Poll: Who's the "maggot"?

First of all, I just hate bringing this up here. I know, it sounds like a couple of kids! But I feel that some people just don't get it, and certainly don't listen to just my reasoning. Perhaps a poll here can suggest just who was out of line. In dealing with board members, I think it would be nice to know the parameters of ethics most here would recognize.
The simple facts:
Member "A" needs a certain coin for his registry set.
Member "B" has multiples of this coin.
Member "A" makes an offer to member "B" for one of his extras.
Member "B" turns it down, making a counter-offer.
Member "A" accepts the counter-offer, and sends a check(inluding more than enough for shipping).
Member "B" recieves the check and states that he will send the coin when the check clears.
Member "B" then "suggests" that member "A" "kick in" something extra, since another of these coins sold for more on eBay.
After much haggling (and "waiting for check to clear"), member "A" finally recieves the coin.
Member "A" feels no need to tell member "B" that the coin arrived, since he's still in no mood to say anything nice.
Member "B" calls member "A" a "maggot"!
So, who's the maggot, A or B? A simple "click" will do.
Thanks for your views.
The simple facts:
Member "A" needs a certain coin for his registry set.
Member "B" has multiples of this coin.
Member "A" makes an offer to member "B" for one of his extras.
Member "B" turns it down, making a counter-offer.
Member "A" accepts the counter-offer, and sends a check(inluding more than enough for shipping).
Member "B" recieves the check and states that he will send the coin when the check clears.
Member "B" then "suggests" that member "A" "kick in" something extra, since another of these coins sold for more on eBay.
After much haggling (and "waiting for check to clear"), member "A" finally recieves the coin.
Member "A" feels no need to tell member "B" that the coin arrived, since he's still in no mood to say anything nice.
Member "B" calls member "A" a "maggot"!
So, who's the maggot, A or B? A simple "click" will do.

Thanks for your views.

