Although some of the things that have happened between myself and the board has been less then admirable that does not mean I am not sincere about this.
This is very important to me and I am not selling of "all of my stock" as Cam said.... I am selling off my extra coins that I have had a hard time selling at the shows and that I don't mind getting rid of. The war has really come "close to home" for me and this is something I just have to do.
<< <i>Although some of the things that have happened between myself and the board has been less then admirable that does not mean I am not sincere about this. >>
Thats what you said after the flip thing. Thats what you said after the stapler thing. Thats what you said after the gold page thing. I am not going to let the chance of people getting burned again with them giving you money.
<< <i>Although some of the things that have happened between myself and the board has been less then admirable that does not mean I am not sincere about this. >>
Thats what you said after the flip thing. Thats what you said after the stapler thing. Thats what you said after the gold page thing. I am not going to let the chance of people getting burned again with them giving you money.
Cameron Kiefer >>
Cam, this is about supporting our troops.... I woulden't be selling some coins (many from my personal collection) if I was scamming people. This is about the troops from our reserve units and the troops that I have met and shook there hand as they went away to war.
There is nothing to be burned about.... I am selling some coins and taking and using the money for a good cause.... yes I have asked for donations as well but I am not expecting them. My main goal is to sell $500 worth of coins (some donations from GRU Coins others from my personal collection) to help the people from my city and county that are in Iraq.
I am done fighting with you Cam.... I can tell that no matter what I say you will dispute.
Greg, I'm sure you can at least understand why people are skeptical.
If you are really sincere about this, here is my suggestion: Find a forum member to act as an intermediary to receive the funds from your buyers and then distribute/forward it properly. I would be willing to serve in that role and I'm sure many others would too.
Greg, I am disappointed and frankly, somewhat suspicious, that you haven't taken me up on my offer/suggestion, not to mention, you haven't even had the courtesy to reply/address it.
Guys, he is just a harmless kid with good intentions. He is not trying to rip someone.
Greg, if you are reading this, my advice to you is to apprentice yourself to a real dealer and learn what you can about the business, as an adult, before going out on your own. Your posts here have demontrated your lack of maturity and judgment--these will come with time and experience. Give up the "GregtheGreat" facade and come back in a several months with a new id and a fresh approach.
This kid has a severe case of "selective hearing". I had one child that was stubborn, but even he understood that pitfalls of such actions by age 5. Thumbs up to Cameron for his links, Coinguy for his offer and Ianp for his link.
Greg, why don't you list them all, as a collection lot, on ebay. I'm sure you can get photos of all your coins, etc., and start at 99 cents with no reserve!
A little Monday morning quarterbacking.........had you been up front with the people on these forums from the beginning they would have probably donated the $500 that you are trying to collect. Now you must live on your reputation which at this point I dont have to tell you on a scale of 1 to 10 where you fall.
"Well here's another nice mess you have gotten me into" Oliver Hardy 1930
If you really are putting together packages for Iraq, you should have people donate the actual "items" that go in the packages...not collect money. With several friends over there fighting in Iraq, I have been a part of assembling several packages for the troops. They need items like hand-wipes, DVD's, CD's, candy, lotion, batteries, books, magazines, etc. (Not to mention armored vehicles! Get on it Rumsfeld!)
On another note, I am shocked to read some of these posts about you. I did sell you some "drawer cleanout coins" a few months back...and now I understand why you beat me up over $2 in shipping. I am blown away by how much you are asking for my Collectors club ASE and my unboxed 2000 50 SW Proof Set. Guess I'm the dummy in THAT transaction! Live and learn....
<< <i>On another note, I am shocked to read some of these posts about you. I did sell you some "drawer cleanout coins" a few months back...and now I understand why you beat me up over $2 in shipping. I am blown away by how much you are asking for my Collectors club ASE and my unboxed 2000 50 SW Proof Set. Guess I'm the dummy in THAT transaction! Live and learn....
This is my first ever post to bst or to gtg: hey, do you have any idea, without looking it up, when military operations commenced? Any clue about the sequences of events since? Any idea what important event occurred there yesterday? Didn't think so. You're a couple years and several brain cells short, pal. The mark of a crook is that they attribute their own level of (read: lack of) intelligence to their intended victims. They are always wrong, and thus always caught.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
I understand you are giving GtG the benefit of a doubt, but why would/should GtG put these coins on eBay, possibly not getting what he wants for them (to make the $500), then have to pay eBay fees.
Wouldn't it be better for him to send these off to Mark, have him be the 'middleman', no fee's involved, people would trust that GtG's offer to send the money to some sort of relief fund was on the level.
Heck, I'll bet the members here would end up paying more than retail knowing it was fore a good cause......maybe having our own little 'auction' it up the ante. No, I think GtG has worn out his welcome here, just too much drama.
<< <i>Wouldn't it be better for him to send these off to Mark, have him be the 'middleman', no fee's involved, people would trust that GtG's offer to send the money to some sort of relief fund was on the level >>
I had volunteered to serve as a middleman and there are certainly many others who could and would do so.
I find Greg's silence (with respect to my offer/suggestion) to be deafening. Unfortunately, I think it speaks to his lack of sincerity.
Cameron Kiefer
Cameron Kiefer
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments
<< <i>Read this before anyone donates money to his fund
Cameron Kiefer >>
Coin Books
Coin Accessories
eBay Auctions
This is very important to me and I am not selling of "all of my stock" as Cam said.... I am selling off my extra coins that I have had a hard time selling at the shows and that I don't mind getting rid of. The war has really come "close to home" for me and this is something I just have to do.
