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800 post gratitude GIVEAWAY ... winners in first post!!!

pursuitoflibertypursuitofliberty Posts: 6,789 ✭✭✭✭✭
Hey this was pretty fun ...

... and the Answer is ... I currently have 158 certified coins ... and I made 34 of the ones I still own (the largest majority of those are part of my SLQ set which I have been slowly certifying)

We have WINNERS!

FIRST PLACE; IBZMAN350 with a guess of 153 and 37 was closest overall, and just about nailed BOTH numbers!
image PM me your address and your pick image

SECOND PLACE; BONKROD had a guess of 148 early on which was the best of the first page, and held up for second!
image PM me your address and your top two picks image

THIRD PLACE; MUSKY1011 had a guess of 146 and 36 and came in a close third with a near perfect bonus answer!
image PM me your address image

HONORABLE MENTION; GIL had the most interesting answer (IMO), at least with the way he came up with it. Funny, had I thought about it more, I probably would have done something like that. Too bad you didn't add in the '05!!
image PM me your address image

thanks again to everyone, for everything ... and for giving it your best guess here!! image

This post makes it 800.

I noticed this was going to happen this morning.

In the year and a half I’ve been here, I have made some new friends, learned quite a few neat facts about a lot of different things in this great hobby that I probably would not know otherwise, and have thoroughly enjoyed the escape it allows me from the real world I live in day to day.

I have bought a few coins, sold a few coins, and much to my surprise was recently given some coins. That was really quite a nice gift, very unexpected, and even a little bit difficult for me. If I read him correctly, which I am not sure I do, I think he would choose to remain anonymous. He knows who he is, and I think very highly of his gesture.

I have also read about coins and written about coins, have seen lots of pictures and shared a few pictures, read some good stories and shared a story or two, asked some questions and gave a few answers, have been given opinions and gave a few as well … and overall, I have felt welcome here.

For all of that, I thank all of you image

Now it is time for my modest little giveaway. image

Let’s make it a contest, with three prizes.

Whoever can guess the closest to how many certified (slabbed) coins I currently own wins. Next closest wins second place, and next, third. One guess per person please.

In the event of a tie, the BONUS question is, how many of those that I still have did I make (have certified)?

First place gets the first choice, second gets second and third gets third. If there are more than three correct answers it’s back to the box I go.

Contest ends Wednesday night (12/7) at 10pm Pacific. Winners who PM the name and address they want the coin sent to will have a package on the way by Friday (in time for Christmas).

The prizes;

A 100 year old Indian


Two red Lincoln’s



Two early Jefferson’s




“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”

Todd - BHNC #242


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