<< <i>Job security should come from knowing that you are invaluable as an employee. It should not come from third party "protection" backed by threats. When an employee is "protected" he/she is more likely to care less about being a valuable employee. This results in a poorer performing employee and poorer quality control on the end product or service. It becomes a downhill spiral for the company as a whole. GM is a PERFECT example. >>
Yeah, we need more companies like Walmart in this country. Because they are non union, they are able to make their owners into multi billionaires much, much faster. All the while they are importing 75%+ of what they sell so they are effectively sucking jobs right out of this nation. Oh, but you say they employ a million Americans? Oh yeah, thats right....at an average hourly rate of about $10.50. Im sure thats enough to send 2 kids through college. Thank god for non unionized companies like Walmart!!!
P.S.- Do you REALLY believe a $10.50/hour Walmart worker cares as much about his job as the $37/hour paramedic that I watched load a critical patient into an ambulance last night?
<< <i>Job security should come from knowing that you are invaluable as an employee. It should not come from third party "protection" backed by threats. When an employee is "protected" he/she is more likely to care less about being a valuable employee. This results in a poorer performing employee and poorer quality control on the end product or service. It becomes a downhill spiral for the company as a whole. GM is a PERFECT example. >>
Yeah, we need more companies like Walmart in this country. Because they are non union, they are able to make their owners into multi billionaires much, much faster. All the while they are importing 75%+ of what they sell so they are effectively sucking jobs right out of this nation. Oh, but you say they employ a million Americans? Oh yeah, thats right....at an average hourly rate of about $10.50. Im sure thats enough to send 2 kids through college. Thank god for non unionized companies like Walmart!!!
P.S.- Do you REALLY believe a $10.50/hour Walmart worker cares as much about his job as the $37/hour paramedic that I watched load a critical patient into an ambulance last night? >>
After standing in line at Walmart recently I asked the cashier why they didn't get her some help (she was the only quick check register open), she said "they had but they don't come in." Perfect postscript to the above post.
If, as an employee, the man isn't treating you fair or paying you what you think you are worth then you should go find another job.
What is killing this country is lack of production. We have gone from a producing nation to a consuming nation and now it's time to pay the piper. To restore this nation to its economic greatness the "engines of production" have to return. Anything that threatens or stands in the way of these "engines" has to be dealt with and corrected.
What are the engines? Labor, Raw material, investment and vision. Labor has been ruined by "freebies" from both unions and government at the expense of the consumer and the taxpayer. Raw materials have been taxed to death. Now another (VAT) tax is in the works. Investment, both private and public, has been redirected to better performing avenues. Why should I open a factory, when overseas investments are safer and more profitable. Vision, by the guy with the business dream, has been beat down by government regulation, red tape, and having to deal with unions.
And that nasty word "Profit?" It's the reward for those that can successfully put together and manage the engines of production. It is their paycheck, and it is earned.
PS: Just because a person makes less, it doesn't mean he/she cares less about their job. While most of us agree on the evilness of Walmart, let us not loose sight that it's employees are people just like us, and most of them want to do a good job, even if it is for Walmart.
Just think, had you purchased, instead of PM's, .. WMT (Wal Mart Stores) in 1987.. 1000 shares @ $3.01.....with stock splits over the years, you would now own over 8000 shares @ $54 per share, paying a dividend of little over $1.20 p/a .. ( My kids are gonna love the taxes on that baby after I'm 6' under)
One of my first customers was a manager of a manufacturing operation in 1987, who told me that "I should have mortgaged everything I own and put it into Walmart". At the time, I thought that Walmart had probably seen it's best days as a stock. I've never bought any Walmart stock. I wonder if he did.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
Walmart is out to destroy competitors by offering unbelievably low prices. Once there is no longer competition, guess what happens to those prices? There is now a concentrated effort by Walmart to take a major loss in the area of groceries just to run competing grocery stores out of business. Best thing you can do for your purchasing future is to pass up on the "temporary" savings at Walmart and support your local retail stores and Mom & Pop operations.
Walmart is a perfect example of a company that needs to be unionized. It's employees need to be organized to fight, together, for their rights. But at the same time when that union looses sight of it's mission, and when it is no longer controlled and run by the employees, it will have outlived its usefulness and become a threat to the job security of its members.
