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Guess the Change Jar Giveaway (Winner Announced)

Well, the final numbers are in.

The grand total at this point, is $786.19.

While terrym280 was the closest at $787.52, he was over.

This means, with a guess of $777.77, TorinoCobra71, you sir, are the winner.

I have a change jar that I have been filling for a few years. Its around halfway full. When it gets completly full, I will do a larger giveaway.

Here is the prize...


Here is the change jar. My change jar is not bias. Everything goes. Dollar Coins, halves, quarters, etc. If I get it in change (US Coins only) it goes into this jar... period.

Take your guess. The closest guess, without going over, wins. Guesses are cut off, at 3am EST (Midnight West Coast time).




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