebay that can be scum when they are jealous or whatever it may be can just be an ass. I have 99.9% feedback and a power seller on ebay and have never had any issue's unless the USPS screwed up shipping. I am 100% honest and try my very best to help support my wife and kids that is all. I cant tell you enough how sorry I feel if I have offended you in any way. I would like to start over and work as a team I hope we can get on the same page? I again have had some people try to scam me with fake money orders/bank checks threw ebay and craigslist and I just want to get to know you a little. You are truth full and everything is fine. Lets just get together and work as a team. I never had any intentions of making you get pissed at me the seller. Again I am very sorry for any type of disrespect. GD -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
Anything you need I will send to you. Just let me know. I will combine shipping at the $13.50 shipping as I have stated that I will cover the insurance cost and express mail cost. Invoice is on its way. Its a must that its a signature confirmation fully ensured. My wife slapped me around a little "it was nice" as we were and are just being cautious did not know your story but everything is fine. That is all we needed "would like to sell more to you." Very straight up Please just let us know if we are okay? Gregg and Jess Drew -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
Just sitting around awaiting your response? Hit me up please on what you want to do as I sent your invoice? Thanks Gregg -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
Okay I am running late for work so I will be in touch on my break with full details! Thanks -allhopeisgone1980 ------------------------------ Dear allhopeisgone1980,
I apologize for my late reply. I got really drunk last night and woke up in the neighbor's yard with their 5 year old son throwing rocks at me. "It wasn't fun." Back to business, could you please scan the two cards with a black background. That lets me know that everything is on the up and up. I would greatly appreciate that gesture and we can complete the transaction. Thank you! -thebig71 ------------------------------ Dear thebig71,
We're writing to let you know that this listing for an item you won or bid on is no longer available:
250779222793 - 1979-80 O-PEE-CHEE WAYNE GRETZKY ROOKIE PSA 9 L@@K!
We understand this may be disappointing, but occasionally we need to remove listings. In this case, the listing was removed because the copyright or trademark owner of this product reported that the item may be counterfeit.
---------------------- Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989 ----------------------
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know?
<< <i>That was classic. Well done! My favorite snippet
I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know?
Welcome to the boards. Lurk no longer. >>
Agreed that this had my eyes watering, although the 5 year-old neighbor throwing rocks was also an instant classic.
"I again have had some people try to scam me with fake money orders/bank checks threw ebay and craigslist and I just want to get to know you a little."
Response should have been, "I knew I saw your listing on craigslist. I can be up there in a few hours and we can get to know each other real good."
"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Collecting: Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
<< <i>So whats going to happen with the Ryan??? >>
excerpt from Wikipedia:
The evil twin is an antagonist found in many different fictional genres. They are physical copies of protagonists, but with radically inverted moralities. In filmed entertainment, they can have obvious physical differences with the protagonist—such as facial hair, eyepatches, scars or distinctive clothing—that make it easy for the audience to visually identify the two characters. Sometimes, however, the physical differences between the characters will be minimized, so as to confuse the audience.[1] Both roles are almost always played by either the same actor, or (if the actor has one) the actor's actual twin.
Though there may be moral disparity between actual biological twins, the term is more often a misnomer. In many cases, the two look-alikes are not actually twins, but rather physical duplicates produced by other phenomena (e.g. alternate universes).[2][3] In others, the so-called "evil" twin is more precisely a dual opposite to their "good" counterpart, possessing at least some commonality with the value system of the protagonist.
Identifying the imposter
In cases where the "evil twin" is not physically distinguishable from the "good twin", a typical plot resolution will involve another character having to choose between the two. At some point the evil twin must be killed, jailed, banished, or at least unmasked. While this has been accomplished in a variety of different ways, the basic idea of a third character having to choose between the two twins is common to most plots involving evil twins.[20]
I hope we have dozens lurkers just like you that will reveal themselves. That was classic. I got drunk last night and ended up in my neighbors back yard! Welcome to the boards, you will fit in well here.
Close to 10 years here and that was the funniest shiznit I've read yet. THANK YOU!
"My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."
So eBay, in its infinite wisdom, decides to cancel this $8,000 transaction because the card is a fake...BUT allows the seller to continue selling on their site. Way to go morons.
"My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."
<< <i>So eBay, in its infinite wisdom, decides to cancel this $8,000 transaction because the card is a fake...BUT allows the seller to continue selling on their site. Way to go morons. >>
Perhaps, but I thought this guy was going to jail for life, maybe longer. At least that's what muggyman kept telling us. Or did the heroic effort on the part of ergoism foil the entire FBI / United Nations sting operation to nab this guy, thereby nullifying the swift and severe punishment?
