<< I bet it felt great as Silver and Gold went from 9oz and 900oz to these levels though. Many nights of champagne I bet!! >>
The number of ounces didn't change then unless you bought or sold. The value of the dollar changes, and the speculation that surrounds the value of the dollar changes even more. But the ounces will still be there.
I sincerely hope they don't have all of their money tied up in PM's, this is as insane as having everything invested in stocks or cd's.
I used to be a big proponent of portfolio diversification - yep, balance those portfolio components to have high negative correlations with each other. Minimize the portfolio risk. Minimize the market risk. Good stuff.
With every scandal and every report of gross mismanagement, gross negligence and *outright theft* I began to change my view. I must be insane, because I'm out of paper (except for cash) and plan to stay that way until Congress and the financial houses are cleaned up and the debt problem is brought under control. This could take awhile, couldn't it?
This isn't your father's economic world any longer. PMs and cash. I don't feel insane, but that's what they all say.
One last wrinkle - I do see some advantage to a numismatic component in some of my pms, because the numismatic premium does tend to buffer market moves in pms just as the precious metal premiums tend to buffer moves in the dollar that affect pm pricing.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
<< <i>I do see some advantage to a numismatic component in some of my pms, because the numismatic premium does tend to buffer market moves in pms just as the precious metal premiums tend to buffer moves in the dollar that affect pm pricing. >>
Interesting point. That is something that I've started to realize this past year.
People keep saying that this time is different, or that its the same thing. Every generation seems to have a major economic issue. Sometimes it credit strains, or a gas crisis, or inter nation this, or world war, or take your pic. Everytime its some reason, albeit different reasons, but its always an impending doom overhanging our heads.
Remember that the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.
<< <i>I'm scratching my head at the 6 votes in the 90-100% range. How is that even possible? Shopping carts filled with PM's? >>
I sincerely hope they don't have all of their money tied up in PM's, this is as insane as having everything invested in stocks or cd's. >>
Agreed, I firmly believe in the "Variety is the spice of life" and "Dont put all your eggs in 1 basket" theories.
I feel secure having cold hard cash in a savings account, sure its not working money but it's safe money regardless of what some people think, The gambler in me has about 15% in a stock portfolio divided in 50% low risk, 40 % medium risk and 10% high risk, I got about 100 ounces of Silver in which I add a bit here and there, Im a coward when it comes to putting my money out there mainly because I know all too well what its like to not be able to afford heat and Food and never again do I wish to be in that position.
I plan on being in 46% cash/50% PMs 4% Stocks for the immediate future. Its not the economy I am concerned about. Just the debt crisis that is looming.
My entire numismatic collection is probably worth about $10k. Home equity, cars, 401k, etc. is probably about $240k. Puts me firmly in the bottom category
When this thread was started I was at 0-1% since I was not stacking PMs and had a few in my coin collection that could have been called PMs. Today, I am slightly above that at 2.06%.
<< <i>When this thread was started I was at 0-1% since I was not stacking PMs and had a few in my coin collection that could have been called PMs. Today, I am slightly above that at 2.06%.
Where would I like to be? At about 8-10% >>
Sorry to hear that, and you've been "under water" since.
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
<< <i>When this thread was started I was at 0-1% since I was not stacking PMs and had a few in my coin collection that could have been called PMs. Today, I am slightly above that at 2.06%.
Where would I like to be? At about 8-10% >>
Sorry to hear that, and you've been "under water" since. >>
It's all relevant If I average ALL my PMs, I am still in the green thanks to some Christmas gifts I have received over the years (A few pieces of Gold) as well as some 1/10 oz AGEs that I purchased south of $30 each .
Now, if I consider only the PMs (Silver) that I have purchased this year (Since I started stacking)... well then, you are correct, but again I must say that the current status of any stack in relevant to the need of said money tied up into them in that a profit/loss is not firm until one sells the asset.
If things go my way, I am 100% under water. I would like to leave my stack to my Daughter someday. Hopefully I live long and prosper and the stack is a large one by the time I hand it over
Edited to add: Or better yet, pried from my cold dead hands.
BST references: jdimmick;Gerard;wondercoin;claychaser;agentjim007;CCC2010;guitarwes;TAMU15;Zubie;mariner67;segoja;Smittys;kaz;CARDSANDCOINS;FadeToBlack; jrt103;tizofthe;bronze6827;mkman;Scootersdad;AllCoinsRule;coindeuce;dmarks;piecesofme; and many more
Interesting discussion from 2011 to present, how are we doing these days? I've been adding metal here and there for the past 3 years, yet the percentage metals represent of the total keeps declining..
