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Is Texas the epicenter of US numismatics?



  • byergobyergo Posts: 586
    To be fair, Texas A&M's fans are first class all the way. I like the kiss your girlfriend when you score a TD thing!
    Buy/Sell/Trade Rainbow Morgans
  • vega1vega1 Posts: 941
    topstuff said:

    << <i>Both Texas and Florida have laws that make it very very hard to collect on a bad check or any financial losses. >>

    Yeah, but in Texas most people are carrying guns, and all know how to use them. This tends to make bad checks somewhat rare.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭

    << <i> Laura Says, " LA by far wins the strongest location for numismatic activity. Within a 50 mile radius you have at LEAST a DOZEN world class MAJOR dealers (blah blah blah) >>

    leave it to laura to confuse "numismatic activity" w/ dealer activity.

    the epicenter of us numismatics is probably located somewhere in the great plains of idaho.

    K S
  • keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025
    Both Texas and Florida have laws that make it very very hard to collect on a bad check or any financial losses.

    Depends in Texas. We have people give us bad checks all the time. We tack on a $20 fee, then send a certified collection letter. After 30 days, if no response, we file a warrant with the county. Most people decide at that point to pay the check rather than spend 2 or 3 nights in jail.
    Keith ™

  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's see...in the last year, I have bought coins and/or bullion from Doug Winter (almost all of my "serious" numismatic purchases) from Dallas, Heritage in Dallas, American Gold Exchange in Austin, and Universal Coin and Bullion (a very small purchase, and I would not deal wuth them again!) in Houston. That list comprises over 90% of the money I have spent on coins and bullion in the last year. I would say that Texas is the center of US numismatics.

    OT: Why do people use the word "epicenter" (as in earthquake) when the word "center" would do just fine? image
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    I am from New England and have bought coins from all over the country. Its funny, that in the past 8 years, I have purchased several hundred rare coins and the only time I had a check bounce, it was from a dealer in TEXAS. My Tech 10 is handy and shoots fast,
    but not that far. image
  • Catch22Catch22 Posts: 1,086 ✭✭
    Long Beach? That's just West of Dallas isn't it?

    When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.

    Thomas Paine
  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Texas is the epicenter of hubris and quiet humility, but their barbeque sucks. That brisket thing in molasses should be called something else.image
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
  • OkieOkie Posts: 39
    I'm glad we don't live in TX. Because there are so many great things to do in TX, I'm glad we live closeby. Texas is great, but it would be better without Texans. Still, I derive a lot of pleasure when my Sooners annually expose the Shorthorns as imposters. image
  • kieferscoinskieferscoins Posts: 10,017
    Texas girls have cool accents.

    Cameron Kiefer
  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭
    Dallas.... yes!

    Grand Prairie? Great Place?......Yeah like for used cars, junk yards and pawnshops. G.P. was doomed to be the armpit of the Metroplex in the 1950's when the city leaders discouraged commercial activity. Can you buy a mixed drink at a Chili's yet in G.P.?

    As a kid, I spent five summers exchanging rolls of coins at the Grand Prairie State Bank and First National Bank in downtown almost every day. The place hasn't changed or progressed in 30 years. Most towns don't consider a racetrack much progress!

    Take care and keep it fun! Dallas.... yes!

    Dear JoyofCollecting,
    I need not mean any disrespect. I lived and worked in Grand Praiire for 8 months while skipping a year off the books to earn some school money. I loved the quanitness of the place and would really like visit there more often. My parents lived in Grand Praire for around 13 years and they loved the place and want to visit there too. Ive been on this island a long time. But I also agree with TNT that your words are close to fighting words too.
    The setting up of other roads
    To travel on in old accustomed ways
    I still remember the talks by the water
    The proud sons and daughter
    That knew the knowledge of the land
    Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭

    << <i>The University of Texas is the epicenter for pompous arrogant football fans. >>

    UT kicks A$$!!

  • I'd go with California as well...Long Beach, Santa Clara, and several other shows. Superior, Goldberg, part of old Bowers and tons of shops. And, fairly often, an ANA convention.Just my opinion. However, I think Florida has the most shows, though I'd hate to live in the humidity again...

  • << <i>UT kicks A$$!! >>

    UT ?? I thought they preferred TU....
  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭
    But Laura has fresh tuna sushi....... its best just to forget it......you are never going to win image
    The setting up of other roads
    To travel on in old accustomed ways
    I still remember the talks by the water
    The proud sons and daughter
    That knew the knowledge of the land
    Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways

  • << <i>But Laura has fresh tuna sushi >>

    I believe they call it "bait" down Texas way...
  • barberloverbarberlover Posts: 2,228 ✭✭
    One of the gal's who was checking admissions for centeral states in may of 2000 was a pretty blonde southern bell said to me in a heavy texas accent, you have pretty eyes [ok, maybe thats the only thing about me thats pretty] but it sure is a pleasant memory !!!!imageimage
    The President claims he didn't lie about taxes for those earning less then $250,000 a year with public mandated health insurance yet his own justice department has said they will use the right of the government to tax when the states appeals go to court.
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>UT kicks A$$!! >>

    UT ?? I thought they preferred TU.... >>

    That is the stinking Ag's that do that just to aggravate Horn fans.

  • barberloverbarberlover Posts: 2,228 ✭✭
    Welcome fellow Minnesotan Fudude!!!