<< <i>That was classic. Well done! My favorite snippet
I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know?
Welcome to the boards. Lurk no longer. >>
Agreed that this had my eyes watering, although the 5 year-old neighbor throwing rocks was also an instant classic. >>
I'm curious, how do you call up a female on Craiglists? I got the bud part, that's easy. Also, does she take PayPal?
<< <i>So whats going to happen with the Ryan??? >>
He just canceled the Ryan on his own and said this, "I have spoke with PSA and I am sending in all my cards that have been graded by them. I am sorry but I have to cancel this transaction. It seems a lot O bought some of the cards could have been tampered with. If everything is okay I will contact you and let you know I can sell it. I will NOT be responsible for selling anything that might have been tampered with. Thank you!" I think he's feeling the pressure.
Well, if he's read the thread or been informed of what's here, he knows that he's walking into a trap by selling. There's a reason the Police don't use billboards to reveal where their speed traps are.
---------------------- Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989 ----------------------
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
<< <i>So whats going to happen with the Ryan??? >>
He just canceled the Ryan on his own and said this, "I have spoke with PSA and I am sending in all my cards that have been graded by them. I am sorry but I have to cancel this transaction. It seems a lot O bought some of the cards could have been tampered with. If everything is okay I will contact you and let you know I can sell it. I will NOT be responsible for selling anything that might have been tampered with. Thank you!" I think he's feeling the pressure. >>
Did he phrase his response in the form of a question?
<<Well, if he's read the thread or been informed of what's here, he knows that he's walking into a trap by selling. There's a reason the Police don't use billboards to reveal where their speed traps are.>>
Short term goal accomplished, he was not able to sell those 2 cards to anyone.
I'm sure he already counted that money and had it spent.
<< <i>dang straight, if we can work together to ID this crap and try to get it removed from the market, then +1 for all. >>
Exavtly. I hartily support outing these guys, educating dummies like me, derailing the sales, and alerting the authorities as often as possible. I just get uncomfortable when it crosses into a remake of "The Sting"
---------------------- Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989 ----------------------
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
<< <i>So it's the same flip; possibly the same holder, and a switcheroo.
Then resubmit the original 9 and hopefully get a 9 again. Sounds familar. >>
So, the one on the right must actually be a fake, right? It looks pretty nice, but my monitor here is pretty iffy.
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
<< <i>Ergoism seems like a "private" kind of guy.
I get it! That's only my eBay alter ego's feedback that's private. My real account and real self are actually very non-private. I should probably post here more to validate any of that.
drugs of choice
NHL hall of fame rookies
For your viewing pleasure...
Dear thebig71,
Hello,I see that you have under 10 feedback and I have every right to cancel your bid on this item. You have been a member since 1999 and only have (5) feedback and your profile is private? I am not sure I like this so please contact me or I will have to cancel. Thank you and hope you understand my side on this. I have been burned over 100 times with members with less then (10) feedback not making payment. Please advise my concerns as this also goes for the Ryan RC? Auction ends in 30 minutes. Thank you. GD
Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Is it okay if I paid for this card with cash?
Dear thebig71,
Have you read my last message? I will respond after my questions are answered in order I asked them! NO CASH! Period! Please review my questions and concerns and I will get back to you. If they are not meet I will have to call ebay and have them take further action on this issue at hand!
Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Looks like I won both. Can I pay cash for these? I can mail it or meet in person. If I'm mailing it I'll need an address.
Dear thebig71,
Meet in person? I live in NH you live in Alabama. My description says pay pal only! How would you pay? NOT CASH! This a lot of money and it would not be a secured payment threw pay pal. I need to call ebay and talk to them. But 1st what is your bank and I can NOT ship out anything till the "bank check" or "money order" has been cleared threw my lawyer and my bank's branch manager. I have rules that I MUST follow to sell on ebay! Sir this seems fishy to me and I am not happy at all that you bid on these without having a secure pay pal payment lined up! eBay is going to tell me NOT to sell to you so I am pretty close to not doing so! You will need to send me all your information as far as how you are going to pay for these your name and address and I will call ebay and find out what they say! This is the best I can do. I will await your response before taken further action on this! GD
Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Okay, give me 68 hours to gather the funds and I will PayPal you. Do you have any more rare cards like this that we could work out a deal for?
