A pun for Braddick
An University of Oklahoma graduate thought he'd get rich selling beer to his fraternity brothers so he opened a tavern in his college town of Norman, OK. The establishment wasn't as successful as originally hoped, so the OU grad added food to his list of offerings and even went so far as to hire a professional chef. Well, the chef was a hit and the chef's fried mackerel dish soon became a local favorite. The fish was so popular, in fact, that patrons began to ask for the recipe which the chef steadfastly refused to share. Finally the chef relented and agreed that on the Friday before Christmas he would share the recipe with all patrons dining that evening. And could you believe it. People came from far and wide that holiday season just to see and hear the wonderful Norman Tavern Mackerel Fryer?
Buy the coin...but be sure to pay for it.
The part that makes it worse is I knew several people who sing in said "Fryer".
Cameron Kiefer
Oh, and I still do not get it!
"The Moron tab-and-apple choir"
Very funny. (Is there an echo in here?)
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