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I've just stumbled upon a discovery....how to add luster to a non-luster coin...

Yes, it is true, I experimented with 3 coins, A worn morgan dollar, A peace worn dollar, and a dirty mexican 1948 silver dollar... ALL of these were in awful eye appeal shape..

I decided to do something un-conventional with these coins, What I was trying to do, is to give rainbow toning to these coins, or at least some dramatic toning... I used a very well known and easy obtainable product. but this is un-conventable with coins,,,

these coins were all but out for the count to me......After about an hour , or 2, I checked, and WALLA......these coins not only had luster, but REAL luster..

I will be honest, 1 of them was mint blast luster - simply gorgeous, the other 2, 1 of them appears PL (morgan), but still, I wear, beacuse it does,....and the peace is glistening....which is unusual..

I want to reveal my discovery, but i think it is worth money.....we all need money...I also want to provide this free of charge ...but what do I do? I love the common collector...

please let me know what to do........thank you.


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