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Rich G

Perhaps you would like to tell us a little about yourself, and your hobby interests.



  • mkg809mkg809 Posts: 1,320 ✭✭
    oh geez
  • I have a feeling that this will be a very entertaining thread....a true classic dare I say....let's get ready to rumbbbblllllleeeee
  • IBL - wrong board, sorry

    Popcorn - check
    Comfortable chair - check
    Beverage - check

    Collecting Interests:
    Ripken, Brooks & Frank Robinson, Old Orioles, Sweet Spot Autos, older Redskins - Riggins, Sonny, Baugh etc and anything that catches my eye. image

    My ghetto sportscard webpage...All Scans - No Lists!!! Stinky Linky
  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    Psycho: The name's Francis Sawyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.

    Leon: Ooooooh.

    Psycho: You just made the list, buddy. Also, I don't like no one touching my stuff. So just keep your meathooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. And I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.

    Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis.
  • Since I'm not afraid to speak what is on my mind and I'm obviously not shy....... I think most of you know my beliefs, what I do for a living, and what I collect. What else is there to say? Heck, maybe i should write a Book!
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Psycho: The name's Francis Sawyer, but everybody calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.

    Leon: Ooooooh.

    Psycho: You just made the list, buddy. Also, I don't like no one touching my stuff. So just keep your meathooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. And I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you.

    Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis. >>

    Chicks dig me because
    I rarely wear underwear...

    ...and when I do,
    it's usually something unusual.

    But now I know why I have always
    lost women to guys like you.

  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
    All I know is you have some very nice Babe Ruth and other signed items in your collection...

    would you like to elaborate??

  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i> Heck, maybe i should write a Book!
    rich >>

    image Great idea! I have your book title.


    By: Rich G

    Sorry Rich, I couldnt resistimage
  • lawnmower:
    Yea, When I get home from work, I'll tell my wife about that idea for a book........I'm sure she would roll her eyes at me too and ask......"what have you been smoking".
  • tennesseebankertennesseebanker Posts: 5,433 ✭✭✭

    << <i>lawnmower:
    Yea, When I get home from work, I'll tell my wife about that idea for a book........I'm sure she would roll her eyes at me too and ask......"what have you been smoking".
    Rich >>


  • GDM67GDM67 Posts: 2,526 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis. >>

    Only Warren Oates could pack so much into three little words.
  • detroitfan2detroitfan2 Posts: 3,342 ✭✭✭✭

    A RichG quote from this post::

    Yea, I hear you. I'm all about protection. I have 3 layers of it at home to protect my family when I'm not around (especially since I'm the type of person won't back down to anyone and even add fuel to the fire).

    The guy essentially admits he enjoys being difficult. It was said once earlier, but I find that flat out ignoring people like this really does work, and it would make all of our threads a lot more enjoyable.
  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
    I wanted this to be a serious thread... how wrong I was to think that was possible!
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    DYKT Sherwood Schwartz modeled the 7 Gilligans Island characters after the 7 deadly sins?Can you name them and which deadly sin they are representing?
    Collector Focus

  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    I like the variation that gives the Skipper two sins and adds the notion that Gilligan represents Satan.
  • unishipuniship Posts: 497 ✭✭
    Ginger represents LUST - she wears skimpy outfits, is obsessed with her looks, and is a borderline nymphomaniac.

    Mary Ann represents ENVY - she is jealous of Ginger's beauty.

    The Professor represents PRIDE - he is an annoying know-it-all.

    Mr. Howell represents GREED - no explanation needed.

    Mrs. Howell represents SLOTH - she has never lifted a finger to help on any of their escape plans.

    The Skipper represents two sins: GLUTTONY - again, no explanation needed and ANGER - he violently hits Gilligan on each show.

    This leaves Gilligan. Gilligan is the person who put them there. He prevents them from leaving by foiling all of their escape plots. Also, it is HIS island. Therefore, Gilligan is SATAN
  • Detroitfan:
    I never said that I like being difficult but instead said that I won't backdown or look away from anyone. I went on to say that I won't hesitate to add fuel to the fire if need be. However, I never said that I would START the fire.

    The bottom line is that I treat people the way they treat me.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is kind of interesting...

    It's like people are talking right in front of Rich but he's not there?

