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Interesting....are 80sJ and Toppsco1lector the same?



  • Brian, no offense but I think you're reaching. It's natural and happens a lot when people get taken. They start doubting what they thought they knew and next thing you know everyone is a damn commie spy. I've seen it happen a thousand times.

    It's like what happened to our country after the "Twenty-One" TV show scandal back in the 50s. Trust me, I know. Robert Redford told me so.

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Hmm let me see.

    topps has disappeared leaving a number of people either without money, or without cards.
    80sjunkie stole a ton of people's money with bogus card sales.

    Both acts happened about the same time.

    And I'm supposed to give topps the benefit of the doubt here? >>


    The two events may coincide but more than likely - no.

    You have a failure in logic - a "fallacy of undistributed middles" - i.e. - an untrue syllogism - a breakdown in logic - this happened, that happened, therefore - this happened.

    With that logic, you could link any coinciding event to Gary/Topps - with this reasoning, we could blame him/them for global warming I guess?

  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    Right from the first post of Toppsco1lectors I read, I thought there was something odd???

    He didn't post or seem like he was as young as his profile said.

    All business he was, and just to busy making deals all the time.

    Seemed like someone that was in their mid to late 30s.


    Well... what doesn't kill us will only make us stronger I guess.

    I sure hope the best for everyone made deals in good faith???

  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>And it seems topps was posting in several of 80sjunkies' threads, building hype.

    There's another ID (I won't drop names) in the 80s thread who I have been told is another ID of 80s....who essentially is building hype by saying something along the lines of 'wow I can't believe there's a spot left...when I first heard about this I didn't think I had a chance of getting in!' or something along those lines.

    If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, chances are it's a duck.

    Other than different addresses, what evidence is out there that topps and 80s are different people? >>

    the above statement coming from a person that supports NAMBLA's free speech and does not think NAMBLA's members should be prosecuted simply for being members of such a horrible organization..
  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    << <i>Hmm let me see.

    topps has disappeared leaving a number of people either without money, or without cards.
    80sjunkie stole a ton of people's money with bogus card sales.

    Both acts happened about the same time.

    And I'm supposed to give topps the benefit of the doubt here? >>

    While you're at it Axtell why don't you (re)tell us your theory about Sept. 11th?
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭

    << <i> If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, chances are it's a duck. >>


    Your despicability is despicable!!!

    EDIT TO ADD: despicapepable
  • bobsbbcardsbobsbbcards Posts: 3,254 ✭✭✭

    << <i>While you're at it Axtell why don't you (re)tell us your theory about Sept. 11th? >>

    Was Gary behind that too? image
  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>While you're at it Axtell why don't you (re)tell us your theory about Sept. 11th? >>

    Was Gary behind that too? image >>

    Ha! That's excellent.

    Axtell (BrianS, SteveA...stay tuned for more alts) has an interesting view of the events.
  • Interesting that people here would be more interested in attacking me than in actually working to recover funds stolen by someone else.

    Speaks volumes about their character (or lack thereof).
  • Again, why can't we:

    1. Have members who scam get banned.

    2. Require more personal information for the moderators...not public info. That way if there is a scam, a member can get personal info from the moderators. It may also help crack down on aliases.

    Trying to complete 1960, '61 and '68 Topps baseball sets...raw

  • << <i>Again, why can't we:

    1. Have members who scam get banned.

    2. Require more personal information for the moderators...not public info. That way if there is a scam, a member can get personal info from the moderators. It may also help crack down on aliases. >>

    I would think it would help greatly that in order to post on the boards, you must be a paying PSA member. It would help in tracking down these scammers and get rid of a lot of riffraff from these boards as well.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Interesting that people here would be more interested in attacking me than in actually working to recover funds stolen by someone else.

    Speaks volumes about their character (or lack thereof). >>

    Perhaps because we have already spent countless hours researching his past while you are only here to instigate and make conspiracy theories.

    Bumping a 6 month old thread (just yesterday, mind you) while trying to pat yourself on the back.

