Where is the cheapest place to buy silver 1 oz to 1000 oz's
Posts: 3,837 ✭
Where online can I buy and take possession on silver at the best price. Seems everyone bought high and wants high prices to sell. Like any other market, when silver is $10 an oz. how can you ask and receive $17 an ounce. Any help would be appreciated.
9.5 to 10X's face for 90% seems to be the going rate...
<< <i>Where online can I buy and take possession on silver at the best price. Seems everyone bought high and wants high prices to sell. Like any other market, when silver is $10 an oz. how can you ask and receive $17 an ounce. Any help would be appreciated.
Jeff >>
Again the same old story. You WONT find any quantity [other than 100 oz bars] of Silver Bullion at Near $10.00...... And "take possesion".. yeah! not at paper price... JMHO. but good luck anyway.
As low as $2.99 per oz over spot! These bars are Live. When buying this item, you will be guaranteed to receive ONLY Engelhard... More | Buy Price
Apmex has these now. Sorry for the double post. jws
try teletrade, apmex, BST, etc. Have patience and you will build up a good size collection. Silver will go up in time.
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
For individuals that want to "hoard" silver, small bars (up to but no more than 100 oz.) and 90% silver coins are the logical choice. In the real world they trade at a varying rate over spot at any given time. On 11/1/08 that "spread" above spot is 30%-45% over. When spot was $20+ this past spring the spread was much more narrow, about 5%-15% over then and I saw some trades go at spot + 0.