    But, John asked about 7 sins - and lets face it - there's a difference between having pride in one's self and accomplishments and demonstrating excessive pride which is predicated on arrogance or excessive vanity.

    Most all of the members here exercise immense humility and deference to all the members.

    As Detroit2 said - the threads move along a lot nicer.

  • Mike:
    I already explained to you that I won't put people down who have a lower collecting budget as some of us bigger spenders (It's not my style). So, i'm not sure what your implying? However, if people don't like me because they think that "I brag too much"....too bad.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    No doubt that Gilligan is SATAN, but there is
    still something not right in the picks, if the
    original premise is correct.

    I think Gilligan might be SLOTH.

    Mrs. Howell might be GLUTTONY.

    And, Skipper, only ANGER.

    That would make for an even seven, at one each.


    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    << <i>No doubt that Gilligan is SATAN, but there is
    still something not right in the picks, if the
    original premise is correct.

    I think Gilligan might be SLOTH.

    Mrs. Howell might be GLUTTONY.

    And, Skipper, only ANGER.

    That would make for an even seven, at one each.

    storm >>

    That is one of the theories, with the other already mentioned.

    I'm not a literary scholar, but isn't there a connection to Dante's Inferno?
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Mike:
    I already explained to you that I won't put people down who have a lower collecting budget as some of us bigger spenders (It's not my style). So, i'm not sure what your implying? However, if people don't like me because they think that "I brag too much"....too bad.
    Rich >>

    I didn't say you would put that person down - I think you would ignore the thread or I could see you saying something to upstage the person and their pursuit.

    It's just your profile/make-up. I can live with it.

    I wish I hadn't gotten involved - I was only trying to back up someones earliest statement about your lack of humility.

    I'm gonna have to finally abstain from this since it's reached a stalemate.

    I don't see you as a bad person, I only see you for the words you have spoken.

    If you can say that you are a humble person - I will have to move on and eat the screen.

    You could be the nicest individual "in person" but on these boards I'm not getting that vibe.

    Finally, one can brag and come off as excited about their stuff or one can brag and come off as arrogant and lacking in humility.

  • Stone:
    Just to be honest as always, in person I can be a very friendly person or I can be the meanest person someone has seen. It all depends on who they are. As an example, I've been told over and over from most of the technicains I work with that I'm the best pharmacist they ever worked with because I like to have fun while I work (I'm not dull like the others they have worked for). With this said, When I interview a tech I ask questions that will give me a vibe on how sensitive they are. I don't get along well with sensitive people.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    google is full of Gilligan/Dante's Inferno stuff.
    Also, sometimes my friend writes term-papers for
    places like "cheater.com." Lots of papers on those
    sites written by graduate students to contrast/compare
    Gilligan and Dante.

    (The thingy below had prohibited words in it; I think I
    got them all. )


    The Seven Deadly Sins of Gilligan's Island theory is quite simple. Each of the seven characters on the island represents each of the seven deadly sins. Now, this theory seems to fit upon initial inspection, there are technical difficulties when you get down to THE MAN himself, Gilligan.

    Run with me on this one...

    Most obvious is the Professor, who fits PRIDE to a T. Any man who can make a ham radio out of some wire and two coconuts has to be pretty kocky. (His character was later revised and given a series of his own, called "MacGuyver".)

    For the sin of ENVY we need look no further than Maryann, who may have worn those skimpy little tops, but could never achieve Ginger's glamour. (As an interesting and completely irrelevant side note, a nationwide survey of college students a few years ago revealed that the professor and Maryann were voted the most likely couple to have connected on the island.)

    And who could doubt for a moment that Ginger is LUST incarnate? Sure, the kids were supposed to think she was ACTING, but we all know what being deprived episode after episode was doing to her. You know and I know that glazed look wasn't boredom, my friends.

    What kind of person takes a trunk full of money on a three-hour cruise? Mr Howell gets my vote for GREED.

    We are now left with three characters and three Deadly Sins. We have Gilligan, the Skipper and Mrs Howell to whom we must match GLUTTONY, SLOTH and ANGER. As you can see, there is a Gilligan problem here.

    Certainly we can further eliminate Mrs Howell from this equation by connecting her with SLOTH. She did jack during her many years on the island and everybody knows it.

    This leaves ANGER and GLUTTONY, either of which the Skipper had no shortage. He was, after all, a big guy with the tendency to hit Gilligan with his hat at least once an episode. After much consideration, I have decided that he can easily do double-duty, covering the two remaining Deadly Sins.

