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DWM gradeing service

Has anyone ever heard of Denver West Mint Gradeing services in CO.?


  • No and there is probably a reason for that, get me slick?
  • ambro51ambro51 Posts: 13,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    google shows a website.

  • GrumpyEdGrumpyEd Posts: 4,749 ✭✭✭
    Never heard of it.

    Just looked it up.

    Doesn't sound exactly like a TPG. They buy collections, they sell a coin on the page and it says appraisals and slabbing services.
    Whatever that means image

    DWM website
  • A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore.
    Yogi Berra

  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Run and do not look back.

    (P.S.: The correct spelling is "grading")
    When in doubt, don't.
  • You say run and do not look back =why? There is a seller on ebay who sells nothing but DWM slabbed coins /and i do know how to spell grading ,I typo alot and do not use spell checker/I did not start this topic to be checked on my spelling but to learn more about DWM and if thier coins are AT or NT toned and if thier grading services are for real-thanks.

  • << <i>You say run and do not look back =why? There is a seller on ebay who sells nothing but DWM slabbed coins /and i do know how to spell grading ,I typo alot and do not use spell checker/I did not start this topic to be checked on my spelling but to learn more about DWM and if thier coins are AT or NT toned and if thier grading services are for real-thanks. >>

    Perhaps you should collect DWM slabbed coins exclusively. It would be an interesting hobby.

    It is a very good sign that DWM can "locate any coin". More dealers should get into metal detecting.

    I just looked at the DWM coins on eBay, and I have to say it is truly amazing that there is any doubt about if they are naturally toned or not.
  • savoyspecialsavoyspecial Posts: 7,274 ✭✭✭✭
    >>to learn more about DWM and if thier coins are AT or NT toned and if thier grading services are for real-thanks.>>

    sure they are for real, just without merit


  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wonder if they're a subsidiary of Denver West Candy and Fortune Cookie Company.
  • DNADaveDNADave Posts: 7,264 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Over 1300 People can't be wrong"

    OH yes they can!

    I'm especially offended since those are my initials.

  • << <i>>>to learn more about DWM and if thier coins are AT or NT toned and if thier grading services are for real-thanks.>>

    sure they are for real, just without merit >>

    Not without merit - they provide great entertainment! And what else is a hobby for?

  • << <i>Has anyone ever heard of Denver West Mint Gradeing services in CO.? >>

    Dear MorganMan - what did you think of them when you googled them and checked out their website?
  • AuroraBorealisAuroraBorealis Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭✭✭
    MorganMan67...You are new to the forum...There is a feature at the top right of the page in "profile" to turn on your PM(personal messages)...That will allow you to receive and answer members away from the public view... image That is if you care to?

    Have a good one....

  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,104 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ill stick with the ones i know. never heard of them
  • So I take it that DWM is AT toned coins? at least that is what I am getting out of this topic,I am a novice collector ,not at all an expert on coin grading or toning,I am havereally recently started getting into toned coins ,but do not want to get screwed with AT toned coins,as i can not tell the differance ,so any help or info would be greatly appreciated,I really can't afford to go on a spending spree to buy NGC graded toned Morgan's at $400+ each either,I have seen that DWM toned Morgan's are fairly priced on the Bay,but they would be over-priced if they are AT'd,thanks.
  • AuroraBorealisAuroraBorealis Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭✭✭
    MorganMan...I was trying to get you to turn your PM(personal message) on so i could try and explain off the forum...But i`ll do a short version...
    There are many venues that sell or auction toned Morgies...Depending on the tech. grade and amount of toning and the quality of the toning they can range in the low hundreds into the 5 figure class...There are some very good threads on natural toned Morgans as well as artificially toned Morgans right here on the message board...I have seen both kinds and was VERY fortunate to have had some of the best teachers on this planet...One of the best ways to learn is to view as many of both kinds as you can...Nothing replaces experience...
    I will say this also be-careful! There are many very good doctored coins and until actually in hand very difficult to tell apart...Try your best to deal with reputable people or dealers and perhaps you`ll have one of those take you under their wing...Then it`s up to you to find the best ones your budget allows...Hope this is helpful... image

  • Thank you very much for the info on this subject ,i guess i will buy some from differnat sellers and look at the differances in them ,alos i have a very experianced coin dealer that has been in the buisness for 50 years ,but he has to have the coin in hand to tell if it AT/NT because like you said there are alot of great coin toners out there,thanks again.
  • AuroraBorealisAuroraBorealis Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My pleasure...


