Removing The Scratches from a Slab
Hello, so I seem to remember that there was a thread about this a while back. I have a PCGS coin in an older holder, but the slab is somewhat scratched up. Is there anything I can do about this, short of reholdering the coin?
Another thread
Cameron Kiefer
The Ludlow Brilliant Collection (1938-64)
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
The Ludlow Brilliant Collection (1938-64)
The chemicals in the brasso would surely over time penetrate the plastic holder and deposit themselves snugly to your coin.
Yikes! And the thought I may have slabs that someone has already done this to.
3M Plastic Polish
Meguiars MirrorGlaze 10 Clear Plastic Polish.
The Meguiars is so good - I took a CD that was all scratched up and unreadable, and took the Meguiar's polish to it.
Worked perfectly.
Any polish good enough to restore a CD, does a dandy job on slabs. I use it just before photographing the coin. : )
Any decently stocked Auto store will have it. : )
one thing... be cautious with the Meguiars, as it is a little too "liquidy" for my tastes. I get the rag wet with it first and then polish in a swirling motion. If you use too much - it'll slop over into the seams, and make it "icky"...
I had a thought about testing it with a drill or dremel tool and a very soft buffing pad... kinda like how you buff out a car. But I haven't had time. I'm too busy grinding spheres and hassling with e-commerce.