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Isn't it time to let this five-year-old thread just ... die?



  • ARCOARCO Posts: 4,387 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man - No way in HE** i am letting a post with over 700 replies pass by without my two cents...er what were talking about? Coins? Stamps? Hot strippers?


  • << <i>

    << <i>Obviously, you havn't seen his new policies as inspired by ss350camaro...... >>

    You two need to get your stories straight.

    << <i>There is not one person in this forum that has in anyway had an influence on my policies. >>

    Russ, NCNE >>

    Perhaps you missed this post on another more "stable" thread....

    << <i><< There is not one person in this forum that has in anyway had an influence on my policies >>

    Not even me, and I've known you for years! However, the question posed to you via eBay was from a forum member. I Don't think he recognized you from the first thread. I'm glad you listened to his civil unprovoking question he asked. Just goes to show you, you get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. Now, if we could just get you to post here in the manner and character in which I know you, there would be a lot more friendly diatribes and great conversations around here. After all, you do have a college degree. >>

    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.

  • << <i>Earlier in the thread I promised to post some of my oh so humble collection I have prepared a subset of what I still have until the next visit from my son. Here it is. Tell me what ya like, tell me what you don't. Grade at will if you take a notion. >>

    The Japanese coin is from Showa 63, that's year 63 of the emperor's reign. 1988 I believe, not 1963.

  • How long can this thread last --it's at 720 now--will it make 1,000? Only bennon the board for two years--never seen one last this long with no redeeming numismatic value!
    Curmudgeon in waiting!
  • This is the thread that never ends
    It just goes on and on, my friends
    Some people started posting,
    not knowing what it was
    And they'll continue posting,
    forever, just because

    (restart at beginning)

  • << <i>The Japanese coin is from Showa 63, that's year 63 of the emperor's reign. 1988 I believe, not 1963. >>

    Thanks, I'll fix it right away.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • I have just read all 722 posts in this thread, and unfortunately, as long as the problem continues - this thread will continue. I did find it very enlightening.
    Education...the key to collector success!
    Coin Community Forum

  • << <i>I have just read all 722 posts in this thread, and unfortunately, as long as the problem continues - this thread will continue. I did find it very enlightening. >>

    And as you can see, Poe isn't the only rude one around here.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>It has been asked of me by a friend to post in a civil manner on this thread! I will do so for his sake! >>

    Failed miserably, unfortunately. I wonder if it's even possible for you to post in a "civil" manner.
  • We and get this to 1000, free post for everyone.

  • I wonder if this is the longest US Coin Forum thread everimage
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I have just read all 722 posts in this thread, and unfortunately, as long as the problem continues - this thread will continue. I did find it very enlightening. >>

    And as you can see, Poe isn't the only rude one around here. >>

    Catfish, you and your quote in your sig just made me laugh. Here you are, Poe's staunchest defender, and look at your sig quote....talk about smacking him right on down!!! I know you meant it against others here (myself likely included) but did you have any inkling that it fits your rude&belligerent buddy Poe to a "T"?

    Just in case he changes it, here is his sig as of today (not sure when he started it since I have realized that he is just encouraging the arguments (by TTTing threads that others have decided to let go):

    << <i>-------------------------
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Name callers try to force their views on people through the use of vulgar and abusive terms. It only displays a deep lack of maturity and an inability to properly debate an issue. It also shows a deep dementia, usually rearing its head similarly to the methods used by racists to try and force their views on others. >>

    So, since you have come on this board and spouted how people have been picking on poor little joe/poe and have been defending him, is this your way of telling him that he displays a "DEEP LACK of maturity and inability to properly debate on issue"? The first is obvious by ALL his posts, the latter is obvious by the fact that he has no leg to stand on.
    You also state that he "shows a DEEP DEMENTIA....."

    I am very surprised you say this about Poe, your fellow mason. But, it does fit him well.

    WAY TO GO CATFISH! Since you know poe better than the rest of us, and he is YOUR FRIEND, I have to acknowledge that your insight on him is appropriate and am glad you called it out such as you did.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Obviously, you havn't seen his new policies as inspired by ss350camaro...... If you don't like itjust send it back for a refund!

    I'm sorry Catfish, but after reading Poe's posts here I wouldn't take a coin from him if he were giving them away free on E-bay. His new policy means nothing to me, past performance in this case IS indicative of future results in my book.

