I know that there seem to be a good number of participants on these boards from Texas, and that they tend to show a deep and varied knowledge of the craft. We also seem to have a lot of shows here...but the quality level of the average dealer's offerings and the average spending of a show attendee leave a lot to be desired for a town this size (Dallas/Fort Worth). I think a consolidation of the number of local shows along with a serious effort to bring in a serious auction house or two and the two big grading seervices might help to bring out more of the local movers and shakers and bring in more desperately needed fresh (to this area) material from national dealers. I'm not sure how you felt about your sales numbers from the recent TNA show Adrian but if you displayed the same coins at a Baltimore or Long Beach show I would guess that you would sell 10-20 times the value of coins that you did here. I would say that this area has serious potential to become the epicenter of US numismatics but currently is a relatively untapped marketplace for quality coins. We have a lot of work to do before we can compare ourselves to many cities on the coasts. I would love to work together with others in the area to help realize this goal.
Do not fall into the error of the artisan who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft while in fact he has had only one year of experience... twenty times.
We currently have one big show, the TNA, in D/FW each year. It used to be a four day. Ah, those were the days.
Houston may have a pretty good regional show two times a year.
I would love to see a national show here three times a year or at least the TNA and two more national shows.
(Of course, getting involved in setting up coin shows to spend more time doing coins is like loaning your wife to a friend to let him know what a great wife you've got.)
TNA has improved significantly in recent years. The "names" have been showing up better. This year's was a good show, not on the order of the big boys, but definitely improving. With the coin market in the upswing, I presume this is true everywhere. But the improvement is visible at TNA.
The southwest does need a major show, IMHO, to supplement Long Beach, FUN, Central States, ANA. This is an active area, and a major show hereabouts should do well, particularly while the coin collection interest is growing. TNA seems the logical place for this to occur.
If not the epicenter, then one of the leading suspects. I agree with Rella, though. As strong as the collector base is -- especially in North Texas -- you'd expect a really major show in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Maybe TNA will grow into that, but there probably need to be more "name" collector organizations, auction houses, and TPGs interested to make that happen.
California is big, has an enormous amount passionate collectors who have wheel barrels full of new money and love gorgeous things. It also has Tangible Asset Galleries.
Ya'll calm down now.
It also has Long Beach. Ah, yes, Long Beach. A major of majors. The mash potatoes and gravy of coin shows.
BUT, it is a long way from the east coast.
Why isn't New York City more numismatically active? Hey...anyone from New York awake? Any of you guys collect coins?
(I remember one New Yorker who broke his word to me about something. Man, that really made me mad. If you can't keep your word about something, what the hell good are you?)
I agree with the locals. Can't tell you how nice it is to be able to drive down to Heritage every couple of weeks and look at coins. Wish that Heritage (being the biggest major player in the area) would do more to promote local coin collecting at shows, especially the TNA. I know they had a very small presence this year. Did they even have a table last year?
Rella, when you start getting some ideas, let me know how I can help.
California is awesome. There is a show about once a week somewhere in the state. Many coin cmpanies and great weather. Maybe just because I live in the state and I like it.
If I recall last year's show Heritage was there but their inventory didn't make it. It reminded me of their showroom before they bring out the coins you want to see. At least this year they had a few cases of coins.
Do not fall into the error of the artisan who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft while in fact he has had only one year of experience... twenty times.
Texans think Texas is the epicenter of everything.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.
I thought a major area was Florida - got all those good investment outfits near Boca Raton and how many top notch grading services are located there in Florida versus Texas?
Now maybe if you could get PCGS to move to Texas - or if the Texans bought CU and moved it there - then Texas would definitely be the coin "quake" zone.
It seems that most of the top color coins make it through Texas.
I got a letter last week from Heritage, said they need to buy another 100 million in the next 6 months because their coins are moving so fast - I didn't get enough from them last time, but probably made a mistake for taking their first offer after they had my coins for 4 weeks.
Yes. A great coin city Dallas/Ft. Worth/Grand Prairie area.
The setting up of other roads To travel on in old accustomed ways I still remember the talks by the water The proud sons and daughter That knew the knowledge of the land Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways
LA by far wins the strongest location for numismatic activity. Within a 50 mile radius you have at LEAST a DOZEN world class MAJOR dealers (Spectrum, Kevin Lipton, Superior, Alhambra, Contursi, Marc One, Mikes Coin Chest, Fred Weinberg, The Brads (gold dealers), Lee Minshull, Barry Stuppler, The Goldbergs, and a few others I can't remeber so quick.
