Home Precious Metals

PM give-a-way contest 2 of 5 ...... Gold.

Greetings fellow PM'rs .......... It is time for the 2nd of 5 PM give-a-ways.


Now for the details ........ and we are going to mix it up a bit. image

Each contestant will guess the LOW and HIGH closing price of gold between Jan. 17th and March 4th 2011.

Whoever has the LOWEST score will be the winner.

Exp. .......... If the lowest close is $500. and the highest close is $1500. and someone guesses $510. and $1490.

......... then that person would be off by $10 on the low and $10 on the high for a total score of 20.

Guesses will be excepted from now thru Friday, Jan. 14th. [ No edits !!]


The prize ??? ................. image

It will be a surprise ........ but just to let you know...

It is a genuine government issued coin of .99999 fine gold. [ yes, 5-9s] image

Winner will be announced on March 5th.

.................................. LET THE PARTY BEGIN .....................................

Congrats to GOINGBROKE for winning the SILVER contest!! image

I will be using Kitco for my closing spot prices.

I do reserve the right to end/can. if anything should come up that makes this untenable.

Silver Baron
Silver is the mortar that binds the bricks of loyalty.


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