I think of myself as middle of the road. I am a Republican, but like to keep an open mind and listen to the other side, even if I don't like what they are saying - they have the right to say it. If push comes to shove, I'm more conservative than anything else.
I became a Conservative at 15 years old when I got my first real paycheck and noticed the difference between what I had earned, and what was left. That difference has been widening ever since. But, as I've grown older I've become increasingly Libertarian.
I don't think you can make the connection. I already was a conservative when I got my first paycheck and became a liberal when my favorite hunting spot became a clearcut and when I had to stop salmon fishing when the Coho were listed as an endangered species and teter on the brink of extinction on my favorite river the "Clackamas".
Yes, I think most are conservative, and the majority Republican. At least most of the the dealers I've spoken to seem to be.
Personally, I like to think of myself as middle-of-the-road (at least, I try to be), but I end up leaning a little left of center. I'm probably a bigger liberal than most here, though I realize that's a dirty word these days. (I'm also pro-United Nations and pro-Jimmy Carter, though I'll admit he was less effective as a president than his Republican successor was). Now I'm gonna be stoned to death for sure!
Actually, my religion prohibits participation in politics, though we are allowed to vote. (I could not campaign for political office, for example, though if I were hypothetically appointed to an office I would be allowed to take the post.) I studiously attempt to keep as neutral as possible, though it isn't always easy. Members of my religion are urged to avoid extremism in all things, be it politics, dress and appearance, or religion itself.
What is this strange religion I belong to? I suppose that's a topic for another post, and not here. The Open Forum, maybe.
Can we get back to coin discussions now? as a matter of fact, no. if you want that you'll have to get over to the open forum. sheesh!!!! and at the same time, you have inadvertantly answered the little question at hand----you are a conservative since most liberals wouldn't object to a nonrelevant topic over here!!!
i think that conservatism is born mostly from age and life experience. i grew up with an anything goes attitude that has slowly given way to more conservative thought. i tend not to try to impose my will on others yet at the same time my moral values tend toward traditional things. that makes me somewhat the same as frattlaw, though i feel more comfy as a conservative liberal. six of one, half dozen of the other. so, what about those indians...............
Fiscal conservative (it is not the government's job to make my life work - that's my job!) and a social liberal (what happens in the privacy of my house between consenting adults is none of the government's #$%^& business)!
Cecil Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!! 'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
Registered independant. Conservative leanings. I have voted for candidates in all parties, including libertarian. I try to vote for the person and what they stand for, not the party.
"The essence of sleight of hand is distraction and misdirection. If smoeone can be convinced that he has, through his own perspicacity, divined your hidden purposes, he will not look further."
i would veiw that jefferson quote as coming from the lips of a liberal. the trouble with most conservative politicians is that they specialize in speaking out of both sides of their mouth. they say liberal things but they do conservative things. they say to each his own, but they legislate "as long as it's this way."
Fiscal conservative (it is not the government's job to make my life work - that's my job!) and a social liberal (what happens in the privacy of my house between consenting adults is none of the government's #$%^& business)!
BSqr---------please see my above post to BSAEagle!!
I'm a classic liberal and Jefferson is one of my heroes. personally, i don't agree with your leftist point. your liberal/leftist (collectivist) sounds much like a communist in capitalist clothing which makes him a republican!!! a liberal is a liberal is a liberal. i just thought it was humorous that that tjkillian stated he was very conservative and he backed that up with a liberal quote!!!!!!!! DOH!!!!
<< <i>Fiscal conservative (it is not the government's job to make my life work - that's my job!) and a social liberal (what happens in the privacy of my house between consenting adults is none of the government's #$%^& business)! >>
ccrdragon, You got part of it right, however liberals believe it is the governments job to control every aspect of our lives. This is covered in such inane drivel as "It takes a Village" by Hillary "I needed slick Willie to get in the White House" Clinton. Our founding fathers, whose intention was for the states to hold the majority of power, would not be pleased today. Joe Sidenote to Russ: Libertarians are looking pretty good these days.
