yea, when i saw the wehmeier psa 4 going for $50 i figured i may be time to start selling my triplicates. just been sitting on them. anyway, my (1952 topps thread apparently died in the sportscards & memorabilia forum) i guess i should have started it in the registry forum. i think i will revive it with a pic. here is a pic for this thread. some have seen it already. only the robinson and one mays are in my first set, the rest are in my set set.
I personally didn't think $50 was to bad for the card. I know they are no where close as far as cheap priceing but 707 lists there #80 at $125 Anyway I'm pleased with the card. Fantastic pics of your biggies there. Can't wait to score a Mathews someday. Thanks for shareing. ~Steve
steve- i was in no way poking fun at the purchase. i dont want you to get the wrong idea there. it seems all the '52s are strong. i just paid $200 for a psa 6 wehmeier. thats not cheap at all. regards pat
No problem cohocorp and I didn't think you were bashing at all just giveing an example of the other PSA 4 I saw. What is your set or sets name registered under on the PSA registry? Would love to watch them grow. Anyone here going to the Sun Times show in Chicago in the middle of March? ~Steve
steve- the following are the 4 sets i have registered at this time.
under 1952 topps master are... (pj's 1952toppsmasterset) #9th + (1952 TOPPS HIGH NUMBER EXTRAS) #19th
under 1952 topps basic are...(pj's 1952 topps basic set) #25th + (pj's 2nd '52 set hi #'s only) #45th
i only graded the high numbers in the second set. i deleted 32 cards (psa4s) from my master set this morning. i am trying to only have psa 5s in the first 80 cards, the low series. the high numbers are shaping up rather nicely with alot of 6s in the master set. i have about 10 cards on the way so the sets are not updated. one is pee wee reese in psa7.
It's been a while before posting-- forgot my password--found it.
Regarding twinsthreepeat's printing analysis-- The 1st series (1-80) were printed in 2 100-card sheets. There were 40 TRIPLE prints (#s 31-70) and 40 DOUBLE prints (#s 1-30, 71-80).
The Wehmeier #80 was the "last" card (bottom right corner of sheet #1) , and the last card of the 9th row on sheet #2. Also , #80 on sheet #1 had 2 variations- a yellow or orange background with the black back only.
Also it may be known, that grey stock was used in most of the 6 series. In the 3rd series (131-190) they tried an off-white stock, then moved back to the grey stock.
Happy to answer any questions re 1952 Topps- Ron Hobbs, Tallahassee, Fl
Ron, Great info on the print run. Where did you find that?
Also, Third series greybacks. It was my understanding that they were a canadian release.
Are you saying that topps started printing the third series on the white card stock and then went back to the greycard stock. Any idea of what kind of numbers for the grey card stock? Thanks, Jason
The 3 rd series off-white may have been Canadian issues , but are very rare, and few collectors try to put them into a "Master set". No other series used the off-white stock. The 6 th series used only the grey stock and much of that went to Canada (and the East river).
Ron, I have been looking for years for more third series grey backs. I only have three for my master master raw set. I only that Levi used to have quite a few. and mile auctioned off 47 of them back in 2005. Those went for 8,000+ Know anybody that has some lower grade for sale? Thanks, Jason
<< <i>Fsjeter, Was just wondering if you've starting makeing a dent your set at all yet. Please keep us updated with info. and scans as you get them! I believe this has become the "official" 1952 topps thread and I hope everyone continues to keep it active. I know I'm going to try and keep up with any new cards as I get them (slow but sure). Here's my newest one since we have talked about it recently. Not the nicest example but decent centering (slight diamond cut) and should fit in well with my set. >>
starting makeing a dent your set at all yet.
No dent. I've managed to pick up a whole three singles so far including the black back previously mentioned. It's going to be a long and costly process. I'm up for a good challange though. The good thing is that singles are readily available in the PSA 5 - 6 range in the 1st and second series. I Just gotta find the price I'm comfortable pulling the trigger on. I'll definately keep everyone posted on purchases and finds.