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I have just read all 722 posts in this thread, and unfortunately, as long as the problem continues - this thread will continue. I did find it very enlightening. >>

    And as you can see, Poe isn't the only rude one around here. >>

    Catfish, you and your quote in your sig just made me laugh. Here you are, Poe's staunchest defender, and look at your sig quote....talk about smacking him right on down!!! I know you meant it against others here (myself likely included) but did you have any inkling that it fits your rude&belligerent buddy Poe to a "T"?

    Just in case he changes it, here is his sig as of today (not sure when he started it since I have realized that he is just encouraging the arguments (by TTTing threads that others have decided to let go):

    << <i>-------------------------
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Name callers try to force their views on people through the use of vulgar and abusive terms. It only displays a deep lack of maturity and an inability to properly debate an issue. It also shows a deep dementia, usually rearing its head similarly to the methods used by racists to try and force their views on others. >>

    So, since you have come on this board and spouted how people have been picking on poor little joe/poe and have been defending him, is this your way of telling him that he displays a "DEEP LACK of maturity and inability to properly debate on issue"? The first is obvious by ALL his posts, the latter is obvious by the fact that he has no leg to stand on.
    You also state that he "shows a DEEP DEMENTIA....."

    I am very surprised you say this about Poe, your fellow mason. But, it does fit him well.

    WAY TO GO CATFISH! Since you know poe better than the rest of us, and he is YOUR FRIEND, I have to acknowledge that your insight on him is appropriate and am glad you called it out such as you did. >>

    Actually, that is a shoe fits wear it statement. It applies to you, Russ, and several others as well.
    Edited to add a tally of referenced former sig line......

    Here they are....
    Some members have gone back and removed their vulgarities and name calling <wisely> this is a score of what's left.
    Prior to Poe posting

    Handle Names called of others, or vulgarity used.

    mirabela scumbag
    Sequitur POS

    After Poe's first post.
    Handle Name called of others
    mirabela jerk... , joker, damn
    poe58 clown, crybaby, simple con man x2, Larry, Curly, and Moe!, Curly Joe!, fool x2, liar and a thief! x3, baboon, imbecile, foolish, monkey, troll
    roadrunner jamoke?, con artist, joker, poedunk x2, scam artist, Catspit, Poe-lice, insane, a$$
    massscrew POS
    Sequitur Janus, gaping, tartar-encrusted penis receptacle, bald-faced liar, catfraud, (fingert pic), Damn, fraud
    EVillageProwler shills trolls jerks
    newsman joker
    Russ idiot x2, lowlife, Energizer bunny, dipsh!t x3, slime, puke, slimeball x3, moron,sh!tless, fat 'tard, scumbags x2, con artists x2,
    MajorBigTime Heck, if A-holes could fly, this place would be an airport!, woos, anus orifice!
    K6AZ scammer, incompetent, misleading, power screwer, Shut the f*** up!, baldfaced liar, scumbag, coin fraud, juvenile, slimeball, con artist, con man,
    TWQG fool
    Bochiman scummy bottom feeder, crapfish, moron x4, Funk'ed up, blatant creep, peons, lackeys x2, suck,crock of sh!t, stupid buyers, dumb@$$, joeschmoo, idiot, stupid, Major bigbluff, <fraudulent quote see below>
    Catch22 fool
    eagle7 joker
    ksteelheader blatant liar, blatant fool, fools, Mr. Poo, a$$, Poess, scum, scumbags, crybaby
    flaminio (owned picture), (STFU picture), (cloned STFU gif)
    RYK masochists, Dude, Not well image
    100proof1957 Dammit, goddam
    ARCO HE**
    sliderider <sh pic> (now dq'd from replay official eligibility)

    And now I can add me for the first time ever on CU I have posted vulgarities.

    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.

  • << <i>Obviously, you havn't seen his new policies as inspired by ss350camaro...... If you don't like itjust send it back for a refund!

    I'm sorry Catfish, but after reading Poe's posts here I wouldn't take a coin from him if he were giving them away free on E-bay. His new policy means nothing to me, past performance in this case IS indicative of future results in my book. >>

    You do realize this thread is a 1 out of 370+ transaction account. So like I've said several times. It just keeps the prices lower on the stuff I want and I'm perfectly happy with that.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • BikingnutBikingnut Posts: 3,374 ✭✭✭
    It keeps going and going and going...
    US Navy CWO3 retired. 12/81-09/04

    Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭

    YOU do realize that someone CAN have 370 honest transactions (assuming his were....either way, I don't know/care) and then have 1 where they skim the till or knowingly sell something illegally and they are still a CROOK, right?
    You know that, right?