<< <i>Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. >>
That philosophy is certainly diametrically opposed to all that liberalism has stood for since FDR. Modern liberalism exists on the foundation of the fallacious assumption that only government knows what's best for us; that the individual has no value, and is too stupid to fend for themselves; that the producer should support the non-producer; that we are to be coddled cradle to grave and that, left to our own devices, we are incapable of protecting ourselves from anything.
Up to age 21 I voted liberal because I thought I needed government's help (wrong!). At age 25 started voting conservative because I know better how to spend my money than the government does. When I get really rich (not!) I'll vote liberal again so I can tell you how to spend your money for my advantage.
I'm a libertarian conservative. I think the government is too big, collects too much in taxes and has too many regulations. Like a true libertarian, I'm pro-choice and pretty tollerant of other people's life styles so long as they are not hurting me. I think that every person should be judged on their merrits and not their skin color or country of origin. At the same time I oppose quotas and racial and sexual bias.
Most of the collectors I know are on the conservative side of the fence. I do know a couple of dealers who are flaming liberals. One gave me a lecture at a show about how great Bill Clinton was. I thought I was going to barff.
Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?
Bill Clinton recently said that "Compassionate Conservatives" are:
Compassionate on the outside, and conservative in the inside.
Interesting thought... Not saying I agree with it or not.
Kennedy Halves, Early Silver Commemorative, Modern proof gold eagles, proof sets, Modern Commemorative, Chinese coins, Australia Sovereign and Modern, British Sovereign, and Euros. ________________ My Ebay Stuff
This liberal vs conservative discussion is as old as the hills. It is, and always has been, a meaningless diatribe. People vote for their own self interest. No one likes to pay taxes. No one likes to be forced to do things or to have someone else's ideas shoved down their throats.
Self-styled conservatives rant against tax and spend liberals and gov't spending. But gov't spending skyrocketed during the Ronald Reagan years. Go the farm belt and you will be in "conservative" country--until you start talking about doing away with farm subsidies.
Talk to a libertarian who professes to be opposed to all forms of gov't imposed public assistance programs and you will find out that he or she went to public school and a state universtiy, and their grandmother depends on social security.
Back in the 60's the all-white upper class suburbs of the Northeast were full of "liberals" ranting against the "segregationist" south, until their local government proposed bussing their kids to integrate black schools.
Rent an apartment in a big, high rent city and you will be a lover of rent control. Buy an appartment building and you will hate it.
I'm definitely a conservative person, but I do have some opinions that cross boundaries. I believe we should take better care of the environment, provide appropriate help to the poor and ensure some level of fairness and integrity in free enterprise. I also believe that there should be fewer laws, the right to fail as well as the right to succeed, that not everyone is entitled to (fill in blank), and less of a presence of government in people's lives.
I think, overall, I would prefer a simple thing. That people of all groups would exercise a lot more self discipline and self restraint so that we don't go crazy with all these laws. Inevitably, in a society where there is no self discipline and restraint the society turns to laws to protect itself and ends up being either a dictatorship or anarchic. No other recourse but self discipline and self restraint to keep freedom.
I was mostly centrist but I became left leaning after I got my securites liscenses and started working in the business of capitalism and conservatism. It makes me sick what I saw/see, especially since most of them thought they were the pillars of virtue, when they lied, cheated (people out of money and on their wives) and stole while thinking nothing of it. Scary how widespread it is, but look at the coorporate messes of late.
Collectors of whatever are a strange breed. Go to a Sotheby's or Christies art auction in NY. Amongst those hard-core collectors you will find the majority are pretty left/hard left leaning. Why? I have no idea, just like I don't know why the majority of coin collecotrs tend to be Conservative.
Must end life...in classic Lorne Green pose...from 'Battlestar Galactica'...best...death...ever!"
Wealthy people can afford to be liberal because they dont feel the pain of government oppression taking your otherwise disposable income. Sorry a** bums are usually liberal because it is they who benefit from the spoils the government have taken from us. Thanks to the "great society" we have gone beyond communism which has a basic premise that everyone works and everyone eats. The liberal premise is everyone eats whether they want to work or not.The great American dream of owning ones own home has been subverted by the liberal Democrats. The best you can hope for now is to rent your paid for home from your city, county or state government. They call this rent property tax. It is used to pay for the many liberal programs for the great society of liberal Democrats. Guess which way I'm leaning.
