<< <i>How can you people not get this? It's the "beeswax" of the people handing him the cash. who are going to be "on the hook" if they contribute to a situation that someone complains about.
What baloney. It's your account and your money. It's none of the teller's business why you want the cash, what amount you want, or what you plan to do with it. It's coming out of your own account and they know who they're giving it to. It's not the government's business either.
The bank has your photo ID and your signature. The tellers can verify who you are, so nobody's "on the hook" for dispensing cash. The bank would have the same liability issuing a cashier's check or transferring funds to another bank.
For now, it's about eliminating cash so they can charge transaction fees on every transaction and gov.com can find a way to tax every transaction. In the final analysis, it's about control. >>
Makes sense, and so far, this is the best explanation as to why this war on cash is being pursued.
<< <i>Further question today regarding cash @ my CU -
Somebody in Iowa City, monitors account activity.
Yippee! >>
It's not really even "somebody". That somebody just monitors the actual software with very sophisticated algorithms that is tracking ALL account activity. >>
Ohhhhh myyyyyy, and I bet the know where everyone lives.....oh....I'm scared..... Oh I just crapped my pants I'm so scared , oh, oh, I better seek some help on what to do, how to live, what to buy, how to buy it, how to pay for it, should I buy a gun? What kind? Do I need bullets? Or can I just fake em out with the gun? Do I need a crossbow? What about arrow? Should I dip them in poison? What kind of poison? Can I buy poison at spot? Do I need an ID? Should I get a fake ID? Where can I get one? What should I pay? What address should I use? Should I use make up or a disguise for the picture ? Should I carry 2 sets of different ID's ? Or more? How many alias' should I have ? And should I have them in different nationalities?.... On forever....
It's interesting how some people have become so comfortable living under the watchful eye and make fun or insult the people that are not. That's my observation of this thread.
It's a changing world that's for sure. I'm not so sure it's for the better though.
Went to get cash for coin show they only had so many 100's, had get the rest in 20's man what a stack. Teller was PO'd after I sat there and counted it all twice! It was 4:45pm she was only one inside and there was 8 or 10 folks in line behind me when I turned around. I say cash is still main street in my little town.
<< <i>Went to get cash for coin show they only had so many 100's, had get the rest in 20's man what a stack. Teller was PO'd after I sat there and counted it all twice! It was 4:45pm she was only one inside and there was 8 or 10 folks in line behind me when I turned around. I say cash is still main street in my little town. >>
Every one payed for all coins with in eye sight of my table with green backs. Gold eagles were in demand. Bunch of silver seekers but it was way over priced very scarce. Four area shows with in 3 months not much was moving. Attendance was few and far between. Big college football weekend was the general consensus for lack of public attendance. Placed 2 coins in happy hands that makes it worth while.
<< <i>I'm trying to understand a scenario when a law-abiding citizen has a reason to make a large CASH transaction? (north of the limits discussed)?? >>
But you do understand why the government is free, without due process or an arrest, to seize cash from its citizens?
You gonna take a check from a stranger for that $5000 used car you might be selling?
Law abiding citizens should have the free choice of how they conduct their transactions. They should also be able to not fear having their cash stripped from them. Baley, it's about freedom, and until you experience a personal loss of it you will continue to just not get it. At least you can rest at night knowing there are others who will speak out to protect the freedom you appear to take for granted.
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Martin Niemöller
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
derryb, I might understand, if someone would tell a true story of what happened when They came for someone here in the USA, who didn't do something stupid to provoke it.
Sounds like gsa1fan just went to the bank and got a bunch of cash right before they closed, counted it twice, backed up the line, and then walked out with his money.
Was your cash stripped from you, GSA? How about you derryb, what's the story of when They came for you and seized your cash? And more importantly, what was THEIR side of the story?
<< <i>derryb, I might understand, if someone would tell a true story of what happened when They came for someone here in the USA, who didn't do something stupid to provoke it. >>
<< <i>How about you derryb, what's the story of when They came for you and seized your cash? >>
I travel with bullion and cash in my business dealings. I'm hoping awareness and outrage will stop the thievery before I become a victim. When the paid protectors become the sanctioned perpetrators something has gone terribly wrong. Unfortunately, because of the "profit sharing" with seized funds, all levels of law enforcement have found a whole new money stream.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Why you on me Bailey I have no idea. The subject is death of cash. I was making a statement it(CASH) is still "Legal tender for all debts, public and private". A attempt at a little Friday humor also. Now yall go pick your little fights and get all upset for nothing. I'm going outside to enjoy my Sunday.