    So here we have the Seven Deadly Sins trapped in an endlessly recurring Heck of hope followed by denial and despair, forced to live with each other in our TVs until the last re-run ends. And who is their captor? What keeps them trapped there?


    Gilligan is SATAN. Think about it!
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Lee Harvey, you are a madman. When you stole that cow, and your friend tried to make it with the cow. I want to party with you, cowboy. If the two of us together, forget it. I'm gonna go out on a limb here. I'm gonna volunteer my leadership to this platoon. An army without leaders is like a foot without a big toe. And Sergeant Hulka is always gonna be here to be that big toe for us. I think that we owe a big round of applause to our newest, bestest buddy, and big toe... Sergeant Hulka.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭
    Maybe Rich is like me?

    I'm a nice guy, but I'm kind of an A55HOLE image
  • Nightcrawler.......
    I rather define myself as.......A nice guy who can be a A55hole as needed.
  • Rich is Rich....at the end of the day, he is an ok guy.

    He is very predictable. Rich should put his top ten Rich'isms in a thread that way he can simply reply to a post with "#1".....like ordering a value meal at McDonalds.

    1. You are an idiot.
    2. A seller should only leave feedback after feedback is received.
    3. Start all auctions at the lowest price you are willing to accept for a card.
    4. Blah, blah, blah....

    More than 90% of the time I can guess what Rich will say before reading his reply.
    My collection is under construction at 27outs.net
  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    You are close but Gilligan is sloth and the Skipper is anger. Mrs Howell is Gluttony she had to have everything that she could and never had enough of what she had.
    Collector Focus

  • jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,790 ✭✭✭
    Does anybody know why the Nobel Peace Prize was started?
    Collector Focus

  • Rich is one of the more knowledgable collectors that I have met. He is always willing to help someone out who has a serious question that he is able to help with. He is very giving and the contests that he has posted are very generous. He is a true friend. When he offers his friendship, it is there for life.

    And he has one of the best damn collections that I have ever seen.

    Beckett has lost one of it's premier members when he (involuntarily) left, and CU is a better place because of his involvement here.

    He will stand his ground, which I would consider his only fault. When he gets attacked, he will not back down. He rubs people the wrong way when he does that and draws more attacks. He can be a bit of a lightning rod, but he doesn't provoke any argument.

    I fail to see why members always seem obsessed with provoking him, and then crying about "big mean Rich". Interesting how some things are the same here as on Beckett...
  • muchuck:
    Exactly, I don't change by views much, and i'm not hard to figure out. Since my wife is also a pharmacist, there are many times that she calls me and asks......"I think I know how you would handle this situation, but I'm going to ask anyway". 99.5% her gut feeling was right regarding my view on the situation.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    Alfred Nobel's Will

    The Peace Prize


    In 1895 Alfred Bernhard Nobel drew up a will according to which his wealth was to be devoted to the annual award of five prizes "to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." That three of the five prizes were for scientific work is a reflection, not only of Nobel's own interest in science, but also of the widespread belief at the time in the considerable benefits that science would unfailingly confer on mankind, materially and otherwise. The Literary Prize shows Nobel's profound interest in literature, which he had cultivated from childhood. Certainly the most surprising aspect of the will was that one of the prizes was to be awarded for peace work. Of course this reflected Nobel's interest in politics and the cause of peace. But it also reveals the influence of what in modern parlance one might call his "network", including Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, and of his friend, the author and peace activist Bertha von Suttner. Bjørnson became a member of the Peace Prize Committee and won the Literature Prize in 1903, and von Suttner was awarded the Peace Prize in 1905, 9 years after Nobel's death. She was the first woman to receive the Peace Prize.

    There are also some signs of what we might call a compensation mechanism. Although the bulk of Nobel's fortune had resulted from the production of explosives for civil uses, his inventions also led to substantially improved military technology. The dilemma was in the air and Nobel, a man of the highest moral standards, was deeply concerned. At one time, possibly in an attempt to justify his work to himself and to those around him, he developed a doctrine of deterrence, or a theory of the balance of terror. The argument was that his explosives could bring about peace precisely because they made war so brutal. Whether he really believed in this deterrent effect is not clear. However that may be, his decision to set up a peace prize can be taken as a sign of his genuine commitment to peace and his belief that any deterrent must be supplemented by active work for peace.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Raymond:
    I'm glad your here......I think you have seen pictures of most of the items that "I claim to have".

