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Coin Drop Challenge

UtahCoinUtahCoin Posts: 5,359 ✭✭✭✭✭
Remember the thrill as a 10-12 year old kid to find an "Old" coin in circulation? For me, in the early 1960's, finding a 50 year old coin was sooooo cool. So I looked around in my safe and found a roll of 1939 Jefferson Nickels. I am going to start spending them today. If only 1 kid finds one and is excited about finding a 68 year coin, and sparks an interest in coin collecting, it'll be worth it. Anyone want to join me in a coin drop?
I used to be somebody, now I'm just a coin collector.
Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.


  • Sure.... I bought a huge (ridiculously overpriced) bag of mixed circulated Buffalos a while back.... I've only ever found two in circulation (back in the 70's when I was a kid) - so I'll drop 'em around here and there until Christmas ~
  • I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

  • TheRegulatorTheRegulator Posts: 1,219 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>

    Take it somwhere else, chump...
    The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. -Thomas Jefferson
  • I'll be doing this with some 1930's Buffalo's and some pre-1940 Lincolns.

    Edited to say: Putting them back into circulation, not defacing them with lame anti-war slogans.
  • I myself enjoy coin drops. When I pickup my daughter from school I always drop 4 or 5 dateless buffalo nickels on the sidewalk leading up to the doors. We will also go to the school playgrounds around the nearby neighborhoods and she will play on the playground equipment and just laugh at me while I walk around dropping Wheaties and buff nickels around the play areas(always bring the kid with you) or people may call the law on ya..These are guaranteed to get into the hands of kids. She has told me several times she heard kids talking about and showing these coins in school the next day.

    Since she has found an interest in my coin en devours I let her tag along last weekend. On my last stop at the local coin shop she said she wanted to "LOOK" around while I picked up some ASE's for the book. As a true woman in training she went straight for the GOLD. Before it was said and done we walked out with our first AGE. It was only a 1/10 ounce but it was her birth year 1997. She is so proud of her 86 dollar DIME.

    Just a suggestion from a newb on another way to get young kids started......

  • << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>

    Drop one of those where I can find it image
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i actually think Jefferson Nickels are the perfect coin for an idea like this because you almost have to be checking the coins to find it. with the exception of the war years, a Jefferson is a Jefferson is a jefferson.
  • Personally I hope you get in trouble for dropping those counterstamped coins into circulation. As someone who works for DOD and has been to both Afghanistan and Iraq on multiple occasions I find that ridiculous.

    Perhaps you could send me a coin and I can give it to the Iraqi woman I met working on one of the major air bases in Al Anbar. She was outside on a break and I was talking to her and asked her what she thought of the base, and her job, and how it was on the outside. She started crying and told me she loved her job because they play music in the chow hall and she can listen to music all day as it was forbidden to her previously. She was also going to school for the first time in her life.

    Rant over.

    Coin Photos

    Never view my other linked pages. They aren't coin related.
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    news the other day reported someone `slipped an $800 gold coin (dated 1999) folded in a dollar bill
    donated at a salvation army drop-off in town`
    and also that it was about the same time last year this had happened.
  • GrumpyEdGrumpyEd Posts: 4,749 ✭✭✭
    It's illegal to put them into circulation after counterstamping.

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well stated John... These idiots cannot see through their small minded hatred. Cheers, RickO
  • BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>


    I, on the other hand, intended no political statement when I joined my friends here in slipping old coins into circulation. I have been putting 1-2 AG-G IH Cents and/ or partially dated Buffs into the local circulation since the beginning of December - I figured that at least a couple of kids would get a thrill (and an early Xmas present) out of it.

    What value does that counterstamped nickel have?
  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,086 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>

  • Very Lame. Well put JapanJohn.
  • Coll3ctorColl3ctor Posts: 3,345 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>


    I, on the other hand, intended no political statement when I joined my friends here in slipping old coins into circulation. I have been putting 1-2 AG-G IH Cents and/ or partially dated Buffs into the local circulation since the beginning of December - I figured that at least a couple of kids would get a thrill (and an early Xmas present) out of it.

    What value does that counterstamped nickel have? >>

    There is a emotion for image

    lol !!!
  • JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm in.
    I will drop 10 rolls of circulated pre-40 wheats in upstate NY registers.