<< <i>I'm trying to understand a scenario when a law-abiding citizen has a reason to make a large CASH transaction? (north of the limits discussed)?? >>
But you do understand why the government is free, without due process or an arrest, to seize cash from its citizens?
You gonna take a check from a stranger for that $5000 used car you might be selling?
Law abiding citizens should have the free choice of how they conduct their transactions. They should also be able to not fear having their cash stripped from them. Baley, it's about freedom, and until you experience a personal loss of it you will continue to just not get it. At least you can rest at night knowing there are others who will speak out to protect the freedom you appear to take for granted.
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Martin Niemöller >>
How can you compare what happened in NAZI Germany to what is going on now in the US? Those words had meaning during the Hitler era. None of Niemöller's famous sayings are even close to occurring in the US.
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
<< <i>"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Martin Niemöller >>
<< <i>How can you compare what happened in NAZI Germany to what is going on now in the US? Those words had meaning during the Hitler era. None of Niemöller's famous sayings are even close to occurring in the US. >>
Those words had meaning only when it was too late. I think it's safe to say that the US is guilty of slowly eliminating personal freedom and persecuting it's internal critics. Niemöller was a WW I hero as a U boat commander and actually supported Hitler's rise to power. When he became an outspoken critic of Nazism he was sent to a concentration camp. His quote points out how easy it is for the masses to not see it coming until it is finally upon, and affects, them.
<< <i>I don't have a problem with providing a passport for any type of travel and do not view it an impediment to my travel or my rights. Why do you? >>
"papers comrade"
Your travel can become quickly restricted simply by revoking your passport or not issuing you a passport.
From the State Dept:
Reasons Passport Issuance Can Be Denied
Defaulting/Non-Payment on a repatriation loan or medical assistance loan Being committed to a mental institution or declared incompetent by the courts Having been subjected to a previous revocation or denial Currently the subject of foreign extradition requests Previously issued a temporary passport for certain reasons
The Department of State, in accordance with the Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations 51.60-62, and 51.65, will revoke passports for the following reasons:
Passport was obtained illegally or fraudulently Non-Payment of child support Passport was misused or changed/altered Passport holder’s Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship is cancelled Certain drug trafficking convictions Those convicted of sex tourism
Keep in mind that once more Americans become dependent on a passport for interstate flights, the above list can easily be expanded to help keep the sheeples in line. You either support more government controls or you don't. You know where I stand, now I know where you stand.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
keep the sheeples in line. You either support more government controls or you don't.
the way you write makes it clear how you view the world and people, and it appears very binary, black and white, either-or.
For example, I support appropriate government controls of people, and that list above does not seem to me to be unreasonable level of control.
So derryb, for the record, you are in favor of lower levels of "control" of the travel of the above described people?
I just happen to think that the levels of controls are about right, not too much nor too little, in most cases these days. (even though the mistakes get a lot of press)
As a frequent traveller (and one of the "sheeple", I guess, sure feel like livestock sometimes), I'm GLAD the other sheeple can't do whatever the hell they want on my flights and in my hotels, because they would (and often do) interfere with my business a whole lot more than the Big Bad Government.
PS: those people in the articles got their money back.
If I'm carrying a large amount of cash or valuables, I have exactly ZERO concern that a law enforcement official will take it from me, because I'm discreet, and have my papers in order. If there is a mistake, it will be rectified. I have a HIGH LEVEL of concern that one of the other "sheeple" will take it from me (or try to , and very much respect and appreciate law enforcement officers.
"First they came for the Murderers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Murderer. (and, actually, I'm in favor of Them coming for the murderers)
"First they came for the Murderers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Terrorists. (and, actually, I'm in favor of Them coming for them too)
Then they came for the Rapists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Rapist. (and, actually..
Then they came for the Thieves, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Thief. ("...
Then they came for the embezellers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not an embezeller.