Unions have a great opportunity, as representatives of the employees, to work WITH a company in securing the company's future (and the employees' future). Union members should demand that their union partner with the company to map out and achieve goals that are beneficial to all concerned.
There's nothing wrong with employees grouping together to protect themselves. But when they turn control of this protection over to outsiders who are nothing more than wanna-be politicians concerned only with lining their own pockets, it is time for a change.
"What is killing this country is lack of production. We have gone from a producing nation to a consuming nation and now it's time to pay the piper. To restore this nation to its economic greatness the "engines of production" have to return."
Finally you say something that makes perfectly logical sense and is 100% absolutely true.
<< <i>"What is killing this country is lack of production. We have gone from a producing nation to a consuming nation and now it's time to pay the piper. To restore this nation to its economic greatness the "engines of production" have to return."
Finally you say something that makes perfectly logical sense and is 100% absolutely true. >>
<< <i>If, as an employee, the man isn't treating you fair or paying you what you think you are worth then you should go find another job.
What is killing this country is lack of production. We have gone from a producing nation to a consuming nation and now it's time to pay the piper. To restore this nation to its economic greatness the "engines of production" have to return. Anything that threatens or stands in the way of these "engines" has to be dealt with and corrected.
What are the engines? Labor, Raw material, investment and vision. Labor has been ruined by "freebies" from both unions and government at the expense of the consumer and the taxpayer. Raw materials have been taxed to death. Now another (VAT) tax is in the works. Investment, both private and public, has been redirected to better performing avenues. Why should I open a factory, when overseas investments are safer and more profitable. Vision, by the guy with the business dream, has been beat down by government regulation, red tape, and having to deal with unions.
And that nasty word "Profit?" It's the reward for those that can successfully put together and manage the engines of production. It is their paycheck, and it is earned.
PS: Just because a person makes less, it doesn't mean he/she cares less about their job. >>
Derry, you make excellent points here. The major glaring problem that you are missing in your above "formula" is needless government spending. Taxes should be used for just 2 things: National defense, and National infrastructure. Anything else that the government spends tax dollars on outside of these 2 entities is simply "redistribution of wealth", and thats flat wrong! If the U.S. government only spent money on these 2 things (and stopped the "lazy man's handouts") then there would be zero need for a VAT. In fact, there would be such a surplus of tax revenue that our defecit would be gone within 5 years. For SSI to be paying out money to people with minor disabilities such as ADD (im not making this up) is simply ridiculous. Another more recent example of tax dollars wasted is the new "free" cell phones for anyone who is already receiving government aid. Again, im NOT making this stuff up! You cannot have an economic powerhouse engine with all this bad "gas" entering the carburator. As long as some people can sit at home and not work, and maintain a better lifestyle than those working 60 hours a week in other countries, we will never again be a high performance engine.
Guys, if you are 100% pro-union or 100% anti-union you are wrong. There is a grey area on this one. Unions have evolved pretty much like our government has. Because of what I believe to be the political aspirations of many union leaders (especially at the national level), they have developed the same greed and self-serving attitude we now see in Washington. Workers should be organized. It is their greatest protection from abuse. They should also be very careful who they turn that protection over to. Our current government is nothing more than someone we turned our colletive protection over to. They did a great job in the begining; now they are our biggest threat. And, we elected them just as we did our union leaders.
Gecko, when 47% of the voting public is living off some form government handout, the politicians are obligated to continue with the handouts if they want to get re-elected. We are past the point of no return on this one. The only hope for reform is a constitutional amendment that allows only taxpayers to vote. Unfair? We don't allow anyone under 18 to vote, what's the difference? When I was in the union you didn't get to vote on union matters unless you paid union dues. Why couldn't it work the same in the political process.
<< <i>Gecko, when 47% of the voting public is living off some form government handout, the politicians are obligated to continue with the handouts if they want to get re-elected. We are past the point of no return on this one. The only hope for reform is a constitutional amendment that allows only taxpayers to vote. Unfair? We don't allow anyone under 18 to vote, what's the difference? When I was in the union you didn't get to vote on union matters unless you paid union dues. Why couldn't it work the same in the political process. >>
I agree. Also, jailed criminals have no voting rights as well, nor do illegal immigrants. Your proposal is probably a pipe dream at best even though I personally love the basis of it.
