PCGS: PLEASE provide update on an EXPRESS order that's OVER 50 business days at PCGS UPDATE #2

Today was the 3rd day in a row that I've requested a call back with other days before that. I was on hold over 3 hours before the phone line was hung up. I have sent Emails, PM's, requested call backs. Yet, after over 50 business days, even after requesting the order be expedited, requesting a call from a supervisor, I can't obtain ANY status on this order. At the same time, I had 3 other orders in the same package that were REGULAR submissions. I have received the 3 other submissions back more than a month ago. I would think this should have a high priority by now. ANY status would be very much appreciated. The order number is: 24603463, and the submission number is: 321606, my name is: Ray Daniel. You have my phone number and email but if you want, I'll post it here as well. I'll do whatever it takes on my part to get this issue resolved. Thanks a LOT in advance. Signed, a very frustrated and unhappy camper.

I recommend directing your message (by using @ followed by the username) to one of the PCGS reps or mods who post here from time to time.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
I recommend you contact @PCGS_Hy to get prompt assistance. From my experience, Calling PCGS is a waste of time and patience. You'll get someone who will blame you for their mistakes and then say, "Have a nice day!
All I can offer here are guesses, educated by many years of experience, guesses.
1) a poorly filled out grading invoice (form) will always always always result in a greatly delayed delivery.
2) really unusual material must wait for the availability of the few graders qualified to grade that particular material.
3) the grading process is not necessarily a linear process from start to finish. It can be cycled backward through the process. Both finalizers and quality control can occasionally send a shipment backward to a previous step. Everyone in the process is putting their seal of approval on the shipment. Again, this is more so true with esoteric material.
4) as one example, older world material can generate more causes of disagreement than would be obvious at first blush.
5) imagine what a disagreement in house at PCGS over the genuineness of material submitted would do to service times.
Again, all just educated guesses.
Thanks to over 100 views and comments, I JUST received a call again from Hy. Again a great guy to talk with. As far as the conversation went, I'm sorry, but, we still don't know what's taking so long!!! They coins have already been removed from the holders, the photos have already been taken, the coins have been regraded. But we don't know what's going on?! I asked about the supervisor's reply, he said they were looking onto it, but haven't got back to anyone, yet. I asked to once again to have a supervisor PLEASE have them call me ASAP so we can converse, IN PERSON, at least by phone. A month after I already received the same information, I'm STILL at the same exact point. Would you be frustrated? I AM!!!
I would definitely be frustrated too; hopefully this is resolved soon as it should not take this long.
I think they lost it?
I hadn't posted details about a prior submission of mine to this thread because I have forgotten some of the details. However, about 15-17 years ago I had a submission at PCGS get "lost" internally and it dragged on and on and on. In my case, I believe Carol J (longtime PCGS members, do you remember her?) and Sandy L were in contact with me via phone with some regularity until the submission was found within PCGS.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Give this email a try PCGS President
How to contact Stephanie Sabin?
To contact Stephanie Sabin send an email to stephanie@collectors.com.
I WILL be posting updates as long as it doesn't get TOO boring! Of course I won't post daily updates, but only pertinent updates, such as replies from supervisors, etc. And the true views as well. And today Hy offered me a possible solution to the TV "problem" He said it was too late for me, but, when you are filling out your submission, you should request that the true views show you the best and most accurate representation of the actual coin you're submitting. Why haven't we been given this information before? There's no area on the submission form that you can request the best photos or the crappy yellow photos we're getting right now? Do you think we are paying for and want the worst photos that we are getting? NO, of course not!
we are submitting our coins to the best coin grading service so we get the best and most accurate grades possible. AND we want to get the most accurate photos of our coins to help both ourselves and the PCGS service so we have the most accurate descriptions of our coins. That way we can keep our coins in the safe deposit boxes and look at the photos to remind us of what our little gems look like without having to visit them in jail. The best photos will also help sell our coins sight unseen because the photographs are the most accurate representations of the coin without actually having the coin in hand.
Is it possible this mystery coin is esoteric and had to be sent to an outside consultant for their evaluation? That would certainly take some additional time.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I COULD be mistaken. But, I THINK that this is the second thread about these coins. First Thread.
If I am correct, the subject coins are Kennedy Half Dollars that were submitted for regrading.
->when you are filling out your submission, you should request that the true views show you the best and most accurate representation of the actual coin you're submitting.
I thought that was what True Views did, is this something new?
I think the new forms also have options for False View, It's Complicated View, and Psilocybin Mushroom View. You have to be careful to check the right one.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Don’t forget No View, Are You Sure View, and of course Parking Lot Error View.
Or Twilight View, Monochrome View, and Dirty Fingernail View.
I had a submission get permanently lost a couple years ago. I was made whole. It happens.
With the post offices, everytime they take a really old machine out of service, they find mail lost under it. People get letters sent fifty years ago.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
For those unfamiliar with Psilocybin view, I've shown an example below:
Actual view