Then they came for the drug traffickers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a drug traficker
Then they came for the child pornographers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a child pornographer
Then they came for the tax evaders, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a tax evader
Then they came for the money launderers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a money launderer.
Then they came for the smugglers, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a smuggler.
Then they came for me—a guy with cash to buy a car. They took my cash, investigated, found me innocent, and gave my cash back I thanked them for their efforts to reduce and prevent crime
"Make drugs legal and poof goes that industry . Being high is no different than being drunk , its equally useless .
I don't partake of either activity but I don't feel the urge to tell anyone else that they can't if they want to."
Wow! There are already too many people driving drunk or otherwise impaired, texting, on phones or whatever. Drugs including pot, cocaine and heroin are epidemic and many lives are wasted and many families crushed. You really don't care if drugs are made legal and don't mind people getting high if they want to? Well, I and many others do. Strong medical reasons for why these drugs are controlled. I don't want more people driving intoxicated, lives and families ruined etc. Unbelieveable and I really find it hard that you truely believe what you said Broncho.
Successful trades/buys/sells with gdavis70, adriana, wondercoin, Weiss, nibanny, IrishMike, commoncents05, pf70collector, kyleknap, barefootjuan, coindeuce, WhiteTornado, Nefprollc, ajw, JamesM, PCcoins, slinc, coindudeonebay,beernuts, and many more
<< <i>"Make drugs legal and poof goes that industry . Being high is no different than being drunk , its equally useless .
I don't partake of either activity but I don't feel the urge to tell anyone else that they can't if they want to."
Wow! There are already too many people driving drunk or otherwise impaired, texting, on phones or whatever. Drugs including pot, cocaine and heroin are epidemic and many lives are wasted and many families crushed. You really don't care if drugs are made legal and don't mind people getting high if they want to? Well, I and many others do. Strong medical reasons for why these drugs are controlled. I don't want more people driving intoxicated, lives and families ruined etc. Unbelieveable and I really find it hard that you truely believe what you said Broncho. >>
I'm a libertarian , I don't like the idea of enforcing morality . If you want to ban drugs then I say fine ban alcohol too. We know that didn't work and won't work, and we know the war on drugs was lost before it ever began. It's just an excuse for more government. I have a nephew and 2 nieces that were/are heroin addicts . The nephew is 5 years clean , one niece is locked up in a Florida jail and the other is too soon to tell . I still say legalize all of it. Let the chips fall where they may.
Within my family the generation I'm part of is probably 1/3 functioning alcoholics . My parents generation was about the same , the worst of them being my dad who drank himself to death when I was 21.
Intoxicated driving? Why are there places you drive to and drink at and then climb in a car and drive away from?
I can go down by the local watering hole and see the same loser's cars parked in a line out front at closing time most any night. If intoxicated driving bothered anyone why not scoop them up as they pull out of the parking lot ? The cops know who they are why don't they enforce the law?
<< <i>I don't have a problem with providing a passport for any type of travel and do not view it an impediment to my travel or my rights. Why do you? >>
"papers comrade"
Your travel can become quickly restricted simply by revoking your passport or not issuing you a passport.
From the State Dept:
Reasons Passport Issuance Can Be Denied
Defaulting/Non-Payment on a repatriation loan or medical assistance loan Being committed to a mental institution or declared incompetent by the courts Having been subjected to a previous revocation or denial Currently the subject of foreign extradition requests Previously issued a temporary passport for certain reasons
The Department of State, in accordance with the Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations 51.60-62, and 51.65, will revoke passports for the following reasons:
Passport was obtained illegally or fraudulently Non-Payment of child support Passport was misused or changed/altered Passport holder’s Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship is cancelled Certain drug trafficking convictions Those convicted of sex tourism
Keep in mind that once more Americans become dependent on a passport for interstate flights, the above list can easily be expanded to help keep the sheeples in line. You either support more government controls or you don't. You know where I stand, now I know where you stand. >>
<< <i>I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do >>
personal privacy, by definition, is something you hide.
Surely, you want some level of personal privacy. Appears my level is different from yours. I like choosing what to share and prefer others not choose for me.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do >>
personal privacy, by definition, is something you hide.
Surely, you want some level of personal privacy. Appears my level is different from yours. I like choosing what to share and prefer others not choose for me. >>
<< <i>I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do >>
personal privacy, by definition, is something you hide.