  • << <i>There is a seller on ebay who sells nothing but DWM slabbed coins [...] >>

    A little bit off-topic, but I thought the TPGs had to "make their bones" (figure of speech) to get into that mob. I know DLRC slabs were taboo, originally; I don't know about now...
    Buy a few and see what happens when you try to resell to dealers at a coin show. Do they laugh more or run for the nearest exit more? Report back. image
  • LindeDadLindeDad Posts: 18,766 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rule 7) This is a PCGS forum. Posts promoting or bashing other grading companies or service are not allowed. Those posts will be removed and your posting privileges may be removed as well.
  • Bankerbob56Bankerbob56 Posts: 1,396 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Thank you very much for the info on this subject ,i guess i will buy some from differnat sellers and look at the differances in them ,alos i have a very experianced coin dealer that has been in the buisness for 50 years ,but he has to have the coin in hand to tell if it AT/NT because like you said there are alot of great coin toners out there,thanks again. >>

    I also suggest you TURN ON spell check...........

    Your spelling and grammer give us our first impressions of you! imageimage
    What we've got here is failure to communicate.....

    Successful BST xactions w/PCcoins, Drunner, Manofcoins, Rampage, docg, Poppee, RobKool, and MichealDixon.
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 19,879 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Your spelling and grammer give us our first impressions of you! imageimage >>

    If I had a nickel for every time someone misspelled "grammar" in exactly this context, I'd ... well ... have several nickels, anyway. Maybe they'd be rare ones. image
  • Bankerbob56Bankerbob56 Posts: 1,396 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Your spelling and grammer give us our first impressions of you! imageimage >>

    If I had a nickel for every time someone misspelled "grammar" in exactly this context, I'd ... well ... have several nickels, anyway. Maybe they'd be rare ones. image >>

    That was intentional for effect! image

    It works kind of like the delayed cell phone text message commercials on TV!

    You invited Eric? I thought Eric gave you the creeps! image
    What we've got here is failure to communicate.....

    Successful BST xactions w/PCcoins, Drunner, Manofcoins, Rampage, docg, Poppee, RobKool, and MichealDixon.
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    The DWM web site lists contact info as jmartin@denverwestmint.com
    I wonder if that's JP Martin? image
  • shorecollshorecoll Posts: 5,445 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just FYI as you say you are new, you can buy your own empty slabs, put anything you want in them, and call them anything you want. A lot of people who do that show up on eBay, so be warned.
  • WoodenJeffersonWoodenJefferson Posts: 6,491 ✭✭✭✭

    Guy must have made his web site while eating a sack lunch.
    Chat Board Lingo

    "Keep your malarkey filter in good operating order" -Walter Breen
  • LOL-I suggest that you turn on your spell check also-and really i do not care what your impression of me is ,i joined this forum to learn not be harssaed by A-holes who care more about spelling and trivial matters,those first impressions go both ways-image
  • WoW, are you kidding me? anyone can buy slabs and grade them thierselves? ok that is scaryimage
  • SonorandesertratSonorandesertrat Posts: 5,695 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>WoW, are you kidding me? anyone can buy slabs and grade them thierselves? ok that is scaryimage >>

    Buying coins can be very scary indeed. Seriously. The coin business is full of sharks.
    I strongly encourage you to try to find a mentor (perhaps a local coin dealer) who can give you honest advice about coin collecting.
    Pick up copies of general-interest books, like Scott Travers' "The Coin Collector's Survival Manual (7th Ed.)" and Q. David Bowers' "The
    Expert's Guide to Collecting and Investing in Rare Coins" and a Red Book. Read them carefully before you begin spending significant
    amounts of money on coins. And then find a way (via a coin club, local coin shop, etc.) to begin studying LOTS of coins in hand.
    Member: EAC, NBS, C4, CWTS, ANA

    RMR: 'Wer, wenn ich schriee, hörte mich denn aus der Engel Ordnungen?'

    CJ: 'No one!' [Ain't no angels in the coin biz]
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>WoW, are you kidding me? anyone can buy slabs and grade them thierselves? ok that is scaryimage >>

    And please use a spell check...btw Mozilla Firefox has a build in spell check. image
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • GrumpyEdGrumpyEd Posts: 4,749 ✭✭✭
    There is so much to look out for and a lot to learn. Take it slow while learning.

    << <i>,I really can't afford to go on a spending spree to buy NGC graded toned Morgan's at $400+ each either,I have seen that DWM toned Morgan's are fairly priced on the Bay,but they would be over-priced if they are AT'd,thanks. >>

    Think about it like this: If the TPG graded coins sell for $400 but someone sells their "same graded coin" at a lower price they are not necessarily giving money away. If they thought a real TPG would grade it the same then they probably would have had it graded and got $400 for it. If they thought it won't grade the same or grade at all they probably sell it raw or slab it themselves. It might not always be true but until you can tell yourself then it's a risky purchase.