"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
No, calm down.
The seller might want something extra because the item sold for more on ebay, but it's not warranted. If a similar coin sold for less on ebay, would the buyer be asking for a rebate? The seller didn't have to agree to sell if he thought he could get more on ebay. A price was agreed upon, and that's that.
Nonetheless, the buyer ought to have told the seller that the coin was received. You don't necessarily have to be in the mood to say anything nice to just say "The coin arrived today".
New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.
I'd be interested to hear "the other side of the story"
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
Russ, NCNE
Member B is solely in the wrong. His offer was accepted and paid for. He then attempted to renegotiate a completed deal. Member A paid for a coin and he received a coin. He has what he paid for. Member A has no obligation to let Member B know the coin arrived. He probably has a rightful bitter taste in his mouth. Shameful that Member B would attempt to renegotiate a completed deal!!
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
if member B is a dealer, then he is in the wrong. if member B is solely a collector, then i don't think he's "wrong". he has the right to change his mind!
a more proper procedure would have been for B to just mail back the $
Was it a Merc ?
No, I've never had a problem with any of the Merc crowd.
I'll remember to never take you at your word.
I am in 100% agreement with you - it does sound like a couple of kids. I would make them stand in the corner at the next YN meeting until they could act like adults.
<< <i>then i don't think he's "wrong". he has the right to change his mind! >>
Not after the deal has been completed and he has the buyer's payment in hand, he doesn't.
Russ, NCNE
<< <i>was this a "done deal"? >>
hehe lol!
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
<< <i>was this a "done deal"? >>
I don't know what could be more "done" than accepting an offer, telling the buyer where to send payment, and receiving the payment.
New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.
i do not like how B reacted to the situation. but i don't think he's FORCED to go through w/ it. i woudl never deal w/ the guy again though.
he did send the coin and it seems it would have been courteous and well-mannered for the buyer to acknowledge receipt. apparently neither person has a real clue about being polite. nothing new, happens all the time.
al h.
Look's like it was a done deal
Can I be the maggot, feeding off the dead?
My posts viewed
since 8/1/6
The bottom line is:
Member B delivered the coin.. what more can be said? If he sent back the payment and reneged on the deal I could understand the issue. But the bottom line is member A got the coin for a better than good price. What more could member A want? A bow on the package? Member B only wanted to know if he received the coin and what he thought of it. He was the good guy .. he delivered the coin for far less than market value.
Or is member A wanting to start a flame war.. Nowadays one has to be careful on the boards!!
If Member B wants some credit for delivering a coin for "less than market value", then he better look elsewhere! Perhaps Member B should not price ANY of his coins, if he is not prepared to happily deliver the coin for the agreed upon price.
Second, I did not try to tell a "story", one side or the other. I tried to just state the facts. I simply would like to know how the majority felt about this. In all my many dealings with members here, it's never happened before.
"Member B delivered the coin.. what more can be said?"
That he tried to extort more after agreeing to the deal, upsetting member A, and only delivering after much persuading that it wouldn't be right not to do so!
I'm not trying to start a "flame war", but if you want to re-name the members "Q" & "W", that's okay w/me!
P.S. Keets:
Sometimes politeness goes out the window with the first e-mail!
To all members whom I have sold Frankies to. Should they go up in value I expect a full payment of the gains made
on the GEMS aquired from HepKitty enterprises. If they lower in value may I never hear from you again.
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
The coin in question sold for $300 more than the agreed price on eBay, I believe the day after the deal was comsummated. There is even a current eBay auction with a "reserve not met" at $800. So "W' wanted to see if the enormously kind (by his own standards) "Q" felt some compassion for "stealing" the coin.
"Q" said he didnt feel compelled to do anything and B sent the coin. "W" at no time tried to extort, hold back (unless threatened), or tried to reneg on the deal. Actually, "Q" threatened to bring this to the Boards if he didnt receive the coin. Turns out he received the coin and posted this anyway!!
Yes "W" agreed to the price and yes "W" got hosed in today's market. Live and learn. "W" followed through and delivered the coin because it was the right thing to do. Did "W" do the wrong thing, by asking if "Q" had "any ideas" to try and make "W" a little happier for losing $300 by todays market value, maybe. For that "W" apologizes.. But "W" has and will always stand by any and all deals he makes.
As "Q" and "W" are both collectors, registry collectors and Board members, with "W" helping "Q" build a better Registry set than himself, a simple. "I received the coin, Thanks!!" would have been nice. That is all "W" was asking for after he sent the coin.
By the way, I dont agree with starting this thread, but if it makes "Q" happier to do so, more power to him. "W" was trying to keep this a private matter. Any wants more info.. can PM me.
The ABC'S of Rock'n Roll!!!!!!
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
I think it's pretty clear without having to do that!!!
I onlt posted this to find out which(A or
al h.
edited for a quasi-nursery rhyme:
the worms crawl in
the worms crawl out.
the worms play pinochle
on my snout!!
I love Pinochle. No one knows how to play these days. We can play for coins.. my slabbed MS's for your AU's ,, good deal? If you say yes.. I might ask you to include those raw MS's too!! But only after you agree to the original deal ..lol.
al h.
It would be polite to tell someone that you recieved the coin, but after that the person who broke their word and asked for more money after the deal was made would go on my "avoid" list.
<< <i>was this a "done deal"? >>
Somewhere in the late first month or early second month of law school you learn that a contract is formed when there is an objective "meeting of the minds." That occurred when A accepted the counteroffer. Sending the check was just part of his performance, not his acceptance.
Maybe member A should start collecting coins though, and get away from the set registry competition.
Collecting coins should be an enjoyable experience.
Come on over ... to The Dark Side!
Am I understanding this correctly. By counter-offer do you mean the first offer was too low and "W" asked for a higher price, but not really as high as he would have liked, and then followed that up with a "hint" at "a little something extra?"
W, why didn't you just ask for what you wanted in the first place?
for more after funds were received is tacky.
Everything is linear if plotted log-log with a fat magic marker
lathmach, Its enjoyable until you run into a MAGGOT!
A man is only as good as his word!
This W would never ask for any other letter to kick in a little extra!
Q: I'll give you $200 for your coin
W: No, I want $500
Q: $-----> W
W: I didn't know what I was doing when I sold you the coin. Can you please send more money?
Q: No
W: Maggot
Q: I'm telling mom
Q: I'll give you $200 for your coin
W: Hmm. I see they are trading for $800. I'll let you have it for $750
Q: $-----> W
W: coin--> Q
Q: Thanks
W: Thanks
My posts viewed
since 8/1/6
Your second scenerio could not work as you have parts out of cronological order!
As for your first, I would think that my last statement would have been I'm askin' mom.
Glad to be able to amuse you!
<< <i>First of all, I just hate bringing this up here. I know, it sounds like a couple of kids! But I feel that some people just don't get it, and certainly don't listen to just my reasoning. Perhaps a poll here can suggest just who was out of line. In dealing with board members, I think it would be nice to know the parameters of ethics most here would recognize.
The simple facts:
Member "A" needs a certain coin for his registry set.
Member "B" has multiples of this coin.
Member "A" makes an offer to member "B" for one of his extras.
Member "B" turns it down, making a counter-offer.
Member "A" accepts the counter-offer, and sends a check(inluding more than enough for shipping).
Member "B" recieves the check and states that he will send the coin when the check clears.
Member "B" then "suggests" that member "A" "kick in" something extra, since another of these coins sold for more on eBay.
After much haggling (and "waiting for check to clear"), member "A" finally recieves the coin.
Member "A" feels no need to tell member "B" that the coin arrived, since he's still in no mood to say anything nice.
Member "B" calls member "A" a "maggot"!
So, who's the maggot, A or B? A simple "click" will do.
Thanks for your views.
Don >>
"maggot" and this modus operandi is a certain vocal and behavioral trait from the id's of dchump and xkop69 both of which have multiple ebay id's and are only mere small time peon schemers. pay it no mind,let it not push a button and just flat out tell him where to put it. in fact, put it on here,he'll see it.
Obviously you have not read this thread. But just so you know.. Member A and B are both collectors.