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The Ultimate US Coin Thread-Show 1 coin for each year

JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
Don't know if this can be pulled off or not, but I went to college, so I'll give it the old college try.

This may turn out to be the Ultimate 7070. How about posting 1 coin from each year from 1792 (like I have one of those lying around- calling Bill Jones) right up to 2006 so we can include the Classics and Moderns in one thread. Rules are simple:

The coins do not have to follow in any order
Try to post 1 coin per calendar year
Only 1 coin per post so no one can just post an album page on Lincolns and knock out a decade.

I'll start with a 1795--yes my only 1795
Some coins are just plain "Interesting"


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