You need to show that you have paid more in taxes than you have received in direct government aid.
My only reservation about this is the possibility of creating an even larger gap between the upper middle class and the working poor. I have a TON of respect for the single mother who works 2 jobs to support her kids....even though she may well receive more government aid than what she pays into the tax system. Its the able bodied guy who sits on the couch waiting for his check to show up on the 1st of the month that angers me the most. If im subjected to a random drug and alcohol test, and I show up every day that im scheduled to work, and I do my job well....then why isnt the guy on welfare required to submit to the same type of testing?
Anyway, getting back to the original post, if you have any doubts about your plans to hold your PMs long term give the link in the original post a read. It helps to clear a foggy mind in these days of ups and downs.
<< <i>I still like my gold. I'm not a gold bug that thinks gold will hit $2K this year, but I still think gold is a good value at $1150.
I look for $1300 gold within 18 months. >>
Just think, had you purchased, instead of PM's, .. WMT (Wal Mart Stores) in 1987.. 1000 shares @ $3.01.....with stock splits over the years, you would now own over 8000 shares @ $54 per share, paying a dividend of little over $1.20 p/a .. ( My kids are gonna love the taxes on that baby after I'm 6' under) >>
Wow all that gain on selling cheap China crap. All the while putting fellow Americans out of work.
Sam Walton was all about buying American. Notice the profits after his passing. >>
Had to chuckle on your post Tim.
My wife walked into a Walmart store for the first time in 1986 and was actually impressed with their style and marketing to that midrange demographic. She rarely buys stock knowing that it's a con game but she did decide to buy then. I told her that I idn't think it would be a good move.
She has never, ever let me forget. EVER!
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
<< <i>I still like my gold. I'm not a gold bug that thinks gold will hit $2K this year, but I still think gold is a good value at $1150.
I look for $1300 gold within 18 months. >>
Just think, had you purchased, instead of PM's, .. WMT (Wal Mart Stores) in 1987.. 1000 shares @ $3.01.....with stock splits over the years, you would now own over 8000 shares @ $54 per share, paying a dividend of little over $1.20 p/a .. ( My kids are gonna love the taxes on that baby after I'm 6' under) >>
Wow all that gain on selling cheap China crap. All the while putting fellow Americans out of work.
Sam Walton was all about buying American. Notice the profits after his passing. >>
Had to chuckle on your post Tim.
My wife walked into a Walmart store for the first time in 1986 and was actually impressed with their style and marketing to that midrange demographic. She rarely buys stock knowing that it's a con game but she did decide to buy then. I told her that I idn't think it would be a good move.
She has never, ever let me forget. EVER! >>
SM, no argument the stock has went ballistic since 1986.
I just see all these textile mills closed down and neighbors out of work that was my point.
<< <i>Job security should come from knowing that you are invaluable as an employee. It should not come from third party "protection" backed by threats. When an employee is "protected" he/she is more likely to care less about being a valuable employee. This results in a poorer performing employee and poorer quality control on the end product or service. It becomes a downhill spiral for the company as a whole. GM is a PERFECT example. >>
Yeah, we need more companies like Walmart in this country. Because they are non union, they are able to make their owners into multi billionaires much, much faster. All the while they are importing 75%+ of what they sell so they are effectively sucking jobs right out of this nation. Oh, but you say they employ a million Americans? Oh yeah, thats right....at an average hourly rate of about $10.50. Im sure thats enough to send 2 kids through college. Thank god for non unionized companies like Walmart!!!
P.S.- Do you REALLY believe a $10.50/hour Walmart worker cares as much about his job as the $37/hour paramedic that I watched load a critical patient into an ambulance last night?