    Good idea and image for giving a cr@p. image
    Some coins are just plain "Interesting"
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    why is that lame and why is everyone offended by it?? this President has done more to damage our country than we now realize and it's about time more citizens started speaking out about it. what boggles my mind is that the present government has become so despicable that the voting citizens have grown accustomed to lies, deceipt and treachory.

    that in a word is lame. this sitting President is an embarrasment and his government's policies will probably take a generation to unravel. it's pathetic that he is mocked and ridiculed so easily by so many in the media with comedians having a heyday, and the only ending to it will be his farewell speech.
  • GritsManGritsMan Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭

    << <i>why is that lame and why is everyone offended by it?? this President has done more to damage our country than we now realize and it's about time more citizens started speaking out about it. what boggles my mind is that the present government has become so despicable that the voting citizens have grown accustomed to lies, deceipt and treachory.

    that in a word is lame. this sitting President is an embarrasment and his government's policies will probably take a generation to unravel. it's pathetic that he is mocked and ridiculed so easily by so many in the media with comedians having a heyday, and the only ending to it will be his farewell speech. >>


    I also think the coin drop is a GREAT idea. I gotta rummage around and see what I have.
    Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010
  • Stamping this crap on coins isn't going to change anyone's mind. It's obnoxious, and it's an act of desperation.
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭

    << <i>why is that lame and why is everyone offended by it?? this President has done more to damage our country than we now realize and it's about time more citizens started speaking out about it. what boggles my mind is that the present government has become so despicable that the voting citizens have grown accustomed to lies, deceipt and treachory.

    that in a word is lame. this sitting President is an embarrasment and his government's policies will probably take a generation to unravel. it's pathetic that he is mocked and ridiculed so easily by so many in the media with comedians having a heyday, and the only ending to it will be his farewell speech. >>

    Hillary will fix it all in '08.image
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    well, the alternative course would seem to be to wait until Bush is gone and then do something. in that regard, anything is better, so this small act might just raise one persons awareness and encourage them to get out and vote in 2008. that is a very good thing.
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    actually, if the Democrats still control the Congress i'm not to sure a Democrat as President would be a good thing. the Republicans showed us what happens when the two branches become one, do we need to re-visit that scenario while we tell ourselves it won't happen again?? i think the answer is no.
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,094 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Personally I hope you get in trouble for dropping those counterstamped coins into circulation. As someone who works for DOD and has been to both Afghanistan and Iraq on multiple occasions I find that ridiculous.

    Perhaps you could send me a coin and I can give it to the Iraqi woman I met working on one of the major air bases in Al Anbar. She was outside on a break and I was talking to her and asked her what she thought of the base, and her job, and how it was on the outside. She started crying and told me she loved her job because they play music in the chow hall and she can listen to music all day as it was forbidden to her previously. She was also going to school for the first time in her life.

    Rant over.

    John >>

  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
    To the first part of this thread, a coin drop is a great idea.

    To the second part, I like the counterstamped coin. Its a snap shot of today which will be a piece of history. Obviously someone has put a lot of effort into this stamp. This only reflects the sentiment of the country. Truth is, Bush has one of the lowest approval ratings of any President. If this was a love token, you wouldn't say anything. But since it is against your political beliefs, then its defacing and lame.

    Third, it amazes me that someone can defend this war. I agree with keets, Bush has lied to this country. Now if you want to talk politics, then lets go. But this forum really isn't the place.

  • Aside from the lives lost, that war has cost us all a lot of coin. What could the government spent those trillions of dollars on here at home? Or would you rather still have those taxes in your own pocket?

    Putting old coins in circulation is a great idea. Everytime I find old wheats & dateless buffalos while metal detecting, I usually clean 'em up and spend 'em.
    "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes"--Hugh Downs
  • ChrisRxChrisRx Posts: 5,619 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>

    Where can I get these?
  • I might be a newb but this thread went WAY OFF SUBJECT. My personal opinion would be you all played right into edix2001's hand. No response would have been the right way to go in my opinion.

    Let him drop his propaganda it can't be any worse than the news media. The 2 guys from work who have been on 2 tours already say the Iraq's really appreciate what we are doing. Especially the woman and children. But you will never hear that on the News stories.
  • Hey! Bernard von NotHaus has a new counterstamp out, that he refers to as a "hallmark". It's a pair of tiny handcuffs that von NotHaus will hallmark on your "Liberty Dollars" for $10 a shot until he gets arrested:
    Ho, ho, ho!
  • pb2ypb2y Posts: 1,461
    Spending shaggy old coins can be a wonderfull experience.
    But handing a young waitress a few Susan Battle Axe dollars
    was the most fun. A face of disgust, a carefull look, a smile, a kind thanks
    and the 80s are long gone.