    Still waiting to see where you even remotely implied Gary was up to no good.

    By the way, two weeks ago called and wants to know where you've been....

    Edited to add: Still waiting for your "source"

    << <i>There's another ID (I won't drop names) in the 80s thread who I have been told is another ID of 80s.... >>

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts

  • << <i>
    Bumping a 6 month old thread (just yesterday, mind you) while trying to pat yourself on the back.

    Not trying to pat myself on the back, simply trying to point out the errors of your ways (i.e. jumping on my back instead of questioning a new member's suspicious motives). You've proved it again with this thread. Instead of investigating the possibility (a strong one, at that) that they are the same person, you and your ilk have instead chosen to attempt to focus on me instead. Perhaps you're in cahoots with the thief?

    You're saying there's no possibility that topps and 80s are the same person when you instead direct your ire at me. Instead of looking at facts, you'd prefer to lash out at me.

    Topps has stopped responding to correspondence, despite owing a number of people either money and/or cards...eerily close to 80s being outed as a thief. I know he was your buddy on the anti-Axtell bandwagon, but you're letting emotion cloud your reasoning.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭

    << <i> I know he was your buddy on the anti-Axtell bandwagon, but you're letting emotion cloud your reasoning. >>


    So who were you before???

    Posts: 80
    Joined: Feb 2007
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>
    Bumping a 6 month old thread (just yesterday, mind you) while trying to pat yourself on the back.

    Not trying to pat myself on the back, simply trying to point out the errors of your ways (i.e. jumping on my back instead of questioning a new member's suspicious motives). You've proved it again with this thread. Instead of investigating the possibility (a strong one, at that) that they are the same person, you and your ilk have instead chosen to attempt to focus on me instead. Perhaps you're in cahoots with the thief?

    You're saying there's no possibility that topps and 80s are the same person when you instead direct your ire at me. Instead of looking at facts, you'd prefer to lash out at me.

    Topps has stopped responding to correspondence, despite owing a number of people either money and/or cards...eerily close to 80s being outed as a thief. I know he was your buddy on the anti-Axtell bandwagon, but you're letting emotion cloud your reasoning. >>

    One of them lives in California, the other one in Maryland. This has been pretty well documented by board members who have had transactions with both. I have personally mailed cards to Gary's 'Cards 4 Kids' charity in Cali, and Greg has received payments from Toppscollector that originated from a Maryland address, so unless he's working two different addresses-- one on each coast-- it would seem highly unlikely that they are the same guy.
  • Not that difficult to have two addresses, as both topps and 80s stated they did a lot of traveling.

    Not saying its set in stone, but it seems incredibly coincidental that both turn up missing at about the same time, both having stolen cards/money from members here, that's all.
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    First of all,

    I didn't know that Ax was back. He should NEVER be put in the same group as 80s, just because you disagree with the guy on any number of levels and topics doesn't mean he would ever steal from you, me or anyone. He likes to debate/incite/argue and many people that have those inclinations made very successful attorneys. It does NOT mean that he would steal from you.

    Back to the subject at hand:

    I sincerely doubt that 80s and Topps1 are the same person. Topps may be in it for free chit but that doesn't mean he and Gary are one in the same. There are many here that think Gary had this elaborate plan...

    I think I should remind you that he was/is a moron! He bought incriminating things on the same eBay id as he sold resealed packs and furthermore, posted that eBay id on here! Who would think someone that would incriminate themselves so badly would have these schemes and accomplices all over the country?

    I tell you this, there are tons of people out there to try to take advantage of us. Be it asking for free cards, welching on a trade, or setting up fixed pack rips, they likely are not the same people. Thousands of people read this board and anyone can sign up. You really think that there is only ONE dishonest person among us? That since 2 people did dishonest things that they are the same person?

    Topps is not a crook, but one that takes advantage of peoples generosity. Gary is a small time crook. Maybe he was trying to align for the "big score" on the 84 FB case, but when you think about it no one is out more than $300 from his schemes.

