Rating Members (10 is best / 1 is bad)
I have always wanted to know (as well as many other forum members) when you are going to rate a member is a 1 the best or is 10 the best. We all need to use the same system or the rating will be useless. Lets all agree on one. Please post how you rate people on a 1-10 scale is 1 or 10 the best???
I think that 10 is the best
I think that 10 is the best
How on earth could it ever be a credible reflection of anything? There are many people on this board that are controversial, but I feel add a tremendous amount to the give and take. You love them or hate them. What is a number between one and ten possibly going to tell you? They're mediocre?
One of the most important lessons I have learned since coming to this board is this:
Do not underestimate who is behind the handle. And do not be too quick to judge.
Many of my original assumptions about board members when I came here were wrong. Flat out. It has been a pleasure to get to know various members better, and to have them emerge bit by bit as flesh and blood people, rather than 2-dimensional Icons.
Anyone who wants to rate board members, that is fine with me. It falls under the old "to each their own." But, I don't wish to. I will keep my personal profile on. I will always be available for a PM... but I will not be rated. I can't see the value in it.
Thanks, gsaguy for bringing me to the light. I give you a 20 also!
Clank is one of the few people who brings fun and pleasentness to everyone
who reads his charming Schoolroom Tales. In my book a talanted author and a
nice person. Bear!!!!!
For best in a continuing written series
Clank is awarded Bears coveted "GROWL OF APPROVAL" Well done!!!!!
I know you don't just give them out at random so I guess I'll have to try and be a nice guy one time and see where it gets me.
Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.- Maimonides
Popular opinion (ratings) cannot change the merits of an individual's contributions to the forum.
I dislike numerical ratings as much as these instant "viewer polls" I see during the televised baseball playoffs.
They demonstrate the opinion of an unknown sample of unknown people about something meaningless.
In the spirit of the story, "I Love You the Purplest," it'd be more fun to use colors or something else.
I give you all windswept purple.
just waiting to be spoken. Acts of kindness are especially valued. Bear
I think a few months ago I was kind to somebody but I can't remember who so I guess I really couldn't have been too kind.
It's possible that you are very kind but simply have a poor memory and therefore can't remember who you were kind to.
That's Ok. It comes with the territory, but it would be nice to know if I have been able to help a few beginners who are star struck with the getting to the top of the Registry to understand this wonderful hobby.
I've never given out any low scores to anyone despite the fact that a couple of guys came be a real pain in the butt.
I wonder is that was a 10 and a 1, or something in between?
Edited to add: Uh oh...I just checked and I have sunk to a new low, three rankings for a total of 4.00!
Edited again to add: Whew, I am back up to 4 rankings and a total of 5.50
and a pair of 1's - maybe the 10's are for my icon, and the 1's are for when I posted my ugly mug in the
"Post your face" thread awhile back...wait a minute, I never posted my face...I must just be one
controversial dude!
Edited for the last time to add: Well, that does it...someone just gave me another 1
try harder around here...free coins anyone?
knew which was lowest they may have been all 1's though. I never rate anyone
unless it would raise their rating.
Ya got my vote.
Got quoins?
My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005
who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
twenty times.
Thanks Much !!
Opps... Someone Does Not like me.
HEY!!!!! What did I do?????
I have 3 votes for a rating of 1.33.
Oh well. I will try very hard not to let my rating ruin my day. Gonna look at some coins now to cheer me up.
Check now. You are OK by Me.
Russ, NCNE
Uncle Joe---
I just broke my own rule and went and gave you a ten. You're up to 6.75 now. Cheer up.
Wait!!! I went from 6.75 to 6.11. If I've done my math correctly that means someone gave me a "1".
Oh well. back to looking at more coins.