  • pb2ypb2y Posts: 1,461

    << <i>Hey! Bernard von NotHaus has a new counterstamp out, that he refers to as a "hallmark". It's a pair of tiny handcuffs that von NotHaus will hallmark on your "Liberty Dollars" for $10 a shot until he gets arrested: http://www.libertydollar.org/ld/arrestdollar/images.htm Ho, ho, ho! >>

    When the VonHaus people are arrested there will be lots
    of room left in that camp for you and me.

  • MowgliMowgli Posts: 1,219

    << <i>why is that lame and why is everyone offended by it?? this President has done more to damage our country than we now realize and it's about time more citizens started speaking out about it. what boggles my mind is that the present government has become so despicable that the voting citizens have grown accustomed to lies, deceipt and treachory.

    that in a word is lame. this sitting President is an embarrasment and his government's policies will probably take a generation to unravel. it's pathetic that he is mocked and ridiculed so easily by so many in the media with comedians having a heyday, and the only ending to it will be his farewell speech. >>

    The problem is that this is a forum for coins, not politics. We had a similar tirade about what was written about each president with the SCD (??). It went the other way but was also inappropriate. This thread is about speading numismatic material, not political positions.
    In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭
    I spend about a roll of Buffalo nickels in vending machines every month or two.

    And I dropped about a dozen in Maine on vacation this summer.

  • << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>

    LOL How delusional ....edited to add..if we call all that backed and called for war on Iraq liars, we would have to include Bill Clinton, Wifey Hellary, D student John Kerry to name a few.
  • I think that was the creator's purpose in making the counterstamp: to get people talking.

    Peace on Earth -- Good will towards men.

  • << <i>Aside from the lives lost, that war has cost us all a lot of coin. What could the government spent those trillions of dollars on here at home? Or would you rather still have those taxes in your own pocket? >>

    Pay back the money stolen from the social security fund, health care for millions of uninsured children, education, bridge infastructure and our national debt to name a few.

    In the months before the March 2003 Iraq invasion, the Bush administration estimated the Iraq war would cost no more than $50 billion.

    The cost of the war so far is $607 billion for Iraq and $164 billion for the war in Afghanistan since the 9/11 attacks
    The vast majorities of Americans (and the world at large) agree that the war in Afghanistan was necessary and justified and the war Iraq was neither necessary or justified.

    $607,000,000,000 divided by 100 = 6,070,000,000 hundred dollar bills.

    The thickness of American currency is .010922 cm and weight 1 gram per note
    1 centimeter = 0.393700787 in
    .010922 cm = .0043 in

    6,070,000,000 times .0043 in = 26,101,000 inches

    26,101,000 inches = 2,175,083 feet

    2,175,083 feet = 411.95 miles

    6.07 billion $100 bills would make a stack 411.95 miles high and weigh 6,685 tons

    The International Space Station orbits the earth at 250 miles.

    But what the heck, its only four hundred eleven miles of 100’s we’ve spent so far and will be double that before it done so some Iraqi women can listen to music in the chow hall and have some of the children appreciate what we are doing.
    Of course, the 24 million total population of Iraq would have appreciated it more if we had just taken the 607 billion and given each and every one of them their share, $25,291 each and not destroyed their countries entire infastructure so Bushs legacy would be that of a great war time president. His legacy instead will now be worse president ever.

    The real cost.
    Year.....US Deaths.....US Wounded
    2003......486 ..................2,411
    2005......846.................. 5,951
    2006..... 822...................6,398
    2007..... 883...................5,688

    Before the events of 9/11 Osama said a military victory over the United States was impossible but he could defeat us by ruining our economy financially. He knew Bush for the egotistical fool he is and Bush played into his hands and led us into the trap.
    Meanwhile, continue to turn a blind eye to the real cost, wear a little flag on your lapel to emulate the guy you voted best to have a over for a beer and BBQ instead of best to lead our country and have a hysterical hissy fit about some counter stamped nickels to act tough and patriotic. In reality you Bushies are and not much different than the fanatical tribal Taliban or the hate filled Al-Qaeda. I hope you all live long enough to realize how completely you’ve been duped and how severely you damaged our country for generations to come.

    The first American to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature had it right in 1935 when he stated; "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

    I don’t expect to get a lot of 1st post imageimageimage

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll try to remember to spend a couple of cull Indian cents from the 1880s.