Surely, you want some level of personal privacy. Appears my level is different from yours. I like choosing what to share and prefer others not choose for me. >>
Certain drug trafficking convictions Those convicted of sex tourism
Yeah, I guess I would want to keep those things private also. Lol
Took in some cash today. Too late to get to the bank to deposit it. No old hundies in the lot. All new. Must be the FED's new QE notes. Ben still looks good in green and my signature on a check still works, too. What chapter are we on now ?
"Should the war on cash prove unsuccessful in its early stages, banks could be closed for long periods. Investors should be aware of such possibilities and consider whether to hold cash and precious metals prudently outside the banking system. Better to be even months too early than a second too late should we be left facing a bank's closed doors."
Called another dealer for those National Parks Quarters today. This guys' sidekick is an A hole. Similar to a B whole. No relation to a buck or a stud. More like a rectum.
Originally posted by: TwoSides2aCoin Called another dealer for those National Parks Quarters today. This guys' sidekick is an A hole. Similar to a B whole. No relation to a buck or a stud. More like a rectum.
Not sure what your point is...
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
War on drugs = one of the biggest failures in the last 90 or so years. I couldn't agree with you for. Now back to somehow getting silver and platinum to go higher...
<< <i>How can you people not get this? It's the "beeswax" of the people handing him the cash. who are going to be "on the hook" if they contribute to a situation that someone complains about.
What baloney. It's your account and your money. It's none of the teller's business why you want the cash, what amount you want, or what you plan to do with it. It's coming out of your own account and they know who they're giving it to. It's not the government's business either.
The bank has your photo ID and your signature. The tellers can verify who you are, so nobody's "on the hook" for dispensing cash. The bank would have the same liability issuing a cashier's check or transferring funds to another bank.
For now, it's about eliminating cash so they can charge transaction fees on every transaction and gov.com can find a way to tax every transaction. In the final analysis, it's about control. >>
Makes sense, and so far, this is the best explanation as to why this war on cash is being pursued.
Somebody in Iowa City, monitors account activity.
<< <i>
<< <i>Further question today regarding cash @ my CU -
Somebody in Iowa City, monitors account activity.
Yippee! >>
It's not really even "somebody". That somebody just monitors the actual software with very sophisticated algorithms that is tracking ALL account activity. >>
Ohhhhh myyyyyy, and I bet the know where everyone lives.....oh....I'm scared..... Oh I just crapped my pants I'm so scared , oh, oh, I better seek some help on what to do, how to live, what to buy, how to buy it, how to pay for it, should I buy a gun? What kind? Do I need bullets? Or can I just fake em out with the gun? Do I need a crossbow? What about arrow? Should I dip them in poison? What kind of poison? Can I buy poison at spot? Do I need an ID? Should I get a fake ID? Where can I get one? What should I pay? What address should I use? Should I use make up or a disguise for the picture ? Should I carry 2 sets of different ID's ? Or more? How many alias' should I have ? And should I have them in different nationalities?.... On forever....
It's a changing world that's for sure. I'm not so sure it's for the better though.
<< <i>Checked with the head teller at my bank, but she is gone for the week. >>
Heard this today.
If you need that amount of cash and had it available in your account you could come to the bank at any time and we could fulfill that request.
If I could show them the money, they'd give me the money.
having a cash reserve. Cash was and still is king in Greece.
Yesterday, I saw the news about hackers being able to
take control of a Jeep SUV while it was being driven.
I can imagine a scenario where cash machines could go down
or bank balance info could become corrupted.
Best to have some cash set aside.
<< <i>One lesson from the recent Greece situation is the increased importance of
having a cash reserve. Cash was and still is king in Greece.
Yesterday, I saw the news about hackers being able to
take control of a Jeep SUV while it was being driven.
I can imagine a scenario where cash machines could go down
or bank balance info could become corrupted.
Best to have some cash set aside. >>
IIRC ATMs here are still powered by Windows XP.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
100% Positive BST transactions
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>BOE chief economist calls for negative interest rates and ban on cash >>
Maybe thats why America fought the British.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>BOE chief economist calls for negative interest rates and ban on cash >>
Maybe thats why America fought the British.