I believe this has become the "official" 1952 topps thread
Maybe I should change the title of the thread!
Registry Sets: T-205 Gold PSA 4 & up 1967 Topps BB PSA 8 & up 1975 Topps BB PSA 9 & up 1959 Topps FB PSA 8 & up 1976 Topps FB PSA 9 & up 1981 Topps FB PSA 10 1976-77 Topps BK PSA 9 & up 1988-89 Fleer BK PSA 10 3,000 Hit Club RC PSA 5 & Up
Thanks for the update and I too like the name change. We'll all continue to keep this as active as we can. I hope to add a weekly purchase scan ...atleast that's my goal for the year
Fantastic cards you guys. Cohocorp....that Pee Wee Reese is dynamite. Fsjeter, those are great looking 5's and will be a great start for your set. Thanks for sharening and keep 'em coming!
I have several variation scans in my registry set. You may be interested in viewing them at the PSA Registry. They show , for instance, the differense in the Mantle variations.
these '52s have been bringing very very strong prices recently. i guess more people joined the fray. i am getting outbid on virtually everything recently. ungraded (raw) cards were especially high in the past 48 hours to my surprise.
I agree Cohocorp. I was watching that raw Campy card lastnigth and was hopeing to jump in and take a chance on that one but it went higher than I was comfortable with for a raw one. That being sure looked like a SOLID card that should grade PSA5 or higher and make for a good deal for someone.
<< <i>No I did not. Not sure where to find those at. I'll figure it out here as I didn't get notice of one that I know of. >>
Top left hand corner of the page under the "Collectors Universe" logo. The padlock with the message next it. If you have PM's it will be blinking or it will say "no new message(s)." Either way you can click on it and it will take you to the PM area to read current or past PM's.
Registry Sets: T-205 Gold PSA 4 & up 1967 Topps BB PSA 8 & up 1975 Topps BB PSA 9 & up 1959 Topps FB PSA 8 & up 1976 Topps FB PSA 9 & up 1981 Topps FB PSA 10 1976-77 Topps BK PSA 9 & up 1988-89 Fleer BK PSA 10 3,000 Hit Club RC PSA 5 & Up
Cohocorp When you sold the Campos black star was it on ebay and, if so, was there a SGC 60 up at the same time ? I bought the SGC on ebay and remember a PSA card being up at the same time. I debated which one to go for and I think the one I bought ended first and the PSA card drew enough attention that I got it for less than I expected. Have not seen one come up since.
bishop-- there was an sgc on ebay at the same time, but i cant remember the grade. that seller and i had words back and forth. he was pissed at me b/c in my listing i mention that my campos was a straight cut not diamond. since his was diamond cut, he was all bent out of shape. he listed his after mine but his ended sooner. he also contacted all my bidders saying to look at his auction. real lowlife. he actually contacted my bidders before i revised my listed mentioning the cut, so he went after me first. i think he sold trains for a living. anyway, his sold for about $4000. mine sold for $7000. the smart thing to do was for him to wait 1 week so that mine ended then list his and he would have got alot more $. btw, you got a really good deal on that. congrats.
p.s. i need that damn card for my master set now. at the time i had no intention of doing a master set. it has a weight value of only 1, but will cost alot.
I've been meaning to post on this thread for a bit now just been busy. I bought a lot of 10 graded PSA 6 awhile back from someone who has there set registered on PSA. Felt the winning price was very fair and the cards looked great (all of which I needed) as well as a smooth deal with the seller. Not sure if he posts on here or not but I did get to update my set a bit which was much needed (50 total cards into the set now).
Great set of cards you got back Cohocorp as usual. How are the sets coming for you?