I am shocked that this thread has received so much traffic. When I posted a thread on the Darkside boards about the relative value of our collections, I got a dozen PMs about "don't share that info in public" and "you should delete your OP immediately before it gets cached in Google searches" etc. … …
I answered this poll under 9% because doing the quick math in my head that is the answer! Bought my first 10-oz Ag bar at a local show when I was in middle school. Have been acquiring and selling ever since then. I get more enjoyment out of the flipping than the stacking. It teaches me patience, since a profitable flip [usually] requires as much.
My savings are 95% gold and silver bullion eagles and gold collector coins. Family's IRAs (with withdrawal eligibility) are 100% silver ETFs because the volitility allows me to profit in both directions. Trading in collector coins and occasional ETF profits builds the stack.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I am about .005% as I took my profits on the first big run up and have focused on other things since. My max threshold is about 3% when I am bullish on gold. I believe in a diversified portfolio and that has worked well over the years. A recent evaluation over the past 9 years including the crisis reveals an average 11 percent return with no major changes in the mix. The bad years (2005-2008) were offset by the good years since with one exception (2011). I did not cherry pick the data, it is just how long I have been tracking the portfolio in detail in preparation for retirement.
Retired United States Mint guy, now working on an Everyman Type Set.
<< <i>how are we doing these days? I've been adding metal here and there for the past 3 years, yet the percentage metals represent of the total keeps declining.. >>
too bad i can't invest the same amount in PM as the increased value of my house.
All my PMs are in collector gold/silver mostly graded in the 70 range and mostly bought directly from the mint and sent in for grading. I sold close to 30% of my holdings last year(2013. The drop in gold/silver did not effect me that much when I sold. I will not stack regular ungraded bullion. Not planning on buying much PMs this year except maybe the gold Kennedy. Probably will even ignore the possible low mintage spouses this year.
Does that include the amount we hide from our wifes? Or what they are hidding? Oh my..
Edited: Oops. About 10%. It increases as I spend cash from my IRAs. At some point these lines will cross and I'll be cashing in PMs, so it will start to swing the other way back and forth until I am broke, as planned.
<< I tried getting my wife to invest in silver when it was $9.50 an ounce but both she and her (our) financial adviser thought that it was a risky and foolish move >>
Might be time to seek a new finanicial advisor ! ! ! :1doh:
No Kidding!!
I could tell you stories about this guy.
He does know a lot about other investments, which makes my wife happy, (you know what they say.... "happy wife, happy life"), but he just doesn't understand precious metals.
Well, it turns out that that financial advisor wasn't so stupid after all, was he?
It's too bad the poll results didn't survive the latest "forum change", as they were quite interesting.
I'm back down below 10% again, and will be looking to add gold if it falls below $900 and silver below $12.
I was at about 5% in 2011 now 3 1/2% just because of price drops, and equities rising, might add some of that weird platinum in a year or so if it stays low.
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
The number of ounces didn't change then unless you bought or sold. The value of the dollar changes, and the speculation that surrounds the value of the dollar changes even more. But the ounces will still be there.
I sincerely hope they don't have all of their money tied up in PM's, this is as insane as having everything invested in stocks or cd's.
I used to be a big proponent of portfolio diversification - yep, balance those portfolio components to have high negative correlations with each other. Minimize the portfolio risk. Minimize the market risk. Good stuff.
With every scandal and every report of gross mismanagement, gross negligence and *outright theft* I began to change my view. I must be insane, because I'm out of paper (except for cash) and plan to stay that way until Congress and the financial houses are cleaned up and the debt problem is brought under control. This could take awhile, couldn't it?
This isn't your father's economic world any longer. PMs and cash. I don't feel insane, but that's what they all say.
One last wrinkle - I do see some advantage to a numismatic component in some of my pms, because the numismatic premium does tend to buffer market moves in pms just as the precious metal premiums tend to buffer moves in the dollar that affect pm pricing.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>I do see some advantage to a numismatic component in some of my pms, because the numismatic premium does tend to buffer market moves in pms just as the precious metal premiums tend to buffer moves in the dollar that affect pm pricing. >>
Interesting point. That is something that I've started to realize this past year.
People keep saying that this time is different, or that its the same thing. Every generation seems to have a major economic issue. Sometimes it credit strains, or a gas crisis, or inter nation this, or world war, or take your pic. Everytime its some reason, albeit different reasons, but its always an impending doom overhanging our heads.
BSTs with: Coll3ctor, gsa1fan, mkman123, ajbauman, tydye, piecesofme, pursuitofliberty
Travelog - 20in20travels.com
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
You are averaging-in on the downleg. Things could be worse.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>
<< <i>I'm scratching my head at the 6 votes in the 90-100% range. How is that even possible? Shopping carts filled with PM's? >>
I sincerely hope they don't have all of their money tied up in PM's, this is as insane as having everything invested in stocks or cd's. >>
Agreed, I firmly believe in the "Variety is the spice of life" and "Dont put all your eggs in 1 basket" theories.