    Edit to add: what's funny is that I might actually find out who discovers them, as I am the closest thing to a brick & mortar coin dealer within about a 75-mile radius. It would be fun if I got an excited 'phone call from somebody who got an IHC in their change at McDonald's.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Plum, its clear you are nothing but a troll and a moron to boot. Comparing people who support the war on terror and the President to Al qeda members and Taliban shows the magnitude of the clown that you are. Next time you post something, try not to copy and paste it from Code Pink or some other left wing moonbgat terrorist supporting website. Now some facts for you. OBL declared war on America in 1990's on national TV in an interview. Had the adulterer been more willing to go after him at Tarnak Farm where OBL and some 9/11 hijackers were in and out of up until the start of 2001, maybe we could have stopped the terror attacks....instead he worried about his sex life and the public opinion of himself. So blame Bush all you want, anyone with half a brain knows terrorism goes beyond ruining economies..just watch the videos of people opting to fall 95 floors to their death rather than be burned alive.

  • << <i>I'll be dropping some counterstamped nickels into circulation:

    image >>

    Speaking as someone who has served in Iraq during the present conflict, I find your comment disrespectful and unnecessary. This thread was supposed to be about a coin drop, not politics. While I respect your opinion, I feel that you were totally out of line for posting in that manner as it was inflammatory and completely unwarranted. That being said, I'll spend some Wheaties and Buffs before Christmas.

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey, both sides- can we lose the politics, please?

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • I have like $50 face of 42-D circ Jeffs. I should drop some of those into circulation.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Think I might spend a crap Buffalo or two, while I'm at it.

    Normally the cull IHC and no-date Buffs and early, nonsilver Jeffies end up in my 3/$1 bin. (In 2x2s).

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • gyocomgdgyocomgd Posts: 2,582 ✭✭✭

    << <i>why is that lame and why is everyone offended by it?? this President has done more to damage our country than we now realize and it's about time more citizens started speaking out about it. what boggles my mind is that the present government has become so despicable that the voting citizens have grown accustomed to lies, deceipt and treachory.

    that in a word is lame. this sitting President is an embarrasment and his government's policies will probably take a generation to unravel. it's pathetic that he is mocked and ridiculed so easily by so many in the media with comedians having a heyday, and the only ending to it will be his farewell speech. >>

    Right on, Keets. In the event you don't have any defaced coinage to throw around, maybe you can go down to city hall and burn a flag.image
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭





    Enough, already. It's gettin' so I hope the mods nuke this thread. Which is unfair to UtahCoin, who posted it with the best of intentions.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • ccmorganccmorgan Posts: 1,232 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I myself enjoy coin drops. When I pickup my daughter from school I always drop 4 or 5 dateless buffalo nickels on the sidewalk leading up to the doors. We will also go to the school playgrounds around the nearby neighborhoods and she will play on the playground equipment and just laugh at me while I walk around dropping Wheaties and buff nickels around the play areas(always bring the kid with you) or people may call the law on ya..These are guaranteed to get into the hands of kids. She has told me several times she heard kids talking about and showing these coins in school the next day. >>

    Better be carefull hanging around schools/playgorunds these days. Not everyone will know/think it's your daughter your with.
    I know sad but very true...
    Love the 1885-CC Morgan
  • DieClashDieClash Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭

    << <i>To the first part of this thread, a coin drop is a great idea.

    To the second part, I like the counterstamped coin. Its a snap shot of today which will be a piece of history. Obviously someone has put a lot of effort into this stamp. This only reflects the sentiment of the country. Truth is, Bush has one of the lowest approval ratings of any President. If this was a love token, you wouldn't say anything. But since it is against your political beliefs, then its defacing and lame.

    Third, it amazes me that someone can defend this war. I agree with keets, Bush has lied to this country. Now if you want to talk politics, then lets go. But this forum really isn't the place. >>


    Speaking of Coin Drop, I've been vacationing in Maui the past two weeks. Recently, I paid $5 for parking in Lahaina the other day. I put a $10 bill into a machine and I received a $5 bill and 5 one-dollar coins in return. This little bill changer was designed to provide one with $5 to feed into the automated parking machine. For me this was the very first time that I received new Prez $1 coins in change!. I know the "goobers" who wrote the law enabling the $1 presidential coins, envisioned that these would somehow miraculously "circulate" without eliminating the $1 bill! I was just amazed that I had to travel from Pennsylvania to Maui to actually experience the new prexy $1's in circulation!.

    I intend to spend these $1's when I get home to encourage their circulation. Granted, this is not necessarily the OPs intention with regards to circulating expired series coinage, but I think it serves the same objective: putting coins into ciruculation that otherwise don't normally circulate.

    "Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW
  • the "bush lied" routine gets old. drop it
  • I think everyone is entitled to their opinion, and just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean you have to give them hell.

    If the coin had a counterstamp of a cute naked girl, I bet everyone's reaction would be totally different and more "approving". Just because it's "political" and not your belief doesn't make it "wrong".

