OT:Were/are you in the military and if so, what branch?
I did seven years, seven months and eleven days in the Navy (but who was counting)? Mostly on a sub, tin cans and a cruiser with a tour of duty in Gitmo just to break the monotony
. Spent the last three years homeported in Italy where my son (Petescorner) was born. Got out as an EM1 in 1969, never looked back
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"Everything I have is for sale except for my wife and my dog....and I'm not sure about one of them."
My Website
"Everything I have is for sale except for my wife and my dog....and I'm not sure about one of them."
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
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EDIT: 05C40, radio teletype operator, high-speed morse code interceptor. Ironically, I can't type worth crap anymore.
Russ, NCNE
Jet Mech: F-5, F-4G, T-38, KC-135, KC-97, FB-111, B-52
Missiles: BGM-109 GLCM RAF Greenham Common
Chief support services, Darnell Army Hospital, Texas (Fort Hood)
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD GOD Almighty."
Semper Fidelis
Write your congressperson and the President and urge them to support concurrent receipt
USN: 3yr 9mo 20day '81-'85 One Westpac, One year forward deployed Japan, NEC: Sonar Tech (surface), Sub-qual, Academy Nominee
2 frigates (little destroyers with an ASW platform)-2 years
med admin honorable discharge
70% SC disabled (bipolar disorder-yeah, you know that already)
Bachelor of Music (composition) paid by VA voc rehab chap 31 degree conferred 5/2002
Member, DAV
God bless all,
First Place Winner of the 2005 Rampage design contest!
Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
(detering Global Communist Agression from 60 feet under north central Missouri).
"Peace is Our Profession". . .
"War is Just a Hobby"
Check out the Southern Gold Society
my hotels
Proud member of TCCS!
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
Tan Son Nhut AB, Saigon 1968-1969 (medical corpsman - emergency room)
Medical Air Crew Member, C-121Constellation and C-141 Starlifter
Strategic Air Command, 1985-1989
Pentagon 1992-1996 (tougher than VietNam, due to senior ranking politicians disguised as officers)
My deepest thanks to all you guys and gals who wore or are now wearing the military uniform of the greatest country in the world!
Vietnam Vet 1968-1969
">Franklin Halves
">Kennedy Halves
35 years means you were a special sort of guy. Had to enact a special law to keep you around. Thanks for all you've done, and here is a enlisted Hand Salute to you, CHIEF. Pulled a couple HQ assignments myself (HQ AFCC and Airlift Comm Division - don't know what they names they may have evolved into these days)
I see there aren't too many lifers here, but there are few careerists, and to you I say, hang on in there.
I was just shy of 16 years and medically retired from the USAF in 1993 as a very proud member of the Top Three (put on my sixth stripe in May of 1989). I still dread the fact that I'm not still in uniform.
Russ, NCNE
1st Air Calvary, Viet Nam; Feb. '68 - Feb. '69.
Ah Shaw Valley, Khe Sanh, "Fish-hook" area.
p.s. Russ, "like fine wines"!
A big thank you to all you guys (and gals) for the sacrifices you made for me, my children and my grandchildren.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Rhein Main, Germany
God Bless America
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Join the NRA and protect YOUR right to keep and bear arms
To protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not soundness of heart. Theodore Roosevelt
I would like to share something regarding some of my fellow crewmen - Yukla 27 remembered
Aim High!
The Lincoln cent store:
My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.
I guess its a good time to come out from lurking. I have just started collecting about 3 months ago and have enjoyed this board for all its worth. I will be hanging out here asking questions and learning. I am in the NAVY at San Diego Ca. I am about to finish up shore tour and head to the boat. IT2 is current rank. See you around. GO NAVY...
I wanted to join submarine duty but they turned me down because I like to sleep with the windows open...
dont have screen doors to the outside.
GMS2 USS Scott DDG995
I was planning on doing 20, but a stupid taxi driver in Egypt ended that.
KC-135, B-52, SR-71, and U-2/TR-1
9 SRW Det 2 - Nov 1988 - Nov 1990 Blackcats - We get it up higher and keep it up longer
My Proof Roosevelt dimes 1965-present
MSG Doxtader
Currently Air Nat'l Guard, past six years, previous 12 years Army Reserve, Nurse Corps, with duty in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield/Storm in '90/'91 during the Gulf War, with the 410th Evac. Hosp (SMBL); huooah!
Only brought back two coins, a Saudi one-riyal, and a Brit. Sovereign, 1923.
I chose to be a citizen/soldier, and am proud and pleased to have served. Dishing out the influenza vaccine doses, and gearing up for the resumption of the anthrax vaccine and smallpox innoculations!