Psilocybin view

I too have had a recent problem. On Jan 16 I submitted an express order for one coin with attribution. PCGS failed to attribute it. I was told to send it back as soon as it arrived. (At least they paid the shipping). I believe they got the coin back on the 29th. The coin finally arrived today (Feb 25).
I paid for express service and it took 6 weeks!
Emails went unanswered and phones went unanswered. I feel they at least they owe me a partial refund.
Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.
Your experience is not unique. I hope our host is following this thread because it sounds like they have a serious customer service issue that needs to be addressed.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
My opinion is that they already know it and they've baked that cost into the cake already and don't care.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I received a phone call last night from the manager of the PCGS Customer Service. She provided me with information which follows:
1. First, the president of PCGS is very aware of this situation as of right now. Thanks giantsfan20!
2. When this individual finds out what's going on, she'll call me and let me know what's going on.
3. They will provide me with a $150 voucher for the price difference.
4. They are sending me a voucher for shipping for the 3 coins to have them rephotographed. They are aware of the TV problem and are working on making things better, how are your most recent TV's now?
5. They are looking into why no one has called me back from the call back list.
6. They are watching this posting and now there OVER 750 views!!!
7. This is the best way that I thought I could keep everything together. If there's a better way, please let me know. Thanks for everyone's help! Ray
What coins are in the submission? in case they show up delivered somewhere else.
I'm glad, for you, that you may finally be getting some traction
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Wish she would pay attention to the CAC registry sets not working (and yes, she's aware of the problem both via email and at the FUN luncheon). Delete them if they don't want to support them anymore.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Today is BUSINESS day 65 and this issue is STILL an unknown entity at PCGS. I called yesterday and requested a call back, nothing! Then I called back and was placed on hold for 3 HOURS, then I got a message stating: There's no one available to take your call, goodbye! And then the phone line went dead. I sent emails to 3 different entities, I was told that I'd be contacted by Stephanie in customer service. She sent me an email stating she'd call me today whether she found out anything or not, nothing!
I've been told that everything had already been done and it's in the Encapsulation phase where it's been for over 2 months now. 1. If so, they should be able to tell me the grades. 2. If these coins aren't in my hands, not in Stephanie's hands, not in Hy's hands, not in PCGS Social's hands, not in PCGS Education's hands, not in Stephanie Sabin's hands, who has these 5 coins in THEIR HANDS?!!! 65 BUSINESS DAYS for this EXPRESS order where the estimate is 15 business days, where does the insanity STOP and REALITY START???
Once you hit day 70 the clock/calendar resets and the time starts all over again.
unfortunately this time insanity is the reality
at some point they are going to have to admit it to themselves and pay you for the coins. at One Year from now, are they going to continue rationalizing their own behavior such that they're saying "any day now!" as good because this is a bothersome, impatient customer?
What is the process if you think pcgs themselves lost an order? At what business day in the process can you call them to essentially file a guarantee/missing coin claim? I would think that would help expedite the grading process, because they’re not going to want to pay out a claim for a coin sitting in the grading line. Seems like it would put their feet to the fire to get you the coin, or pay you.
1madman: It would be nice to be made "whole" but how can they do this? If you pay for the coins in their grades that they were submitted in, the bargain price would be: $7,350. But I didn't submit these 5 coins because I thought they should have bright new shiny pieces of plastic to show off the coin in a better light. NO, I submitted them for reconsideration so they would be removed from the old holder and have an evaluation of the actual coin and not a scratched up holder. I did this in the past and was penalized for that. Learned my lesson. Here's a breakdown of why I submitted each coin:
1965: I submitted it raw over a two decades ago, it came back as an MS 65. After 1 year I resubmitted it and it came back as an MS 66. I waited a decade and resubmitted it and again an MS 66. I called them before they shipped it back. I told them that the mark below Kennedy's bust and next to the W was actually an area that was struck thru a small piece of wire. The person at customer service said she would tell them. About 3-4 hours later, she called back and said it was upgraded to an MS 67, why did I have to say anything? The "marks" you see on Kennedy's neck aren't marks on the coin, rather they are breaks on the luster, I told them this on my latest submission, waiting for a response. The price for an MS 67 is $2,600, the price for an MS 67+ is $9,000.
1966: It's in a 66 holder now, but I bought one in an MS 67 holder and the one I submitted is a better coin than my new one, "should" upgrade? The price for an MS 66 is $150, the price for an MS 67 is $2750.
1967: toned coin is a very nice coin with only a couple very small marks on the back of the head. The toning should also give it a bump to at least a 66+, or I've looked at those on Coinfacts in MS 67 and this coin is better than many of those, so why not an MS 67? The price for an MS 66 is $100, the price for an MS 67 is $1,000.
1967 coin #2: I purchased this coin for $2100 vs the $1,000 price in the guide. There's a 1965 coin toned exactly like this one and my coin has fewer marks, so why not an MS 67+? The price for an MS 67 is $1,000, the price for an MS 67+ is $3,750.
1982-P: First of all this coin is actually the rarer no "FG" coin as you can clearly see from the photos. I paid $2,600 last July for this coin. The coin is flawless and has pretty toning. I also have one annotated as a no "FG" also graded as an MS 67, so I left this one alone, when it gets upgraded to an MS 67+, as it should be, then I'll swap the coins around and this coin will be the "regular 1982-P in MS 67+ and the other coin will be my MS 67 no "FG" coin. The price for a regular 1982-P MS 67 coin is $1,600, for a no "FG" coin in MS 67 the price is $3,500. The price for an MS 67+ regular coin is $5,500, and there's no price listed for an MS 67+ no "FG" coin.
Sure I could take the money and run, but I need these coins in these grades for my set to stay even. If they upgrade, like many/most "should" then my set would gain points. AND the price for the coins if/when the do get upgraded would be $22,000. So what are the real grades? I'll try to post some photos after I post this additional information.
you know the trouble with value based on current grade and potential upgrade. if they can't find them real soon, they need to consider them lost and pay.... something (which pcgs might say it's easy for me to conclude that because i don't own the company and i'd reply it's easy for them to say that because they. don't. own. the. coins.)
the fun thing you said was they were regraded, but you don't have the grades. if they had tv's i'm going to waguess that the tv's have cert numbers on them. that on the tv would be 1 package to show "proof of life" and the grades a point to start the valuation (you know this)
my take is to press for the tv's and the grades of each while you wait on the items of value ... to be declared lost.
edit: what does the current order status show online and has it been changing over time?
In this current instance pcgs would use the original grades / values you listed on the sub form to make you whole.
You would have to get the grades to post to secure the upgrade values (if any did upgrade).
pcgs could go high-end and use the values based upon the new grades
The submission has been in the ENCAPSULATION phase for over 2 months now and hasn't changed!
I hope PCGS can locate these coins.
Notwithstanding, you make a valid point about the "declared value" on the submission form. It appears that this figure could become a factor in any compensation for a loss.
PCGS Grading Terms & Conditions, Section #4
It’s unfortunate that the OP has to go through this ordeal.
I do find it odd that PCGS would prefer to have its reputation tarnished among so many serious collectors on this forum, rather than just fixing the issue for the OP.
I hope there are not more misplaced during their move to larger facility
That glowing PCGS sign is cool!
I think they use it to color balance Trueviews.
Unfortunately, I received news via a phone call this AM. I was told that I "should" receive a phone call from an executive tomorrow because this person has more information about this submission. I received this information from customer service. This doesn't bode well in my eyes. So, it appears that I "might" receive some news, but might not the way this has been going. More is sure to come! In my eyes that sign is too bright! In my world right now, their light has a BIG black eye, Just my fifty cents (maybe lost fifty cents).
It is rather nice, I wonder if they sell them in their store
I have an interesting but less egregious situation. My express order was entered into PCGS system on 3/5. Two days ago (3/11) they went "Grades Ready" and "Images Ready" but still show "In Process:"