  • << <i>Raymond:
    I'm glad your here......I think you have seen pictures of most of the items that "I claim to have".
    Rich >>

    Rich has an amazing collection. I have seen good chunks of it and it is jaw-dropping...
  • Raymond is a great example of me "treating people the way they treat me".
    He's a true friend!
    have a GREAT night buddy.
  • Hey Raymond.......I still have a poster of my old sig hanging in my workshop.
    Thanks buddy
  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
    Rich, do you collect any sets? This thread hasn't really worked out how I intended.
  • nightcrawlernightcrawler Posts: 5,110 ✭✭

    << <i>Nightcrawler.......
    I rather define myself as.......A nice guy who can be a A55hole as needed.
    Rich >>

    But ONLY when needed imageimage

    like Stone said "one can brag and come off as excited about their stuff or one can brag and come off as arrogant and lacking in humility".

    The way ones words can be twisted or heard, just depends on who's reading or listening to them, especially when they're on a computor screen.

    People should never take anything on the computor personally.

    As for me, I've never been criticized or put down in my entire life, I've only been given lots of good advice image
  • Ahmanfan:
    I'm not into sets. The only real set I have is a 2001 Fleer Greats of the Game autographed set (my whole collection is baseball). I'm actually very proud of it as it took some hard work to complete.

    I mainly collect autographs of HOF's. I also collect rookie cards of the future (in my opinion) HOF's.
  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
    gotcha. Well now the thread finally got on track.
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Raymond:
    I'm glad your here......I think you have seen pictures of most of the items that "I claim to have".
    Rich >>

    Hi Rich
    Back from Pizza and beer.

    I never thought you were inflating what you have. In fact the Ruth item you sold was off the chart.

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>As for me, I've never been criticized or put down in my entire life, I've only been given lots of good advice >>

  • schr1stschr1st Posts: 1,677 ✭✭
    Like I said over on the other thread, I've known Rich for a couple of year's now, and I can assure you that he has a most impressive collection. Now if I can only get him to sell me that Whitey Ford PSA/DNA rookie card... image
    Who is Rober Maris?
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>Mike:
    I already explained to you that I won't put people down who have a lower collecting budget as some of us bigger spenders (It's not my style). So, i'm not sure what your implying? However, if people don't like me because they think that "I brag too much"....too bad.
    Rich >>

    Yes you will put people down with a lower budget, and you have already done so. To say you dont is an all out lie. When you enter a thread and claim you ONLY collect quality and not quantity it is putting people down who have a lower budget. If you dont see how that is the case, you never will, which is too bad for you.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • Bri:
    When I say that I believe in quality or quanity, that is exactly what I mean. The only way my comment would bother you is if you are jealous of me.

  • << <i>

    << <i>Mike:
    I already explained to you that I won't put people down who have a lower collecting budget as some of us bigger spenders (It's not my style). So, i'm not sure what your implying? However, if people don't like me because they think that "I brag too much"....too bad.
    Rich >>

    Yes you will put people down with a lower budget, and you have already done so. To say you dont is an all out lie. When you enter a thread and claim you ONLY collect quality and not quantity it is putting people down who have a lower budget. If you dont see how that is the case, you never will, which is too bad for you. >>

    How is that a put down.

    Some people budget $1000/month on wax...and may have little to show for it.
    Some people budget $1000/month on set building, or player collecting. They will get huge boxes of commons and high numbered inserts.
    Some people budget $1000/month and buy 1 or 2 items.

    Same budget, different philosophy.

    To say "I buy quality, not quantity" is a phylosophy of collecting, not a putdown of collectors with lower budgets...

  • << <i>Ahmanfan:
    I'm not into sets. The only real set I have is a 2001 Fleer Greats of the Game autographed set (my whole collection is baseball). I'm actually very proud of it as it took some hard work to complete.

    I mainly collect autographs of HOF's. I also collect rookie cards of the future (in my opinion) HOF's.
    Rich >>

    You also dabbled in the 2005 Ultimate Signature Dual Auto set. Your dabbling cost me quite a few card...
  • Rich...I can tell you I am not jealous of you!!!!!

    Carpe Diem
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