***I'm going strict "Box of 20" and it's tough!***

After a lot of thought, I'm going strict "Box of 20." My "problem" is that I have too many great coins (it's a rough predicament to be in!). Picking and choosing which ones to part with has been very tough....like saying goodbye to a close niece/nephew to make room for another daughter/son. (you can see a couple of my "nieces/nephews" on the BST now if you're interested in some dang pretty coins..AND A COUPLE OF THEM MAY EVEN QUALIFY FOR A BOX OF 20 TO SOMEONE ELSE, DEFINITELY SUPERB COINS......shameless
I managed to sell a couple, combine the profits, and buy a really nice toned cameo seated dime that I posted earlier. Now I'm grinding my teeth trying to whittle my toned Morgans down to 8....I've somehow decided that The Box will be 40% toned Morgans....don't ask me how! A couple monsters will need to be sold to make room for a mega-monster. That leaves 6 spots (30%) for sweet toned commems, 2 spots (10%) for ultra cameo dmpl Morgans, 2 spots (10%) for stunningly toned dimes and 2 spots (10%) for miscellaneous killers (one of which is already filled by a spectacular, jaw-droppingly toned Mexican peso of all things).
Once The Box is finished, at some point I'll pull it out of the old SDB and think, "time to mix things up AGAIN!" Two things are certain: it takes A LOT to make The Box, and The Box will only get better with age.
And I'm having fun.

I managed to sell a couple, combine the profits, and buy a really nice toned cameo seated dime that I posted earlier. Now I'm grinding my teeth trying to whittle my toned Morgans down to 8....I've somehow decided that The Box will be 40% toned Morgans....don't ask me how! A couple monsters will need to be sold to make room for a mega-monster. That leaves 6 spots (30%) for sweet toned commems, 2 spots (10%) for ultra cameo dmpl Morgans, 2 spots (10%) for stunningly toned dimes and 2 spots (10%) for miscellaneous killers (one of which is already filled by a spectacular, jaw-droppingly toned Mexican peso of all things).
Once The Box is finished, at some point I'll pull it out of the old SDB and think, "time to mix things up AGAIN!" Two things are certain: it takes A LOT to make The Box, and The Box will only get better with age.

In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Not Pictured:
1837 PCGS XF45 RE Half Dollar
1809 20 Batz Swiss
1910 PCGS VF30 Barber Half
1904 PCGS VF35 Barber Half
good luck to you on a really neat way to collect coins!
who wants an accumulation?!? i sure would not.
when it comes time to sell your box of 20, each coin will be in its own lot! ;-)
Capped Bust Quarters open collar (10)
Middle Date Large Cents (10)
...I have started thinning my Middle Date collection to pursue the above endeavour.
The box of 20 really does commit oneself to high quality. It tries to have the collector stay away from quantity
and especially ho-hum boring coins that can be bought any day of the week.
It narrows the collector into a crevice of trying to determine the coins they really like the best.
If you have 25 coins then yes, you should liquidate 5 of them and set that money aside for
when you find a truly PQ coin you love. Then buy it and get rid of one of the original 20. This
way you set gets refined into something really special.
quality over quantity is the motto to live by in the box of 20!
in this area anymore. However, if something quite special comes along, whether an upgrade or something new,
I usually have in mind what piece will have to go. Next on the chopping block will be a 1790 Droz halfpenny,
which although graded PR66, isn't nice enough to stay in the box.
Box of 20 George III coppers
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
I'll share for my 2000th post when I post obv. and rev. of my box o' 20.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
<< <i>can fuel such dislike. >>
For the record, I wasn't questioning why people do it, I was questioning what it was. I had never heard of it before joining these boards. But, as long as you brought it up, Tom, it's not something I would do. It seems odd to limit yourself to anything when collecting, but hey, whatever floats your boat. 20 is just so arbitrary. Why not have a box of 1? Or a box of 50? Or a box of everything like Eliasberg? I like PCGS, but it's amazing a collecting niche got named for their box.
But it does make you sacrifice very good for great and sacrifice great for unbelievable!
mhammerman, I look forward to those pics upon reaching your 2000th post!