It's so maddening. If there was an accounting hold it would say so. They know the grades, they just won't tell me. Or ship them to me. They had the coins graded in a fantastic 6-days. But since then radio silence. They specialize in torture I think.
Last time I had to get a “scheduled call from pcgs”, it was from the department handling the claims/guarantee because pcgs damaged a coin in my order during the grading process. That person who contacted you could have easily said the coins are finished and we’re overnighting them to you, but they didn’t.
Make sure you are ready with your values & prices when you’re on that call in case you have to start negotiations on them. You basically get 1 shot at that process before they mail the check. Ask for grading credits due to the grief, and make sure you’re not charged anything for the submission.
If a coin makes it to this stage of the process, does it mean it has been determined to be genuine?
I’m just glad that this thread has stayed close enough to the rails to not give PCGS a good reason to delete it.
Latin American Collection
So evidently, sometimes when there's an accounting hold, they don't bother to tell you any more. There is a problem with the processing of credit cards, see this:
The credit card problem is still an issue. Yesterday I actually got the notice about a different order so I called in, they told me to call my credit card company. I talked to them and we verified everything and all of the transaction information was correct. I then called PCGS accounting back again and they ran the card again and it went through. It's so frustrating that aside from the website issues we all deal with, they won't even fix their credit card processing issues. For anyone that needs it, the number for accounting is 949-567-1152.
Sounds like an issue with your CC company not PCGS. Pehaps it's time to shop for a new one? RGDS!
Sounds like you need reading comprehension.