    Minnesota may not be the epicenter for coins, but it is more centeraly located then any of bthe big costal states!!!

    Minnesota board members unite!!! lets get Centeral states back to minnesota again, next year it's in Milwaukee [yuk] Les
    The President claims he didn't lie about taxes for those earning less then $250,000 a year with public mandated health insurance yet his own justice department has said they will use the right of the government to tax when the states appeals go to court.

  • << <i>

    Dear JoyofCollecting,
    I need not mean any disrespect. I lived and worked in Grand Praiire for 8 months while skipping a year off the books to earn some school money. I loved the quanitness of the place and would really like visit there more often. My parents lived in Grand Praire for around 13 years and they loved the place and want to visit there too. Ive been on this island a long time. But I also agree with TNT that your words are close to fighting words too. >>

    Isle of Man:

    Turn on your PM switch and we won't have to bore everybody else about G.P. I spent my first 22 years in G.P. and have lived in about a dozed places since. I love Dallas, Fort Worth and most of the surrounding communities. When locals ask me where I was raised, I usually say "The armpit of the Metroplex." About 80% of the time, Grand Prairie is in their top two guess of what that means.

    No disrespect to the folks living in G.P. ...... I still have dozens of good friends and family members there. And, there are a great number of just good old folks that live there. But, I'm quite sure that I have never heard a one say that G.P. is a great place to live. Again, could you pack more junkyards, used car lots or pawn shops into one town? G.H. Turner spent 16 years as from the early 1950's to the mid 60's. He absolutely forbade commercial development in the town. That is why the Great Southwest Indust. Dist. , Six Flags, Loral all are on the border, but in other towns. There is no tax base. Grand Prairie was a thriving town when Irving and Arlington just had gas stations at the intersection of the highway. (No kidding.) Now compare the three. Schools? Tax base? restaurants? shopping? neighborhoods. Irving develops Las Colinas...G.P. adds another used car lot.

    I graduated from G.P. High and worked at the bank downtown for four years during school. It's all very sad to see what that town has remained while the surrounding communities have really progressed.
    Go well.
  • One of my favorite Texas jokes that I think we can all appreciate:

    Texan meets a stranger in a train station lobby. Both are cordial to one another and the stranger asks the Texan where the Texan is from. The Texan quickly replies that he is from Texas.

    After the conversation continues a bit longer, the stranger asks the Texan: "Aren't you going to ask where I am from."

    The Texan tells the stranger: "My daddy taught me that it is very rude to ask a stranger where the are from, and I do not want to be rude."

    The stranger replies: "How can that possibly be rude."

    The Texan says: "If a man is from Texas, he'll let you know right away. If not, it would be rude to embarrass him." image
    Go well.
  • keithdagenkeithdagen Posts: 2,025
    When locals ask me where I was raised, I usually say "The armpit of the Metroplex." About 80% of the time, Grand Prairie is in their top two guess of what that means.

    Wow, that's news to me. I always heard Garland or Mesquite. image
    Keith ™

  • No, it's gotta be the northeast, say the Boston area! image
  • TheNumishTheNumish Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    If you were a collector passing through the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area you certainly wouldn't think there is much here if you went to the coin shops. Most of the shops here don't have much. It's actually pretty pathetic.
  • RELLARELLA Posts: 961 ✭✭✭
    RE: Armpit.

    Its all in where you live in this town...I'm in Keller so to me the armpit is Watauga or Haltom City.

    Do not fall into the error of the artisan
    who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
    while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
    twenty times.
  • DracoDraco Posts: 512
    Wasn't Max Biel (sp?) a Texan? I would imagine that Texas has been a hot spot of sorts for numismatics for the better part of 20th century.

    So why are all the big auctions in California and Florida? Money?

  • << <i>If you were a collector passing through the Dallas/ Ft. Worth area you certainly wouldn't think there is much here if you went to the coin shops. Most of the shops here don't have much. It's actually pretty pathetic. >>


    I couldn't agree more. There's got be something for collectors between the Heritage end of the spectrum and a bullion collection station at the other end. I think there are a large number of collectors in the northern suburbs that would support a "collector's shop." In Dallas, we have Heritage, a lot of solid folks like the Doug Winters with no shop and we have the bullion shops. But, there is not really a shop that has a decent inventory of collector coins in the $20 to $500 range like the shops that existed when I was a kid. I understand the pitfalls of bricks and mortar. But, I think the local collectors would support such a shop. Maybe, you're the man!!!
    Go well.
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,476 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Its all what you make it...

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,391 ✭✭✭
    Joyofcollecting, Thank you for advise on PM turned off and learning more of GP. I do not know how to turn onimage

    my email is alswick@guam.net until I can figure this out.
    The setting up of other roads
    To travel on in old accustomed ways
    I still remember the talks by the water
    The proud sons and daughter
    That knew the knowledge of the land
    Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways
  • Amon Carter of Foat Wuth...big player in 20th century numismatics...
  • Isle of Man Guy:

    Go to "Profile" at the menu at the top of the page that lists the threads. At the bottom of the profile section, click the button that asked if you want to receive private messages.

    Good luck and let us know if it doesn't work.
    Go well.

  • << <i>Amon Carter of Foat Wuth...big player in 20th century numismatics... >>

    Other famous collectors that started in the DFW area:

    Bass and Binion.
    Go well.

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