    He's a moron who I bet failed out of college, turned to selling beer bongs because it was in demand and somehow few people in college realized it was simply a funnel and tubing, so he took advantage of these people. Not a crime, but I think that's what may have started his greed off.

    The internet has really made many people able to be anonymous to sell or steal or cheat people that they wouldn't have been able to do 10 years ago.

    The conspiracy theories really should stop. Not saying Topps isn't an a$$ for accepting free cards or not honoring his side of a trade, but that unfortunately isn't uncommon in the hobby today.

    Bri maybe right that the 75 mini rip attracted scammers, but I don't think that anyone that scams from the last 6 months to the next 6 months is Gary.

    I have sent many people things for free on here and have been thanked most of the time. I have never had a bad trade. One time I sent a member who has been around for a while 2 pristine 1977 BB cards that came from the wax box I busted. He was also the guy that was the under bidder in my rbdjr fiasco, and ended up getting the same card for $300+ cheaper than he initially bid! It took me a month's of PM's to find out if he got the cards he was "dying" for and his excuse was that he "gets way too many Pm's" he "can't read them all." You may know the guy, he comes on here only to pimp his "original" photos. image

    End of rant. Thanks for reading if you did.



    My Auctions
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>First of all,

    I didn't know that Ax was back. He should NEVER be put in the same group as 80s, just because you disagree with the guy on any number of levels and topics doesn't mean he would ever steal from you, me or anyone. He likes to debate/incite/argue and many people that have those inclinations made very successful attorneys. It does NOT mean that he would steal from you. >>

    sorry Zef, but that is just total nonsense.. what i see just a few posts above this is Axtell insinuating that stown is "perhaps in cahoots with this thief" (80sJunkie).. all i've seen other people do is call Axtell out for being the hypocritical manboob that she is (and has)..

    and with the recent scamming going on, i certainly wouldnt go out on a limb and vouch for Axtell, she has proven herself to be one of the most mentally unstable and vicious forum members here.. it's no accident she has the reputation she has.. she's been banned several times already, first because after he learned of the death of one of our fellow forum members immediate family, Axtell claimed to be "happy" about it..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    PS: axtell you're a scumbag, you're a hypocrite, and you have no common sense..

    plus you have two gigantic man-boobs..
  • Wait a minute.

    Please post where I EVER said I was happy about learning about the death of a board member's family member?

    You will not be able to find such a post BECAUSE I NEVER MADE IT. Now quit making s*** up.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Wait a minute.

    Please post where I EVER said I was happy about learning about the death of a board member's family member?

    You will not be able to find such a post BECAUSE I NEVER MADE IT. Now quit making s*** up. >>

    because the moderator removed the thread and banned your ass because of your vicious statements towards a forum members son who passed away.. thats why your "Axtell" account was banned, thats why you came back as "SteveA" and started more crap only to get banned again.. thats why youre now back as "BrianS" and will soon be banned again..

    you're schizophrenic and need to be on medication..
  • I never posted that. NEVER.

    I never said I was 'happy' someone's son passed away. NEVER. You are straight up lying. And you say *I* need medication? You're out of your mind....the result of that excessive marijuana use.
  • P.S. How convenient for your ridiculous and completely false allegation that the evidence has been 'deleted'.

  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    so then what is your excuse for getting banned the first time? the second time?
  • I was never given an explanation, let alone a warning. While posters (like you) wish board members to 'please die in a fire', posters (like stown) are allowed to post other's photos (without their consent), yet you're allowed to remain.