Dear thebig71,
Sir when you mean cash I am talking about you sending "money" cash threw the mail. Thats is a huge NO NO! This is a lot of money and I have NEVER sold anything at this amount for. I did not think it would be worth so much. I started getting scared after it hit its 3rd ands 4th day into the auction. I am a small time seller who buys lots at card shows/auction's ect and I almost posted it for a buy now a lot cheaper. I am NOT a hockey fan and I am very nervous about this type of transaction. These are the only older cards I received in the lot I purchased. Everything else I have is and will be posted in the next month or so. High end auto's from new players from football/basketball and baseball. If you like any items thats all I have to offer.
If you have a bank check or money order so my lawyer and my bank manager can make sure it clears I am sure that we could work it out if that would be easier? I still need to contact ebay as again I have strike rules I must go by. I am sorry but this is my only option. Let me know? GD
Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Do you not understand English? You don't speak it very well so I'm assuming that it's reasonable to think you don't understand it. I said I would PayPal you in 68 hours. I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know?
Dear thebig71,
Sir please don't yell me. We can work this out and yes I speak English very good. I have never sold something over $4000 so please don't get mad or scream at me. I am sorry if I offended you in any way. Sincerely
I had a Stephen Strasburg auto 1/1 and I had to end the auction when it hit over $10,000 in bids due to receiving threats from over 20+ people and I started getting them during this auction so I have to be very cautious on people that bid or buy my items its nothing against you,and I am sorry if I came off that way. Really I am
Dear allhopeisgone1980,
Look, there's no need for all of this yelling and screaming. I don't understand why you are threatening me and I don't understand why people would threaten you when your auctions get bid up to a few thousand. I have 17 eBay accounts and wanted to use one of the ones that had lower feedback so that I could get a higher feedback score so I wouldn't receive condescending messages from sellers. Will you send me a scan of both cards with a black background just to reassure me that this is a legit transaction so I can have my lawyer and bank manager get a certified U.S. dollar cashier check? Let me know?
Dear thebig71,
I am not threating you at all sir, again I apologize. I am sorry just being careful. Just some people act like ass's and there has never been a threat about anything from me to you. Ever. I am a small time seller and people on ebay that can be scum when they are jealous or whatever it may be can just be an ass. I have 99.9% feedback and a power seller on ebay and have never had any issue's unless the USPS screwed up shipping. I am 100% honest and try my very best to help support my wife and kids that is all. I cant tell you enough how sorry I feel if I have offended you in any way. I would like to start over and work as a team I hope we can get on the same page? I again have had some people try to scam me with fake money orders/bank checks threw ebay and craigslist and I just want to get to know you a little. You are truth full and everything is fine. Lets just get together and work as a team. I never had any intentions of making you get pissed at me the seller. Again I am very sorry for any type of disrespect. GD
Dear thebig71,
Anything you need I will send to you. Just let me know. I will combine shipping at the $13.50 shipping as I have stated that I will cover the insurance cost and express mail cost. Invoice is on its way. Its a must that its a signature confirmation fully ensured. My wife slapped me around a little "it was nice" as we were and are just being cautious did not know your story but everything is fine. That is all we needed "would like to sell more to you." Very straight up
Please just let us know if we are okay? Gregg and Jess Drew
Dear thebig71,
Just sitting around awaiting your response? Hit me up please on what you want to do as I sent your invoice? Thanks Gregg
Dear thebig71,
Okay I am running late for work so I will be in touch on my break with full details! Thanks
Dear allhopeisgone1980,
I apologize for my late reply. I got really drunk last night and woke up in the neighbor's yard with their 5 year old son throwing rocks at me. "It wasn't fun." Back to business, could you please scan the two cards with a black background. That lets me know that everything is on the up and up. I would greatly appreciate that gesture and we can complete the transaction. Thank you!
Dear thebig71,
We're writing to let you know that this listing for an item you won or bid on is no longer available:
250779222793 - 1979-80 O-PEE-CHEE WAYNE GRETZKY ROOKIE PSA 9 L@@K!
We understand this may be disappointing, but occasionally we need to remove listings. In this case, the listing was removed because the copyright or trademark owner of this product reported that the item may be counterfeit.
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
Well done, thebig71.
I also love his line:
"Sir please don't yell me. We can work this out and yes I speak English very good".
"Me fail English? Thats umpossible."
- Ralph Wiggum
I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know?
Welcome to the boards. Lurk no longer.
