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So - Coin threads around here get maybe 10-15 responses on average, while a whiny idiot gets over 10

What's wrong with this picture people! Let's get back to talking about coins and be done with the Perro thing!


  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    Dogs don't smoke cigars?
  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
    But we already talked about coins...and the really good stuff gets censored! Not much left. image
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    You should see what the pugs friend Monica does with his cigars!!!image
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • Maybe this one will go over 100. imageimage



  • Slab threads get even less responses. I did a major breakthrough deal and got some never before seen slabs and madmarty replies with "who cares."

    Cameron Kiefer
  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
    madmarty replies with "who cares."

    I give up. Who cares?
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    The smart ones here don't get carried away with the whine! Or maybe they do!image

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • Only 93 more too 100 image

    United States Air Force Retired And Would Do It Again.

    My first tassa slap 3/3/04

    My shiny cents

    imageThe half I am getting rid of and me, forever and always Taken in about 1959
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    i only got 3.image
    coinimaging.com/my photography articles Check out the new macro lens testing section
  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    I read into that other thread just a bit before backing out...I lost interest after the first few posts. I usually lose interest in slab posts too after the first few words...just so Cammy doesn't feel left out.
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Is this a cheat thread?

    Russ, NCNE

  • << <i>Is this a cheat thread?

    Russ, NCNE >>

    I'll bet it goes over 100. image


  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's human nature. Whiny idiots always get the attention. Interesting coins, well, they get less attention.
  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭
    Controversy generates posts.
  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭
    , hey yu shud not maike fun of me, yu are a bunch of liars and so call experts. yu pick on neu collectors,yu shuld go, this is mai last post.

    assistant to vivian
    Lord Barron Von NTC.
  • nankrautnankraut Posts: 4,565 ✭✭✭
    Damn, Perro---you gotta learn how to spell, boy!image
    I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.
  • LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
    That trouble making cigar smoking Pug......

    I love him.......
    imageBe Bop A Lula!!
    "Senorita HepKitty"
    "I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
  • Probably the same reason that more people watch The Jerry Springer Show than watch Nova.
  • No arguements from me!
  • ARCOARCO Posts: 4,387 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Start the thread off with the word "Barber" and you can hear the crickets and snores in the background. I usually have to use the search function. I type Barber and find a post four pages back, but oddly it posted three minutes before I did my search. Of course this isn't too often as Barber posts aren't started that often to begin with.

    It is a sad day in numismatics when the Majestic Barber coinage is third fiddle behind the Newbie VS Oldie threads.

  • Tumbleweeds Tyler - don't forget the tumbleweeds image
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Start the thread off with the word "Barber" and you can hear the crickets and snores in the background.


    Now that was worthy of Russ!

    image I am still chuckling. image
  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,308 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love everybody!!!

    and coins....image
  • JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I absolutely positively refuse to take part in this thread
    Some coins are just plain "Interesting"
  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭
    I love this place.

  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,525 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If we can't have a coin thread then there's nothing better than a cheat thread.image
    Tempus fugit.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Having the words "whiny idiot" in the title of your thread all but guarantees a minimum of fifty responses. "Ethics"--100 responses, "$crewed me"--200 responses, etc.
  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭
    So what can a guy say to generate 500 responses? I know "Lincoln cent die varieties" or "DDO" isn't the answer. image
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • I ain't gonna post to this thread! Hell I'm lucky to get 3 responses if I post a thread on Walkers!image
  • LakesammmanLakesammman Posts: 17,360 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shoot, I think this thread deserves a few hundred replys.

    "My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>What's wrong with this picture people! Let's get back to talking about coins and be done with the Perro thing! >>

    Man...now even lil puggie Frankie is whining....a sure sign it will get more than 100 hits and posts on this thread.......HEY! Frank....stop humping my leg! I ain't Russ...I don't like it!

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • TopdollarpaidTopdollarpaid Posts: 599 ✭✭✭
    speaking of whining LOLimage
    Randy Conway


  • Hi Frank i am doing my part by replying to this threadimage
  • clw54clw54 Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭

    << <i>So what can a guy say to generate 500 responses? I know "Lincoln cent die varieties" or "DDO" isn't the answer. image >>

    Ask why people pay a premium for tarnish.

  • << <i>

    << <i>So what can a guy say to generate 500 responses? I know "Lincoln cent die varieties" or "DDO" isn't the answer. image >>

    Ask why people pay a premium for tarnish. >>

    Is that a slam on toning bud!image

  • << <i>I read into that other thread just a bit before backing out...I lost interest after the first few posts >>

    Ditto! Some must really enjoy wasting their time.

  • coppercoinscoppercoins Posts: 6,084 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>So what can a guy say to generate 500 responses? I know "Lincoln cent die varieties" or "DDO" isn't the answer. image >>

    Ask why people pay a premium for tarnish. >>

    Good idea Claw! image
    C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
    The Lincoln cent store:

    My numismatic art work:
    USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
  • RELLARELLA Posts: 961 ✭✭✭

    << <i>So what can a guy say to generate 500 responses? I know "Lincoln cent die varieties" or "DDO" isn't the answer. >>

    If phrased correctly that could get me going just as much as those "high grade Lincoln madness" threads often do. Problem is that by the time I get all worked up and am just starting to strut and crow like a rooster on crack I get busy at work for about seventeen years and don't have time to follow up...

    By the way coppercoins...I was actually glad you couldn't make it to Hot Springs. I was having a hard time convincing the wife to let me drive up there to meet you and show you that I collect RAW MEMORIAL VARIETIES just like any true Lincoln freak. I was trying to come up with some kinda compromise but she wouldn't budge from her condition that once I got back I would have to "sleep on the couch until pigs fly AND Satan calls a snow day".

    Maybe St. Louis this year is the ticket. I was there last year but had a different boss at the time so who knows what this year will bring.

    Do not fall into the error of the artisan
    who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
    while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
    twenty times.
  • Just 61 more till 100. image

    United States Air Force Retired And Would Do It Again.

    My first tassa slap 3/3/04

    My shiny cents

    imageThe half I am getting rid of and me, forever and always Taken in about 1959
  • Frank, and Cameron, would you puppies like a little cheese with your whine??....image....Ken

  • Ask why people pay a premium for tarnish. >>

    Friends are Gods way of apologizing for your relatives.
  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,953 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I like a nice whine with my coins.

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • I'm so dissapointed in you people - all night long and only 44 posts???? image
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm so dissapointed in you people - all night long and only 44 posts????

    Gee, Frank, we have to sleep, too. 50 by 9AM! image
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    OK I'll throw another post on the fire!!! Hey Cammy, that sample slab is so rare because it's one of the only ones that didn't get cracked open so that the people who got them could spend the quarter at the snack bar!!!!
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do some of the experts here wish that some of the other experts here would "just go away"? image
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do some of the newbies here wish that some of the experts here would "just go away"? imageimage newbie doobie doo
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe Howard Dean will join these boards now that he is TOAST as far as the White House goes.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    what's "the perro thing"?

    K S

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