You have one of the biggest shows in the world: Long Beach, plus several other smaller but good ones.
Many famous classic rarites reside in collectors hands who live ou thhere as well.
And then there is that little grading company: PCGS!
In my opinion, the NYC area has a ton going for it, but LA wins. LA also has my favorite Sushi joint (that easily pushes it ahead of NYC)!
Laura Sperber
JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
I think the epicenter of numismatics is where great, interesting, and caring minds meet to do coin things. Like this forum, like the local coin club, like shows where people actually give presentations on numismatic topics, like...
<< <i>Yes. A great coin city Dallas/Ft. Worth/Grand Prairie area. >>
Dallas.... yes!
Grand Prairie? Great Place?......Yeah like for used cars, junk yards and pawnshops. G.P. was doomed to be the armpit of the Metroplex in the 1950's when the city leaders discouraged commercial activity. Can you buy a mixed drink at a Chili's yet in G.P.?
As a kid, I spent five summers exchanging rolls of coins at the Grand Prairie State Bank and First National Bank in downtown almost every day. The place hasn't changed or progressed in 30 years. Most towns don't consider a racetrack much progress!
What an interesting thread, living in the Dallas area, I too agree that its a good place to be numismatically speaking.
As far as California, are you sure its coins, and not just that Californians are distracted by round shiney objects?
I'm kidding, I lived in the Bay Area for 7 years before moving to Texas 3 years ago. The Santa Clara coin show is excellent. I haven't been to many here in Texas yet except the Richardson show. I am planning on attending the one coming up in Dallas(?) Fathers Day weekend though.
I will say this about the center of the coin universe, even if its not Texas, Texans will tell you so until you believe it too.
" LA by far wins the strongest location for numismatic activity. Within a 50 mile radius you have at LEAST a DOZEN world class MAJOR dealers (Spectrum, Kevin Lipton, Superior, Alhambra, Contursi, Marc One, Mikes Coin Chest, Fred Weinberg, The Brads (gold dealers), Lee Minshull, Barry Stuppler, The Goldbergs, and a few others I can't remeber so quick "
Warning!!!!! Anybody reading the above paragragh submitted by Laura of Legend Numismatics, do not believe that all of the above are "WORLD CLASS MAJOR DEALERS". Several of the above dealers lack any class at all. Lumping the extremely bad dealers above with the very good dealers above, is an attempt to lift the known scum out of the gutter. Several are known for their "NUMISMATIC ACTIVITY" I agree with her, but "world CLASS", NO !!!!!
Sorry Laura , I cannot let several of the above dealers be publicly labeled " WORLD CLASS ". Some innocent people might believe that statement and actually attempt to do business with them. And I believe lumping the bad with the good is a disservice to the actual good dealers above.
If you had just listed "dealers" I would not comment, but giving some of the worst known dealers a false accolade in public does not fly with me.
You listed one, especially bad, well known coin diddler above, who should have his head on a coin, literally, by placing his head in a coin press.
I hope you made a mistake when you labeled all of the above dealers as "World Class ". If not , are you saying it is perfectly ' SAFE and Wise ' to business with all of the above dealers ??
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
Austin, TX
NOTE: No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
Type collector since 1981
Current focus 1855 date type set
who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
twenty times.
Got quoins?
Houston may have a pretty good regional show two times a year.
I would love to see a national show here three times a year or at least the TNA and two more national shows.
(Of course, getting involved in setting up coin shows to spend more time doing coins is like loaning your wife to a friend to let him know
what a great wife you've got.)
TNA has improved significantly in recent years. The "names" have been showing up better. This year's was a good show, not on the order of the big boys, but definitely improving. With the coin market in the upswing, I presume this is true everywhere. But the improvement is visible at TNA.
The southwest does need a major show, IMHO, to supplement Long Beach, FUN, Central States, ANA. This is an active area, and a major show hereabouts should do well, particularly while the coin collection interest is growing. TNA seems the logical place for this to occur.
I'm in, Rella, to help "realize this goal."
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Getting to either coast and all points in between of the US on short notice and without layovers is a snap.
And, you rarely get snowed in living here.
And, if auctions are your bag, Heritage is down the street.
Incidentally, Dallas has in fact, quite a number of coin dealers that live here in addition to having Heritage.
I get my fair share of coin activity and i rarely leave the state for coins.
Cameron Kiefer
Come on over ... to The Dark Side!
You know, you may have something there.
For a good guy, you sure are provencial!
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Ya'll calm down now.