    There isn't some rule book out there that says you can cheat someone and then make it right by doing selling honest things (assuming his other 370+ were honest).

    Love how you try to defend his attitude and his actions. image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • So like I've said several times. It just keeps the prices lower on the stuff I want and I'm perfectly happy with that.

    And I keep laughing every time you say it........ image
    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable !
  • You do realize this thread is a 1 out of 370+ transaction account. So like I've said several times. It just keeps the prices lower on the stuff I want and I'm perfectly happy with that.

    I realize that Catfish but his conduct in this one thread and in this one transaction makes me err on the side of caution. Therefore when it comes to spending money I will avoid him. There are many more reputable people without question marks out there that I have no problem avoiding those that I question.
  • Just wanted y'all to see my edit, scroll up a few messages.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just wanted y'all to see my edit, scroll up a few messages


    You are not well.


    Please add, "Dude" and "not well" to the entry next to my name.

  • << <i>Just wanted y'all to see my edit, scroll up a few messages


    You are not well.


    Please add, "Dude" and "not well" to the entry next to my name. >>

    As you wish, master. image
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • Sequitur: Janus, gaping, tartar-encrusted penis receptacle, bald-faced liar, catfraud, (fingert pic)

    My fellow members, I am laughing uproariously at this moment. Damn that was funny.

    Catfish, you're still a fraud.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:


  • << <i>Sequitur: Janus, gaping, tartar-encrusted penis receptacle, bald-faced liar, catfraud, (fingert pic)

    My fellow members, I am laughing uproariously at this moment. Damn that was funny.

    Catfish, you're still a fraud. >>

    How so?
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • Hello

    The change in my policies was not inspired by anyone! The new auctions were completed before I received Mr. Camro’s email. I had also started editing the others. The change was made simply to provide you all with an excuse to continue this foolishness! There isn’t a single person on this forum that cares for the truth! You are all to busy trying to impress the others with your respective witticisms! My friends for the most part your guns are empty. Russell sells empty travel kit bags and accuses others of being conmen! I find this to be ironic in the extreme. Well it has been entertaining!

    Thanks again Joe!
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The change in my policies was not inspired by anyone! The new auctions were completed before I received Mr. Camro’s email. I had also started editing the others.

    Baloney I saw the old terms, copied and linked them to the forum, and watched as you modified your terms before my eyes.

    (Note to catfish, If "baloney" is considered a naughty word, and it should be coming from a vegetarian, please feel free to also add that one by my forum name.)


    If you really do not care about what we say here, why do you keep coming back here, posting, and trying to get in the last word?

  • << <i>(Note to catfish, If "baloney" is considered a naughty word, and it should be coming from a vegetarian, please feel free to also add that one by my forum name.) >>

    Nope not naughty and you didn't call anyone baloney, so that one is disqualified. Sorry. image
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Interesting and inconsistent, catfish. Is not excaliming "Baloney!" in the above context akin to calling someone a liar? I think we need to go to the replay official on this one...
  • Thank you for confirming my last post RYK! BTW I notice you edited your foolish assumptions from your last thread! I said that I changed the terms to encourage your foolishness! You even more than the rest swallowed the bait hook line and sinker! I return here because I find it entertaining to watch you all try to impress each other! I wonder if your self confidence is really that low.

    O well Thanks again Joe!

  • << <i>Interesting and inconsistent, catfish. Is not excaliming "Baloney!" in the above context akin to calling someone a liar? I think we need to go to the replay official on this one... >>

    Okay, who do we nominate for the replay official? I nominate sliderider since he has no violations entered and apparently needs the post counts.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Poe gets credit for calling me "foolish". He did call "Russell" a "monkey" several times also. Please indicate those on the scoreboard.


    You have as much credibility here as Clinton did defending himself on extra-marital affairs. Keep posting, though. Other than insults and crappy coins, I find it hard to figure where you have positively contributed here.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I return here because I find it entertaining to watch you all try to impress each other! I wonder if your self confidence is really that low.

    I return here because I find it entertaining to watch obvious ebay scammers trying to defend themselves and turn the blame on others.

  • << <i>Catfish<

    Poe gets credit for calling me "foolish". He did call "Russell" a "monkey" several times also. Please indicate those on the scoreboard. >>

    Added but it was Bochiman, not Russ. unless they are clones?!? http://www.sexyfiber.com/www/hqgals/jenna/white/images/Jenna_Jameson04.jpg
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • I said that I changed the terms to encourage your foolishness!