    And I like the original idea of dropping coins into circulation. I wish I had some I could drop.

    Mike C
    Mike C.

    Positive BST references: Weather11am, Mrmom, Metalsman, GAB, Mash, FishyOne, Cone10, Keepdachange, etc...
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,150 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Aside from the lives lost, that war has cost us all a lot of coin. What could the government spent those trillions of dollars on here at home? Or would you rather still have those taxes in your own pocket? >>

    Pay back the money stolen from the social security fund, health care for millions of uninsured children, education, bridge infastructure and our national debt to name a few.

    In the months before the March 2003 Iraq invasion, the Bush administration estimated the Iraq war would cost no more than $50 billion.

    The cost of the war so far is $607 billion for Iraq and $164 billion for the war in Afghanistan since the 9/11 attacks
    The vast majorities of Americans (and the world at large) agree that the war in Afghanistan was necessary and justified and the war Iraq was neither necessary or justified.

    $607,000,000,000 divided by 100 = 6,070,000,000 hundred dollar bills.

    The thickness of American currency is .010922 cm and weight 1 gram per note
    1 centimeter = 0.393700787 in
    .010922 cm = .0043 in

    6,070,000,000 times .0043 in = 26,101,000 inches

    26,101,000 inches = 2,175,083 feet

    2,175,083 feet = 411.95 miles

    6.07 billion $100 bills would make a stack 411.95 miles high and weigh 6,685 tons

    The International Space Station orbits the earth at 250 miles.

    But what the heck, its only four hundred eleven miles of 100’s we’ve spent so far and will be double that before it done so some Iraqi women can listen to music in the chow hall and have some of the children appreciate what we are doing.
    Of course, the 24 million total population of Iraq would have appreciated it more if we had just taken the 607 billion and given each and every one of them their share, $25,291 each and not destroyed their countries entire infastructure so Bushs legacy would be that of a great war time president. His legacy instead will now be worse president ever.

    The real cost.
    Year.....US Deaths.....US Wounded
    2003......486 ..................2,411
    2005......846.................. 5,951
    2006..... 822...................6,398
    2007..... 883...................5,688

    Before the events of 9/11 Osama said a military victory over the United States was impossible but he could defeat us by ruining our economy financially. He knew Bush for the egotistical fool he is and Bush played into his hands and led us into the trap.
    Meanwhile, continue to turn a blind eye to the real cost, wear a little flag on your lapel to emulate the guy you voted best to have a over for a beer and BBQ instead of best to lead our country and have a hysterical hissy fit about some counter stamped nickels to act tough and patriotic. In reality you Bushies are and not much different than the fanatical tribal Taliban or the hate filled Al-Qaeda. I hope you all live long enough to realize how completely you’ve been duped and how severely you damaged our country for generations to come.

    The first American to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature had it right in 1935 when he stated; "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."

    I don’t expect to get a lot of 1st post imageimageimage >>

    I believe that right before the war started Saddam's sons went to the Bank of Baghdad with a note saying daddy says we can have a billion dollars. It took 3 semi trailers to haul it away, so $607 billion would take 1820 or so 18 wheelers. I believe it was all in American $100 bills.
  • cmerlo1cmerlo1 Posts: 7,928 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I spend old coins from time to time as well...I particularly like spending Ikes- I spent one at a convenience store the other night, and the clerk immediately took a dollar bill out of his pocket and put it in the register, keeping the coin. I asked him if he collected coins, and he said no, he just wanted the Ike because it was interesting. Hopefully the planted seed will grow...

    Now, for the rest of the thread- I've quietly sat by long enough:

    Once again, a thread with a good topic has been steered WAY off topic. I think it's sad that these coin forums are being turned into a place for people to constantly argue their political views. I'm sure there are web sites with forums devoted to politics that would be a better venue for this type of debate. Arguing politics here isn't going to change any one's opinion. I believe in freedom of speech 100%, but I also believe in being considerate to others (especially the person who started the thread) and exercising that right in an appropriate venue. Selling political beliefs here, to me, is just another form of spam.

    Now, I'm getting off my soap box and going back to my coins...perhaps others can do the same.

    You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i wouldn't burn a flag unless it was worn and tattered and needed to be destroyed. i would, however, willingly march on the White House to speak out against the way this current Government has abused it's power at the expense the people and, most importantly, the men and women it wrongly places in harm's way. i served in the late 70's and have a good enough perspective to offer an opinion which is clear now and will only get clearer as time passes.

    back to the original theme, drop those coins even if they have an unpopular theme on them.

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