<< <i>
<< <i>Job security should come from knowing that you are invaluable as an employee. It should not come from third party "protection" backed by threats. When an employee is "protected" he/she is more likely to care less about being a valuable employee. This results in a poorer performing employee and poorer quality control on the end product or service. It becomes a downhill spiral for the company as a whole. GM is a PERFECT example. >>
Yeah, we need more companies like Walmart in this country. Because they are non union, they are able to make their owners into multi billionaires much, much faster. All the while they are importing 75%+ of what they sell so they are effectively sucking jobs right out of this nation. Oh, but you say they employ a million Americans? Oh yeah, thats right....at an average hourly rate of about $10.50. Im sure thats enough to send 2 kids through college. Thank god for non unionized companies like Walmart!!!
P.S.- Do you REALLY believe a $10.50/hour Walmart worker cares as much about his job as the $37/hour paramedic that I watched load a critical patient into an ambulance last night? >>
After standing in line at Walmart recently I asked the cashier why they didn't get her some help (she was the only quick check register open), she said "they had but they don't come in." Perfect postscript to the above post.
What is killing this country is lack of production. We have gone from a producing nation to a consuming nation and now it's time to pay the piper. To restore this nation to its economic greatness the "engines of production" have to return. Anything that threatens or stands in the way of these "engines" has to be dealt with and corrected.
What are the engines? Labor, Raw material, investment and vision.
Labor has been ruined by "freebies" from both unions and government at the expense of the consumer and the taxpayer.
Raw materials have been taxed to death. Now another (VAT) tax is in the works.
Investment, both private and public, has been redirected to better performing avenues. Why should I open a factory, when overseas investments are safer and more profitable.
Vision, by the guy with the business dream, has been beat down by government regulation, red tape, and having to deal with unions.
And that nasty word "Profit?" It's the reward for those that can successfully put together and manage the engines of production. It is their paycheck, and it is earned.
PS: Just because a person makes less, it doesn't mean he/she cares less about their job. While most of us agree on the evilness of Walmart, let us not loose sight that it's employees are people just like us, and most of them want to do a good job, even if it is for Walmart.
One of my first customers was a manager of a manufacturing operation in 1987, who told me that "I should have mortgaged everything I own and put it into Walmart". At the time, I thought that Walmart had probably seen it's best days as a stock. I've never bought any Walmart stock. I wonder if he did.
I knew it would happen.
Now grandma & grandpa are selling items that took their jobs overseas.
Walmart moved into my town of 5,000. Shut down grocery stores, gas stations, & several other mom/pop stores.
So now we have a Wally world monopoly!
Walmart is a perfect example of a company that needs to be unionized. It's employees need to be organized to fight, together, for their rights. But at the same time when that union looses sight of it's mission, and when it is no longer controlled and run by the employees, it will have outlived its usefulness and become a threat to the job security of its members.
Unions have a great opportunity, as representatives of the employees, to work WITH a company in securing the company's future (and the employees' future). Union members should demand that their union partner with the company to map out and achieve goals that are beneficial to all concerned.
There's nothing wrong with employees grouping together to protect themselves. But when they turn control of this protection over to outsiders who are nothing more than wanna-be politicians concerned only with lining their own pockets, it is time for a change.
Finally you say something that makes perfectly logical sense and is 100% absolutely true.
<< <i>"What is killing this country is lack of production. We have gone from a producing nation to a consuming nation and now it's time to pay the piper. To restore this nation to its economic greatness the "engines of production" have to return."
Finally you say something that makes perfectly logical sense and is 100% absolutely true.
<< <i>If, as an employee, the man isn't treating you fair or paying you what you think you are worth then you should go find another job.
What is killing this country is lack of production. We have gone from a producing nation to a consuming nation and now it's time to pay the piper. To restore this nation to its economic greatness the "engines of production" have to return. Anything that threatens or stands in the way of these "engines" has to be dealt with and corrected.
What are the engines? Labor, Raw material, investment and vision.
Labor has been ruined by "freebies" from both unions and government at the expense of the consumer and the taxpayer.
Raw materials have been taxed to death. Now another (VAT) tax is in the works.
Investment, both private and public, has been redirected to better performing avenues. Why should I open a factory, when overseas investments are safer and more profitable.
Vision, by the guy with the business dream, has been beat down by government regulation, red tape, and having to deal with unions.
And that nasty word "Profit?" It's the reward for those that can successfully put together and manage the engines of production. It is their paycheck, and it is earned.