<< <i>That was classic. Well done! My favorite snippet
I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know?
Welcome to the boards. Lurk no longer. >>
Agreed that this had my eyes watering, although the 5 year-old neighbor throwing rocks was also an instant classic.
For some reason this makes me want to go out and buy a Bengals hat... BIG FAN!!
Response should have been, "I knew I saw your listing on craigslist. I can be up there in a few hours and we can get to know each other real good."
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
Any unopened Baseball cello and rack packs and boxes from the 1970's and early 1980s.
<< <i>So whats going to happen with the Ryan??? >>
excerpt from Wikipedia:
The evil twin is an antagonist found in many different fictional genres. They are physical copies of protagonists, but with radically inverted moralities. In filmed entertainment, they can have obvious physical differences with the protagonist—such as facial hair, eyepatches, scars or distinctive clothing—that make it easy for the audience to visually identify the two characters. Sometimes, however, the physical differences between the characters will be minimized, so as to confuse the audience.[1] Both roles are almost always played by either the same actor, or (if the actor has one) the actor's actual twin.
Though there may be moral disparity between actual biological twins, the term is more often a misnomer. In many cases, the two look-alikes are not actually twins, but rather physical duplicates produced by other phenomena (e.g. alternate universes).[2][3] In others, the so-called "evil" twin is more precisely a dual opposite to their "good" counterpart, possessing at least some commonality with the value system of the protagonist.
Identifying the imposter
In cases where the "evil twin" is not physically distinguishable from the "good twin", a typical plot resolution will involve another character having to choose between the two. At some point the evil twin must be killed, jailed, banished, or at least unmasked. While this has been accomplished in a variety of different ways, the basic idea of a third character having to choose between the two twins is common to most plots involving evil twins.[20]
that back and forth exchange is worth reading again and again while doing shots. I promise I won't end up in the neighbor's yard, though.
Reap the whirlwind.
Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
<< <i>So eBay, in its infinite wisdom, decides to cancel this $8,000 transaction because the card is a fake...BUT allows the seller to continue selling on their site. Way to go morons. >>
Perhaps, but I thought this guy was going to jail for life, maybe longer. At least that's what muggyman kept telling us. Or did the heroic effort on the part of ergoism foil the entire FBI / United Nations sting operation to nab this guy, thereby nullifying the swift and severe punishment?
<< <i>
<< <i>That was classic. Well done! My favorite snippet
I'm going to call my lawyer and have him call your bank manager and I'll have my bank manager call your lawyer. They will follow the strike rules and get this matter settled. I don't know why you get scared during auctions. When my auctions get to high amounts, I call up a female on Craigslist and grab a case of Bud. Let me know?
Welcome to the boards. Lurk no longer. >>
Agreed that this had my eyes watering, although the 5 year-old neighbor throwing rocks was also an instant classic. >>
I'm curious, how do you call up a female on Craiglists? I got the bud part, that's easy. Also, does she take PayPal?
<< <i>I'm curious, how do you call up a female on Craiglists? I got the bud part, that's easy. Also, does she take PayPal? >>
<< <i>So whats going to happen with the Ryan??? >>
He just canceled the Ryan on his own and said this, "I have spoke with PSA and I am sending in all my cards that have been graded by them. I am sorry but I have to cancel this transaction. It seems a lot O bought some of the cards could have been tampered with. If everything is okay I will contact you and let you know I can sell it. I will NOT be responsible for selling anything that might have been tampered with. Thank you!"
I think he's feeling the pressure.
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
<< <i>
<< <i>So whats going to happen with the Ryan??? >>
He just canceled the Ryan on his own and said this, "I have spoke with PSA and I am sending in all my cards that have been graded by them. I am sorry but I have to cancel this transaction. It seems a lot O bought some of the cards could have been tampered with. If everything is okay I will contact you and let you know I can sell it. I will NOT be responsible for selling anything that might have been tampered with. Thank you!"
I think he's feeling the pressure.
Did he phrase his response in the form of a question?
Short term goal accomplished, he was not able to sell those 2 cards to anyone.
I'm sure he already counted that money and had it spent.
Well done by you and you and you and you...
<< <i>dang straight, if we can work together to ID this crap and try to get it removed from the market, then +1 for all.
Exavtly. I hartily support outing these guys, educating dummies like me, derailing the sales, and alerting the authorities as often as possible. I just get uncomfortable when it crosses into a remake of "The Sting"
Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989
Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq