A change of heart

First, I would like to apologize for jumping the gun on the Registry Grade issue. It appears that I misinterpreted a statement made to me as all encompassing when it was not intended to be. I appreciate that PCGS is still considering the idea and look forward to a formal decision.
Second, I would like to acknowledge that I was wrong to pull my sets. I lost sight of the fact that it is a priviledge to be able to list my sets in a Registry (here and elsewhere). I allowed my disappointment to overwhelm me and never should have used my sets as a weapon. The most important thing to me is not the competition and not that PCGS agree with me on everything, but rather that I am allowed to share my joy of collecting with others. I was wrong and I'm not too proud to admit it. BJ - if you read this, please put the trade dollar sets back up!
Third, on the issue of the 1885, I have to admit that there is no right answer. Technically, I agree that the coin is a 65CAM and deep down I admire the fact that PCGS will not compromise their standards because of the fame of the coin. At the same time, in comparison to other classic rarities which I feel are ranked more than graded, the current grade may be appropriate. When in doubt, doing nothing is a viable alternative and so that is what I will do.
After many conversations with David and BJ, I am quite certain that PCGS is doing their best to make the Registry enjoyable for all. I appreciate that a lot and pledge to focus on the good attributes and enjoy it for what it is - a fine place to show one's coins!
Second, I would like to acknowledge that I was wrong to pull my sets. I lost sight of the fact that it is a priviledge to be able to list my sets in a Registry (here and elsewhere). I allowed my disappointment to overwhelm me and never should have used my sets as a weapon. The most important thing to me is not the competition and not that PCGS agree with me on everything, but rather that I am allowed to share my joy of collecting with others. I was wrong and I'm not too proud to admit it. BJ - if you read this, please put the trade dollar sets back up!
Third, on the issue of the 1885, I have to admit that there is no right answer. Technically, I agree that the coin is a 65CAM and deep down I admire the fact that PCGS will not compromise their standards because of the fame of the coin. At the same time, in comparison to other classic rarities which I feel are ranked more than graded, the current grade may be appropriate. When in doubt, doing nothing is a viable alternative and so that is what I will do.
After many conversations with David and BJ, I am quite certain that PCGS is doing their best to make the Registry enjoyable for all. I appreciate that a lot and pledge to focus on the good attributes and enjoy it for what it is - a fine place to show one's coins!
I second the COOL !!
Nice to have you back TDN, but I CAN feel your pain on the 1885.
President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay
glad you are back, but lets keep PCGS all PCGS, lets not mix up the pot, it seems to get a little dirty when these things happen. (again, just an opinion, so please dont flame).
My Dimes
<< If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time! >>
Cameron Kiefer
Welcome back.
My Washington Type B/C Set
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
Uh, huh. Sure. Whatever. One question: how deep did you have to go down?
You know what's the best thing about this thread? It reminds me that I gotta go feed the dogs.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
Deep Down is the fact that the set registry is an emotional roller coaster.Since there is noone with a Trade Dollar set to challenge you,You HAVE to challenge PCGS and David Hall.I hope you win.My prediction is that you will eventually get what you need in one shape or form.
I will collect for my own enjoyment and leave the tilting at windmills to others more suited.
Do whatever you want. JUST READ MY THOUGHTS.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
Just because I believe I understand the reasons for someone's actions, does not make it true. PCGS states that it grades to a standard as best as it is capable. A submittor states that the standard is not constant. Isn't it possible that both those points of view are substantially correct? Isn't it probable that neither point of view is 100% true, but both are substantially true? If grading is an inexact art [not a science], then I believe that it is totally probable that both viewpoints are correct. If both viewpoints are correct, then all the stress on my part in the world cannot change a thing. Disagreement is inherent to the system.
I lost track of the fact that I can believe what I believe and yet not be any more right than the person who believes what they believe. Even when it seems that only one can be right.
I shall now challenge Bear to a philosophy duel.
Thanks for pointing out something that we all need to remember: for many of us, the Registry is more a place to show off our coins than it is a competition. We compare our sets to others, congratulate each other on our latest acquisitions, and most do not take it too seriously. We all get a chance to have our "15 minutes of fame", or, in the case of a set such as yours, perhaps a half hour.
I hope you and PCGS can reach a compromise on the issue of your 1885 Trade dollar. You're a class act.
The whole Gradeing fiasco between PCGS and NGC has got so blown out of shape that it borders on lunacy. For a collector of coins, who is suppose to gain pleasure not grief, to fret and worry constantly about the rights and wrongs with the services gradeing practices Now just plain amazes myself. Now, was stressed as I did the same damn thing untill finally realizing that if I could not enjoy this Hobby it was time to get out of it again and stay out. I firmly believe if more collectors would take the Enjoy or Get Out theory the Hobby would be in a little better shape.
Well written and where we all need to be!
Check out my PQ selection of Morgan & Peace Dollars, and more at:
TDN on the other hand is well on his way to recovery.
I see the winkey, but I still wish to ask: about what am I in denial? The crux of what TDN wrote is that two reasonable people can reasonably disagree, and still be no more right or wrong than the other.
If there's any more left to say (between TDN and me) on this matter, we'll do it privately. Or, I may just get on a plane and go kick me some Scottish butt!
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
Thanks, TDN.
now, next week may be a different story
P.S. You really ARE a class act.
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins) www.pcgs.com
PSA (cards & tickets) www.psacard.com
Braddick said it well. Glad you changed your mind. mdwoods
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
NO! I ABHOR THAT STATEMENT! I REJECT THAT STATEMENT! The coin will never be a PCGS66 and that is fine with me. I did not do this to curry favor - I did this to go back to enjoying my set. David has made it clear that he considers the coin a PCGS 65CAM and I happen to agree. But I'll not be the only person to ever downgrade a classic rarity. I am done stressing out over what holder or grade my coins are assigned. I lost track of what really matters to me - but now I've found it again. When a coin is the finest known - such as the 1885 or the Vermeule 73-CC - does it really matter which holder it's in or which grade has been assigned? I have decided to enjoy what they are and quit stressing out over what they aren't!
The sets are back up so that I can continue to enjoy sharing my coins with others. It's that simple.
If Dwight Manley can have success with the difficult crossovers, so can you. Let us know when you get the PCGS66 grade, ok? Manley was good and knowledgeable, but it's also who he knows. I'm not trying to cast aspersions now, but merely acknowledging an objective reality.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
Much thanks for your philanthropy; is that a by-product of your noblesse oblige? BTW, I was enjoying them just fine by going across the street. In fact, I look at them there far more often than I do here.
Once again, thanks for bringing them back here. The hubbub was all worth it, for they complete me. Now, show me the money!
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
BTW, TDN, what are you going to do with your 1873-CC TD PCGS MS64 specimen? Is it on the market, or is it reserved as a filler for the CU registry hole? The Vermuele specimen is very nice...
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
By PCGS standards, I grade the coin a 65CAM. I would not state this publicly if I had any aspirations to the coin crossing. Whether other classic rarities are overgraded is immaterial to me - I do not own them and I have no vested interest in them. I truly do not want to deal with the issue anymore.
Cast aside all third party opinion related stress, enjoy the coins for what they are and ye shall be free!
what are you going to do with your PCGS MS64 1873-CC?
The coin is for sale. The Vermeule coin is of significantly higher quality. I enjoy the Vermuele coin much more than the PCGS coin - therefore it is the coin for my set. I'm not going to stress out over empty holes anymore. I will keep the coins I enjoy and let that be the marker of my success.
That's understandable, but could you answer my last question? If you do so privately, I will respect the confidentiality.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
I am glad I wandered over to the registry forum and got a chance to read this thread. I wish people in the general coin forum would read it.
What you had to say, you said very well, and I respect you for it.
Whatever reasons you had for pulling the sets, and whatever reasons you might have for putting them back are yours and yours alone. But your sincerity and the well measured tone of your post about it is appreciated.
Some of the rancor that has developed between PCGS and members of the numismatic community is disturbing to some of us on the outside. I don't doubt that there are real problems, but I also don't doubt that there are real solutions. All I can say with any certainly is that from the place I look at things, if dialogue is shut down, then there is no chance for solutions. Your post, and subsequent posts in this thread, have a lot of insight. I appreciate it.
EVP - I have deleted the 73CC from the Registry. I do still own it, but it is for sale and not a part of the Legend Collection.
Thank you for putting your set back up. Everyone knows that it is one of the best specialty sets in existence. Just list your NGC piece in the introduction. Who cares where you rank? Nobody, that's who. Everyone knows it is the best.
(Also, you could get hole fillers, lowest available pcgs graded coins, for those dates in which you have an ngc piece, then upload a pic of the ngc coin in the description)
Thank you for answering the significant elements of my questions publicly. Actually, thanks just for answering.
I am now willing to bury the hatchet. (Lest anyone misunderstand, that's a metaphor and not a threat!)
Now, all you have to do is to convince the owner of the Linda Collection to come back here with his sets.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
The realization that if I continue to stress over the holder or grade, I will stop collecting. I have too much tied up into coins to ever allow myself to stop enjoying them. In the series I collect, I have to be willing to step up and buy the finest. If I then expose myself to the stress of worrying about others' opinions of the coins, I might as well sell right now. So I had a little talk with myself and decided I was going to S T O P worrying about what I cannot control and just E N J O Y the journey!
telling us a story like Clank does on Mondays(usually). We can use all the funny stories we can get.
Seriously though, well said by a big person, a fine collector and a nice guy.
Also, I would like to add that when viewing a world class set such as yours, one only sees the coins. The eye does not wander to the holder as it is caught by the beauty of the coins. Who knows what the grading standards will be in 10 years, but we do know the coins will still be incredibly beautiful.
Sadly, I believe the Registry is partly responsible for an about-face attitude collectors are experiencing, placing profit above the pleasure of collecting. I'm not saying blame the Registry, rather it has been one of the fuels being tossed on a flaming market that has caused some collectors to chase dollar signs.
Welcome back to the joy of collecting!
I know you must have explained this before, but in looking at the PCGS rules, I cannot understand how your 1885 is not allowed into the PCGS Registry with an asterisk (*), as it is the same coin allowed there now in the Eliasberg set with the afore mentioned asterisk (*). If PCGS allowed it at the PR65C designation, then, I do not see why this has not been done. There is no doubt that this is the same coin. Is it because this coin is now in a "different holder", that it is not allowed ? I can see PCGS not allowing the coin as a PR66, but I believe they should allow it into the PCGS Registry at the grade they have assigned it, (PR65C, with the asterisk ).
I had never realized before that your 1885 was actually included as part of the Eliasberg Set, and if PCGS is not agreeing to accept the coin into the PCGS Registry at the same grade as they have done with Mr. Eliasberg, then I too would be honestly infuriated.
I must be missing part of the equation here, because it is not making sense to me. It just seems that they should allow it into your set as a "grandfatherted coin".
I would appreciate a short exlpanation of why the coin is not being allowed as a PR65C with asterisk, by PCGS or by somebody who knows the technical reason, if there is one.
I imagine if there were a poll taken, asking all forum members to vote whether or not to allow the Eliasberg PR65C , with asterisk, into the Legend Set, that it would be a unanimous "YES".
Again, welcome back and congratulations on having the
N icest G raded C omplete set of Trade dollars in existance.
The answer to your question is that technically we cannot add non-PCGS graded coins to current sets as the coins are added by PCGS certification numbers.
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins) www.pcgs.com
PSA (cards & tickets) www.psacard.com
congrats on Numismatist showcasing your website
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Frankly, I don't think this would open a pandora's box for PCGS. We are only talking about coins that they obviously have already looked at and graded, and few people can afford to own them. I don't think the coin is any less special now that TDN owns it instead of Mr. Eliasberg.
I see TDN's point with a little more clarity.
TDN: Your set appears to be unmatchable regardless of holders. I'm glad you have chosen to be a bigger person and put PCGS holders in their proper place. They are important, but not so much when you are talking about the coins you have.