    Sure you did. (Note to forum: yet another lie.)
    Realtime National Debt Clock:

  • RYK

    I must disagree! I have never called Russell a monkey! I called Bochiman a baboon and from time to time I have referred to him as the monkey which makes RYK the Banana I guess!

    You wound me!


  • << <i>You have as much credibility here as Clinton did defending himself on extra-marital affairs >>

    That reminds me, Monica says she's voting Republican this year. Something about the Democrats leaving a bad taste in her mouth. Whatever, at least that one less for Kerry.

    Everyone see my Showa63 50 yen?
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • Well the troll is here or is that a non-Sequitur?
  • Slow weekend, only bumped from 683 to 753. Must be all them Nascar races this weekend.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭
  • RYK, sliderider couldn't handle the pressure of being a replay official and DQ'd himself. Do you have any nominations?
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Poe58 said:

    << <i>Thank you for confirming my last post RYK! BTW you noticed all my foolish assumptions in this thread! I said that I changed the terms to encourage such foolishness! Catfish will do what I tell him....hook line and sinker! I return here because I have no life, I sell junk on ebay, I have no real friends, and I desparately crave attention no matter what type. I wish I could impress all of you but you all are too smart for me! I wonder why my self confidence is really that low?

    O well Thanks again Joe! >>

    The above about sums it up I think.

    Poe....I think you lie again. You chose an icon and didn't know it was Russ' until he asked you to change it since you are not worthy of it. Now, you say that you chose it to badger him.

    You come to the forum, repeatedly, because, as you said earlier, any publicity (attention), even if negative, is worth it. That sums it up. It is much easier to tell with each day and each post.
    Catfish goes through and continually TTT the thread because it strokes yours, and his, ego. A lot of people in history have had more than their 15 minutes of fame just because they sucked that bad....not because they were good or anything....you need to realize that. But, I realize that it is beyond your comprehension.

    You come on and like baiting anyone and everyone. You have NOT, from post#1, tried to be civil or friendly. That is your choice. And, I think everyone realizes it was your choice to come on belligerent, rude, and to call someone else dishonest because you got busted being dishonest.

    byebye poe....you aren't worth the time anymore. I tried to give suggestions to you at times, but you didn't like them. Others tried to help and give suggestions, but you were rude (notice...I didn't say I tried to help you...you were already beyond help when you logged in here) and very uncivil.
    To be as rude as you are, you must be a very lonely lonely man.

    So......catfish will continually TTT threads about you and give no substance to them. He is just trying to bait people as well.
    Poe will continue to add NO substance to humanity, to this forum, or to any aspect of life and just wants to kill his copious spare time on the forum annoying people.
    I will join the rest who have decided to ignore you and catfish.....hmmm..catfish...don't they eat all the crap at the bottom of the lakes/rivers and have no real life? Fitting name for someone hanging out with poe.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Careful any new readers you may just disturb the swarm! for it matters not what changes have been made on eBay only that conformation was not immediate when demanded.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • DrWhoDrWho Posts: 562 ✭✭
    heck, I'll see ya, raise ya one!
  • This has 761 posts.
    Young Numismatist that collects: Morgan Dollars, SAE, Proof Sets, and Liberty Nickels.
    I also love to go through rolls to find coins.
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>This has 761 posts. >>

    No, it doesn't -- it has 762 image.
  • Bochiman, you bring great discredit upon yourself by falsely representing a quote in your last reply. If it is your opinion that is fine. At least have the intestinal fortitude to post it as such. Do not fraud the forum by editing a statement and representing it as a quote, which it clearly was not.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • Even though I thoroughly enjoy this flame war; As a new collector I certainly would NEVER purchase anything from Poe based on his unprofessional approach of resolving this dispute. It's an unwritten rule of business that the customer is always right, even if the buyer is wrong. Even if you're the seller and KNOW your getting screwed it's up to you, the seller, to recognize the fault of the buyer and be a bigger person so both parties can save face. I'm sure all the new guys/gals as well as the seasoned old timers who are members of this forum have all made a note to self never to bid on or buy any of Poe's wares. Negative publicity is never good, unless your Larry Flynt.
    A man's not well dressed if his shoes are a mess.

  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,212 ✭✭✭✭✭
    L let's just go for a thousand.

    It still won't be a thread folks in the future will care to read.image

  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    headed for 1000 baby!
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
This discussion has been closed.