Not a bad way to spend $2

Some of you may have read my post a few weeks ago about what $4 can buy at a coin show. Well, today I was determined, for no particular reason, to buy something from a half-price bin. I ended up buying five coins for the huge sum of $2. I purchased AUish 1944, 1946 and 1949-D dated Lincolns which I'll probably throw into circulation for someone else to find (hopefully a YN, that'd be cool, right?). I also bought these two which I plan to put into my budding "junk, but kinda cool, collection." I know, I know, some out there will call it a waste of time and money, but I like it. It's nice to be able to touch these coins as opposed to my other coins entombed in PCGS plastic.

Positive BST transactions with: too many names to list! 36 at last count.
Nice junkplucking!
I think, even in the unlikely event I were to become a wealthy man, that I would still enjoy junkbox shopping. To me, it's the most fun.
I believe somebody else referred to it as "pecking for crumbs", on a recent thread about someone searching bank half dollar rolls for silver.
I see nothing derogatory at all about "pecking for crumbs"- it's fun.