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Why do the majority of Ebay sellers insist the buyer leave feedback first?



  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>Those like Axtell who have never sold a thing on Ebay in their lift cannot grasp the fact that there are more scamming buyers than sellers. >>

    You don't know a thing about my ebay history...I've been there 8 years, and have sold more there than you ever will. Quit making idiotic assumptions and people might listen to you. And you think there are more scamming buyers than sellers? As you love to say, 'PROOF?!?!?!?!?!'

    << <i>Again they fail to answer questions. If you are so set on the idea surely you can answer questions.

    What does that have to do with anything >>

    And you fail to answer one, simple question: If you care so LITTLE about feedback, why are you here so feverishly defending your point of view? What are YOU trying to hide? Hmmmmm?

    << <i>It has a lot to do with it. You said yourself feedback is very important, I ask if it is why does this seller have an 89% rating and still sells over 10K a week. >>

    Look at what he's selling, dope. The people buying knockoffs and spending a dollar on an item are willing to take that risk with a crappy seller. You won't find someone selling high end goods with crummy feedback. As was mentioned, look at the biggest card dealers (4SC, etc.), and see how they operate. You could take a page from their playbook.

    << <i>Can you please answer why if feedback is so UNIMPORTANT to you, why have you spent half of your 47 posts in this thread debating your case that feedback isn't important?

    What the F$$$ does the number of posts I have used have to do with anythign?? You keep bringing that up. I guess you have a superiority complex and think because you have used your 12000 posts spouting useless garbage you are more important.

    You must have an inferiority complex to continue to answer a simple question. WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT FEEDBACK IF IT'S SO UNIMPORTANT TO YOU? Answer the damn question man!

    << <i>I have over 3500 feedback I do not need anymore why would I?? If I get it I get it if I don't I don't give a crap. >>

    Oh you're too good for feedback....what an idiot.

    << <i>Uhm, how many times do I have to say it. When the buyer PAYS for his auction, he's EARNED his positive feedback. How difficult is that?

    Again you are calling your OPINION fact. Ebay says feedback is to be based on the ENTIRE transaction a buyers duty is not over once he pays. >>

    Of course its on the entire transaction - the buyer's side is paying, the seller's side is delivering. Duh, McFly!

    << <i>If you really have a set go to the feedback forum and post your opinions about feedback you will be crying by the time they rip you apart. >>

    hahahahaha You need a 'set' to go to the feedback forum and post opinions? hahahahaha Thanks for the laugh.

    << <i>I am not going to convince you, you are not going to convince me, because all you have is your opinion. >>

    And YOU continue to REFUSE to answer one simple and easy question:

    If you and your 3500 feedback are so above the feedback discussion, why are you still here? Get lost already! You won't be missed.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭
  • zef204zef204 Posts: 4,742 ✭✭

    << <i>100 >>


    My Auctions
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>100 >>


  • dthigpendthigpen Posts: 3,932 ✭✭
    You guys are funny.
  • BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,504 ✭✭✭✭✭
    thanks for the summaries. Makes sense. Males arguing, it happens.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>thanks for the summaries. Makes sense. Males arguing, it happens. >>

    put your sigline together and that says it all.. image
  • BigRedMachineBigRedMachine Posts: 2,563 ✭✭✭

    << <i>If feedback is so important why can't my first question that I have asked 3 times now be answered??

    Why does the #7 Ranked seller have a feedback rating of 89%?? He still sells over 10K a week. >>

    Sportscard, this of course is only my opinion. No facts. I have about 600 positives on eBay from a small amount of buying and selling, and certainly don't have the experience that you do selling. I understand that feedback is suppose to involve the whole transaction, but it is hard to convince something that if a buyer makes his payment that positive feedback shouldn't be left immediately. That indeed is his responsibility. The transaction may go to hell should the package end up missing, get damaged, etc. But by not leaving feedback, you're saying "I'm protecting myself from a future negative by holding yours hostage" Again, this is my opinion and how it comes off to me.

    As for your question. Did you ever stop to consider this????
    Perhaps if the #7 ranked seller had a feedback of 99% instead of 89%, the same items he's selling might bring in 12K a week? Or 15K? The fact that he is #7 is great but goes no where in defending feedback doesn't matter because you cannot begin to determine the amount of additional money he is losing.

    An auction only takes two buyers to run a price up. If I see an auction and the seller has an 89% feedback, I pass. And it only takes one bid by me to run the price up, sometimes substantially. And if the seller has ONE potential buyer pass on any of his auctions because of that poor feedback, he's losing money.

    That's a fact, and I think it indeed does matter.

  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    Maybe the FB functions could be bifurcated.

    One element could be "payment." When the buyer pays,
    the sellers leaves FB on that issue.

    Element two could be "transaction completion."

    The buyer demand to be recognized for prompt payment
    would be met, and the seller would still be protected
    when the same buyer decides to falsely claim that his
    credit card was stolen and/or the merch was delivered to
    the wrong address.

    EBAY's original FB system was sort of close to that model.
    You could leave FB on the same transaction several times;
    in fact, you could leave FB for people that you had no
    transaction with at all !!!! (MySpace style.)

    The EBAY boards are full of tales about buyer scams that
    are super active right now. Unless a seller knows me, I
    fully understand why he waits for the deal to "be finished"
    b4 leaving FB.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Axtell- Why the name calling?? Name calling is a true sign of intellignece. You have been trying to drag me to that level for a while now, glad to see you finally showed your true colors.

    You talk pretty tough behind that keyboard.

    And you fail to answer one, simple question: If you care so LITTLE about feedback, why are you here so feverishly defending your point of view? What are YOU trying to hide? Hmmmmm?