I view myself as extermely open-minded and willing to look at all sides of the issues. It's not my fault that the conservatives' views are almost always the right ones!!
Coins are fun! (need to remove any guilt about this thread being where it is).
Neither, probably a misanthrope. I've met or heard very few "liberals" or conservatives" who actually "walk the walk", they just "talk the talk". I believe Barry Goldwater Sr. was one of the few true, honest conservatives and Albert Einstein one of the few true, honest liberals (don't necessarily agree with them on everything - just that they weren't hypocrites - and they were courageous). The rest , just lots of "blah, blah, blah ..." all in defense of their own self-interest. A pox on both of their straw houses. Perhaps someday this silly race, Homosapiens, will evolve beyond these petty and disingenuous distinctions (but then who could they throw rocks at?), as for libertarians - seems like just a lot more of "by me, for me, of me, .. me, me me .. Mommy!".
What was Mother Theresa? I'll bet she didn't care - too busy "walking the walk".
Just one opinion. Didn't mean to intentionally offend anyone, but probably did.
Thank you for your attention. Time to pet my feline friend (he doesn't care if the Slutocrats or the Greedy Old Pigs have more ghouls in the seats of parliament).
So you disagree with Einstein on some things. Like, what, whether E really equals mc2? And who should I belive, Einstein or you? I mean after all Einstein was a regular Einstein.
As for E=mc^2, the special theory of relativity equation for the equivalence of mass and energy, I believe it, but you really have to move (like at 3 x 10^8 meters/sec) for it to have much effect on everyday stuff, and I'm kind of old and slow. But, politically, Einstein was called a "liberal" by many. He was a very liberal (and sometime incorrect, scientist - he really screwed up on not accepting quantum mechanics).
The cat is NOT, a Lynx, but he won't care much if you call him one anyway - I will, but that's a human trait.
Not sure about the question. Is it relating to political leanings or grading style? In my case, I go against the flow, so whatever way everyone else is leaning I go the other way. I am a noncomformist.
Recommended reading - The PCGS Guide to Coin Grading and Counterfeit Detection and The Coin Collector's Survival Manual and NCI Grading Guide For the Morgan collectors - The Morgan and Peace encyclopedia by Van Allen and Mallis
What would your slabbed coins be worth if the grading services went out of business? What would your coins be worth if the Internet was taken offline for good?
Conservative, however being a good Southerner, that doesn't automaticly qualify me as republican. We got us some good ole boy Demo's who vote just like any good conservative will. It's my money, and I want to keep it and if we need some new laws, we will do it down here at the state level. All we need from Uncle Sam is for him to protect our State from other countries. Burns me up to have Uncle Sam forcing us to change laws so that we can get some FEDERAL money. Hey!! Where do they think that money came from anyway????
Aaah! Isn't it nice to live in a conservative city!
Also put me down as very conservative (you may see me in my Bush-Cheney shirt sometimes!)
Always buying music cards of artists I like! PSA or raw! Esp want PSA 10s 1991 Musicards Marx, Elton, Bryan Adams, etc. And 92/93 Country Gold AJ, Clint Black, Tim McGraw PSA 10s
I find American politics about as interesting as a benign tumor. For all the tongue and lip flapping that goes on, the truth is that most Americans want their politics right in the middle, and that's shown by the fact that as the government swings too far away from center (right or left), the other party is voted in. It's not that all of a sudden there are another 50 million conservatives or liberals found that are voting for the first time...these people are swing voters who want the status quo. If American politics were on a 100 point scale, with far right and far left being on the opposite ends, just about all our policy falls in the middle 20% (10% either way from center).
I guess radicals on the far left and far right are going to have a lot to eat, cause there's going to be a never ending supply of roadkill.
I always vote for what I consider the best candidate: Republican, Democrat, or 3rd party. I've only got another 40 years left and I don't consider it worth arguing about. On the bright side...40 years means only 10 more presidential elections to endure, yippee!
actually i cast my vote for libertarianism every 4 years by not voting (along with 65%+ of america). the problem with libertarians is that they don't want a government in the first place, so why vote for one of them?
Edited to say : Like Lanlord -- I'm middle of the road.