At present I have:
2 matte proof lincolns
4 proof indian cents (will probably sell a few of these as time goes on)
3 MS indian cents
1 proof half cent
1 pine tree shilling
3 large cents (subject to change)
3 half cents (subject to change)
Check out my current listings: https://ebay.com/sch/khunt/m.html?_ipg=200&_sop=12&_rdc=1
<< <i>I love the concept. I would much rather have 10 really cool coins than 50 so-so ones.
At present I have:
2 matte proof lincolns
4 proof indian cents (will probably sell a few of these as time goes on)
3 MS indian cents
1 proof half cent
1 pine tree shilling
3 large cents (subject to change)
3 half cents (subject to change) >>
Based on my rudimentary calculations, it sounds like you need 3 additional coins.
<< <i>Those are very nice coins!!! Let me be the First, YOU SUCK
...and let me be the Second.
<< <i>
<< <i>I love the concept. I would much rather have 10 really cool coins than 50 so-so ones.
At present I have:
2 matte proof lincolns
4 proof indian cents (will probably sell a few of these as time goes on)
3 MS indian cents
1 proof half cent
1 pine tree shilling
3 large cents (subject to change)
3 half cents (subject to change) >>
Based on my rudimentary calculations, it sounds like you need 3 additional coins. >>
I guess that you'll have to help me fill those spots.
It's hardest when you don't have any openings and have to kick one (or more) out to make room for something even better!
<< <i>I don't understand the point of a box of 20. Is it supposed to be just 20 of the highest end coins one can afford and that's it? Sell off others to find 20 that fit into this scheme? I just can't make sense of it. >>
The concept's origins can be traced back to that most revered and venerable of numismatic artifacts, the PCGS plastic storage box which holds 20 slabs.
Various other concepts did precede it, however. The first, from caveman days, was the box of one, or more correctly, the hand of one. A few centuries later, this evolved to one in EACH hand, and was called the hands of two.
Come the industrial evolution and mass manufacture of articles of clothing, especially Levi's jeans, the idea became the pockets of four. Once the little coin pocket in the right front pocket became standard, the pockets of five coin collection was born.
And now the idea has come to it's logical and pentultimate conclusion. For if 20 is not the perfect, absolutely bestest number for a coin collection, what, pray tell, is?
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
Various other concepts did precede it, however. The first, from caveman days, was the box of one, or more correctly, the hand of one. A few centuries later, this evolved to one in EACH hand, and was called the hands of two.
Come the industrial evolution and mass manufacture of articles of clothing, especially Levi's jeans, the idea became the pockets of four. Once the little coin pocket in the right front pocket became standard, the pockets of five coin collection was born.
And now the idea has come to it's logical and pentultimate conclusion. For if 20 is not the perfect, absolutely bestest number for a coin collection, what, pray tell, is?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I'd love to try it, but I'd forever be a cheater. I like to have a BO20 for show, backed up by collections that no one has to know about. Tell your high-end collector friends about your BO20, but keep a few (hundred) nice pieces socked away in the SDB. Just tell your friends you have a BO20. No one needs to know about the others!
<< <i>I first saw this concept a few years ago when Jay Parrino put this into his ads and magazines. I am captivated by the prospect but I think it has an investor component that is hard to rectify with collecting. I usually see this concept promoted by those who can sell a coin or two that might make it into a high-end BO20.
I'd love to try it, but I'd forever be a cheater. I like to have a BO20 for show, backed up by collections that no one has to know about. Tell your high-end collector friends about your BO20, but keep a few (hundred) nice pieces socked away in the SDB. Just tell your friends you have a BO20. No one needs to know about the others!
Drunner >>
I think this is a great ideal! Looking at only 20 coins might get boring even if they are nice ones.
<< <i>I am leaning with extreme prejudice toward a box of twenty consisting of...
Capped Bust Quarters open collar (10)
Middle Date Large Cents (10)
...I have started thinning my Middle Date collection to pursue the above endeavour. >>
get those quarters soon...when the book(s) are published fairly soon, I expect the prices that have already risen quite a bit to rise quite a bit again!
<< <i>get those quarters soon...when the book(s) are published fairly soon, I expect the prices that have already risen quite a bit to rise quite a bit again! >>
Those quarters are tough, tough, tough already - any update on the book(s)?