I feel secure having cold hard cash in a savings account, sure its not working money but it's safe money regardless of what some people think, The gambler in me has about 15% in a stock portfolio divided in 50% low risk, 40 % medium risk and 10% high risk, I got about 100 ounces of Silver in which I add a bit here and there, Im a coward when it comes to putting my money out there mainly because I know all too well what its like to not be able to afford heat and Food and never again do I wish to be in that position.
Box of 20
I'm right at 10% PM, and feel comfortable with that. I've been out of the froth of stocks for awhile.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
I'm down to 6% metals now, combination of metals declining in value and everything else going up.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
The 36 who indicated a 50%+ ratio of PM to total assets...well my condolences.
Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics
Where would I like to be? At about 8-10%
<< <i>When this thread was started I was at 0-1% since I was not stacking PMs and had a few in my coin collection that could have been called PMs. Today, I am slightly above that at 2.06%.
Where would I like to be? At about 8-10% >>
Sorry to hear that, and you've been "under water" since.
<< <i>
<< <i>When this thread was started I was at 0-1% since I was not stacking PMs and had a few in my coin collection that could have been called PMs. Today, I am slightly above that at 2.06%.
Where would I like to be? At about 8-10% >>
Sorry to hear that, and you've been "under water" since.
It's all relevant
Now, if I consider only the PMs (Silver) that I have purchased this year (Since I started stacking)... well then, you are correct, but again I must say that the current status of any stack in relevant to the need of said money tied up into them in that a profit/loss is not firm until one sells the asset.
If things go my way, I am 100% under water. I would like to leave my stack to my Daughter someday. Hopefully I live long and prosper and the stack is a large one by the time I hand it over
Edited to add: Or better yet, pried from my cold dead hands.
jrt103;tizofthe;bronze6827;mkman;Scootersdad;AllCoinsRule;coindeuce;dmarks;piecesofme; and many more
<< <i>I've been buying platinum and silver, yet their percentage is declining
You are averaging-in on the downleg. Things could be worse.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Black Swan Insurance
PM's <10% NET
Holding at this level, adding only for variety/fun.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
I've been adding metal here and there for the past 3 years, yet the percentage metals represent of the total keeps declining..
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
How did you get that pic of my mother-in-law?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I answered this poll under 9% because doing the quick math in my head that is the answer!
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
My savings are 95% gold and silver bullion eagles and gold collector coins. Family's IRAs (with withdrawal eligibility) are 100% silver ETFs because the volitility allows me to profit in both directions. Trading in collector coins and occasional ETF profits builds the stack.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I knew it would happen.
Although buying/rebuying in this market is not a bad idea.
<< <i>Does copper count?
If copper, nickel, zinc, aluminum, or any other metal represents a meaningful % to you, then yes.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>Around 5%, I am mostly in stocks. >>
3% PM's now. Sold some gold at 1420 and stocks rose in price so
make up a greater %. Real estate slowly rising also.
Warming up to real estate as the most undervalued asset now.
We are approaching the price levels where I last made significant purchases in 2010. $18 Ag and $1100 Au.
<< <i>how are we doing these days?
I've been adding metal here and there for the past 3 years, yet the percentage metals represent of the total keeps declining.. >>
too bad i can't invest the same amount in PM as the increased value of my house.
Box of 20
in the 70 range . . . so mostly 69, 70, and 71?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>mostly graded in the 70 range
in the 70 range . . . so mostly 69, 70, and 71? >>
70, 70-, 70+
Box of 20
I knew it would happen.
Does that include the amount we hide from our wifes? Or what they are hidding? Oh my..
Edited: Oops. About 10%.
It increases as I spend cash from my IRAs. At some point these lines will cross and I'll be cashing in PMs, so it will start to swing the other way back and forth until I am broke, as planned.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I hate the stuff
<< <i>I've been adding metal here and there for the past 3 years, yet the percentage metals represent of the total keeps declining.. >>
Same here, though I haven't been adding significantly for several years now.
I add for the sake of variety, where I get enjoyment from adding in different designs, sizes, shapes and makers.
Even still I end up putting back about 200 oz of silver and give or take 2+ oz of gold a year.
I'm < 4% of net in pm's with the down trend in pricing.
I never intended to sell any, it is insurance, inheritance and a bit of a hobby for me all rolled into one.
That said, peak to trough, a huge perceived value has been vaporized.
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Well, it turns out that that financial advisor wasn't so stupid after all, was he?
It's too bad the poll results didn't survive the latest "forum change", as they were quite interesting.
I'm back down below 10% again, and will be looking to add gold if it falls below $900 and silver below $12.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I was at about 5% in 2011 now 3 1/2% just because of price drops, and equities rising, might add some of that weird platinum in a year or so if it stays low.
What percentage of the members posting to this thread are now banned?
Please post a correlation of the banned members % of household net assets in precious metals to that of those not banned.