    << <i>i have a very experienced coin dealer that has been in the business for 50 years ,but he has to have the coin in hand to tell if it AT/NT >>

    Even a 50 year dealer might not be able to tell what the TPGs will do. Read threads on the forum, people post a coin and skilled dealers give different opinions. The problem is grading is subjective so my opinion might not match the TPGs. Even the same or different TPGs opinions won't always match. Getting an already graded coin from a real TPG saves a lot of risks (not all). Say you buy 4 raw bargain coins for $100 each instead of $400 for one already graded coin. If you get the 4 bargain coins graded they might all be bad-AT-whizzed-recolored-cleaned or fake so you're out almost $400 plus grading fees. Even if one coin grades well you're still out for the other 3 and the $400 coin was cheaper. Until you know enough to beat the odds stick with PCGS or NGC graded coins. Learn on cheap coins.

    Don't feel bad, most collectors learned by the school of hard knocks.
  • Thanks for the advice,everyone here seems to have good advice for a novice like me and i thank you all-except for the people who cannot read typo,and if you can not read typo do not post to my topic just to degrade my spelling faults,instead of trying to help a fellow collectorimage

  • << <i>Thank you very much for the info on this subject ,i guess i will buy some from differnat sellers and look at the differances in them ,alos i have a very experianced coin dealer that has been in the buisness for 50 years ,but he has to have the coin in hand to tell if it AT/NT because like you said there are alot of great coin toners out there,thanks again. >>

    Do you feel more confident in being able to tell the difference between the reputable grading services and some of the others now? It is really very important to do so.

  • << <i>Thanks for the advice,everyone here seems to have good advice for a novice like me and i thank you all-except for the people who cannot read typo,and if you can not read typo do not post to my topic just to degrade my spelling faults,instead of trying to help a fellow collectorimage >>

    I wouldn't exactly call you a novice. You are expressing your opinions with a lot of confidence and conviction in the thread about the toned Ike, and I doubt you would do that if you felt you were a novice.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>DWM

    Guy must have made his web site while eating a sack lunch. >>

    Thanks. I'm surprised nobody posted their site sooner.

    Russ, NCNE
  • joebb21joebb21 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All AT 100%

    I cant believe over 1300 bought his coins! what a fortune he makes!
    each coin looks au to bu.

    He's made over 30k at'ing coins!
    may the fonz be with you...always...

  • << <i>

    << <i>Thanks for the advice,everyone here seems to have good advice for a novice like me and i thank you all-except for the people who cannot read typo,and if you can not read typo do not post to my topic just to degrade my spelling faults,instead of trying to help a fellow collectorimage >>

    I wouldn't exactly call you a novice. You are expressing your opinions with a lot of confidence and conviction in the thread about the toned Ike, and I doubt you would do that if you felt you were a novice. >>

    yes , I am far from being a novice collector ,just had to shed some light on this DWM grading service guy,and it seemed i had to fain innocents to get the answers i was looking for-sorry to mislead anyone-image

  • << <i>You say run and do not look back =why? There is a seller on ebay who sells nothing but DWM slabbed coins /and i do know how to spell grading ,I typo alot and do not use spell checker/I did not start this topic to be checked on my spelling but to learn more about DWM and if thier coins are AT or NT toned and if thier grading services are for real-thanks. >>

    This is how you spell their not thier. lol
    BST Transactions: DonnyJf, MrOrganic, Justanothercoinaddict, Fivecents, Slq, Jdimmick,
    Robb, Tee135, Ibzman350, Mercfan, Outhaul, Erickso1, Cugamongacoins, Indiananationals, Wayne Herndon

    Negative BST Transactions:
  • goldengolden Posts: 9,476 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Run,run like the wind.Stick with our hosts!image
  • I don't think so "our hosts" have let way too many AT'd coins get by them already,so why not buy from DWM,at least thier coins are pretty-image
  • lkeigwinlkeigwin Posts: 16,892 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I don't think so "our hosts" have let way too many AT'd coins get by them already,so why not buy from DWM,at least thier coins are pretty-image >>

    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that what you said was tongue-in-cheek.

    Don't get too rattled by the brutal honesty here. You won't get better advice elsewhere. Listen and learn...it will save you a lot of pain and money.

    Spelling and grammar aren't the end-all. But it does say something about one's attention to detail. You have to understand that most of us are very detail-oriented. No surprise, right?

  • << <i>I don't think so "our hosts" have let way too many AT'd coins get by them already,so why not buy from DWM,at least thier coins are pretty-image >>

    Personally, I think you should form a collection made up of DWM coins exclusively.
  • Case in point KEET's IKE that was graded by PCGS and it is most definately an AT'd coin ,so i suppose that was the only one that ever got buy them? I think not-I have several Morgan's graded by PCGS and they were AT'd before sent in and they made the grade!! and did not come back in a body bag ,also have gotten plenty slabbed Morgan's and Peace dollars back with fingerprints on them=-image,so no this is not tongue and cheek ,this is reality mister-hope my spelling agrees with you if it don't then kiss my ass!!!