    Consistency sure seems to be lacking in the enforcement of the policies.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I was never given an explanation, let alone a warning. >>

    because statements like the one you made dont deserve a warning, no explanation was needed.. just an instant ban..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
    and a warning PS: for anyone else that reads this, don't be confused.. im not so sure that "BrianS" wouldn't steal from anyone here.. i wouldn't put it past him.. and to be safe, for sure nobody should have any transactions with him, as his accounts here are frequently banned and he has to come back under a new name.. thats not a very stable user account to have transactions with outside of ebay..

    his prior username was "SteveA" and before that it was "Axtell".. now it's "BrianS".. so i'm not sure which personality he would be pretending to be if someone made a trade or any kind of transaction with him.. i mean her..
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>First of all,

    I didn't know that Ax was back. He should NEVER be put in the same group as 80s, just because you disagree with the guy on any number of levels and topics doesn't mean he would ever steal from you, me or anyone. He likes to debate/incite/argue and many people that have those inclinations made very successful attorneys. It does NOT mean that he would steal from you. >>

    sorry Zef, but that is just total nonsense.. what i see just a few posts above this is Axtell insinuating that stown is "perhaps in cahoots with this thief" (80sJunkie).. all i've seen other people do is call Axtell out for being the hypocritical manboob that she is (and has).. >>


    Many people have been pm'ing me about any and everyone that maybe in cahoots with 80s. A few people asked about Stown. People thought I may have been because of the 75 mini rip. There are conspiracy theorists all over the place and they just spew garbage. There is no way that stown, me or even you are in cahoots with Gary. It's all useless.

    << <i>and with the recent scamming going on, i certainly wouldnt go out on a limb and vouch for Axtell, she has proven herself to be one of the most mentally unstable and vicious forum members here.. it's no accident she has the reputation she has.. she's been banned several times already, first because after he learned of the death of one of our fellow forum members immediate family, Axtell claimed to be "happy" about it.. >>

    I don't know about his mental capacity, but he was around a long time and did nothing wrong besides argue with people. I don't know about the death wish or any other personal attacks he made, but on the OF those ran rampant. I just think its ignorant to group him in with thieves because he enrages many here by his words.

    My Auctions
  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    Wow! Lots of bad blood here. I have never heard to much nice said about this Axtell character. If I am not wanted someplace, I go away quietly and find someplace where I am welcome.

  • << <i>Wow! Lots of bad blood here. I have never heard to much nice said about this Axtell character. If I am not wanted someplace, I go away quietly and find someplace where I am welcome. >>

    Well that may work for the cowardly....that's just not me though. Have to admit, its pretty odd that a poster with 600 posts in nearly 2 years shows up at 1am and injects his opinions...sniff sniff, whose alt is that?

    Pandrews, questioning my integrity now? Is there no end to your conniving and outright lying? First the bogus claim I was 'happy' about someone losing their son, now this? Does your madness know no end?
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Wow! Lots of bad blood here. I have never heard to much nice said about this Axtell character. If I am not wanted someplace, I go away quietly and find someplace where I am welcome. >>

    Well that may work for the cowardly....that's just not me though. Have to admit, its pretty odd that a poster with 600 posts in nearly 2 years shows up at 1am and injects his opinions...sniff sniff, whose alt is that? >>

    geez.. you think everyone is an alt dont you?.. LOL..

    yes i admit it, willlippet is my alt..

    go take some schizo medicine Brian..
  • I'm not getting into it with you pandrews. I didn't say it was YOUR alt, simply said an alt. Guilty conscience, much?

    Look, if I offend you and your sensibilities so much, why do you waste your time posting and replying to me? I would think someone of your high intellect would frown upon these exchanges.
  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    It is actually 3am where I am at. I am nobody's alt ID. And when you keep getting banned and come back, it makes a person disrepectful and a rulebreaker. I can see why you are such a beloved character. Take the hint.
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭
    Just to be clear,

    I was not vouching for Ax/BrianS. Simply stating I don't think that he was or is a cheat. The guy likes to argue and that much is known by all.

    Ax, Will is a good guy too and may have a point. Might be time for you to move on as you seem to incite upon your immediate return time and again.

    I know many around here are thin skinned but your provocation is unwanted and unwarranted. As you have surely seen this community has recently had its share of bumps and to come back to start with certain members, even if you feel they provoked you, is untimely.

    As for posting someones picture without there permission, I am glad that I posted 80s/Gary's at the 75 mini break. He did not give me permission, but since I took the pictures I could rightfully post them. That argument doesn't hold much water ether and unless you have something to hide you wouldn't care much if people knew who you were.