Actually their greed and corruption initiated their fight with the British. They've been fighting because of it ever since.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>BOE chief economist calls for negative interest rates and ban on cash >>
Maybe thats why America fought the British.
Actually their greed and corruption initiated their fight with the British. They've been fighting because of it ever since. >>
And always will. No worries.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>Went to get cash for coin show they only had so many 100's, had get the rest in 20's man what a stack. Teller was PO'd after I sat there and counted it all twice!
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>I'm trying to understand a scenario when a law-abiding citizen has a reason to make a large CASH transaction? (north of the limits discussed)?? >>
But you do understand why the government is free, without due process or an arrest, to seize cash from its citizens?
You gonna take a check from a stranger for that $5000 used car you might be selling?
Law abiding citizens should have the free choice of how they conduct their transactions. They should also be able to not fear having their cash stripped from them. Baley, it's about freedom, and until you experience a personal loss of it you will continue to just not get it. At least you can rest at night knowing there are others who will speak out to protect the freedom you appear to take for granted.
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Martin Niemöller
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Sounds like gsa1fan just went to the bank and got a bunch of cash right before they closed, counted it twice, backed up the line, and then walked out with his money.
Was your cash stripped from you, GSA? How about you derryb, what's the story of when They came for you and seized your cash? And more importantly, what was THEIR side of the story?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>derryb, I might understand, if someone would tell a true story of what happened when They came for someone here in the USA, who didn't do something stupid to provoke it. >>
DEA Steals $16,000 In Cash From Young Black Man, Because He Must Be A Drug Dealer
GA cops steal $11,530 from house hunter
<< <i>How about you derryb, what's the story of when They came for you and seized your cash? >>
I travel with bullion and cash in my business dealings. I'm hoping awareness and outrage will stop the thievery before I become a victim. When the paid protectors become the sanctioned perpetrators something has gone terribly wrong. Unfortunately, because of the "profit sharing" with seized funds, all levels of law enforcement have found a whole new money stream.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
DEA sure does seem to be seizing cash, guns, and vehicles from a majority of folks with Spanish origin or phonetically spelled names.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>DEA sure does seem to be seizing cash, guns, and vehicles from a majority of folks with Spanish origin or phonetically spelled names. >>
But they don't "profile."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>Click on the DEA link embedded in the Huffington Post article.
DEA sure does seem to be seizing cash, guns, and vehicles from a majority of folks with Spanish origin or phonetically spelled names. >>
All these 3 letter agencies fighting their imaginary wars are sure costing us taxpayers a lot of money.
<< <i>
<< <i>I'm trying to understand a scenario when a law-abiding citizen has a reason to make a large CASH transaction? (north of the limits discussed)?? >>
But you do understand why the government is free, without due process or an arrest, to seize cash from its citizens?
You gonna take a check from a stranger for that $5000 used car you might be selling?
Law abiding citizens should have the free choice of how they conduct their transactions. They should also be able to not fear having their cash stripped from them. Baley, it's about freedom, and until you experience a personal loss of it you will continue to just not get it. At least you can rest at night knowing there are others who will speak out to protect the freedom you appear to take for granted.
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Martin Niemöller >>
How can you compare what happened in NAZI Germany to what is going on now in the US?
Those words had meaning during the Hitler era. None of Niemöller's famous sayings are even close to occurring in the US.
Ones name does not make them suspicious.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>Click on the DEA link embedded in the Huffington Post article.
DEA sure does seem to be seizing cash, guns, and vehicles from a majority of folks with Spanish origin or phonetically spelled names. >>
All these 3 letter agencies fighting their imaginary wars are sure costing us taxpayers a lot of money. >>
The illicit drug industry in this country is imaginary?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." -- Martin Niemöller >>
<< <i>How can you compare what happened in NAZI Germany to what is going on now in the US?
Those words had meaning during the Hitler era. None of Niemöller's famous sayings are even close to occurring in the US. >>
Those words had meaning only when it was too late. I think it's safe to say that the US is guilty of slowly eliminating personal freedom and persecuting it's internal critics. Niemöller was a WW I hero as a U boat commander and actually supported Hitler's rise to power. When he became an outspoken critic of Nazism he was sent to a concentration camp. His quote points out how easy it is for the masses to not see it coming until it is finally upon, and affects, them.