Thank You All....
and God Bless America.
-Greg Ullstam
E-mail GRU Coins
You're better off sending your money here:
<< <i>Although some of the things that have happened between myself and the board has been less then admirable that does not mean I am not sincere about this. >>
Thats what you said after the flip thing. Thats what you said after the stapler thing. Thats what you said after the gold page thing. I am not going to let the chance of people getting burned again with them giving you money.
Cameron Kiefer
<< <i>
<< <i>Although some of the things that have happened between myself and the board has been less then admirable that does not mean I am not sincere about this. >>
Thats what you said after the flip thing. Thats what you said after the stapler thing. Thats what you said after the gold page thing. I am not going to let the chance of people getting burned again with them giving you money.
Cameron Kiefer >>
Cam, this is about supporting our troops.... I woulden't be selling some coins (many from my personal collection) if I was scamming people. This is about the troops from our reserve units and the troops that I have met and shook there hand as they went away to war.
There is nothing to be burned about.... I am selling some coins and taking and using the money for a good cause.... yes I have asked for donations as well but I am not expecting them. My main goal is to sell $500 worth of coins (some donations from GRU Coins others from my personal collection) to help the people from my city and county that are in Iraq.
I am done fighting with you Cam.... I can tell that no matter what I say you will dispute.
-Greg U
E-mail GRU Coins
If you are really sincere about this, here is my suggestion: Find a forum member to act as an intermediary to receive the funds from your buyers and then distribute/forward it properly. I would be willing to serve in that role and I'm sure many others would too.
... and I'd be willing to do the same
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Do you have any clipped Ikes?
<< <i>Coinguy has a good idea.
Do you have any clipped Ikes? >>
Sorry.... no clipped ikes.... Cent - Qtr.
-Greg U
E-mail GRU Coins
If you let Coinguy1 handle the money - HE WILL SEND ALL OF IT AS A DONATION and there would be NOTHING FOR YOU
That is over $500!!! He'll just take the money and donate it the troops and leave NOTHING FOR YOU - Don't do it Great Greg - it's a trick!!!
My posts viewed
since 8/1/6
Greg, if you are reading this, my advice to you is to apprentice yourself to a real dealer and learn what you can about the business, as an adult, before going out on your own. Your posts here have demontrated your lack of maturity and judgment--these will come with time and experience. Give up the "GregtheGreat" facade and come back in a several months with a new id and a fresh approach.
Thumbs up to Cameron for his links, Coinguy for his offer and Ianp for his link.
Have a Great Day!
<< <i>Guys, he is just a harmless kid with good intentions. He is not trying to rip someone. >>
I think you give him entirely too much credit.
Self Indulgence | Holey Coins | Flickr Photostream
on ebay. I'm sure you can get photos of all your coins,
etc., and start at 99 cents with no reserve!
What's wrong with that?
Just my 2 cents worth....
BST successful dealings with:MsMorrisine, goldman86
If you really are putting together packages for Iraq, you should have people donate the actual "items" that go in the packages...not collect money. With several friends over there fighting in Iraq, I have been a part of assembling several packages for the troops. They need items like hand-wipes, DVD's, CD's, candy, lotion, batteries, books, magazines, etc. (Not to mention armored vehicles! Get on it Rumsfeld!)
On another note, I am shocked to read some of these posts about you. I did sell you some "drawer cleanout coins" a few months back...and now I understand why you beat me up over $2 in shipping. I am blown away by how much you are asking for my Collectors club ASE and my unboxed 2000 50 SW Proof Set. Guess I'm the dummy in THAT transaction! Live and learn....
<< <i>On another note, I am shocked to read some of these posts about you. I did sell you some "drawer cleanout coins" a few months back...and now I understand why you beat me up over $2 in shipping. I am blown away by how much you are asking for my Collectors club ASE and my unboxed 2000 50 SW Proof Set. Guess I'm the dummy in THAT transaction! Live and learn....
Oh man.....
Cameron Kiefer
This is my first ever post to bst or to gtg: hey, do you have any idea, without looking it up, when military operations commenced? Any clue about the sequences of events since? Any idea what important event occurred there yesterday? Didn't think so. You're a couple years and several brain cells short, pal. The mark of a crook is that they attribute their own level of (read: lack of) intelligence to their intended victims. They are always wrong, and thus always caught.
Apropos of the coin posse/aka caca: "The longer he spoke of his honor, the tighter I held to my purse."
I understand you are giving GtG the benefit of a doubt, but why would/should GtG put these coins on eBay, possibly not getting what he wants for them (to make the $500), then have to pay eBay fees.
Wouldn't it be better for him to send these off to Mark, have him be the 'middleman', no fee's involved, people would trust that GtG's offer to send the money to some sort of relief fund was on the level.
Heck, I'll bet the members here would end up paying more than retail knowing it was fore a good cause......maybe having our own little 'auction' it up the ante.
No, I think GtG has worn out his welcome here, just too much drama.
<< <i>Wouldn't it be better for him to send these off to Mark, have him be the 'middleman', no fee's involved, people would trust that GtG's offer to send the money to some sort of relief fund was on the level >>
I had volunteered to serve as a middleman and there are certainly many others who could and would do so.
I find Greg's silence (with respect to my offer/suggestion) to be deafening. Unfortunately, I think it speaks to his lack of sincerity.