Finally got a Robinson that fit the bill..Haven't bought any '52s for a bit but had to grab this one. Makes me want to concentrate on the set again. Anyone else updateing sets that want to share pic's?
i slowly working on the set (in 4-5-6 range) trying to stay within a budget for each card, and trying to pick up 1-2 cards every 2-3 weeks. their cool looking cards and i probably won't finish it but it will be fun getting them in the mail and searching at stores and shows. i'll work on it slowly as i try to complete my other sets. i'll see where i'm at after a while, i have a snider in psa 5 which i bought raw at a show in detroit, while at school, for 10 bucks, that worked out nicely. just picked up a monte irvin last night, so i have 2 HOFers and a lot to go and i have about 18-20 commons. if i can learn to post pictures i will. i'm going to add my set hopefully this week to the registry, of course i have 1 sgc and 1 gai that i hope to crossover sooner or later.
it was either this set or the t206 monster in low grade so i'll have to pick a couple of those up just to have and work on this one, both great sets
anyway i'm in and will try to keep this thread within the first couple of pages
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
I've been working on this set in a straight PSA 7 grade for about 4-1/2 years now. I've got this one down to 114 cards left (mostly high numbers) and really enjoy the chase. Unfortunately when I finally catch one it really takes a bite out of the collecting budget. I started a 1953 PSA 7 set at the same time and have that one down to 23 cards. A very nice set without the huge high number series to tackle.
Good luck to any who pursue this goal. I've met some great people in my quest (thanks again David Selznick and everybody else who has helped me along the way). It is an ambitous quest and one well worth the time, effort and expense of completing.
Brian's 1952 Dream (#28 on the set registry) Brian's 1953 Dream (#16 on the set registry)
If anybody has cards to fill gaps in my sets, let me know. I'm always actively looking to buy these cards.
Learn some history of the game. Join a vintage base ball team in your area and get out there. Simsbury Taverneers My PSA Sets
Baseballfan, congrats on your ambitous decision and from one collector to another it truelly is a monster undertakeing. I'm also trying in the 4-6 range and have around 50 cards at this point with three of the big ones (Mantle, Mays and Robinson) and a couple others that would be in the middle price range (Yogi, Slaughter..) and have made the commitment to get the big ones out of the way first and then finish the rest. Keep us up to date.
New to the boards and found this topic interesting. I am working on this set as well. It will take several years, but it should be fun. I'm #21 Mayimbe in the registry (Master).
Attention all 1952 Topps collectors. A real nice group of cards with very reasonable buy it now prices just went up on ebay. I found several PSA 7's for very good prices. I'm not the seller but wanted to let you all know before these disappear.
well got my set listed i think i'm #81 (basic) but i need to add about 10-12 more once i receive them and the people i bought them off of take them out of their sets.
so far so good now if i can learn how to put pics up i would.
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
whenever i get that messege saying that the card is already in another set, i just scan the fronts and backs and email psa. they take care of it quickly. i think the longest i waited was 2 days. they are really good at straightening this out.
thanks the site said they would email the person with the card in their set to remove it. if they don't i will emai pictures, when i bought them they were supposed to remove them but apparently they didn't.
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
it's not the best pic but i got it up now i should be able to add more once i get them
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
under 1952 topps master are... (pj's 1952toppsmasterset) #9th + (1952 TOPPS HIGH NUMBER EXTRAS) #19th
under 1952 topps basic are...(pj's 1952 topps basic set) #25th + (pj's 2nd '52 set hi #'s only) #45th
i only graded the high numbers in the second set. i deleted 32 cards (psa4s) from my master set this morning. i am trying to only have psa 5s in the first 80 cards, the low series. the high numbers are shaping up rather nicely with alot of 6s in the master set. i have about 10 cards on the way so the sets are not updated. one is pee wee reese in psa7.
Regarding twinsthreepeat's printing analysis-- The 1st series (1-80) were printed in 2 100-card sheets. There were 40 TRIPLE prints (#s 31-70) and 40 DOUBLE prints (#s 1-30, 71-80).
The Wehmeier #80 was the "last" card (bottom right corner of sheet #1) , and the last card of the 9th row on sheet #2. Also , #80 on sheet #1 had 2 variations- a yellow or orange background with the black back only.
Also it may be known, that grey stock was used in most of the 6 series. In the 3rd series (131-190) they tried an off-white stock, then moved back to the grey stock.