  • << <i>

    << <i>I don't think so "our hosts" have let way too many AT'd coins get by them already,so why not buy from DWM,at least thier coins are pretty-image >>

    Personally, I think you should form a collection made up of DWM coins exclusively. >>

    You know what the funny part is ,I bought 10 Morgan's from DWM and unslabbed them then sent 5 to NGC and 5 to PCGS and they all came back slabbed at a higher grade than what DWM slabbed them at-how is that for irony-oops did i spell that right-image

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I don't think so "our hosts" have let way too many AT'd coins get by them already,so why not buy from DWM,at least thier coins are pretty-image >>

    Personally, I think you should form a collection made up of DWM coins exclusively. >>

    You know what the funny part is ,I bought 10 Morgan's from DWM and unslabbed them then sent 5 to NGC and 5 to PCGS and they all came back slabbed at a higher grade than what DWM slabbed them at-how is that for irony-oops did i spell that right-image >>

    Yeah, but now the coins are no longer in DWM holders. I was suggesting you form a collection of coins in DWM holders.

  • << <i>Case in point KEET's IKE that was graded by PCGS and it is most definately an AT'd coin ,so i suppose that was the only one that ever got buy them? I think not-I have several Morgan's graded by PCGS and they were AT'd before sent in and they made the grade!! and did not come back in a body bag ,also have gotten plenty slabbed Morgan's and Peace dollars back with fingerprints on them=-image,so no this is not tongue and cheek ,this is reality mister-hope my spelling agrees with you if it don't then kiss my ass!!! >>

    I didn't know you had a donkey, and why would you want it kissed anyway?

    But to bring it back to coins, I would suspect that you would have encountered PCGS and NGC coins with fingerprints. Fingerprints do not disqualify a coin from being graded and holdered by a major TPG.

  • << <i>

    << <i>Case in point KEET's IKE that was graded by PCGS and it is most definately an AT'd coin ,so i suppose that was the only one that ever got buy them? I think not-I have several Morgan's graded by PCGS and they were AT'd before sent in and they made the grade!! and did not come back in a body bag ,also have gotten plenty slabbed Morgan's and Peace dollars back with fingerprints on them=-image,so no this is not tongue and cheek ,this is reality mister-hope my spelling agrees with you if it don't then kiss my ass!!! >>

    I didn't know you had a donkey, and why would you want it kissed anyway?

    But to bring it back to coins, I would suspect that you would have encountered PCGS and NGC coins with fingerprints. Fingerprints do not disqualify a coin from being graded and holdered by a major TPG. >>

    Dude you never do get the point of these threads do you? THE FINGERPRINTS WERE NOT ON THE COINS UNTIL THEY CAME BACK FROM THE GRADERS!!--And what is it that you want to do with a donkey????-you have some serious problems-image

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Case in point KEET's IKE that was graded by PCGS and it is most definately an AT'd coin ,so i suppose that was the only one that ever got buy them? I think not-I have several Morgan's graded by PCGS and they were AT'd before sent in and they made the grade!! and did not come back in a body bag ,also have gotten plenty slabbed Morgan's and Peace dollars back with fingerprints on them=-image,so no this is not tongue and cheek ,this is reality mister-hope my spelling agrees with you if it don't then kiss my ass!!! >>

    I didn't know you had a donkey, and why would you want it kissed anyway?

    But to bring it back to coins, I would suspect that you would have encountered PCGS and NGC coins with fingerprints. Fingerprints do not disqualify a coin from being graded and holdered by a major TPG. >>

    Dude you never do get the point of these threads do you? THE FINGERPRINTS WERE NOT ON THE COINS UNTIL THEY CAME BACK FROM THE GRADERS!!--And what is it that you want to do with a donkey????-you have some serious problems-image >>

    Could you post an image of some of the toners that you were able to cross to PCGS and NGC?
  • raysrays Posts: 2,362 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is jmartin of Denver West Mint grading service the same as JP Martin? I doubt it.

    J.P.Martin.Senior Numismatist

    J.P. started collecting coins when he was eight years old and has been involved
    in the coin industry since the early 1980's, starting as the manager of a coin shop near Chicago.
    A graduate of the University of Illinois, J.P. worked at the American Numismatic Association (ANA) as a grader,
    authenticator and numismatist for nearly 15 years. He was the founder of ANA's Authentication Bureau (ANAAB)
    and is a charter member and mentor for ANA's Numismatic Diploma Program.
    He has written two best-selling correspondence courses for the ANA,
    Grading Mint State U.S. Coins and Detecting Counterfeit
    and Altered Coins. He has written and starred in two popular educational videos for the ANA on the same subjects.
    He teaches counterfeit detection to Secret Service agents. No one has taught more people how to grade and
    authenticate coins than J.P. - no one. J.P's ability to authenticate classic U.S.
    and ancient coins makes him a numismatic anomaly.

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