PS: Just because a person makes less, it doesn't mean he/she cares less about their job. >>
Derry, you make excellent points here. The major glaring problem that you are missing in your above "formula" is needless government spending. Taxes should be used for just 2 things: National defense, and National infrastructure. Anything else that the government spends tax dollars on outside of these 2 entities is simply "redistribution of wealth", and thats flat wrong! If the U.S. government only spent money on these 2 things (and stopped the "lazy man's handouts") then there would be zero need for a VAT. In fact, there would be such a surplus of tax revenue that our defecit would be gone within 5 years. For SSI to be paying out money to people with minor disabilities such as ADD (im not making this up) is simply ridiculous. Another more recent example of tax dollars wasted is the new "free" cell phones for anyone who is already receiving government aid. Again, im NOT making this stuff up! You cannot have an economic powerhouse engine with all this bad "gas" entering the carburator. As long as some people can sit at home and not work, and maintain a better lifestyle than those working 60 hours a week in other countries, we will never again be a high performance engine.
<< <i>Gecko, when 47% of the voting public is living off some form government handout, the politicians are obligated to continue with the handouts if they want to get re-elected. We are past the point of no return on this one. The only hope for reform is a constitutional amendment that allows only taxpayers to vote. Unfair? We don't allow anyone under 18 to vote, what's the difference? When I was in the union you didn't get to vote on union matters unless you paid union dues. Why couldn't it work the same in the political process. >>
I agree. Also, jailed criminals have no voting rights as well, nor do illegal immigrants. Your proposal is probably a pipe dream at best even though I personally love the basis of it.
You need to show that you have paid more in taxes than you have received in direct government aid.
My only reservation about this is the possibility of creating an even larger gap between the upper middle class and the working poor. I have a TON of respect for the single mother who works 2 jobs to support her kids....even though she may well receive more government aid than what she pays into the tax system. Its the able bodied guy who sits on the couch waiting for his check to show up on the 1st of the month that angers me the most. If im subjected to a random drug and alcohol test, and I show up every day that im scheduled to work, and I do my job well....then why isnt the guy on welfare required to submit to the same type of testing?
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I still like my gold. I'm not a gold bug that thinks gold will hit $2K this year, but I still think gold is a good value at $1150.
I look for $1300 gold within 18 months. >>
Just think, had you purchased, instead of PM's, .. WMT (Wal Mart Stores) in 1987.. 1000 shares @ $3.01.....with stock splits over the years, you would now own over 8000 shares @ $54 per share, paying a dividend of little over $1.20 p/a .. ( My kids are gonna love the taxes on that baby after I'm 6' under)
Wow all that gain on selling cheap China crap. All the while putting fellow Americans out of work.
Sam Walton was all about buying American. Notice the profits after his passing.
Had to chuckle on your post Tim.
My wife walked into a Walmart store for the first time in 1986 and was actually impressed with their style and marketing to that midrange demographic. She rarely buys stock knowing that it's a con game but she did decide to buy then. I told her that I idn't think it would be a good move.
She has never, ever let me forget. EVER!
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I still like my gold. I'm not a gold bug that thinks gold will hit $2K this year, but I still think gold is a good value at $1150.
I look for $1300 gold within 18 months. >>
Just think, had you purchased, instead of PM's, .. WMT (Wal Mart Stores) in 1987.. 1000 shares @ $3.01.....with stock splits over the years, you would now own over 8000 shares @ $54 per share, paying a dividend of little over $1.20 p/a .. ( My kids are gonna love the taxes on that baby after I'm 6' under)
Wow all that gain on selling cheap China crap. All the while putting fellow Americans out of work.
Sam Walton was all about buying American. Notice the profits after his passing.
Had to chuckle on your post Tim.
My wife walked into a Walmart store for the first time in 1986 and was actually impressed with their style and marketing to that midrange demographic. She rarely buys stock knowing that it's a con game but she did decide to buy then. I told her that I idn't think it would be a good move.
She has never, ever let me forget. EVER! >>
SM, no argument the stock has went ballistic since 1986.
I just see all these textile mills closed down and neighbors out of work that was my point.
She has never, ever let me forget. EVER!
Um, I am 100% out of stocks and have been for about 2 years now. Just curious, does your wife have any current stock recommendations?
I knew it would happen.