    WHAT AM I HIDING?? Tell me oh wise master of 12000 posts since obviously you know more than I do.

    You don't know crap about me either and my selling history on Ebay do you. So when you grow up you can come back and talk with the big kids.
  • MooseDogMooseDog Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭
    Slightly off the direction of the thread, but here is one reason why some sellers won't leave feedback until after the buyer posts same. I nearly always post positive feedback upon payment and this is my thanks:

    9052 feedback left by me

    6419 feedback received by me
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    9052 feedback left by me

    6419 feedback received by me



    Most good sellers will have some deviation in the
    count, because many one-time/infrequent buyers
    simply do not leave FB. Your disparity seems a bit
    high, but that is how it can play out.

    I said yesterday that it seems like I have been getting
    more/faster FB during my experiment of the past few

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Axtell- you can quit with the childish PMs. You had to result to name calling I have yet to sink to that level.

    You asked me for proof as to my statement about more buying scammers than sellers. Grow a set and take a stroll to the Ebay boards and actually read them.

    Why did Paypal make it harder for a buyer to win a SNAD complaint recently?? Probaly because they were losing too much money for false claims.

    I said it earlier but you cannot let it die with your childish PMs. I am not going to convince you my way is right, you are not going to convince me otherwise.

    You cannot be held hostage over somthing that is optional. If I don't want any goddamed feedback that is my business not yours or anyone else's. So take your 12000 posts since you think you are special because of them and shove them up your ass.

    The EBAY boards are full of tales about buyer scams that

    Excatly, but I get called an idiot for saying that. You know what they say about those who result to name calling first. If you want to continue down this road and keep PMing me Axtell then we can do this.. It on you son..
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Axtell- you can quit with the childish PMs. >>

    yep, thats axtell.. image
  • So now that I ripped him he has his panties in a bunch that he is going to get me banned.

    First bud you called me an IDIOT you need to look in a mirror if you want to see one so bad. Any flaming you get here your coward ass started. You can report me all you want. Do you think I give a crap. BOO HOO the little baby is going to tattle on me. F((( YOU!!!!
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>So now that I ripped him he has his panties in a bunch that he is going to get me banned.

    First bud you called me an IDIOT you need to look in a mirror if you want to see one so bad. Any flaming you get here your coward ass started. You can report me all you want. Do you think I give a crap. BOO HOO the little baby is going to tattle on me. F((( YOU!!!! >>

    yep, i know youre telling the truth.. that is NO DOUBT how axtell operates.. she sends unsolicited private messages and then threatens to "get someone banned"..
  • Typical internet coward..
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>Axtell- you can quit with the childish PMs. You had to result to name calling I have yet to sink to that level. >>

    Hey moron, I never PMed you...ever. And childish? This coming from a guy who's hiding behind a self-admitted alt ID?

    << <i>You asked me for proof as to my statement about more buying scammers than sellers. Grow a set and take a stroll to the Ebay boards and actually read them.

    The second time you've said to 'grow a set' and read the boards? You really are repressed.

    << <i>I said it earlier but you cannot let it die with your childish PMs. I am not going to convince you my way is right, you are not going to convince me otherwise. >>

    I NEVER PMed YOU EVER....I am sure mods would be happy to come and verify that.

    << <i>You cannot be held hostage over somthing that is optional. If I don't want any goddamed feedback that is my business not yours or anyone else's. So take your 12000 posts since you think you are special because of them and shove them up your ass. >>

    This coming from a guy with 10,000 posts on a hidden ID? Comical.

    << <i>The EBAY boards are full of tales about buyer scams that >>

    You always believe everything you read? Gullible, much?

    << <i>Excatly, but I get called an idiot for saying that. You know what they say about those who result to name calling first. If you want to continue down this road and keep PMing me Axtell then we can do this.. It on you son.. >>

    I ain't your son...but then, since you've been removed for using explitives in a profanity laced tired against me in PM, you'll just come back with another ID.

  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    A few CU forum certainties....

    Someone with an opinion contrary to Ax will be accused of being an " alt "

    Any person with an opinion contrary to Ax will be verbally abused by him.

    Any person with an opinion contrary to Ax will be harrassed via PM. When that strongarm tactic fails the person will be reported for reasons unknown to reasonably thinking folks.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>A few CU forum certainties....

    Someone with an opinion contrary to Ax will be accused of being an " alt "

    No, when someone tells me they have 3 other IDs, one of which has 10,000 posts, it's no longer an accusation.

    << <i>Any person with an opinion contrary to Ax will be verbally abused by him. >>

    Really? Nope, I just return the insults in kind.

    << <i>Any person with an opinion contrary to Ax will be harrassed via PM. When that strongarm tactic fails the person will be reported for reasons unknown to reasonably thinking folks. >>

    You couldn't be further from the truth. I had no such PMs with this individual before his profanity laced tirade via pm against me. You may ask the mods for proof, but then, that'd blow holes in your story, wouldn't it?
  • pandrews : Axtell :: jmbkb4 : fight-FRAUD


    fight on.
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    Name calling is a true sign of intellignece

    So is spelling buddy!

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>Name calling is a true sign of intellignece

    So is spelling buddy! >>

    Hahah good one...I missed that one. If you saw his unsolicited PMs to me, you'd see this guy was full of 'intellignece'.

  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭

    remember the second "n" is silent 'intellignece'
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>remember the second "n" is silent 'intellignece' >>

    And now sportscardsfanatics is now also silent.
  • garsmithgarsmith Posts: 5,894 ✭✭
    <<As a seller, I leave positive feedback as soon as I get paid...and that's the way it should be with all sellers>>

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