Russ, NCNE
I also did not know most coin collectors are more educated than non collectors. How intricate!
The things we learn here!
<< <i>Hmm, so educated people are immediately classified as "conservatives"? >>
Actually, liberals like to try and argue the opposite - that Conservatives are all backwoods, uneducated trailor trash hicks.
Russ, NCNE
MW Fattorosi Collection
I don't think you can make the connection. I already was a conservative when I got my first paycheck and became a liberal when my favorite hunting spot became a clearcut and when I had to stop salmon fishing when the Coho were listed as an endangered species and teter on the brink of extinction on my favorite river the "Clackamas".
Can we get back to coin discussions now?
Personally, I like to think of myself as middle-of-the-road (at least, I try to be), but I end up leaning a little left of center. I'm probably a bigger liberal than most here, though I realize that's a dirty word these days. (I'm also pro-United Nations and pro-Jimmy Carter, though I'll admit he was less effective as a president than his Republican successor was). Now I'm gonna be stoned to death for sure!
Actually, my religion prohibits participation in politics, though we are allowed to vote. (I could not campaign for political office, for example, though if I were hypothetically appointed to an office I would be allowed to take the post.) I studiously attempt to keep as neutral as possible, though it isn't always easy. Members of my religion are urged to avoid extremism in all things, be it politics, dress and appearance, or religion itself.
What is this strange religion I belong to? I suppose that's a topic for another post, and not here. The Open Forum, maybe.
Russ, NCNE
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
If at 40 you are not a conservative you have no mind..."W.C.
Can we get back to coin discussions now? as a matter of fact, no. if you want that you'll have to get over to the open forum. sheesh!!!!
i think that conservatism is born mostly from age and life experience. i grew up with an anything goes attitude that has slowly given way to more conservative thought. i tend not to try to impose my will on others yet at the same time my moral values tend toward traditional things. that makes me somewhat the same as frattlaw, though i feel more comfy as a conservative liberal. six of one, half dozen of the other. so, what about those indians...............
al h.
(what happens in the privacy of my house between consenting adults is none of the government's #$%^&
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
my hotels
"The government that governs best, governs least"
Thomas Jefferson
You must be a liberal non-collector in that case! At least that is what is implied, isn't it???
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
William S. Burroughs, Cities of the Red Night
i would veiw that jefferson quote as coming from the lips of a liberal. the trouble with most conservative politicians is that they specialize in speaking out of both sides of their mouth. they say liberal things but they do conservative things. they say to each his own, but they legislate "as long as it's this way."
al h.
T Jefferson was a 'classic liberal' (individualist) not a modern liberal/leftist (collectivitst). HUGE, HUGE difference.
You also said, "the trouble with most conservative politicians is that they specialize in speaking out of both sides of their mouth"
This ain't the place to debate politics but anytime you'd like to compare notes on double talk just PM me
I'd also be happy to recommend some tremendous internet locales for discussing such issues if you are interested
good day
edited for a spelling error
(what happens in the privacy of my house between consenting adults is none of the government's #$%^&
Nicely put! You might be a Libertarian and not know it -- take this short quiz and find out.
I'm a classic liberal and Jefferson is one of my heroes. personally, i don't agree with your leftist point. your liberal/leftist (collectivist) sounds much like a communist in capitalist clothing which makes him a republican!!!
al h.
<< <i>Fiscal conservative (it is not the government's job to make my life work - that's my job!) and a social liberal
(what happens in the privacy of my house between consenting adults is none of the government's #$%^&
business)! >>
You got part of it right, however liberals believe it is the governments job to control every aspect of our lives. This is covered in such inane drivel as "It takes a Village" by Hillary "I needed slick Willie to get in the White House" Clinton. Our founding fathers, whose intention was for the states to hold the majority of power, would not be pleased today.
Sidenote to Russ: Libertarians are looking pretty good these days.
<< <i>Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. >>
That philosophy is certainly diametrically opposed to all that liberalism has stood for since FDR. Modern liberalism exists on the foundation of the fallacious assumption that only government knows what's best for us; that the individual has no value, and is too stupid to fend for themselves; that the producer should support the non-producer; that we are to be coddled cradle to grave and that, left to our own devices, we are incapable of protecting ourselves from anything.