Happy to answer any questions re 1952 Topps-
Ron Hobbs, Tallahassee, Fl
Great info on the print run. Where did you find that?
Also, Third series greybacks. It was my understanding that they were a canadian release.
Are you saying that topps started printing the third series on the white card stock and then went back to the greycard stock. Any idea of what kind of numbers for the grey card stock?
I have been looking for years for more third series grey backs. I only have three for my master master raw set. I only that Levi used to have quite a few. and mile auctioned off 47 of them back in 2005. Those went for 8,000+ Know anybody that has some lower grade for sale?
<< <i>Fsjeter,
Was just wondering if you've starting makeing a dent your set at all yet. Please keep us updated with info. and scans as you get them! I believe this has become the "official" 1952 topps thread and I hope everyone continues to keep it active. I know I'm going to try and keep up with any new cards as I get them (slow but sure). Here's my newest one since we have talked about it recently. Not the nicest example but decent centering (slight diamond cut) and should fit in well with my set.
starting makeing a dent your set at all yet.
No dent. I've managed to pick up a whole three singles so far including the black back previously mentioned. It's going to be a long and costly process. I'm up for a good challange though. The good thing is that singles are readily available in the PSA 5 - 6 range in the 1st and second series. I Just gotta find the price I'm comfortable pulling the trigger on. I'll definately keep everyone posted on purchases and finds.
I believe this has become the "official" 1952 topps thread
Maybe I should change the title of the thread!
T-205 Gold PSA 4 & up
1967 Topps BB PSA 8 & up
1975 Topps BB PSA 9 & up
1959 Topps FB PSA 8 & up
1976 Topps FB PSA 9 & up
1981 Topps FB PSA 10
1976-77 Topps BK PSA 9 & up
1988-89 Fleer BK PSA 10
3,000 Hit Club RC PSA 5 & Up
My Sets
T-205 Gold PSA 4 & up
1967 Topps BB PSA 8 & up
1975 Topps BB PSA 9 & up
1959 Topps FB PSA 8 & up
1976 Topps FB PSA 9 & up
1981 Topps FB PSA 10
1976-77 Topps BK PSA 9 & up
1988-89 Fleer BK PSA 10
3,000 Hit Club RC PSA 5 & Up
My Sets
<< <i>No I did not. Not sure where to find those at. I'll figure it out here as I didn't get notice of one that I know of. >>
Top left hand corner of the page under the "Collectors Universe" logo. The padlock with the message next it. If you have PM's it will be blinking or it will say "no new message(s)." Either way you can click on it and it will take you to the PM area to read current or past PM's.
T-205 Gold PSA 4 & up
1967 Topps BB PSA 8 & up
1975 Topps BB PSA 9 & up
1959 Topps FB PSA 8 & up
1976 Topps FB PSA 9 & up
1981 Topps FB PSA 10
1976-77 Topps BK PSA 9 & up
1988-89 Fleer BK PSA 10
3,000 Hit Club RC PSA 5 & Up
My Sets
PSA Order Status for Submission # 4435162
1 12503025 1952 TOPPS 120 BOB CHAKALES N/A 5
2 12503026 1952 TOPPS 261 WILLIE MAYS N/A 5
3 12503027 1952 TOPPS 287 STEVE BILKO N/A 5
4 12503028 1952 TOPPS 267 SID GORDON N/A 5
5 12503029 1952 TOPPS 393 EBBA ST. CLAIRE N/A 6
Date Received: 12/21/2006
Date of Grades Posted: 02/14/2007
Date Shipped: No Date Specified
When you sold the Campos black star was it on ebay and, if so, was there a SGC 60 up at the same time ? I bought the SGC on ebay and remember a PSA card being up at the same time. I debated which one to go for and I think the one I bought ended first and the PSA card drew enough attention that I got it for less than I expected. Have not seen one come up since.
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
p.s. i need that damn card for my master set now. at the time i had no intention of doing a master set. it has a weight value of only 1, but will cost alot.