If You Live In These States You'll Soon Need A Passport For Domestic Flights
<< <i> The illicit drug industry in this country is imaginary? >>
Maybe a conspiracy theory?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>I don't have a problem with providing a passport for any type of travel and do not view it an impediment to my travel or my rights. Why do you? >>
"papers comrade"
Your travel can become quickly restricted simply by revoking your passport or not issuing you a passport.
From the State Dept:
Reasons Passport Issuance Can Be Denied
Defaulting/Non-Payment on a repatriation loan or medical assistance loan
Being committed to a mental institution or declared incompetent by the courts
Having been subjected to a previous revocation or denial
Currently the subject of foreign extradition requests
Previously issued a temporary passport for certain reasons
The Department of State, in accordance with the Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations 51.60-62, and 51.65, will revoke passports for the following reasons:
Passport was obtained illegally or fraudulently
Non-Payment of child support
Passport was misused or changed/altered
Passport holder’s Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship is cancelled
Certain drug trafficking convictions
Those convicted of sex tourism
Keep in mind that once more Americans become dependent on a passport for interstate flights, the above list can easily be expanded to help keep the sheeples in line. You either support more government controls or you don't. You know where I stand, now I know where you stand.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
the way you write makes it clear how you view the world and people, and it appears very binary, black and white, either-or.
For example, I support appropriate government controls of people, and that list above does not seem to me to be unreasonable level of control.
So derryb, for the record, you are in favor of lower levels of "control" of the travel of the above described people?
I just happen to think that the levels of controls are about right, not too much nor too little, in most cases these days. (even though the mistakes get a lot of press)
As a frequent traveller (and one of the "sheeple", I guess, sure feel like livestock sometimes), I'm GLAD the other sheeple can't do whatever the hell they want on my flights and in my hotels,
because they would (and often do) interfere with my business a whole lot more than the Big Bad Government.
PS: those people in the articles got their money back.
If I'm carrying a large amount of cash or valuables, I have exactly ZERO concern that a law enforcement official will take it from me, because I'm discreet, and have my papers in order. If there is a mistake, it will be rectified. I have a HIGH LEVEL of concern that one of the other "sheeple" will take it from me (or try to
"First they came for the Murderers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Murderer. (and, actually, I'm in favor of Them coming for the murderers)
"First they came for the Murderers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Terrorists. (and, actually, I'm in favor of Them coming for them too)
Then they came for the Rapists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Rapist. (and, actually..
Then they came for the Thieves, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Thief. ("...
Then they came for the embezellers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not an embezeller.
Then they came for the drug traffickers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a drug traficker
Then they came for the child pornographers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a child pornographer
Then they came for the tax evaders, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a tax evader
Then they came for the money launderers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a money launderer.
Then they came for the smugglers, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a smuggler.
Then they came for me—a guy with cash to buy a car.
They took my cash, investigated, found me innocent, and gave my cash back
I thanked them for their efforts to reduce and prevent crime
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Click on the DEA link embedded in the Huffington Post article.
DEA sure does seem to be seizing cash, guns, and vehicles from a majority of folks with Spanish origin or phonetically spelled names. >>
All these 3 letter agencies fighting their imaginary wars are sure costing us taxpayers a lot of money. >>
The illicit drug industry in this country is imaginary? >>
Make drugs legal and poof goes that industry . Being high is no different than being drunk , its equally useless .
I don't partake of either activity but I don't feel the urge to tell anyone else that they can't if they want to.
I don't partake of either activity but I don't feel the urge to tell anyone else that they can't if they want to."
Wow! There are already too many people driving drunk or otherwise impaired, texting, on phones or whatever.
Drugs including pot, cocaine and heroin are epidemic and many lives are wasted and many families crushed.
You really don't care if drugs are made legal and don't mind people getting high if they want to?
Well, I and many others do.
Strong medical reasons for why these drugs are controlled.
I don't want more people driving intoxicated, lives and families ruined etc.
Unbelieveable and I really find it hard that you truely believe what you said Broncho.
<< <i>"Make drugs legal and poof goes that industry . Being high is no different than being drunk , its equally useless .
I don't partake of either activity but I don't feel the urge to tell anyone else that they can't if they want to."