Russ, NCNE
Most of the collectors I know are on the conservative side of the fence. I do know a couple of dealers who are flaming liberals. One gave me a lecture at a show about how great Bill Clinton was. I thought I was going to barff.
Compassionate on the outside, and conservative in the inside.
Interesting thought... Not saying I agree with it or not.
My Ebay Stuff
Self-styled conservatives rant against tax and spend liberals and gov't spending. But gov't spending skyrocketed during the Ronald Reagan years. Go the farm belt and you will be in "conservative" country--until you start talking about doing away with farm subsidies.
Talk to a libertarian who professes to be opposed to all forms of gov't imposed public assistance programs and you will find out that he or she went to public school and a state universtiy, and their grandmother depends on social security.
Back in the 60's the all-white upper class suburbs of the Northeast were full of "liberals" ranting against the "segregationist" south, until their local government proposed bussing their kids to integrate black schools.
Rent an apartment in a big, high rent city and you will be a lover of rent control. Buy an appartment building and you will hate it.
I think, overall, I would prefer a simple thing. That people of all groups would exercise a lot more self discipline and self restraint so that we don't go crazy with all these laws. Inevitably, in a society where there is no self discipline and restraint the society turns to laws to protect itself and ends up being either a dictatorship or anarchic. No other recourse but self discipline and self restraint to keep freedom.
Collectors of whatever are a strange breed. Go to a Sotheby's or Christies art auction in NY. Amongst those hard-core collectors you will find the majority are pretty left/hard left leaning. Why? I have no idea, just like I don't know why the majority of coin collecotrs tend to be Conservative.
Must end life...in classic Lorne Green pose...from 'Battlestar Galactica'...best...death...ever!"
-Comic Book Guy
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
Neither, probably a misanthrope. I've met or heard very few "liberals" or conservatives" who actually "walk the walk", they just "talk the talk". I believe Barry Goldwater Sr. was one of the few true, honest conservatives and Albert Einstein one of the few true, honest liberals (don't necessarily agree with them on everything - just that they weren't hypocrites - and they were courageous). The rest , just lots of "blah, blah, blah ..." all in defense of their own self-interest. A pox on both of their straw houses. Perhaps someday this silly race, Homosapiens, will evolve beyond these petty and disingenuous distinctions (but then who could they throw rocks at?), as for libertarians - seems like just a lot more of "by me, for me, of me, .. me, me me .. Mommy!".
What was Mother Theresa? I'll bet she didn't care - too busy "walking the walk".
Just one opinion.
Thank you for your attention. Time to pet my feline friend (he doesn't care if the Slutocrats or the Greedy Old Pigs have more ghouls in the seats of parliament).
Have a fine day.
So you disagree with Einstein on some things. Like, what, whether E really equals mc2? And who should I belive, Einstein or you? I mean after all Einstein was a regular Einstein.
And I still say that cat is a lynx.
Don't believe me!
As for E=mc^2, the special theory of relativity equation for the equivalence of mass and energy, I believe it, but you really have to move (like at 3 x 10^8 meters/sec) for it to have much effect on everyday stuff, and I'm kind of old and slow. But, politically, Einstein was called a "liberal" by many. He was a very liberal (and sometime incorrect, scientist - he really screwed up on not accepting quantum mechanics).
The cat is NOT, a Lynx, but he won't care much if you call him one anyway - I will, but that's a human trait.
For the Morgan collectors - The Morgan and Peace encyclopedia by Van Allen and Mallis
What would your slabbed coins be worth if the grading services went out of business? What would your coins be worth if the Internet was taken offline for good?
tjkilian: Very conservative.
Aaah! Isn't it nice to live in a conservative city!
Also put me down as very conservative (you may see me in my Bush-Cheney shirt sometimes!)
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
I guess radicals on the far left and far right are going to have a lot to eat, cause there's going to be a never ending supply of roadkill.
I always vote for what I consider the best candidate: Republican, Democrat, or 3rd party. I've only got another 40 years left and I don't consider it worth arguing about. On the bright side...40 years means only 10 more presidential elections to endure, yippee!
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
2 Cam-Slams!
1 Russ POTD!
My 1866 Philly Mint Set