PSA Order Status for Submission # 610876
1 60086406 1952 TOPPS 392 HOYT WILHELM N/A 7
Date Received: 02/16/2007
Date of Grades Posted: 02/20/2007
Date Shipped: 02/20/2007
You called that one my friend,you have a good eye.
Congrats on a very tough card.Now how about selling me your 4
PSA Order Status
1 12553578 1952 TOPPS 45 EDDIE JOOST BLACK BACK 5
2 12553579 1952 TOPPS 57 ED LOPAT BLACK BACK 5
3 12553580 1952 TOPPS 80 HERMAN WEHMEIER N/A 4
5 12553582 1952 TOPPS 98 BILL PIERCE N/A 7
6 12553583 1952 TOPPS 146 FRANK HOUSE N/A 7
7 12553584 1952 TOPPS 153 BOB RUSH N/A 7
8 12553585 1952 TOPPS 162 DEL CRANDALL N/A 5
9 12553586 1952 TOPPS 162 DEL CRANDALL N/A 4
10 12553587 1952 TOPPS 319 AL WALKER N/A 2
11 12553588 1952 TOPPS 387 BILLY MEYER N/A 3
12 12553589 1952 TOPPS 397 FORREST MAIN N/A 7
Date Received: 02/20/2007
Date of Grades Posted: 03/01/2007
Date Shipped: 03/01/2007
Great set of cards you got back Cohocorp as usual. How are the sets coming for you?
PSA Order Status for Submission # 4547507
1 60118164 1952 TOPPS 327 ARCHIE WILSON N/A 5
2 60118165 1952 TOPPS 331 TOM MORGAN N/A 5
3 60118166 1952 TOPPS 357 SMOKY BURGESS N/A 4
Date Received: 03/08/2007
Date of Grades Posted: 03/19/2007
Date Shipped: No Date Specified
Bowman Baseball -1948-1955
Fleer Baseball-1923, 1959-2007
i slowly working on the set (in 4-5-6 range) trying to stay within a budget for each card, and trying to pick up 1-2 cards every 2-3 weeks. their cool looking cards and i probably won't finish it but it will be fun getting them in the mail and searching at stores and shows. i'll work on it slowly as i try to complete my other sets. i'll see where i'm at after a while, i have a snider in psa 5 which i bought raw at a show in detroit, while at school, for 10 bucks, that worked out nicely. just picked up a monte irvin last night, so i have 2 HOFers and a lot to go and i have about 18-20 commons. if i can learn to post pictures i will. i'm going to add my set hopefully this week to the registry, of course i have 1 sgc and 1 gai that i hope to crossover sooner or later.
it was either this set or the t206 monster in low grade so i'll have to pick a couple of those up just to have and work on this one, both great sets
anyway i'm in and will try to keep this thread within the first couple of pages
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
Good luck to any who pursue this goal. I've met some great people in my quest (thanks again David Selznick and everybody else who has helped me along the way). It is an ambitous quest and one well worth the time, effort and expense of completing.
Brian's 1952 Dream (#28 on the set registry)
Brian's 1953 Dream (#16 on the set registry)
If anybody has cards to fill gaps in my sets, let me know. I'm always actively looking to buy these cards.
Simsbury Taverneers
My PSA Sets
New to the boards and found this topic interesting. I am working on this set as well. It will take several years, but it should be fun. I'm #21 Mayimbe in the registry (Master).
1952 Topps PSA Cards on ebay
Simsbury Taverneers
My PSA Sets
so far so good now if i can learn how to put pics up i would.
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
whenever i get that messege saying that the card is already in another set, i just scan the fronts and backs and email psa. they take care of it quickly. i think the longest i waited was 2 days. they are really good at straightening this out.
the site said they would email the person with the card in their set to remove it.
if they don't i will emai pictures, when i bought them they were supposed to remove them but apparently they didn't.
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started
it's not the best pic but i got it up now i should be able to add more once i get them
collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.
looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started