Is the dealer in the wrong on this one?

I was in my local coin dealer last week. Now being a poor college student, I don't have alot of extra cash laying around. But I do buy enough coins to keep me satisfied. Right now I'm collecting the indian head cent set. I'm doing really good, only like 12 left to the set, but of course the 1877 and 1909-s are missing. Well, I was in the shop and talking to this guy about my collection and he gave me a hard time about the way I was collecting. He told me that I was wrong for collecting the easy dates first and then going after the hard ones. He then told me that my collection can't be very good if these are the coins I was buying and this was the way I'm building it and then he said that college students shouldn't be collecting coins because they can't build a worthwhile set. I was so offended that I walked out of the shop without buying any coins. Am I doing things backwards? I was buying enough coins to keep me happy until I get out of college and start getting some real money.
I thought coin collecting was suppose to be fun. Let me know what you think.

The world meets no one half way. If you want it you have to go get it.
Of course it's OK to start with the less expensive issues.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
Every other rule just doesn't matter. Keys first, keys last, quantity, quality, modern, classic, by type, by date & mint mark. Who cares what I think versus what you think. If you enjoy that way your are collecting, then its the right way.
Most collections contain far more common coins that rare ones. So far as holding a piece of history a common date is just good as most any rare date and just as worthy of becoming a part of a good collection.
Yes, some people say buy the rarities and key dates first because they are more likely to increase in value. But one really can't say that without looking at the market. Even rare dates can be overpriced a some point in time, and holding off on them can work out for the best. At any rate your collection is for you to enjoy, and as long as you are having fun, that's what counts.
Are there coins that I like better than others. Sure! Are the coins that others like that I don't care for? You bet! I catch flac because my detractors say I don't like modern coins. NOT TRUE. I only don't care for OVERPRICED modern coins, and I only warn people about them.
Russ, NCNE
I'm working on a complete type set. If I bought the keys first I would have no coins at all after years of collecting
There is no model that must be followed. Nothing carved in stone. No absolutes. There are people who will get more joy out of collecting souvenir spoons than some of the most well-heeled coin collectors in the world.
Have the courage and the guts to collect what you want, when you want it... and if it makes you happy, then you're ahead of the game.
I've been doing this off and on for more years than I care to admit, and the longer I do it the stronger my conviction grows that the rewards are totally personal. And to seek any kind of blessing, or validation from outside sources is bound to lead to confusion and unhappiness. Go with what ya know. Hi ho.
Perhaps that dealer thought he could shame you into buying what he feels are "worthwhile" coins from him even if you can't really afford them. It might have been some weird reverse-psychology sales pitch. No matter - ignore him. I hope you are enjoying the way you are doing it right now and you continue to pursue your collection in whatever way you like. There are people who think any coin that's not worth slabbing isn't worth collecting, but that's not what everybody thinks.
The Indian Head set is very cool to me because it has the different metal composition coins, those two oddball mintmarked ones at the very end, and it's a long series. Best of luck with tracking down the last twelve! You've made great progress already.
New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.
Most collectors buy the easy ones first then get discouraged when it comes time to buy the toughies because by then they are tired of it anyway so most "sets" are mostly complete sets but are always missing 1 or 2 coins. The "except for" coins, like I got all the IHC except for the 77 & 09-S or I got all the Mercs except for the 16-D.
Buying the higher grades keeps you from buying a GOOD, then updating to a FINE then going for an XF or VU. Instead of buying all the coins 4 times and taking a loss when you sell them just buy the higher grades to start with.
I can understand what the dealer was saying. He was trying to give you some friendly advice but he sounded like an arrogant a$$hole that acts like he is better & smarter than you because he had just finished reading that in CoinAge or one of the rags and he believes what they say too.
Just collect whatever you want but get decent coins don't be buying any junky problem coins, especially keys.
do you think he'd ever get it?!!?
al h.
Heck, there is one here on the board that collects the lowest grade he can find and has fun doing so.
Sounds like your dealer wants you to buy what he has and not what you are after.
I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.
Always looking for nice type coins
my local dealer
That dude sounds like a real jerk. Ignore him.
I must admit, though, he is partially correct (about buying the keys first). No one does it, but it will indeed save you a lot of money in the long haul. But on the other hand, you're a starving college student, so coughing up $1500 for a nice XF '77 is nuts!
Hang in there. Your IH cents are CLASSIC, and will make a great set.
I will continue to collect my set with or without any aid from this so called dealer. I think I will also be checking out other coin shops in the area. We'll see how it goes. Thanks again.
Congradulations! You have found a shop that is not worth waisting your time on, there are lots of Friendly coin shops out there. If you are ever in the area stop in at our shop. You will find that we sell coins from
4 cents on up. We always recomend that you collect what you like.
GOT KIDS? Please bring them along we have Hundreds of used albums and will gladly let the kids have one to help get them started. Every saturday we have free drawings. I have seen a little girl draw her own name out of the drum and get a $50.00 gift certificate. DID SHE EVER SMILE
Remember collect what you enjoy and enjoy what you collect.
just my humble ipinion