<< <i> I don't understand the point of a box of 20. Is it supposed to be just 20 of the highest end coins one can afford and that's it? Sell off others to find 20 that fit into this scheme? I just can't make sense of it.
The box of 20 really does commit oneself to high quality. It tries to have the collector stay away from quantity
and especially ho-hum boring coins that can be bought any day of the week. >>
But why go after high quality as the main determinant of a collection? In 99% of the cases, it will then prevent you from not going after rarity, obscurity, or coolness in coins. If all you want is high quality coins (with little concern as to what they are), one day at a big coin show will be more than enough, and I'm sure could also be done in a way to make sure your wallet can handle that day.
Ed. S.
I think "high quality" can mean a lot of things to different people. For me it includes a coolness factor.....many of my Box of 20 aren't worth much by sheet standards in terms of just grade.....but they're all incredibly eye-appealing for their grade/type.
The need could be financial (Lost job etc..) or emergency (fire etc..).
Right now that would consist of about 6 coins,
2 Classic Half Eagles,
1 spectacularly toned Indian Eagle
1 dark copper toned Indian Half Eagle with a bit of luster showing through
2 rusty toned Indian Quarter Eagles.
Else still looking for nice coins with superior eye appeal...
I have a bunch of space left, everything else I have is just because I can.
<< <i>But why go after high quality as the main determinant of a collection? In 99% of the cases, it will then prevent you from not going after rarity, obscurity, or coolness in coins. If all you want is high quality coins (with little concern as to what they are), one day at a big coin show will be more than enough, and I'm sure could also be done in a way to make sure your wallet can handle that day. >>
You seemed to have defined "quality" as common, mainstream non-cool coins in high grade, and then declared those as uninteresting.
I'm not aware of anyone who has defined "quality" in this way, and in fact my definition would be nearly the opposite of yours, and would specifically include rare, obscure and cool coins.
And, by my definition, those are coins which cannot be assembled in "one day at a big coin show", and would instead take years to track down.
Given my limited budget and the difficulty I have finding killer coins that I can afford......I think so!...maybe not 20 exactly, but some relatively similar round number.
Cheerios Sacagawea
1909 O $5 Gold Half Eagle in MS 63
1929 $5 Gold Half Eagle in MS 64
A couple of territorial gold
A couple of Patterns
A few pieces of silver ( Trade Dollar, Seated Dollar, Half dimes and rare moderns)
A few copper
A nickel or two.
A few platinum pieces.
When or if that box is done, I hope it's worth a quarter million. But I will NEVER give up collecting widgets. It's too much fun filling Whitman folders.
I think of the box of 20 as separate from collecting. It's more like a 401K plan.
I still collect cheap stuff like errors and CWT's, but my core collection is aimed at coins that I think have a high cool factor.
Box of 20 IHC - Working from TOP keys down, currently have eight in the highest grade I can currently afford.
Box of 20 Gold type - Currently filling a gold type set box and have nine so far. ( working within an AU budget )
Box of 20 ancients - Currently have seven various ancient coins, no real direction except maybe an "art" appreciation.
Hope this counts, being three boxes of 20. But that's how I do it.
Oh, and to those who ask "why 20 and not 50 or 1?" - if it were a box of 50 or box of 1, you'd still be asking "why not box of 20?"
That's why you're a coin nut.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
<< <i>An honest and serious question for anyone on this topic: If this box of twenty concept was never posted on these boards would you ever have decided to do this on your own? >>
An excellent question! And the answer is, of course not!
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
<< <i>
<< <i>An honest and serious question for anyone on this topic: If this box of twenty concept was never posted on these boards would you ever have decided to do this on your own? >>
An excellent question! And the answer is, of course not!
I totally disagree. I think many people conclude on their own to keep fewer, better coins which is the concept embodied by the 'Box of 20'.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>An honest and serious question for anyone on this topic: If this box of twenty concept was never posted on these boards would you ever have decided to do this on your own? >>
An excellent question! And the answer is, of course not!
I totally disagree. I think many people conclude on their own to keep fewer, better coins which is the concept embodied by the 'Box of 20'. >>
True, but to me, the meaning of keeping fewer or better coins or the box of 20 concept is in reality a moving target in terms of the number of coins kept......and of course different for different people, it could be 20 or two hundred, or ...??
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.