Wow! There are already too many people driving drunk or otherwise impaired, texting, on phones or whatever.
Drugs including pot, cocaine and heroin are epidemic and many lives are wasted and many families crushed.
You really don't care if drugs are made legal and don't mind people getting high if they want to?
Well, I and many others do.
Strong medical reasons for why these drugs are controlled.
I don't want more people driving intoxicated, lives and families ruined etc.
Unbelieveable and I really find it hard that you truely believe what you said Broncho. >>
I'm a libertarian , I don't like the idea of enforcing morality . If you want to ban drugs then I say fine ban alcohol too. We know that didn't work and won't work, and we know the war on drugs was lost before it ever began. It's just an excuse for more government.
I have a nephew and 2 nieces that were/are heroin addicts . The nephew is 5 years clean , one niece is locked up in a Florida jail and the other is too soon to tell . I still say legalize all of it. Let the chips fall where they may.
Within my family the generation I'm part of is probably 1/3 functioning alcoholics . My parents generation was about the same , the worst of them being my dad who drank himself to death when I was 21.
Intoxicated driving? Why are there places you drive to and drink at and then climb in a car and drive away from?
I can go down by the local watering hole and see the same loser's cars parked in a line out front at closing time most any night. If intoxicated driving bothered anyone why not scoop them up as they pull out of the parking lot ? The cops know who they are why don't they enforce the law?
<< <i>
<< <i>I don't have a problem with providing a passport for any type of travel and do not view it an impediment to my travel or my rights. Why do you? >>
"papers comrade"
Your travel can become quickly restricted simply by revoking your passport or not issuing you a passport.
From the State Dept:
Reasons Passport Issuance Can Be Denied
Defaulting/Non-Payment on a repatriation loan or medical assistance loan
Being committed to a mental institution or declared incompetent by the courts
Having been subjected to a previous revocation or denial
Currently the subject of foreign extradition requests
Previously issued a temporary passport for certain reasons
The Department of State, in accordance with the Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations 51.60-62, and 51.65, will revoke passports for the following reasons:
Passport was obtained illegally or fraudulently
Non-Payment of child support
Passport was misused or changed/altered
Passport holder’s Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship is cancelled
Certain drug trafficking convictions
Those convicted of sex tourism
Keep in mind that once more Americans become dependent on a passport for interstate flights, the above list can easily be expanded to help keep the sheeples in line. You either support more government controls or you don't. You know where I stand, now I know where you stand. >>
I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do >>
personal privacy, by definition, is something you hide.
Surely, you want some level of personal privacy. Appears my level is different from yours. I like choosing what to share and prefer others not choose for me.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do
None of this was even contemplated for travel inside the US for my entire life, until now. Why now?
As current trends continue, it appears that some day you will have something to hide.
All that "fundamental change" is taking place. I don't know how much more obvious it could be.
I knew it would happen.
Because technology has allowed religion to infiltrate judgement.
What do you prefer?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>
<< <i>I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do >>
personal privacy, by definition, is something you hide.
Surely, you want some level of personal privacy. Appears my level is different from yours. I like choosing what to share and prefer others not choose for me. >>
My YouTube Channel
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I've got nothing to hide. Obviously you do >>
personal privacy, by definition, is something you hide.
Surely, you want some level of personal privacy. Appears my level is different from yours. I like choosing what to share and prefer others not choose for me. >>
Certain drug trafficking convictions
Those convicted of sex tourism
Yeah, I guess I would want to keep those things private also. Lol
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Ben still looks good in green and my signature on a check still works, too.
What chapter are we on now ?
<< <i>Why now?
Because technology has allowed religion to infiltrate judgement.
What do you prefer? >>
Free fish sandwiches and beer would be nice.
"Should the war on cash prove unsuccessful in its early stages, banks could be closed for long periods. Investors should be aware of such possibilities and consider whether to hold cash and precious metals prudently outside the banking system. Better to be even months too early than a second too late should we be left facing a bank's closed doors."
Author's credentials
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Called another dealer for those National Parks Quarters today. This guys' sidekick is an A hole. Similar to a B whole. No relation to a buck or a stud. More like a rectum.
Not sure what your point is...
Not sure what your point is...
If you'd like a PM or to telephone, I'll give you the rest of the story