    My Auctions
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭

    ah, the joys of sleep deprivation image
  • I find it odd that if some people are so against any and everything I post, then why do they waste time doing so?

    As far as my picture being posted, I think there's a vast difference between a criminal (80s), and a picture you yourself took, against what was posted of me. Nothing to hide, but I find it ironic that the very person who posted the photo (again, without my permission) doesn't even have an email address posted here.

    I am not going to allow my name be sullied by the likes of pandrews who makes wild accusations that I am a thief/criminal, that my word isn't good, or that my integrity in any way, shape, or form is to be questioned. Sorry. If that makes me inflammatory, so be it. But to sit here and allow someone to take potshots at me simply for his own amusement is not something I stand for.

    As far as 'moving on', sorry. I have an active membership to PSA so I feel I have as much right as anyone to post my views. What I'd like to see implemented is non-members of PSA unable to post. That would likely cut down a great deal of the scamming/thieving that goes on here.
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    << <i>As far as 'moving on', sorry. I have an active membership to PSA so I feel I have as much right as anyone to post my views. What I'd like to see implemented is non-members of PSA unable to post. That would likely cut down a great deal of the scamming/thieving that goes on here. >>

    I can't say I disagree with the latter part, but if the "powers that be" feel you shouldn't post here, then you shouldn't. They actually own this site. It's not a public board and while anyone can post here, they CAN dictate who cannot.

    My Auctions
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I am not going to allow my name be sullied by the likes of pandrews who makes wild accusations that I am a thief/criminal >>

    why? you made accusations of people (stown) being in "cahoots" with a thief.. but i guess it's just ok if YOU make the accusations, huh?..

  • You know what?

    Forget it.

    Pandrews, its apparent you take joy in feverishly trying to bash me and my character. If that's how you get through your day, so be it. But to call me a thief, to call into my question is inexcusable.
  • P.S. I never made an 'accusation', simply asked the question...big difference.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>P.S. I never made an 'accusation', simply asked the question...big difference. >>

    oh ok.. in that case, neither did i.. i simply said i wouldn't put it past you to be an untrustworthy person, and that i wouldn't trust you at all.. and that maybe people here should think twice before entering into a transaction of any value with you..
  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    Axtell, what would you do if the owner of a local restaurant told you never to come back because you kept hassling the help? Would you keep going back and getting arresting for trespassing? That is what you are doing here. The owners have declared you persona non grata. Whether it is "fair" or not makes no difference. Life isn't fair. You have been told by the owners to leave. Now you need to leave and never come back. Take it easy. I am sure that your brand of message board decorum will be welcome someplace.
  • Your analogy is flawed...the posters of this messageboard are not employees of CU, and no one is being 'hassled'. It's pretty simple: don't like what I say? Don't reply. It's a pretty easy solution. Why do people insist on making these things difficult?

  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    Are you claiming that CU welcomes you on their boards?

  • << <i>Are you claiming that CU welcomes you on their boards? >>

    As much as you claim that posters here are CU employees. Again, if I am 'hassling' you, why are you replying?
  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    You are humorous and I am having fun. You didn't answer my question directly. What name are you going to use when Brian S gets thrown off here. Why do you find it so hard to honor CU's expressed wishes?
  • So if you are having fun by definition I cannot possibly be hassling you, right?

  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    You aren't answering my questions Axtell.
  • Neither are you.

    Your questions are vague and undefined. Obviously my presence here is known, as I am sure several people (and I don't need to name their names, you know who they are) reported my postings here immediately. So if I am not wanted here as you asked, I would have to say yes I am.

    Now, on to my question. How can I be 'hassling' you if you are having fun? If I am hassling you and you aren't having fun, why would you reply (which would be the question I'd ask anyone who has a problem with what I post).
  • williplettwilliplett Posts: 471 ✭✭
    I am welcome here and you aren't, that is the difference Homie. I have had enough fun for one thread. Try signing in as yourself to get the answer to the are you welcome here question. Bye Bye
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