I just won a Panda on eBay for what I feel is a pretty decent price. I always seem to see the Pandas go for about $30 minimum... did I just get lucky, or is it fake?
$14.51? Not bad at all. You got a bargain actually. I would pay that price in a second.
What is that slab? I wonder how SaorAlba determined that it is likely genuine. Faking Panda silver is not that lucrative I suppose. Nice job!!!
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
Sorry guys, 24 hours at work with no computer is a beech! Nobody can tell 100% from the photos, but I have no reason to believe its fake. The proof is in the pudding tho. When you get it, crack it out of that godawful slab and set it on a scale. If it comes up short of 31 grams, its a fugazy(sp?). If it is genuine (and I believe it is), then you did quite well as this coin usually sells for a minimum of $25.
<< <i>I just recently submitted 25 Silver Pandas for a customer to be graded.
Several of them were obvious fakes. Several of them were questionable. I had them prescreened because of my suspicions.
15 came back graded. 10 of them were fakes.
Due to the popularity of the Panda (rising prices) many counterfits are coming out of China. >>
Weighing them is the most reliable way to tell real from fake. Although its possible that an advanced counterfeiter would use real silver to make a highly deceptive fake, I have yet to hear of a single one.
I'll keep you posted when I get it. I wouldn't think that a 2006 would be counterfited as it is not a rare year and is pretty recent, I guess it is just hard for me to belive that I got a deal
What is that slab? I wonder how SaorAlba determined that it is likely genuine. Faking Panda silver is not that lucrative I suppose.
Nice job!!!
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
<< <i>
What is that slab? I wonder how SaorAlba determined that it is likely genuine. Faking Panda silver is not that lucrative I suppose.
Nice job!!! >>
The fakes, and yes there are many, usually have flat dull surfaces. This one has the appearance of a Shenzhen minted piece.
Several of them were obvious fakes. Several of them were questionable.
I had them prescreened because of my suspicions.
15 came back graded. 10 of them were fakes.
Due to the popularity of the Panda (rising prices) many counterfits are
coming out of China.
<< <i>I just recently submitted 25 Silver Pandas for a customer to be graded.
Several of them were obvious fakes. Several of them were questionable.
I had them prescreened because of my suspicions.
15 came back graded. 10 of them were fakes.
Due to the popularity of the Panda (rising prices) many counterfits are
coming out of China. >>
Weighing them is the most reliable way to tell real from fake. Although its possible that an advanced counterfeiter would use real silver to make a highly deceptive fake, I have yet to hear of a single one.
The eyes of the Panda appear to be a quick way to tell if a coin is a counterfeit if one does not carry a scale when Panda hunting.
<< <i>Here is an article from the NGC site which goes into some detail about Panda counterfeits. http://www.ngccoin.com/news/viewarticle.aspx?NewsletterNewsArticleID=67
The eyes of the Panda appear to be a quick way to tell if a coin is a counterfeit if one does not carry a scale when Panda hunting. >>
NGC Link
I'll keep you posted when I get it. I wouldn't think that a 2006 would be counterfited as it is not a rare year and is pretty recent, I guess it is just hard for me to belive that I got a deal
Thanks again!
<< <i>Is this Panda real? >>
Since they're all made in China anyway, does it matter?
30.96 Grams ?
Not quite 31g... but I did buy a cheap scale and I don't quite know how to calibrate it yet.
So I guess that is close enough to determine that it is not a fake?
<< <i>So is 30.96 Grams close enough (if that is indeed correct) to 31 Grams to determine that it is authentic? >>