It also has Long Beach. Ah, yes, Long Beach. A major of majors. The mash potatoes and gravy of coin shows.
BUT, it is a long way from the east coast.
Why isn't New York City more numismatically active? Hey...anyone from New York awake? Any of you guys collect coins?
(I remember one New Yorker who broke his word to me about something. Man, that really made me mad. If you can't keep your word about something, what the hell good are you?)
Rella, when you start getting some ideas, let me know how I can help.
Cameron Kiefer
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
twenty times.
Think? Bad choice of words. We are most assured that Texas is the epicenter of everything.
Now maybe if you could get PCGS to move to Texas - or if the Texans bought CU and moved it there - then Texas would definitely be the coin "quake" zone.
It seems that most of the top color coins make it through Texas.
I got a letter last week from Heritage, said they need to buy another 100 million in the next 6 months because their coins are moving so fast - I didn't get enough from them last time, but probably made a mistake for taking their first offer after they had my coins for 4 weeks.
To travel on in old accustomed ways
I still remember the talks by the water
The proud sons and daughter
That knew the knowledge of the land
Spoke to me in sweet accustomed ways
But Texas is the largest state without glaciers (hope that makes you feel a little better).
You have one of the biggest shows in the world: Long Beach, plus several other smaller but good ones.
Many famous classic rarites reside in collectors hands who live ou thhere as well.
And then there is that little grading company: PCGS!
In my opinion, the NYC area has a ton going for it, but LA wins. LA also has my favorite Sushi joint (that easily pushes it ahead of NYC)!
JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
Austin, TX
<< <i>Yes. A great coin city Dallas/Ft. Worth/Grand Prairie area. >>
Dallas.... yes!
Grand Prairie? Great Place?......Yeah like for used cars, junk yards and pawnshops. G.P. was doomed to be the armpit of the Metroplex in the 1950's when the city leaders discouraged commercial activity. Can you buy a mixed drink at a Chili's yet in G.P.?
As a kid, I spent five summers exchanging rolls of coins at the Grand Prairie State Bank and First National Bank in downtown almost every day. The place hasn't changed or progressed in 30 years. Most towns don't consider a racetrack much progress!
As far as California, are you sure its coins, and not just that Californians are distracted by round shiney objects?
I'm kidding, I lived in the Bay Area for 7 years before moving to Texas 3 years ago. The Santa Clara coin show is excellent. I haven't been to many here in Texas yet except the Richardson show. I am planning on attending the one coming up in Dallas(?) Fathers Day weekend though.
I will say this about the center of the coin universe, even if its not Texas, Texans will tell you so until you believe it too.
Foat Wuth
<< <i>Let's see....is it "Gig 'em Horns" or "Hook 'em Aggies" ?? I never get that right.
Foat Wuth >>
Watch it buddy. Thems fighting words! Ya gonna git hurt.
Any purchase of $1,000 or more in Texas of coins is sales tax free. Plus, Texas has no personal state income tax, which is a huge plus.
Laura Says,
" LA by far wins the strongest location for numismatic activity. Within a 50 mile radius you have at LEAST a DOZEN world class MAJOR dealers (Spectrum, Kevin Lipton, Superior, Alhambra, Contursi, Marc One, Mikes Coin Chest, Fred Weinberg, The Brads (gold dealers), Lee Minshull, Barry Stuppler, The Goldbergs, and a few others I can't remeber so quick "
Warning!!!!! Anybody reading the above paragragh submitted by Laura of Legend Numismatics, do not believe that all of the above are "WORLD CLASS MAJOR DEALERS". Several of the above dealers lack any class at all. Lumping the extremely bad dealers above with the very good dealers above, is an attempt to lift the known scum out of the gutter. Several are known for their "NUMISMATIC ACTIVITY" I agree with her, but "world CLASS", NO !!!!!
Sorry Laura , I cannot let several of the above dealers be publicly labeled " WORLD CLASS ". Some innocent people might believe that statement and actually attempt to do business with them. And I believe lumping the bad with the good is a disservice to the actual good dealers above.
If you had just listed "dealers" I would not comment, but giving some of the worst known dealers a false accolade in public does not fly with me.
You listed one, especially bad, well known coin diddler above, who should have his head on a coin, literally, by placing his head in a coin press.
I hope you made a mistake when you labeled all of the above dealers as "World Class ". If not , are you saying it is perfectly ' SAFE
and Wise ' to business with all of the above dealers ??
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
Cameron Kiefer
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
<< <i>The University of Texas is the epicenter for pompous arrogant football fans. >>